IVF/ICSI Support Group

Morning all..
Monday bluez...

All the best to shaha and ann bt today.. Pls give us tons of bb dust today. My bag is ready to collect them. After bfp, pls also share with us wht u did to succeed in getting bfp so that we can learn too.. Relax and gd news are on the way...;)

Hi sister
May i know the purpose of taking Ensure milk? When start to take?? Can also take Anlene instead of Ensure huh?

Thks sister..

ceraine, last time during my 2ww i also breathless... i stack my pillow high high when i sleep and it made me feel better... u can try that too...

miracle, haha i also get sleeplss nights whenever i change new bedsheets...
Miracle - I had sleepless nite once when my hubby replace my bolster with a new one!!! My bedsheet is changed every 2 weeks so no problem for me
syrah, u there? Do u hv any idea for 1st scan at AMC centre, will it be a v-scan or tummy scan?

Soul, I had the same case as u, as in watery discharge that wets the whole panty, but it happens to me 2-3 times during 2nd half if 2ww. U can call up the nurse and ask but most probably they will say its normal.
grumpus, can I check with you on milk intake? Is it ok to drink fresh milk thru out the pregnancy or must die die drink formula milk? Cos I scared of putting on weight....but if it is beneficial for the babies/baby, then I will drink...I ask Dr Zou, she told me fresh milk is good enough and must drink 2 cups per day.
Winnie, I am like u now, I can't take steamed cod fish now which I used to take almost everyday during 2ww. Yesterday dh prepare for me, and I only eat a few mouths and I can't stomach le, did not hug toilet bowl after that, but the smell taste funny to me.

Now I can only eat pan fried/fried fish...
fresh milk is good enough
main reason to drink milk is for calcium so u can even take those low fat high cal milk. but gotta make sure the rest of yr diet is healthy and well balanced lah.
if u're not eating well like if u hv bad MS etc then is good to drink the milk cos it's an all in one.
Calzz, winnie
Change bedsheet im okie, but he change the quilt so the feel is gone. Haha later gg to catch my sleep.

Hw you been? You gg scanning today or tml? All the best!!!
Check with you, do i need to pay for the bt taken during 2ww? Bhcg must also pay ourselves right?
Sesame - I only can take fried fish now. Past few weeks totally no fish cos it makes me sick & I must vomit to feel better
grumpus, I am taking HL low fat milk now which is high in calcium and protein. I am still eating, sometimes is forcing myself to eat. Then I will hv the after effect like wanting to puke, but everytime nothing come out, so I think shd be ok. I feel v nauseous at times, wanting to burp but cannot burp and everything stuck at the throat, upper part of my body..

miracle, hi hi...sorry, long time no login as I was busy at work and I am v v tired nowadays. Simply no energy to come online to chat with u girls and with the occasional spottings, I will bedrest whenever its possible. I am going for my 1st scan tml
V excited! Wonder how is my precious doing inside?
We need to pay for every BT during 2ww. That time I did not pay for my Progestrone test and they ask me to pay up during my Bchg test. haha..each test is $30 over. U feeling better now? Bloatedness is a good sign though mine ease off during 2nd half of 2ww. So each one differs, dun read too much into symptoms ok?

winnie, sometimes I think I am forcing myself to eat certain food, but I am glad I did not merlion after tt.
Rainbow, in general, if u are eating well and have a balanced diet, no need for additional pills. The babies are very small now, and will be absorbing from your body reserves.

Pink M, yes, chill and enjoy! Don't worry about anything now, eat and sleep well while you can

When is ur next BT? I might be popping by CARE tomorrow... aiyoh.. until now i dunno how u look like..keke..
Im gg for my P test tml. Hope results turn out well. You know lah, i was so paranoid with my P level tat time. Lol. So tml u can see sac n heartbeat le? Mayb realli twins!!!!!! Since ur gynae saw 2 sacs. All the best!
hi to all,

MIA for awhile. rather busy.
Finally I start the journey.
Now on OCP le. today will be day 3 on OCP. =)

Day, any good news? 2ww over liao ma?
miracle, so u are into yr 2nd half of 2ww!! Time really flies. So Bhcg BT will be soon..
Dun worry, everything will be fine, as long as above 30 is good enough. But if u still do not feel assured, u can go see yr own gynae outside.

1 or 2 to me is fine, as long as baby/babies is healthy.
Today only 4dp3dt leh. My bhcg is next friday. Not even half yet. But so far im okie.... Nt so into the symptoms yet. Lolz must stay ZEN!!!!!!!!
It's tummy scan mainly. It's quite a detailed scan. So go in with relatively full bladder. After that they will also do a v scan to check that the ovaries r doing ok. This is just a very quick one which I think is just to check for cyst.

Btw future scan with Dr Loh also tummy scan.
Hi, Yes..my 2ww was officially over last Thurs. I went back to do my betahcg last tues and its BFP!

Hey, good luck for your journey and stay as relax as possible :D
day, congrats. ya now very relax as im on OCP only. Will take it till christmas. so my christmas present from TFC will be the last pill of OCP. hahahaha.
miracle, v fast one I can tell u!!! yes, Stay Zen!!! I am waiting for yr good news

syrah, orh....finally got the chance for tummy scan le..
I hv been waiting for v long. Haha...Thanks for the information! Pray hard now
U r going for your scan later ? Excited right ?... Mine is next week...its like a century away from now...

Thanks Thanks!! Shower u with some bb dust first..
We normally pop 21days of OCP. You are on prolong OCP ?.. Oh..because Dr is away before xmas ya ?!?
Actually this way is better. Although hb can be seen from 6wks onwards, not all will hv hb at exactly 6wks. So if u scan exactly at 6wks and no hb yet, it creates unnecessary anxiety. Checking closer to 7wks is safer
Day, ya im on abt 30days plus of OCP. coz Dr is away lo. also to avoid Christmas. So last pill is on Christmas.
Keeping your baby dust. Hope my journey all are smooth.
hahaha!..Seems that all bfp ladies are relying on hpt to get some assurance before wk6. This is another terrible post-2ww.
grumpus, that is what my dh says also. Haha...
Can I ask u, what is the desired size for the embbies size at 1st scan? Shd I call them embbies or sacs? I also dunno..

day, besides hpt, I am taking bbt also
Grumpus & Sesame,
Omg..then i better don't get down to scan on exactly on Wk6 just incase. I already have enough of anxiety attacks ...
Once u get preggie it's never ending '2wws'
Tat's y I always tell the ladies that worrying abt bfp is only the beginning. Dun stress too much, need to ration some for the pregnancy journey and motherhood. :p
What is your bbt ? Sometimes its more than 36.8 sometimes its about 36.7+.. I get quite abit paranoid when its about 36.7+ as its my usual luteal phase bbt. :/ .. I won't want to measure anymore as I tend to creep up of bed v.early these days so the bbts are no longer reflective.

I think scan 1 should be a yolk sac(S) already...
Hi Day
Thk u.. But can we mix milo with Ensure milk? As i worry taste not nice if drink alone.. Is the milk sweet or still need add sugar just like Anlene?
Is it because of the selenium in Ensure so u drinking this? Anlene ok? Thk u..

Hi gals
Does all of u drinking Ensure too?
joanne - I used to drink annmum but stop drinking after awhile cos extremely fattening! I gain 1 kg after 2 weeks & I only drink once every 3 days. my mum ask me to heat up fresh milk to get some calcium
day, my bbt timings not fixed now, I take as and when I like. Sometimes I take at night and in the afternoons also. My morning bbts is usually 36.7 to 36.9. Daytime will be abt 37.1 to 37.4. Taking bbt can be stressful, so if u find it stressful, u can stop it.

Joanne, I did not drink ensure, only fresh milk all along, but warm ones.
Nope, appointment is typically scheduled by nurse at TFC.

Thanks..This journey is filled with endless of worries..and pretty much I can't do much now. Leaving it to god as he knows wats best for me! Think the idea of me being preggie still haven't actually sank into me and plus all the googling!! hee!...

Okies.. so u didn't go back for wk6 scan ?
Hi miracle n calzz
Thx thx for d advises..
I had a horrible night yesterday. Not from e bloat, Breadthless etc..
Remember d weird dream I had?? I end up very scared yesterday, heartbeat very fast, trembling, tense up...even d slight noise from aircon sent shivers down my spine. Was crying middle of night n same time worry I stressup my emboss.
Went to livi g rm to sleep ard 3+ with hubb accompanying me. I sleepzofa he on floor. Still I could get to sleep d whole night. Was up for prengyl jab 6+ Le..and try tocoax myself to sleep 7+...
I hope tonight I can sleep well
sesame - I never take bbt before, used to take but end up found out I got fever instead. after 2 cycles attempt I give up hahaha
They're 2 different things. The sac is wat the bb stays in, also known as the water bag. Embbie or at this stage known as fetal pole is the bb itself. In very early pregnancy dr measures both sac n pole. Subsequently dr only focuses on bb size.
I dunno wat is the ideal size at each stage, I'm not a gynae lei
day - my first scan was when I was 5w5d to make sure the sac is in the correct position, after that its 7 weeks when I saw the flickering heartbeat. 8 weeks thought can hear the heartbeat but can't hear so I assume CARE machine dun have audio device. but I saw the heartbeat still going strong & also saw the head & limps form already!

ceraine - u're in the most critical 2ww, dun stress urself! embbies can sense stress & can't take stress at all. try to relax urself

Good luck for your scan! I hope I'll get my chance soon! =D You had the bedwetting too? So I guess it is normal if people apart from myself have the same symptoms, I think! Much relieved.


I called KK lor and as expected, they said it's normal as long as there's no bleeding and to monitor it. I also had diarrhoea yesterday and today and they also said it's normal. Everything seems to be normal to them as long as no blood is seen. I guess it's a good thing?


change bedsheets cannot sleep? try to take naps? or doze off on your sofa?

I had the worst sleepless night last night cos my lower back felt like it was breaking! It was so painful I couldn't turn or straighten. I hope these go away soon!


IMO, strawberry flavoured Ensure is tastier. The Chocolate version tastes weird; even if you add it to Milo. I know cos I tried. =[ I prefer Strawberry, can drink as it is. =)
day, u can go for the appt to check for sacs ma...and since its still early, if cannot see heartbeats yet, also dun nd to worry. So its up to u. I also did a scan outside on my 4 weeks + cos I got spotting so I did it to assure myself.

winnie, I take just to assure myself la..I v silly one.

grumpus, oops! Okok....hv an idea le...I did not google much cos dun want too much worries...will just go with the flow then.

ceraine, u got to stay relaxed now...hugs...
sesame - u're not silly. I only started using hpt when I was close to 6 weeks hahaha, its to assure myself I'm indeed preggy
