IVF/ICSI Support Group

U very cute , "replenish"...
Our blood will be replenished by our body evening.. If blood are drawn in d morning 

Shasha n Ann
Hope to hear gd news fr u both
My hb drove around Katong/Joo Chiat area and cannot find..so I think out of desperation he went to Sims Ave to buy. They charged based on per kg type. I was quite shocked when he told me the price though.
day, I think Bugis area also hv...near Bugis St...girls, can try out there....now not durian season, so not easy to find...buy the normal grades can liao...dun nd to be mountain types.
sesame - eat watever u can stomach now! but I still siam soya products cos liang mah. I dun eat durian in boxes after I see how they pack them, if I tell u next time dunno u dare to eat or not

ceraine - 2 times a week BT really no joke leh, I'm really counting down to the end of BT
If u dun mind travel abit... Amk hubb ntuc has durian.
Hubb bought fr jurong ntuc.. But I gota no appetite... Took 3/4 of a seed... N surrender...
Hoping for my appetite to returns lei.. Nothing interest me now  other than red dates drink, sour plum n bread with cake in centerpiece .
realli envy u n soul for ure good appetite
winnie, soya sauce during cooking can or not? Tt one cannot avoid right? I just eat whatever I think I can stomach now except toxic ones. Then u dun tell me abt the packet durians...hahaha...cos if I dunno, I will still eat. Haha...
I have a tiny bit of cramping in my lower tummy area. Does implantation cause cramping? I feel pulling and tugging sensation every now and then. Is it normal?

You'll get better lah. See, you were worried abt ER and then you had better eggies than I did even though I had more. Chin up! ;)
sesame - I eat lotsa veg but still kenna constipation, heard its common during preggy stage. now I take prune juice to ease constipation
Soul soul
Yes, it's normal.. Dun worry
such pulling twitching tingling sensation can usually be felt during af, nearing ovulation, post ovulation n implantation.
Some is more sensitive to it.. While others may not.
After Er n last fri, sat after ET, i hv d twitching pulling feel too...

Waiting for u nbuddy shower bbdust on me.. N I'll in turn shower to d rest.. Deal okie!

Yupz.. I m On jabs as retrieved 9 eggs. Safe level 60 huh.. Thx thx....
Hi winnie
Ya, me too heaty type.. Thats why i choose to drink alt day.. Ok, will drink more water n take vit C..;)

Hi Day
I see.. Ok , will go buy the strawberry flavour to try, may i know u drink for how long before ur er et? U drink daily too?

Hi nina
For me, on the safe side, when i know that i am trying for pregnancy, i reject taking any injection.. I think my co. Got provide us flu vaccine, i also reject.. Infact my hubby also reject any injection ya..
Yah.. More importantly is to Eat now. As long not linage n raw fd..
Hubb came back n was shocked my bkfast touched few mouth.. Lunch few mouthful also.. He'll repeat d same statement everyday.. U must eat lei.. How can dun eat 1. Need nutrition lor..
winnie, I did not poo, I only fart! Oops...though I eat fruits and veg liao, still dun come out.

ceraine, as long as it is above the acceptable range in kkh, it is fine. 60 is the minimum for u. Jia you!
Sesame, winnie
My hubby prefers buy durian not in box. We usually buy frm upp srgn. There not bad....

Since morning, i already stomach 4 biscuits, 1 bread, 1 cup milk, finish my tingkat. Now left 1 more bread which i will take at 4plus so tat tummy can 'tong' till hubby hm with dinner. U really need to eat leh.

We 3 bhcg on same day, so u cant wait for us to shower bb dust you. Will u test early? Wonder when can we test hor. Heee i tink anytime after this weekend we can try le. Izzit???

Utrogestan oni make u drowsy if taken orally. Virginally wont leh.
Ensure can't mix with warm water. It'll kill off all the nutrients. I believe it applies to all 3 flavored including the strawberry one.

Sesame & Winnie,
I also whack any food I feel like eating now. I even ate 1 bowl of chinatown market famous Yong Tao Fu that day. But after that there's a suan suan feeling down there & now i dare not take so much at a go. Nowadays, whenever I eat slightly cooling stuff, I'll balance with drinking the red dates longan (with lots of longan!) :p I've been eating Tom Yam & curry too. I just bought greenfield's choc malt milk. I'm hoping that I can stomach drinking this first then slowly progress to the low fat milk.
winnie, noted!

miracle, u going to test hpt before BT? Then u can test this Sun liao...
syrah, I called up Dr Zou and she told me eat anything I can now but avoid cooling stuff if spotting. Dh quite watchful of my diet, restrict me from eating too much chilli...
Now I drink purely red dates drink only, without longans and wolfberry.
I eat the prunes & not the juice. In fact after trying n u still get it out, quickly eat 2-3 pieces & drink some water n it can work almost instantaneously for me.

R u still constipated? Nowadays I'm no longer so. I still can't make it to toilet every day but it's not hard like previously. Im wondering what caused the change. Btw Obimin can make constipation worse cos of the iron content.
Sun oni 10dp3dt leh. So earli can ah??? If want to i might test on nxt wed or thurs. Cos oni hv 1hpt so if reaallliii dun dare test b4 bhcg day, i probably just test tat morning lor. I wan to hv 心理准备
Yes I know we can eat most things. Just that it's hard to avoid the cooling stuff. For example if I want to drink soup that's not herbal there's really not much to choose from. I got rather sick of ABC soup so I ended up cooking sharkfin melon soup. Vegetables is another headache. Xiao bai cai, cabbage all cooling. I'm sick of cooking broccoli. I only know how to eat spinach in salad & not cook it. Think really need cooking lessons soon to cook other food.
syrah - I went to eat amk central hawker center yong tau food before my 5 weeks scan, I'm ok after that. I'm still consipated, tonite have to drink prune juice again

miracle - try testing on d12, d10 might be too early & give urself unncessary anxiety
I lost appetite during start of 2ww too. Didn't want to eat much. My hb was worried too as I was eating a lot during stimulation n suddenly stopped eating. Things will improve towards the end of 2ww.
syrah, the prunes issit comes in packet from supermart? Or fresh ones?

miracle, I tot yr BT is next Fri? KKH BCHG is on D17, so Sun shd be D12?
My Hubby says cooling leh but I still eat. Anyway I put in it into soup noodles n so it's not a lot at a time. I hate vegetables cooked with ginger. I usually cook them with garlic. Till now I pinch my nose when cooking garlic. But surprising it's ok to eat them in the cooked food.
syrah, hw abt cai xin, ti wang miao? It is the same as frying brocolli. I am also sick of the limited soup I can drink now...yesterday dh cook lotus root soup with red dates and sweet corn for me.

winnie, I tot Xiao Bai Chai is ok? As long as fry with ginger, or meat, it will not be so cooling already.
I'm cooking for just myself usually as DH eats out mostly. So I'm also too lazy to buy much stuff to cook. To me best is just throw all in one pot & cook.
syrah, cook soup then add the veg when u r ready to eat lor. If u r sick of rice, can throw some bee hoon in also. I now crave for maggi mee liao....ate 2 times after bfp. Maggi mee really taste nice!!!

miracle, my ET day is on 22nd Oct, and my BT is supposed to be on 8th Nov. So ET day is D0, so my BT day is my D17. But KKH take it as D18 cos ET day, they count as D1.
