IVF/ICSI Support Group

Good morning everyone! BCube, I bought d immunocal from OG last nite n had taken it this am. Ask Dh to take too, he said so many things to take lol... So far din feel anything yet leh juz dat after taking no room for bf leh hehe...

76, I am seeing JE Dr Tan too. I am taking codycep pills, Ning fr Care told me not to take any tcm cos Angela dun like but if from Dr Tan than it's ok wor

Don't know la... Never happen to me before 1st time seeing it ;( anyway called the nurse she say is okay one as long as it is not fresh blood will do ;) so guess should be okay bah.. She also ask me not to walk to much ;)
Happybb : oh I keep asking the nurse for the report ;) I told her my tcm wants to know hahaha ;) btw my progesterone level is 60 guess is a bit low but not very low because only increase my oral pills no need injection ;)
janice - I also took eys cordycep pills but Ning never ask nor say anything leh, hubby took it as well. I only stop after ET
Faithbb, you already started FET using Dec AF & ET estimate in early Jan? How come you were prescribe asiprin?

My AF will most likely to come end Dec or early Jan as I got 32days cycle. So ET most likely on mid Jan.

I was reading my ivf report the other day and saw during my fresh cycle, grade 4 & 5 were transfer into me but during ET, Dr Loh & the embroylogist told me is grade 3 & 4.. does any ladies encounter the same?
Minako: I have the similar case too when transfer it become lower grade then the 1st told me
Winnie, I dunno leh. Cos Ning asked me wat else I taking n I told her codycep pills. She asked if it's from JE Dr Tan. I told her no then she said stop dun take n angie oso agree with her... Now I stop le..
Hey ladies,

Just to share that if u are preggers and bleeding, just like my recent episode of fresh red bleeding, it could be due to Subchorionic Hemorrhage where in layman terms means that there are surrounding blood clots outside of the sac which could cause such bleeding. There's more information on the web pertaining to this topic. I dun see much postings pertaining to this diagnosis in our local forums. Close monitoring thru ultrasound and more frequent follow ups with your doc is recommended in such circumstances. I m hoping that my Subchorionic bleeding clots will gradually be reabsorbed into my body but right now on weekly consults and loads of bed rest to contain the situation. Anyone had a similar experience to share?
Hi ladies, tis mth i ovulated at cd22 based on the opk and ewcm but my bbt is still low. For 2 days bbt has been pre-ovulate temp 36.2. Therefore i wonder did i ovulate? I will b starting my suppression jab after tis cycle af. But seems like my af going to be late as i still dunno whether did i ovulate?

Anyone going accupunture at Dr Zou's tonite? The relief tcm doc will be doing for me. Purposely choose today as I prefer a female doc.
janice - Ning never ask & Angela only ask me once. I take whatever those seniors say good & work on them lah but also according to my needs cos cannot take everything on the list lah, I'll peng san hahaha

but I think now I better finish those cordycep pills cos very ex leh
I had ur experience in my previous twin pregnancy...hahaha, thats why i say i got stories to share re: ivf and all...this is one such story.

At about week 13, i was in my office laughing with colleagues, then suddenly i felt a big clot out of my V..then i knew somethign was wrong, saw blood flowing dwn my legs.. i tot shit..then quickly went to the handicap toilet...then saw really lots of blood, like menses type...wah piang, i had miscarriage before, so i tot that was it...then next, i found iw as stuck in toile, coz i din bring pad and no hp..how to get help, cant possible step out withblood drpping rgt? Lucky a quick witted colleague who saw my blood stained office chair came to my rescue, i told her to grab my bag, put pad and i rush to gynae in cab..my colleague v nice help me wash the toilet coz handicap toilet is unisex de mah...but suay suay, gynae having operation with another patient...was told by nurse to bed rest at home....and come in the PM which i did,in the meantime, i called another fren who had the same experince last time she told me to lie flat...coz go clinic also sure ask me lie flat..might as well go home first...then drink warm water, keep tummy warm...true enough, the bleeding slowed...then i wsnt so worried..but i still went to see gyane who managed to scan my twins still...heartbeat and all..wah lao..so freaking scary... in fact, last yr, i max out all my HL and MC, can u believe? Was given bed rest for a few weeks for this episode...gynae cant explain why i bled too...thats my story..... ...and i deivered at week 32..thats another story...hahahaha
Winnie, ya lor too many things to eat le. Now must listen to everything lor cos cannot afford to fail again
. This morning Dh also say so many things to take when I asked him to take immunocal. I told him gd for his soldiers n add into his tomato juice then he said ok lol
janice - my husband didn't take immunocal & tomato juice, I ask him to take like asking for his life! hahahaha. but he guai guai took all his vits + cordycep pills without reminder which I felt is good enough liao
Hi 76,

Thanks for sharing! Yes, it was scary but it seems that after my previous episode last week, there r still some Subchorionic clots. Plus, from the scans, it seems that I was initially expecting twins coz there were 2 sacs seen but while one is looking well, the other is not likely to persevere on. Again, hoping that the sac, and the clots will be reabsorbed. Seeing red fresh blood at any juncture while into a pregnancy scares me to bits. M at 7 weeks now and I really hope all these will clear and stabilize soon. Yea.. Me thinks I will max out my HL, MC as well as personal leave this year and next lor. Again, thanks for sharing and all the best this round on your FET!
You are welcome! According to that fren who also bled, she said that she had 3 embryos put in, and she bled twice, hence she ended up wth singleton... I was wondering for my case, could it be i put in 2 embryos, then bled 1x, and the remainingn 1 went on to split into identical twins...if so, then i am damn lucky lor...or put it in another way, it could have been triplets!!
64.64 looks like a nice number...hehhee
Btw, my boys also had twin twin transfusion (thats another story) throughout my pregnancy...dunno if affected by that bleeding episode.. but its coz they are twins sharing 1 umbilical cord..so easier for TTTS.
oh... i watched that alot of ivf ladies miscarriage one or a few embryos oversea... but managed to keep 1 or 2... and it seems common... but the experience is scary though... wei... dun discuss abt miscarriage liao... makes everyone so worried... haha...
must have positive tots... jiayou all...
ya i agree on the blood clot thingy... our past generation, significant number of gals have it but all managed to have a healthy pregnancy... my mil says, when she having my dh she bleed non stop for 3 mths... but i suspect her condition is on ur lining of the womb... my dh miracle baby...
Winnie, Dh taking codycep, tomato juice, kiwi, co q10, inmmuvital, tcm med n now immunocal lol now he starts to grumble abit le. Think I'll ask him no nd immunocal lah too much le... Anyway too much protein no gd for soldiers too
janice - mine take coq10, cordycep, immunivital & he takes all kinds of fruits & veges. I allow him one cup of kopi a day cos I read from the web its good for his soldier. kiwi he only eat golden kiwi, green kiwi is a big no-no for us hahaha
yah better dun have negative tots and talks...must be kuai kuai le le...heheheh...still have some days to BT.. nerve wrecking leh...
water melon is good for guys too but not good for us... also i stopped eating grass jelly and the like totally when i was preparing for preggy
76 - CARE told my dh to eat liang & me to eat more heaty food. so I stop all liang food. also if take tcm cannot eat raddish too cos will cut all effect of tcm, I was told no soy products too. now I bfp liao I still avoid liang fruits but start taking some liang food & take soy milk
winnie, hahaha, dh will take anything good for his soldiers hehe... 1sst time he drank tomatoe he said YUCKS! then after awhile he said not so bad afterall :p oh yes he is also taking citravescent hehe... and he was asked by JE Dr Tan and Angela to take coconut drink too

hee... no kopi for him for now till the big day ;)
winnie, dr told me raddish will affect tcm only if got urine acid, else it's ok leh. was told no soy products too cos soy will affect the eggs... and to try to avoid beans and nuts (esp peanuts)
janice - actually mine also will take to maximise our chance, afterall I suffered for him leh. but home cooking soya sauce is ok cos we use very little, but outside all those lor mee, lor duck etc I avoid till after 1st trim over. now I eat like nobody's biz hahaha
Hi nips, welcome welcome back!

I'm doing fine but bloatedness n pain is coming back so going to see doc. Hey dear, ignore all the symptoms till u take BT k. Don't worry too much.

No soy products??? Oh no!, means I've taken wrong thing right fr e start. I took soya bean drink on the day on et. That was e only time cause mil stopped me. N to think tt I was kind of upset tt time. Now it's a blessing in disguise.
dan - cos soy is liang mah, it was asking for my life cos I love soy milk with pearls! but I endured from July till now, now think back its worth it!
Winnie, lol luckily our Dh very guai lor... :p at least they wl take whatever is needed, anyway juz taking no nd to poke poke de wat. So soya sauce is ok? Me teochew leh, grew up with soya sauce de, must hv soya sauce with most of my food :s

Dan, probably depends on individual ba
janice - go in moderation lor, I jokingly told Angie if home cooking soya sauce also cannot I no need to eat liao hahaha. just no lor stuff cos they really use a lot of soya sauce
winnie, ya i believe everything in moderation is ok, else how to survive.... actually during my 1st cycle, i avoid everything that contain soy, so i'll look at the ingredient, if any possibility of soy content, i'll not take but i nvr think of soya sauce leh and still continue taking hahahaha....
Wah? To think tt I've been drinking soya milk like almost every day cause I dun take milk n soya milk is my alternate source of calcium. K, i can cut down on tt but as for soya sauce, a very difficult lei. Ya, maybe just dun take braised (lor) food. If not, add Ginger also can.
winnie, yep basically i avoid all food made of soya and beans. hv not been really taking ever since i start ttc.... but dat time after i mc, i drank soya milk to take "revenge" cos soya milk is my favorite... LOL

Dan, soya sauce shd be ok lah, we dun drink it mah, juz for taste only. by then hor, i put alot de hehe....
