IVF/ICSI Support Group


Thanks for the clearer explanations on the scans thingy. I'm also opting DS tests. BT ones on 30/11, scan ones 21/12...

Have one more sensitive question to ask which is bothering me. Dr Loh was happy with my 1st scan, which turned out I'm 7w4d preggy with little beanie at a size of 11mm...

I'm fully aware that I'm not 'off the hook' yet for m/s. Though I checked in the Net m/s risk after 6weeks is low, there is still risk of 'no HB' on 8weeks scan.

I'm kinda worried and wonders what kind of symptoms I should look out for.

Thanks ladies. I guess this is still the thread I can seek answers for now.

Good morning ladies!

I just woke up cos I had a whole sleepless night 'trying' to toss in bed. It is so painful to turn.

I'm worried and wondering if anyone can help...

I've been inserting the progesterone pessaries since Thurs ET and since yesterday, I noticed that whenever I laid in bed to nap or sleep, I will wake up with a patch of water on my panties. The only way I can describe it is like pee which has leaked out and wet the panties. It is not the pessary cos it's not chalky and white or sticky; just wet.

What is wrong with me????? =( =( =( =( =(
sayang girl..
dun sad dun sad....dont let it affect u emotionally okie.
i cant assist u on this as i am not on inserts...but would like to encourage u to stay strong k..cycle buddy..
me too and miracle had hard time tossing in bed..pain pain..but it will slowly ease off de.
today, i manage to sit up for 20mins le..surfing web.
it will get better de..okie..
tmr morning, call up KKIVF okie, ask them will it affect the absortption of the inserts or for ease of mind, any replacement.
hhehe...i should have a national day baby for singleton, based on the calculator :)
if twins..will be mid Jul,... and that falls same mth as hubb bdae
=( I guess I will call them tomoro morning to check. I got back aches now. So suan all over!

I also calculated, if singleton is 8Aug. Twins also mid July. =)
Hi gals
Which r the website that gives u the delivery date? Will twin definitely deliver early than singleton?

Hi gals
Can anyone advise me on below query?
Btw, may i know whts the purpose of omega369? Where to buy? Also, when u gals start to drink red date drink? Before lucrin inject or during the inject start? Look forward to ur advise.. Thk u..

The webby is as above: www.ivf.ca

From what I know, twins will usually come out earlier cos the mummy's tummy cannot possible support both babies till the full 42 week term? Too huge??

I'm not sure abt the omega. Red date tea can start anytime and can be consumed any period. Before lucrin start or during is fine. 2WW also can drink.
Tink tml gv kkivf a call. I din experience it. Btw, ur tummy still as bloat and big? Today mine so much reduced. Feel lighter but i still weigh the same. Lolz

You can try google abt the omega. As for red dates, i took it before lucrin cos i wanna warm my womb.
miracle> Ya I will. Although its a small patch, feels like I'm bedwetting like that. So irritating. That day when you saw me at ET, my tummy was bloated and super pain. Since the day before, the bloating has gone down and I can sit upright better. I don't even dare to weigh myself! I see my face in the mirror already quite disgusted. So fat! =[
I think I may be the one who said to eat Omega 369.
CARE advised me to eat this in preparation for FET.
It can help to:
- Regulate hormones
- Increase the blood flow to the uterus
- Reduce sensitivity to the hormone prolactin, which can suppress ovulation.
- increases egg white cervical mucus, which is needed to help the sperm reach the egg.
- Helps your cycle becomes normalized.

I took the NOW BRAND of Omega 369 from Nature's Farm. Try to look for Omega 369 from fish source unless you are vegetarian then look for those from plant source.
As for red date/longan/wolfberries drink, I took it everyday 4 months prior to this BFP FET cycle. My BBT has always been low low and low...
After taking this drink, TCM and doing accu, it brings up BBT leaps and bounds.
It's such a comfort drink for me even till now after BFP. Especially in the cold office, the warmth just reaches to the core of your tummy instantly and stays for awhile. If you are the heaty sort, then go easy on the longans. Or don't drink it daily.

What I do is to quick-boil about 6-8 pieces of seedless red dates (cut into 2), 5-6 pieces of longan and a small handful of wolfberries for about 10 mins. Then I will store it in a 800ml thermos including all the 'meat' and drink for a whole day in office on top of plain water. Sometimes I will even bring it to other cold meeting rooms, it's just so nice and warm to drink!
Since you already saw the heartbeat chances that all there will be no heartbeat later on is low. I think what u meant is risk of m/c not m/s rt? First trimester is always the trickest. But as the weeks go by the risk of it lowers. Symptoms of m/c will of cos be bleeding. Some spotting is still ok but if it's fresh red, seek help immed. If u have any sudden sharp persistent pain do rush down to 24hrs too. These 2 r the most obvious signs. Nonetheless u shld stay happy & positive!
that'll help your baby tremendously. 11mm at 7wks sounds gd so enjoy your pregnancy k!
Day & Rainbow:
Haha.. I'm still playing with HPT. But reduced from 3 sticks a day to 1 stick alternate days! Cos I bought 30 sticks online for this round of FET cos they are so cheap! Saw today (using PM pee, not 1st morning pee) that the line is instantly seen and the same darkness as the control line. It brings me peace till BT on Tues.

Yes, I know, sounds like I'm mad. There is a +ve clearblue in the toilet, so I know DH and I look at it every morning while brushing teeth. And there are several other cheapo sticks at the dressing table. So when I blow-dry my hair, I'm still looking at them! You can't blame us, never did a +ve HPT before!
I can truly understand how you feel. Prior to ivf, I always get so upset when i do hpt ! Since my first beta, Been using the cheap online pregnancy test strips and it showed a not so dark test line while clear blue hpt darkened immediately ...the cheap test strips were not giving me a sense of assurance and I gave up on them and swear by clear blue now. U bought the clear blue digital ones ? Seeing the weeks changing really make me estatic ;) Now I m looking forward to my next bt too....
Hi sisters, pink m
So sweet of u for ur reply..
I thot no need drink daily since is heaty.. And i thot no need so early start drink it until just now doc zou also asks me to start drink tomorow.. Ya, i also love the taste..;) last time after i mc, my hubby is the one who always boil for me every night using slow cooker then next day morning pour into the flask to drink in office.. He put alot of ingredient in it just like when we give birth and drink the red dates with dang sheng, pao sheng etc.. But now, seems like u gals only put the red dates, longan n wolfberries.. As i want to drink it the easy way so want to find out how to boil quick quick.. Pink m, u put how much water to boil the red dates etc? U mean u whole day drink this only or sometime plain water n the red date drink? As last time, i remember i drink for whole day without any plain water.. Maybe i shd start drink on alternate day..;)

Oh.. Omega got so much benefit.. If bfp still can eat? Ok later i go source for it at nature farm huh..thk u gal..
sorry, I didn't take omega, so can't advise u... :p

wah, national day baby! If 1st baby to be born on national day, will newspaper publish photo ah? Just like 1st 2011 baby... :p

day n pink M,
haha, I also put my hpt in e toilet... always smile when I see it... But wow, u hv 30 hpts! I only hv 4... I take photo on each +ve test... I plan to keep them for as long as possible... Dunno if peepee will turn smelly? Lol! Yalor, waited so many yrs, must test more... :p

by e way, can we eat beef n herbal stuff?

Pink M going back to work tomorrow?
I kept my last +ve hpt! I can break the stick & keep the positive result. Never in my ttc journey did I see a +ve hpt so decided to keep the last one to remind myself I'm already 9 weeks!!
is that e Predictor brand? I bought this brand cos I tot I can break away e peepee part n just keep e result... But after buying, realised that we break away e handle, not peepee part... Lol! Wow, u r in your week 9... Fast fast! Week 6 seems so far away for us... wait until neck become as long as giraffe... Just hope to make sure things r well b4 I can fang xin...
rainbow - yup, its the predictor brand! my hubby manage to break away the peepee part & keep the result leh. so now every morning when I brush teeth I'll stare at it hahaha. I understand how u feel, I gatecrash dr paul's clinic at week 5 for scan. now every 2 weeks scan seems so long away
You were coughing during 2ww tat time right? Im hving cough on off and each time i hb to hold my tummy cos can feel aching..... Will affect embbies anot? ......
winnie, I think I'll just cut away e peepee part... :p
So sad, I just went toilet n noticed my digital hpt's result disappeared! So fast! I took it yesterday morning only... I tot it can last long... I haven't taken close-up shot of the words...
Ya the cheapo sticks don't turn dark immediately but after a few minutes when the background is all white and no longer reddish, you will see 2 dark lines, that doesn't assure you?? haha...
Ya, maybe I go get the digital ones and see the weeks increasing... haha... mad liao mad liao!!

I always use about 900ml - 1 litre of water to boil cos my thermos flask is 800ml mah, boil already some will get evaporated so what's left after 10 mins will be enough to fit into thermos flask. Dr Zou says after BFP also can continue to drink. I don't only drink this red dates drink everyday cos it's only 800ml. I still try to drink up plain water till I hit 2 litres of water everyday.

Cannot take herbal stuff cos you want to avoid dang gui now. So unless you cook at home and you know what's the ingredients then can drink.
I started work last Thu already leh. But cos was so tired, I left office at 4pm on Thu and on Fri, only went back in the afternoon cos since still on HL mah. Tomorrow onwards gotta work full days le, no more stunts.
Hi Joanne,

No.. Don't remove the skin. Wash the ginger clean n cook together with the skin? Are you taking your result yesterday? How is it?

miracle - I started coughing during the 2nd week of 2ww & only recovered when I was 6 weeks. if will not affect embbies & my cough quite bad. my sleep & my hubby's sleep at nite were affected cos I wake up every 30 mins & hubby will get me some warm water to relieve my cough. go see doc to get some medi, I took 2 bottles before I finally recovered

rainbow - the digital one can last for max 36 hrs only, so once the result appear I ask hubby to quickly take photo of the kit

pinkM - wanna ask u if u know if there's any diff between obimin plus & normal obimin sold in pharmacy? Angela ask me to take & cos taking from them quite costly I went guardian & bought normal obimin.
Hi rainbow..
No problem yah..;)

Hi jessica
I post my review result with doc loh yesterday.. Hereby paste here again.. Thk u for teaching me how to boil the ginger.. When shd we start to drink it? Now or during supression?
Posted on Saturday, November 20, 2010 - 4:44 pm:       
Hi gals
Very sad.. I really need to do procedure to remove my 2.1cm polyps.. So big hor compare to jok n stickybb.. As he worry that i may conceive so he dun want do procedure for me until next mth after my af..;( so i hv to start my ivf one mth later.. Which is jan.. So now i no need worry crash my er et when doc loh is onleave.. He say that my fsh result is ok so only insert 200iu of puregeon will do.. He say all my bt result is normal.. Phew..gals, below is my bt results.. Not sure wht r those too.. Any advise?
FSH 4.5
LH ( wht is thisfor? Is my reading ok? 5.83
Prolactin (??) 26.76

When will u be doing sis?all the best to ur result ya..;)
Hi pinkM
Thk u so much for ur detail..

Last question, does ur 10min is boiling for 10mins or fr cold water start cooking for 10mins? Did u eat the dates? Thank u very much.. Will try it tomorow morning...
Yes boil from tap water, cold.
I didn't eat the dates nor the longan or wolfberries. All throw.
I think you have to trial and error one.
Depending on your thermos flask size and your preference whether you like strong taste or not, that will change the boiling time.
pinkM - my BT is on sat. weekday too rush for me. 6 week scan is tummy scan but must be full bladder done by Angela. Dr Paul saw me at 5 weeks cos of my stupid cough & he also did a tummy scan for me. now I keep full bladder for all scans
Not sure lei.. Think National day bb will get goodie bag nia..

Opps.. We Alys remove d Ginger too.. Till mum was here on Friday n told us not too

Shd not affect d implantation n embies. It will bemore discomfort to u..
I m having slight cough..

My hubb very naughty... He tell our emboss to tell mummy dun nag nag.. But jokingly lah.. Coz I tell emboss daddy boh hug hug me... Haha...
Hi pink M
Does the omega369 at nature farm with fish source?
How many soft gel u eat per day? Early morning after breakfast too?
Btw, can the red date drink together when we taking those supplement?red date/wolfberry not consider chinese medicine right? Sorry for so many question.. Thk u sister..
KFC doesnt sounds so nice after all the craving thou. oli managed to finish one pix original..anything more, esp the meat, i wana puke
guess what..eating bread again now
have to trial and error lah....as different ppl differnt taste..u adjust from there accordingly lah..
happy experimenting
Your BT only once a week?
Or only just BFP then I gota do twice a week, after that then reduce to once a week?

No, the NOW brand I got is from plant source. Cos that time got 2 bottles promo so I bought this instead. Maybe you can go Nature's Farm and ask them to introduce some Omega 369 from fish source? A total of 1000mg is fine. I take 2 softgels once a day. I took this with the red date drink, no gap. But I will have 2 hour gap when taking ang moh supplements with TCM.

Try to eat more fish and leafy vegetables in 2ww k? You need the proteins and fatty oil from fish like cod fish.
ladies...while u were on 2ww..do u feel very very warm? its like constantly warm 24hrs..not hotflushes occasionally
as if there is a fire burning inside
In case those in 2ww need this again, this is our do's and don'ts list from CARE:

- Have plenty of rest
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat more fish and leafy vegetables
- Remember to take your medications
- Take prunes or prune juice if you have constipation
- Inform your IVF centre immediately if you feel bloated or have any menstrual cramps, bleeding, diarrhoea or vaginal itchiness or fever

- Eat pineapple, watermelon, banana-green skin, papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bitter gourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food
- Drink cold and gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa,
- Do strenuous exercise or carry heavy items (above 5kg)
- Take chinese herbal tea / soup (eg bak kut teh etc)
- Stress yourself
These are some don'ts that are communicated verbally:
- Don't cross your legs
- Don't climb up and down stairs
- Don't gek your poo poo
- Basically don't do anything that you will strain your abs or thigh muscles.

One more thing, take afternoon naps. It's actually good in 2ww.

pinkM - BT twice a week during 4 to 8 weeks pregnancy. once reach 9 weeks is once a week till 12 weeks when u go for oscar. I'm counting down to the end of BT! hahaha
