IVF/ICSI Support Group

U r going to bfp soon since u've bloated tummy n hungry feeling at nite.
Mostly,these sypstoms is giving a good news to everyone de.
Dun mind tell me did you taking any brazil nuts,durian,drink red dates longan,tcm medicine and cordyceps etcs supplement during these days?

Congratulation Hope4bb.. Ur hope had come true!!! So nice and envious us..;) rest and eat well ya..

Hi soul
Take care too.. Dun go back kk then.. I always worry abt kk standard too...

Hi jok
Oh no.. Wht a bad experience..;( can feel ur pain... Next time after u bfp, switch doctor and dun go back there anymore..
I agreed yr point on limit to 40yrs old will be enuf for our trying.
No point continues trying since we're old enuf at this age.Is very difficult to look after a child until age 60yrs by going thru a tough journey with working till old.I really no energy to move on.

This is my last trying on FET coming Jan.
I still find that if the childs wanted to come no matter wat we do they will sticks to us tightly with us.Trust faith Pa !
Soul, is ur constipation still v bad? take prune juice (but also must drink alot of water as prune juice is high in fibre) , it helps a lot.
That's terrible, what you had to go through. Sometimes I feel they are very rough with the vaginal scan. Then at times I think you have to act pathetic to get your way. Either you have to look like you're fainting or in a lot of pain etc, then they'll give you more attention.

I went down on Monday night and there was no other patient as well but I dunno why i was still given the wrong medicine. And the gastric pills she gave me didn't work either so I stopped taking everything.

Maybe you shld do your hpt 2 days before BT? Since you're on pregnyl? I wish you luck and BFP!
I can't pass gas anymore so the gas is all trapped inside my stomach which is what makes my abdomen hurt like hell. It's not cramping, it's more like sudden and sharp pains and my intestines are being twisted. Pooping also has become a problem. Sigh. =(

Hubby says he will buy prune juice for me. But he's on reservist now so I'm home alone. Sian.
Hi soul, ya will test tml which is 2 days before Bt. So now I dun b happy firs wait false alarm will be very sad. I also did not tell my dh that I tested hpt cos he said dun test till Bt. But I so kan cheong want to test. I bought 10 cheapo hpt online last week so itchy hand... 80 cent per stick.
Soul, initially i felt the same too, bloated and hurts more when ur bladder is full right? Dont exert strength on ur abdomen when u do big business,ok. If u dont have prune juice, take Florida Orange juice (without pulp) also can. That's why the nurse recommended.
haha sounds like me. I also itchy backside so tested on 12dp. I also bought those cheapo strip hpt tests and have lots of those from my TTC days.

How long did this horrid pain last for you? Did it go away after a couple of weeks? Every episode of pain lasts me anything from 30 seconds to a few minutes and it's really excruciating pain. Ya, when bladder full, it's painful. The natural thing for me to do is sit on toilet bowl then the pain comes. Then nothing happens - I only pee a little bit that's all. I don't force the poo out. I just sit for a long time. Is this constipation??
soul, sounds like u hv constipation. U know u need to poo but have difficulty with bowel movements/hard to pass. i dint have as excruciating pain as you, just mild ones. Mine went away in less than a week.
Ok. Thanks for confirming that. I really dunno why the KK doc said she couldn't pin point what was wrong with me! I think I'll see the GP if the pain strikes again tonight. Mine usually happens around 2-3AM and I wake up from my sleep from the pain. Sickening.
Hi sistas, think best not to let them do vaginal scan when u r pregnant. My sister also got a miscarriage when the doc did a vaginal scan for her during the initial pregnancy. So she said best to wait for a week or 2 for the normal scan
a vaginal scan during pregnancy is perfectly safe. the probe only reaches yr vagina part and does not reach the uterus which is where the baby is.
in a healthy pregnancy, the uterus is sealed tightly to protect the baby so there is no risk of the probe injuring anything
<font color="119911">stickybb
actually I stopped taking it when I started cycling. haiz...should continue hor... cos I was worried it will affect my hormone...now thinking back, I find myself so silly. lolz.

when will you be cycling again? FET?

hope you are better....
ceraine and I will jiayou and not give up so easily.
Now a good time for you to rest well, so you will go back work in Jan or after 1st trim?</font>
Hey miracle!

I'd love to rest but I can't. The gas and pains making me quite miserable. I dunno if the sch will allow me to take no pay leave in Jan to rest. We'll see how, after the week 6 scan. If it's multiples, then maybe I will apply for NPL. But it's abit more complicated cos I resigned 2 yrs back and I'm on 3/4 contract adjunct scheme now. Scared they won't renew my contract if they find out. =(
my buddies,
aiya, my eggs too small...
dunno y now got 33 eggs onli...
2 eggs 8mm, 2 eggs 9mm, 1 egg 10mm... chey...
cannot start 2 jabs today... scan on friday then see how... alamak... so slow growing...
Hi soul, the way you described your abdominal pain is exactly how I feel since my ER last thursday. Today is my 1DPT5DT, and I still feel very uncomfortable.

What can I take to ease the bloatness and cramps? Thanks for your advice.
buddy... give ur eggies more time to grow... in the meantime, can take more protein to help them grow...

sorry, not familiar with short protocol... u mean u'r on 1 jab only? tot stimulation is 2 jabs... cos now i'm on 2 jabs, lucrin &amp; puregon... so if ok to proceed, u will be jabbing gonalf and wat jab ar?

did ur doc say anything abt ur ohss symptoms?
hello..just wantd to know if anyone of you know of any food delivery services as I am now in my 2ww and alone at home so need to see how to settle my meals...

Any recommendation..
Lily, how was ur ET today? how many did u transfer? Do rest in bed today as much as u can, and minimise walking. Drink lots of H2O and stay relaxed.

I was alone at home during 2WW but hubby bought lunches/dinner for me. I know a lot of ladies here ordered tingkat from Mum's cooking. http://www.momscooking.com.sg/
Try drinking Ginger, red date with longan. That can help with the bloat. As for cramps, can apply a warm towel or heat pack (not too hot though).

Most sisters here order the 10 day trial from mom's cooking.
Hi ladies , thanks for all ur well wishes and baby dust to all

My BT hcg today is 2300 on 16dp2dt. I did FET (unmedicated) with 2 grade 4 embies. Didn't eat brazil nuts, and even went back to work immediaty after ET. only thing I did during 2ww was cut down on cold drinks.

Gd luck to all and stay positive.
anyone can teach the technique of cooking half boiled eggs?

just had 4 hard boiled egg whites... din know that taking egg whites is such a chore... maybe bcos take too much at one go liao...

did anyone tried the tray eggs? dunno why the egg shell stick to the egg whites, end up my egg whites all mor bing... added salt to cook leh... still like this... issit bcos tray eggs are of inferior quality?
Thanks holidaygal..me transfer 3 and doc says don really need to bedrest haha...
Need to settle my lunch especially since no one home.
Have made the order under Mum's cooking but only lunch as she said the dish are the same for lunch n dinne.. :-( so i guess will have to get hubby to buy back for me for dinner.
Hope4baby, bfp for sure liao! This morning i still have pinkish discharge, backache. Quite sure af coming. Called KK, the nurse say i can do bt today if i want but result only out tml so might as well go dwn tml. Then i can faster bring my dog back from my in law hs.
Haha eager not yet la... I still prefer to think it as pregnyl effect so that I won't b disappoint again. Now no gut to go for Bt... U still did not test hpt? If test positive then go for Bt today get support first.
congrats dosb : ) Is tis ur 1st ivf? u really powerful leh never take HL during ur 2ww.

pinkbubbles, read tat u are 1dp5dt. meaning tat ur ET is 5 days after ur ER? ur embbies have reached blastocyst stage? You are from which hospital?
Happybb: Opps.. sorry i mix up both of you
Im actually on Gonal-F for the 6th days and now plus this second jab hmmm not sure what is that jab call but is to stop the egg to release out too early..
Hope4baby, the first neg already very sian liao, don't dare to see another neg. Anyway tml noon will knw the result.
Congratulation yr beta reading so high sure kena twins...happy for you.
You did not take any leave or medical leave to rest for the whole 2ww times ?

You really never consumes any of the supplements like conceive well,cordyceps,ensure milk or immunocal,eat durians and drink red dates etcs things ?

Pls tell us more wat you had done during waiting the 2ww time for our ref.
Hi Faithbb
I didn't take any brazil nuts. I only have a few cups of date drinks after my ER and that's about it. I drank some chicken essence and once I finish that pack then I will not take anymore as I am not sure what it was going to help. But the nurse told me chicken ess is to help blood circulation...however, seems like i don't it now.

I took Chinese medicine during Jan to Aug and I stopped. I was advised not to take any of those during these period.

As for the bloatedness, I suspect could be the anitbiotic cos I read here somehow it will cause wind/gas. Maybe also after the ER, wind went into my tummy...
During my 2ww, I try to sleep as much as I could and somehow it's not difficult for me cos I am a sleeping queen. But I notice I sit around more then I lie down. I merely took my folic regularly and try not to exact too much of my tummy muscle... and Oh I did try to drink a lot of water and it helps in passing motion so as not to exert that area...
I have no one to cook for me so I order lunch/dinner delivery with jessie kitchen. Their dishes so far not too bad... Order for this 20 days 1st... I was told not to cook and do house work... so for those 2ww sisters, try to rest as much as possible...

Before I go and lie down, I want to share something with you all...

Yesterday I read negative comments about Chris Chen n his wife. I am not surprise they operate that way. That's to make more money from us.
And I read that one of the poster wanted a female gynae. My experiece with a female gynae was I would say a narrow escape.

The previous poster (can't remember her name) wanted to see a female doc. I also only wanted to see female gynae but after what had happened 8yrs back, it no longer matter if the gynae is a male doc. Of course, important thing is you have to be comfortable with your doc because your 'life' is in their hand so you have got to trust them to certain degree.

When I was 22 I found out I had fibrod. At that time, mens came non stop and I will always remember a piece of blood cloat as big as my hand flowed out. To the extend I didn't want to go anywhere and had to change my pad every maybe 15mins.

Anyway, this female gynae at GlenE (I have long forgotten her name n which level she is in) after seeing my condition she told me to get ready to admit to the hospital on a Monday. Her consultation was so brief and gave me the impression she is in a hurry to see the next one.
My period hasn't stopped and was shocked that I had to go for an op just after my 1st visit!

I told my mom then my aunt recommended me AL Lim from TMC. I am sure many heard of him before. Anyway after seeing him, he only operated for me 3mth later! He told me, he is not trying to prolong my visit for this long so as to make more money out of me. During this 3 mth, iron was given to me cos I am lossing blood. 2ndly I had to make sure my mens stop so we can go for op. Becos if mens doesn't stop and if we go ahead with op... guess what would be the consequence?!?!?
I would lose my womb and that means I won't be able to conceive ever again.

Why the mens need to stop is during stitching time it would be dangerous and if it still doesn't stop, the only way to stop the bleeding is to remove the womb.

I was shocked that all these are not explained by that female gynae. I just can't believe what she was going to do to me.

I also try to find a reputable one at glen e thinking those docs at glen e should be good but sadly speaking, it's always not the case.

Importantly is when you talk to the doc, you got to have confident and comfortable with him/her.
