IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi sticky
Oh..but wht shd they wrote on the mc? Remove polyps? I just need to keep all the invoice to submit right? Consultation also can cover? Hmm..the insurance cover by my company.. Not sure how it is bought though...thk u gal for ur advise..
piggy buddy... tonight gg for pregnyl, excited?

stickybfp buddy... how u feeling today? hope u hv good news for ur scan tmr...

we can taken bird nest, how abt bird's nest with collagen & pearl powder?

still feeling heaty since my fever... think can take some liang stuff? dun wan to fall sick again...
There's no harm eating birds nest now. But it won't really be beneficial if u know wat i mean.
I ate birds nest all the way from stimulation until now.
Annling : my ER is on Tuesday morning then doctor ask my hb to clear on Friday

Happybb : buddy my hb clear Liao ;) tonight 8:30 will be the last jab till Tuesday morning for the ER ...
hi ANNLING, aiyoh i still have not been able to sleep, maybe because lack of activity, max only 4 hrs sleep
also pimple breakout! appetite very good haha... my bt will be on christmas eve. you also rite!
Hi Nur, same here... Still have difficulties sleeping.. Appettite good but after eating, I feel nausea again. I'm so bored!! It's making each day harder to pass..I think I will start on line shopping soon
The nurse told me 3 days and I think just 1 more day shouldn't be too much of an issue...

so whichever date is your ER just work back 3 days. During those days, my hubby n myself are on anti biotics.
Piggy, jus saw your post saying your ER is on tues and your DH is advise to clear on Fri.

My ER was on a Weds and my DH was told to clear on a Sunday evening. So if you like, maybe can clear on Saturday instead. Remember, DIY... not intercourse... ;)
My BT is this coming thursday... was telling my DH maybe don't go for BT, haha... but it's good to find out earlier. If it's positive, will surely need to start taking medicine. If don't have, then can start to get over it and enjoy the xmas...
Haha the way u cheer.... Thanks really brightened me up... Eversince ivf been having dreams. Nothing bad n since bt getting nearer my dreams indirectly is telling me I m actually very anxious although I try not to. I still tellmy dh after my bt will go botanic garden eat curry chicken. Just feel like it n feels hungry now even I just had 2 hardboileggs. The other day 1 shot had 3 sia haha.... Miss Eggie
Pinkbubbles, so did u go out during yr 2ww or just stay at home to rest, me only into day6 of transfer and is already feeling super bored at home lor..
FireDra: remember to tell us ur result ;) n also shower us with lots of baby dust

Buddies: The jab is not painful so no worries ;) Happybb tonight ur turn ;) Stickybfp all the best to ur scan n guess it Jab is tomorrow hahaha ;)
Morning ladies...
Thanks for the well wishes....
My tummy churn everytime I think of the bt. Worst than knowing if I pass or fail my exam, haha. I will let u all know thurs evening. Usually doc will call around evening time.

Happy bb, wat is bd? Anyway nurse said DIY. Guess also don't want the sperm to be in the womb. Just imagine when I had to put virginal gel that morning before ER doc already said not quite easy to see. So u don't want spermie to be swimming in there to cause confusion.
Ha feeling hungry again. Last nite around 12am had hor fun. Now waiting for my food to arrive....
Hi Lily, I have basically stayed in since my ER, as I mentioned before, I had severe cramps after ER and the HCG jabs didn't help too, but last sat, after I went for my last HCG jab, hubby and I went for dim sum. :)

Are you on your aspirin jab all the way till beta blood test?
Pinkbubbles, yes I will be on my jab all the way till beta blood test and this jab is painful lor. :-(

Think I will go over my mum place for dinner after my last HCG jab tomorrow.
StickyBFP: No Plan today working as per normal
Im pretty sure that your final jab will be tomorrow night and your ER is on Thursday
Then we will be DO RE MI Hahahaha
annling - you still having nausea? i tink MUST drink lots and lots of water no matter how bloated that's what i did. i tink it will help to flush out the medi that we took.
for me only the pimple problems now haha..and sallow complexion due to insufficient sunlight!
Baby Dust to all!
Am new & reading here on IVF ... getting a bit confused to the abbreviated terms.
Hcg jab & hormone medi, are these done concurrently?

Am considering the procedure & mummies to be, will you share some knowlegde please?

Hi mdmkhoo n nur, I drank a lot of water already but I still feels nausea almost all the time

Hi Nur, my skin is fine so far but I had very dark eye circles as I am still having problem trying to sleep
woke up at 3am then couldn't sleep anymore. Do u always feel hungry? I do despite eating many small meals
hi buddies,
my lunch is mee siam and otah... =)
feel better now...
me still in hospital, cos long long queue for the scan and meds...
me got far too many eggs... too many above 8mm... think got 30 above 8mm, omg...
but got one biggest is 15mm... means not that big... lolz...
wed scan one more time, then can do er liao...
but beocs my doc not ard today... so wed scan not yet confirm... they did reduce my gonalf though....
Piggy buddy... Ya, tonight my turn le... Hope mine also not painful cos some sistas here had painful pregnyl jab...

Stickybfp buddy... Me also working... Tonight will meet dh for dinner then go for pregnyl jab... Hope urs is tmr, we will really be DO RE MI...

Fire... Bd is baby dance (intercourse)... But nurse said can resume as per normal... Never say abt diy leh... U r fm which hosp? Maybe diff hosp diff procedure?
Stickybfp buddy... Just saw ur update... Then u will lots of follicles? Since those above 8mm already more than 30? How u feeling today? Still having the side effects?
Thanks Mdm Khoo, that sure was helpful! So is either, or, depending on individuals? So Hcg jab is to be done at the hospital?
for how long?

Did blood test & SIS, hope am good to proceed for procedure. Next consultation is scheduled next year. Am getting anxious, so any advise or tips from you all is great.

Anyone with KKH? How to downgrade from A to lower class ward?
hi buddies,
omg i got it all wrong, jus request to see the scan results... i got 30 follicies on each side, all above 8mm... so got 60 above 8mm... thats too much... consider ohss liao, tomolo schedule for the scan... there are some smaller than 8mm so not considered...
ya happybb, my backaches and tummy aches is bad... and very bloated, despite my 8 egg whites and 2 immunocal... now walk a short distance my back immediately ache liao...
no is not normal... aiyoz... aiyoz... i so very scared lorz... is too many... that day who post on the forum say she got 50 eggs and another gal got 60???? now i am so worried...
Joanne: My colleague say you should be able to claim unless you got exclusion. As long as you can do the E-fling during your payment means you can claim so you might want to check with the nurse first. Anything more than 6 hours surgery mostly are able to claim.

annling - yah, i got eye bags too same like you oso can't sleep well.. yup, i do feel hungry most of the time.. so just eat and eat and snack on the brazil nuts hehe. nausea huh? maybe 1 of the sistas here will know what's good to curb nausea?
