IVF/ICSI Support Group

Happybb: Ya I brought the immunocal yesterday from OG cost me $95
Hmmm not too sure am i on short protocol. Still working till my ER likely next Tuesday if everything goes well. ET not sure yet need to check whether im ohss anot. Yesterday Doctor said she worried im ohss need to go for blood test tomorrow and the day after too
Congrats dosb! Do take good care ya.

So what is the normal reading for hcg? What hcg level shows possibility of pregnancy?

I had my ER today. Gosh! I don't even know if my symptoms are normal or am I suffering from OHSS? I'm having cramps at the abdomen area.(Seriously, it feels like poo poo is coming out anytime.) I also felt nauseous after ER and I vomitted once I reached home. But these are normal symptoms after ER right? Yet they are also signs of OHSS so I really can't tell. By the way, I had 26 eggs retrived.
Thks all!!

Serene: I did 1st ivf fresh cycle in 2009. Got my gal then, now this is 2nd ivf but using the frozen embies tat I stored in 2009.

Faithbb: I didn't take HL, worked as usual cos I did FET natural, no stimulation, so Kk didn't even give me mc. In 2ww, I took brands essence twice, cut down cold drinks, ate vitamins and folic acid.
piggy... think short protocol is to jab when af comes or a couple of days later... er & et will on the same month... not so sure cos i'm on long protocol... start lucrin (stage 1) on cd 21 for 15 days, then start puregon (stage 2) with lucrin... today is my supposedly day 7 of stage 2... if my scan is ok tmr, think er will be 2 days later... if not, will hv to continue jabbing till it's ok to proceed with er...

up ur protein intake to prevent ohss... any symptoms so far?
<font color="119911">dosb
you are one lucky lady to strike both times. Really envy you... Wish I have the same baby luck as you =)</font>
happybb: No symptoms so far so dont know why the doctor think that i got ohss.. i dont have alot of follicles like the rest mine the most only 18 to 20... hai maybe the doctor want to earn more money from me so ask me to go for blood test everyday starting from tomorrow
dosb .. ya u so lucky. btw how many emb u put in this time?

sisters, need some advises... for my FET in Feb. 2011 Doc ask me want to put in 2 or 3 emb? I also dun knw... I knw 3 emb will increase the chances of BFP but scare to strike 3 at 1 go .. dun knw can handle or not?? what do u gals think if is you?
Jok: Actually im like you too got this mix feeling .. my doctor say she will do the call whether to put 2 or 3 but of course she will consult me first..I also want to know what you girls think...
during 2ww time while u working did you find any cramps back ache here n there on yr body or none of any symptoms at all?
As for how many eggs to put in doc normally will advise. Due to my age doc said 3. I doubt so easy have triplets. But if really have then that's a blessing n should take it positively.
The normal traditional brand in green boxes. I drank on different timing. One bottle a day should be gd enough.
I m going to email my doc n ask bout bloatedness n hunger. Eat small meals but fill up very soon then tummy hungry again.
dosb, oh my! you are one lucky lady to strike 2x le.. so envy you! Grabbing bb dusts from you!

You say kk no give mc for natural fet or you didn't request? The nurse say will give 3-days mc le..

jok, i only have 3 frozen so Dr Loh told to put in all le.
like tat u dun hav to think... for me I'm happy to strike w 1 .. haha will consider very very very seriously ..
Faithbb : I took brands essence of chicken. Usually in morning. I have no symptoms whatsoever during 2ww. As per normal.

Minakochang: Kk didn't offer mc, so I also didn't ask.
Hi Serene, I am from CARE and I put back 3 blastocysts yesterday. One of the reason I picked CARE was because they do day 5 transfer, and I specificly requested that for my case. However, I don't seem to see many cases of 5dt in this forum, is it not common in singapore here?
hi ladies, what symptoms do yo have after ER? i did ER yesterday, not so many eggs, just 17, but abdomen area so uncomfortable dunno how to describe. like constipated? then when urine stomach quite pain
Hi pinkbubbles, why u choose 5dt huh? Me also from CARE but was told to do 2dt leh..so me just did er this morning n now into my 2ww
hi buddies,
me on gonal f and centriode... if i spell them correctly...
hm... me on short protocol... think piggy also... cos she told me she on 3 days suppression onli...

me also... cd 1 to 3 suppression then 3 to today day 6. so piggy we jabbing the same... i didnt miss my jab... =)
happybb, now eggs 8mm, 9mm... by friday can hit 14mm, 16mm ma? hm....
Can buy from Pat's Oven too. Theirs come nice n warm. So far I know of a branch at Vivo n another at city square.
Omg.. Juz complete my aerobics class.. So tired! I been keeping myself so busy after failed fresh in Oct. Every tue and fri accu, every wed aerobic and every sun massage. I hardly had time to bond with DH every night. After going on like tis for 1mth, I suddenly feel very fatigue.. Am I giving myself too much stress?!
hi mina...
take a deep breath... have some quiet time to urself... after awhile, u'll be fine...

hi syrah,
i browse myself, maybe becos i went on weekends so the lady busy...
Mina, I agree during this 1 mth I also very busy with acu, exercise n massage. I temp stop the massage tat my gynae recommend liao coz it's juz too much for me... My only difference is tat dh also do acu so we spend time there together. I also feel like even more stress leh... Esp every morn n nite must force down the horrible tcm medi. I hate the after AF medi. Got one "siap siap" taste. This one mix honey taste worse leh i feel.
stickybfp... i dun know leh... sorry... but even if din hit 14mm or 16mm, can still jab for a couple more days, right?

wah... my 2 buddies hv exactly the same cycle... so qiao...

mmm... how do docs determine short or long protocol?
Calzz, I doing acu alone cos do fet mah. Dh not required to do acu @ the moment. Moreover he work everyday (7am-7pm) hardly got off days. By the time I reach home after acupuncture already 9.30pm. On sat, I visit my parents alone and on sun we go over pil place for dinner. Our bonding time getting lesser.. Haiz!
hi happybb,
depends on age,medical history lorz... =)
in sgh, docs come in a team and discuss my case and decide on which protocol to use...

ya, this round we three very very close... in fact we might have er on the same week...

hi calzz,
hi mina,
i agree... in sg most couples dun spend quality time together... not to mention enough time...
so i always have bath dates at nite... at least get to chit chat for 10mins... or get him to spend 10mins with me in bed to chat awhile before he starts at his computer... lolz....
and recently we implement a few hours every sunday to catch a movie and have dinner... so we can prioritize our time... i live with my in laws... so no choice...
Mina, I kiasu lah make dh do acu in case my FET fail coz I only 1 frozen so I'm not optimistic abt it. Have to compromise abit loh, every weekend only go to 1 parents' plc... Tats wat we do. If not really no time. Guess we can only be strong n just carry on. After we Bfp, we will look back n be proud of ourselves for doing so many things. My dh always tell me tat althou we have a difficult journey, along the way we learn alot n become stronger.
Lily, I chose to do a 5dt because this is my 2nd fresh cycle, and I wanted a different protocol this time around.
When is your Beta BT? I am due to go back tomorrow for the E2 blood test and will ask when my Beta will be.
Good luck to all of us!
So nice.. To my dh, watch tv &amp; sleep means bonding.. I mean he play iPhone games while I watch tv.. I sleep, he watch tv. If we take public transport, he take out iPhone read comics while I talk to him. The only time I can get his full attn is when we chat over iPhone.. I wonder which idiot invented iPhone.. Robbing my communication time with DH
hi mina,
ok ma... means u chat using iphone...
me and my dh sms each other everyday... our sms together hit over 1400 sms every month le...
hiaz, talking of bonding time..i see my husband only at 3am, almost everynight, for the last 1 week.
Nan de he off work today early, but has been sick whole week and sleeping le..hiaz...like what he mention in fb, he is like a soul to me nia

at such a busy work schedule, tired body, i doubt we will hv chance to BD and ttc naturally.saddened by this!realli...hiaz..
and seeing bb pix in fb hurts, again. during ivf journey, its a motivation.

btw, are we supposed to have very heavy menses? today CD6,and its still flesh blood. is this normal.twitches still
Sticky: will go add u on both tomorrow hoh ;)

Happybb : yup is really nice to have buddies that are close date ;) lucky to found this forum to learnt from one another ;) everyone here shares so sweet n nice if not I will be alone at the back struggling n crying with all the pain ;(

Mina, got try telling him how u feel?

Stickybfp, wah so much SMS every mth? Power.

Ceraine, yes it's normal... Dun worry k.

I very naughty. Just drank dr zou medi n drank a few mouthful of coke zero coz really wanna puke liao...
