IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="0000ff">Minako,
Can u share Dr Zou contact? It is definitely closer than clementi.

Yah la, 30 not old!!!
So accu v impt hor?

That's what I thought too. If make me stress running around, it will be worse, but the kiasu part thinking, if I don't try &amp; bfn,
will kick myself. Afterall ivf so costly! Have to maximize chance...</font>

Bcube, here you are:

Zou Yumin TCM Physician &amp; Acupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505 (Opp Nanyang Polytechnic)
Tel: 64560833
Closed on WEDS

9am to 12pm
2pm to 6pm
7pm to 9pm

Sun &amp; PH
9am to 1pm

She is on leave until 31Dec, you can make appt to see her on 01Jan.
Hi all,

Thanks for your well wishes. It really has been a long and tiring journey but it is all worth it.

For those sisters who are on progesterone vaginal inserts and if you are not comfortable with it, I suggest you go for progesterone jabs instead. But the tiring thing is that you have to go to the hospital every day.

During the 2ww, do get lots of rest. Do not overexert yourself and dun carry heavy stuff. I read somewhere not to take soya bean products so I really avoid them.

During the 2ww, the only symptoms I had are just mild cramps and bloatedness. I tend to burp a lot too. Sometimes like got no symptoms also.

All the best to everyone~ Soon, it will be your turn announcing the good news.
Hi Curlysue,
found out that you are also a teacher coz I tried to pm you. Care to activate your pm so I can message you. I'm a teacher too. So thought of exchanging thots on ivf and work.
See ya and take care.
BB : hi just got discharged at 5. FET went very well. The 3 frosties that the lab thaw all managed to thaw. We thawed a 5 cell / 4 cell n 3 cell, n post thaw was 4 cell, 3 cell, 3 cell. According to dr F, he is quite satisfied with the results n now just have to cross fingers n hope the best. :) so now m officially in 2ww.
Hi all

Wow so many new ladies here. The batch that i came in earlier had mostly BFP le. So happy for you all

Btw, am going to start my 1st fresh cycle when my mense come properly end of the Dec or early Jan.

Does anyone know for KKH practice, taking OCP how long then start lurcin?

Most likely will start with OCP first but wondering when start the lurcin.
hi leor,
i took ocp 21days... but not in kkh... =)
u my cycle buddy too... me doing fet in jan... my af due on 30th dec...

hi bcube,
but hor, i didnt do accu lor... haha
western side advise take lots of soy products for protein. but chinese side say soy products will cause egg shell to harden.
not sure if there's evidence to prove it but most ladies here avoid soy if they can.

Thanks for the reply

Yap me also taking OCP for 21 days but ever hear one of the sister here mention that while taking OCP, around day 16 will start lurcin at the same time. Just wanna confirm isnt true. At least can estimate my 2 weeks fall in when.

Base on the estimation, my 2 weeks will properly fall in mid Feb. By then u might already BFP le...keke cos yrs is FET should be earlier than me. However, will jiayou for you
Glad to hear that your FET went on smoothly..Relax , stay positive and njoy your 2WW

When I was preparing for my FET, i took 21 days of OCP then Day16 I gotta to start Lucrin jab before the lining preparation stage. Different clinic has got different FET protocols. All the best for your upcoming FET.
<font color="0000ff">minako,
Thanks for e info, have put into my phone. Will call and see if I can get appt next year.

Yep...and counting definitely! Can hear the deafening body clock going tick rock tick tock, hence the decision to just go ivf and not wait anymore.

My gf who is with Chris chin, also had to avoid soy, chicken products while she is on her jabs prior to ET. She said it will affect hormones or something. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Alamak...So many typo error..brain not thinking straight...

Anyway, the rep for Immunocal supplier called me today. Very nice and patiently explained the benefits, how to take it etc. Will be receiving it tmr.

Anyone feel any difference while taking it?</font>
Good morning everyone!! Wah, so many cheem terms concerning ivf...tot i knew it all, but so many new words popping up..whats ocp?
Befre i tried ivf, i visited this Yuan Chuan Sinseh in Jurong, am sure some of u heard...queue up 7 early 8 early wah....then no results..i also did acupunture elsewhere on my tummy, also no results..but i got preggy the year after i did acu..then the acu centre who knows my IL says its thanks to their acu...(claim credit lah)...personally, i dun believe in TCM...only some parts i beleive..e.g doing confinement properly (no fan/aircon). i hated acupuncture coz v pain..there was once i cried during acu (dunno whether its due to stress of having child or pain-mixed emotions la) and the acupunturist had to cover my mouth lest i chased away her customers. machiam like shut me up like that....i really dunno where and how i mustered the courage to do acupunture, see TCM, wake up early to queue and did all the jabs...had been TTC since 2006 till 2009 then hit jackpot!! Wat a journey.
<font color="0000ff"> 76,
that's a terrible experience. The TCM I went to, Dr Tan, has always been very gentle. He come across like a nice kind grandpa. NO wonder u didn't go TCM after. Poor thing!

<blink><font color="ff0000">1 Day to Xmas Eve!</font>
Here's wishing all the gals here a very Merry Xmas and a healthy happy baby for us by this time next year!</blink></font>
she did refer but i subsequently heard all these are 'hoax' coz she has link up with the gynae and refers biz to him...so nearly everyone who goes to her will have 'PCOS' or some problems or another... anyway, dunwan to talk abt it....lest some 'supporters' think i am here to wreack havoc to her reputation...its a personal preference ba...
yes, its the eve of xmas eve!!! 1 more day closer to BT....yay!!! be positive...
Hello all, I am back from the cruise. Think I overeaten. Feel that my af coming cos I feel cold. That is my symptom. Sigh.
This am really spoil my mood when I saw a heavily pregnant woman @ the smoking area near my office. I was like #!@*&amp;/+ inside my heart!!! Here we are trying so hard to get pregnant and there she goes puffing away like nobody biz.
Nip... Welcome back!

Dun think too much... Haven see the witch yet... So we r 3 wks preggy... Hehehe...

U went for bt already? Had mine this morn... Wah... Today this nurse so rough leh...
Mina... Haiz... 同人不同命... I had an ex-coll whose a smoker... She got preggy right after she got married... Smoked throughout her pregnancy... And had a healthy baby leh...
keep us posted..are u jing zhang of the results? yah, i see those smokers skin complexion also quite nice....heehhe..me not smoker hor..
76... It's progesterone bt, not preg bt leh...

Piggy... Dunno le... Dun even know kk will let me know anot... Did so many blood tests but dunno the results leh... So I assume everything ok if they nvr call me... U got ur results?
76: yah, I on long protocol. Bt will be 3 jan.

Happy: yup, must have positive thinking! Went for jab so painful leh. Don know is it kena my vein.

Piggy: do you usually get that? Thought implantation?

Sticky/ dandelion/ bcube: how are you?

I went to get the embryo report-frozen 14.
hi nip...
i think today weather abit cold le...
=) dun think too much...

hi piggy,
spotting now dun sound too bad to me le... =) cos ur progestrone should be high enough liao cos ur meds increase rite, so prob is implantation spotting liao... cross fingers... keep ur womb warm warm...

hi happybb,
our place here like gg to rain hor... cold cold de...
Nip... The embroylogist din give u on et? It's a very very brief report leh... If not for this forum, I dun even know got gradings for the embroys lor...
Yes,the lab closed until Jan/03 and open on Jan/04
When 1st day af come u've to report to KKH.
You need to go for scanning on day10.
You should hve aspirin with you on hand to take it on day04 all the way to ET.
I had started the aspirin, today is my day06.
I'm trying my luck to do after Jan/04 onwards.
Pray pray pray again hope my O would come later after Jan/03 otherwise I've to postpone to Feb which I don't prefer.
