IVF/ICSI Support Group

My darlings at 6wk4d were 6mm & 8mm. Don't fret abt their sizes. I'm sure different indvs grow at different rate so at this stage the babies can differ too. As long as the doctor says that all is well then it's gd.

All the best for your scan tmw! It's really really exciting.

syrah, I worried sizes not desirable. Did u take anything special to make them grow bigger and faster? I hv not been taking c.e recently...

I v excited, no mood to work today so come in to chat with u all..

LOL not wet the bed lah. I dunno how else to describe it. haha. Ya I wet my undies too. Maybe embies inside having too much fun. hahahaha


Go put on some easy listening music and try to relax yourself. I listen to mantra music and it helps put me to sleep. *hugs*
soul, hahaha...I think shd be ok la, not a cause for worry.
I rmb during my 2ww, I listen to pop music and I forgotten my precious inside me, and I shake for a while following the rythm of the music and then stop after shaking for a few seconds suddenly remembering I am in 2ww.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! If DH sees it, finish! ;P Now that I am under house arrest, I even miss the 24hour mini-mart at the petrol kiosk near my place! Sigh. Tomoro is 1st progesterone test, same as miracle. Can't wait to leave the house! =P

What time will you be there? DH wants to go real early so he can go to work after mcdonalds breakfast. haha
soul, endure! Tt time I also step out of the hse for my Progestrone BT only, after that is the D12 to get a copy of newspaper for the IVF mix up. Then I need to go on bedrest after tt due to spotting. When u bfp, u will hv plenty of chance to go out, by then u will be so tired out tt u dun even want to step out of the hse.
I shld be there ard 8am or earlier depending on the traffic. Cos also wan to hv breakfast at mcdonald then he need send me hme before gg work.
Pink M,

sure.. will keep in touch..

i hv to see dr paul at 9am at TMC first...after tht then go CARE..hehe.. most likely will not bump into u then....
At the time my appetite all gone already. My week 4-5 nausea was the absolute worst. No milk no c.e nothing really very nutritious frankly. Even till now I'm still not touching milk & c.e. I was happily eating French fries n fast food as that's one of the few things I can stomach. By 8 week scan the smaller one also caught up n both were 25mm despite my disastrous diet & losing weight.
hahaha yeah I heard abt the fatigue of the 1st trimester and have seen it in my friends and colleagues. they literally dozed off at their desks!

so I might bump into you at the clinic or at mcdonalds! LOL! Any idea if the results are out asap or must go home and wait for call?

Yeah I guess I'll have to make do with whatever now. My babies are most important!

Btw, I'm starving... the tingkat people always come only at 1.30PM! Need to go look for munchies now. =[
waiting for the food to digest and i be back resting.
was up and moving abit..tingkat was late..no choice..but to warm up my bkfast beehoon soup.
hmmm..i would say...$12/day mom's cooking though ex..but at least the food is nice..pompfret, chicken chop, siao bai cai and abc soup, added with bittergourd.
but i took a few biteful nia..and the "eeeiii..no more no more" feel returns..hahaha..

miracle and soul
ure progesterone bt when yah?
mine i think is this thurs, 25th
Hey, we all order from same tingkat! hahaha! Yup, me order from Mom's Cooking also. heeheheehe so now I know what;s on the menu today! I like to be surprised.

Ya, dunno why my area delivery always very late. Usually abt 1.30-.140PM. =( =( =( Super hungry now...

ceraine, cannot eat bittergourd. that's according to the list given by the others. =\
ure wet wet feel.i think i am having it too..constantly feeling got watery discharge lei..
wiht prengyl jab..this should not happen right?hmm...started yesdae actually
oppps soul, sorry to spoil ure surprises..hahah..
yah yah..i know cant eat bittergourd...drank a sip nia....oh..but the soup loooks so delicious...
will leave it for hubb's dinner.
i still have almost the full set lei..good..thats my dinner..

d delivery guy was telling me he still has lots backlog orders...business too good le....he claims thouhg ex, they use premium ingredients and they hv long time customers despite their cost....k lah..so far so good..not disappointing yet!
Yah we all frm same tingkat! I din get soup cos realised at lot soup cant take so gv it a miss and hubby dun wan the soup.
I tot was pork chop???? I like the fish.

Our bt is tml lor. Yours thurs ah? Tml must wake so earli. Are you all taking chicken essence? Today no need take tat green tablet le! So happy, haha else hv to remind myself cant lie down for 30mins.
miracle - good to take chix essence during 2ww as it helps to warm the womb, I only took during first week & 2nd week too sick to take anything
Ya! It's the wet wet feeling on your panties. But I already called KK this morning and they said it's ok as long as you got no bleeding or unusual discharge. Nolah, not spoiling my surprise, don't worry. Their food has been nice so far and I agree it's not disappointing. Hubby sensitive to MSG so when he ate the food, he gave it thumbs up.

I think they substitute certain dishes when some run out. That day was supposed to be sambal kangkong but I got celery instead.

I have been drinking chicken essence everyday since ET. Hopefully it helps!
syrah, so despite yr MS, babies still growing. That is v assuring. I hv not touched c.e for v long, not sure whether that is the cause of my spotting.

soul, the tiredness is v terrible. By the time, I knock off, I am v drained out le.

miracle, red dates drink and durian also good for warming womb.
Hi soul
How abt ensure vanilla? Nice? How many scoop u put per cup? Just strawberry ensure w/o milo right?Btw, may i know the purpose why u drink? Thk u gal..
Hope u r feeling better today..;)

Hi winnie
I drink Anlene.. Not Ammum.. Wonder if i drink Anlene instead of Ensure, is it same? I drank Ammum last time when conceive my boy.. I think it gives the bb alot of gd nutrients which fresh milk dun hv.. I remember i dun gain much weight on my full term.. Only gain 10kg in total and my bb already weight 3.75kg.. But i feel in order to give bb the best, we may hv to sacrifice our figure.. Especially it is not easy to hv them right..;) we can reduce weight anytime after give birth to a healthy bb..jus my 2nd thots..;)
This morning told hubby i wan eat durian this whole week but 2 seeds a day. See if he can get tonight anot. Are u on dr zou's an tai med?
joanne - now I cannot take the taste of milk powder sure merlion so I skip that for now, will try again when I reach 2nd tri
miracle, Geylang got durians, ask yr dh go there buy.
No, I am not taking Dr Zou's an tai medi. I now only on kkh's prescription. Will ask Dr Loh tml anything else I need to take when I see him.
sesame - mine is all the food merlion & the taste of food will linger in my mouth *yikes* for now the anti nausea pills works well, will start to wean when I reach 11 weeks
winnie, cos now I think my appetite deteriorates, so if I force myself to eat, then merlion all out will be v troublesome, so I rather take smaller portions instead. After merlion, u still got appetite?
Yay my lunch arrived and I'm done! The pork chop is yummy! And I'm surprised they squeezed in the entire pomfret into the small tupperware!

I very naughty. I took 5 spoonfuls of the soup cos it was yummy. hahahaha. It's not bittergourd leh, it's some melon. I saw a starfruit inside. So weird!

I didn't ask for anything special so just eat what they have lor. I'm craving spicy food cos my tastebuds are 'dead'. I need the stronger tasting food. I hope it won't affect anything! I've been craving tom yum soup! ARGH!

From what many pple have feedback, strawberry is the best by far. If you're worried and you want to try before you buy, you can buy those tetra pack (ready made) shakes. They sell it at pharmacies but it's quite ex at $2+ per pkt. But the taste can be deceiving. The choc tasted ok but the powder one was bad.

Strawberry one, I mix 3 heap soups in half a cup of water - can be warm or room temp water. I think the spoon is provided. I drink half a cup each day when I feel hungry.

I drink it cos of the nutrients and selenium. Selenium is good for implantation of embbies like brazil nuts.
soul, I also hv craving for tom yum soup during my 2ww, but endure till now I still hv not tried. Dun take too much chilli and please avoid belachan and sambal cos toxic.
Melon meh??? D soup tasted of bittergourd. Think my tastebud eeiiiii... Not trustworthy today.. N eye too.. Pork chop for chix chop

No.. Not drinking chix ex.. Infact after puregon I seldom drink. Instead drinking wolfberry longgan n redates..
Uh-oh... I dunno if today's long beans had sambal or anything leh. It's like minced pork with black bean paste and abit spicy. Crap. Okok, shall tahan and not eat spicy food.

Noleh, no bittergourd taste. Either your tastebud or mine is 'dead'. WAHAHAHAHAHA!

I have a tiny bit of cramping in my lower tummy area. Does implantation cause cramping? I feel pulling and tugging sensation every now and then. Is it normal?
sesame - after merlion I'm like a dead fish lie on the bed liao, then have to force myself to get up & go work. it only get better after taking the pills for 2 days & now my appetite back to normal liao. after my fish & chips meal, I having cravings for it! maybe cos I added lotsa chilli sauce to "mask" the taste & smell
Actually our ET a day apart nia.. D progesterone test shd be a day apart oso.my original form(with ET as thur) has Ptest schedule on wed.
Any idea what is d safe zone readings??

I m soooo bloated now..living on my sour plums.. Not very healthy hor.
Yes.. I can't wait to complete d antibiotics.. Mess up my med timing.. Dun even hv ti
E for dr Zou medicine ..
Sesame & Miracle,
Unless really no choice, don't go to geylang (Sims Ave) to buy durian. My hb got ripped off when he went there to buy for me 2 weeks back!. He paid $60 for one durian. But the durian tasted yummy
Maybe you want to try waterloo rd area ?..
day - $60 for one durian? wat breed is this durian? geylang really chop carrot head for their durians & it doesn't taste that fantastic when I brought my friend who is from taiwan there to satisfy her craving
Thk u soul for ur advise.. U drink daily? Will go get the milk powder to try.. Hope it wun make me grow fat too much.. ;)
I think i hv increase the supplement that i hv been taking now..alternate day of red dates drink.. Alternate day of chicken essence, twice weekly accupuncture. Daily conceive well, omega368, folic acid. Now going add in Ensure.. Is the above preparation enough before ivf?

Thk u sister for ur valuable guidance..;)

Hi pink M
Hv try the red date drink today.. Though it is not as tasty as wht my hubby boil over night using slow cooker but i feel this is easier to boil..since got to drink so frequent, i will use ur method to continue make red date tea to drink..;) thk u..
joanne - if u're the heaty type, go easy on the longans. I dun drink everyday, only drink to "replinish" my blood from the frequent BT I'm having now
Chix ess more for energy perking from my understanding.
Hhaaaa... Ample time to spare nw.. Already sleepless.. Dun dare to try chix ess which might encourage sleeplessness..

How's u getting on? Totally burnt out after work yah?very soon will get to hear heartbeat Le hor... So exciting..

I wonder.. Do I sleep even 6 hrs a day . Shd ask dr Loh for utrogestation tablets to help me sleep
winnie, actually now I also bo chup, ate alot of cut chillies and chilli sauce, else I no appetite.

ceraine, u r on injection support? Then minimum shd be 60. For inserts is 30.

I didn't try Anlene before. Before I switched to Ensure, I was on fresh milk. For me, vanilla flavour tasted horrible, I took the choc flavour instead and initially it doesn't taste gd at all but after sometime I got use to the taste.

Yes dear. Its the mountain-catty breed. Really got ripped off but if can bfp its well-worth then.
