IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi apple
Yes, is my fresh 1st ivf but i dun think we can be cycle buddy le..;( now the consolation i give myself is that i no need worry will crash my er et schedule when doc loh on leave as i dun want to extend my suppresion stage too..sigh.. 自我安慰.. Now i worry is 2.1cm polyps.. So big.. And i hope i wont spot too much after the procedure too..

rainbow> glad u enjoyed the 'song' too! hahaha! OOPS. I don't lie down after inserts. Cham liao... better start asap!

joanne> Don't lose hope. I had to remove a blockage in my fallopian tube when I was TTC-ing. Turned out to be a cyst too. But even after removal, I didn't conceive. I took it as a chance to cleanse my body - like how cars need servicing, we too need to rid all these bumps and lumps. =) Jia you!
hi!! congrats on yr little beanie

moisturisers, mask this type are safe to use, just stick to the basic stuff. do u get them over the counter or from a beautician?
if from beautician u can check with them if it's safe for u.
also, be prepared that u may hv to change some products cos yr skin condition changes when u're preggie.
Ladies, I did not take any supplements for now unless it is prescribed by Dr Loh. I am currently on FA and duphaston support only. Occasionally will pop some vit c for fear of falling sick. Other than tt is drink lots of water and plenty of rest whenever I can.

miracle, the residue/discharge u hv when pee is ok. I also saw white discharge in toilet bowl when I peed though I lie down 30 mins after insert and only pee after 2 hrs or so. The rest is being absorbed by yr body liao. So dun worry.
Hi soul
Thks for ur encouragement.. Yes, i tell myself that a clean womb will be best for my embbies too.. Self encoragement..hopefully my menses will come soon soon unless pregnant which i felt chance slim.. As my own gynea seen last two day ago say i dun hv follicle except all small small one leh.. I told doc Loh but he say he dun trust other gynea.. Sigh..
Hi ladies, just did my ET today and just wanted to check in if it's norm to feel completely normal ie no bloat, no pain, no nothing.. Nothing extraordinary ? I m sooo bored or lying down on the bed and sitting around.. It's going to be tough not doing anything much during this long 2WW..
It's okie, don't worry...

Me too.. Occasional twitch. But more strain n aches at lower tummy.. N I m getting nauseous... Agree... Turning in bed is getting to be a challenge..
N I feel weak weak de
Yah lor. Weak weak. Just wan lie dwn n dun do anything. Worse still i get hungry every 2-3 hrs!!!!! Last night slept thru my hunger.....
How come didn't fill ure stomach first..grab smoothing light else how to sleep on empty stomach?? U sleep well?

Me bk to no appetite again.. Or appetite fluctuating.. Was so hungry juz nw but totally no appetite.. Hubb worrying Le that I never feel hungry one, constantly checking if i wan food..I used to be a 2hr feeding baby..
I was hungry in the middle of night. I dare nt eat after dinner cos too full n go sleep will end up breathless.
I hv no appetite to eat brazil nuts. Any substitute for it?

Any idea when we can start durian??

Just the basic Loreal products and Oil of Ulay..yeah I can see changes. For now, dryness and chapped skin just below my bottom lips/chin area and its getting redder! The red kind that happens on preggy's nose lookalike...urgghh!! LOL

HELLO sesame!!!

Yeah, I went 1st scan on 16th but it was a 'simple scan' as prescribed in my appt form. Only a printout and I cannot see the heartbeat as the TV monitor is way up infront like ET..

My hubby was the one who saw HB cos he scrutinised the tech's monitor. But I did ask her if there is a heartbeat.. heehee..

Dr Loh review after that was reassuring. I was given added support, baby aspirin.

Actually I have another appt on 30/11 but there is no instructions on another scan. Does that mean I wont have chance to hear heartbeat? I'll be going for the DS tests as well on that day.

Grumpus, any idea with KKH how often we will get to do scans?

LOL. I thought I was the only one here who's weird! I also become very hungry at 2-3hour intervals! And like what another sister described, it's super hungry and MUST eat now or will get very pissed kind. Okok, so I know now it's not abnormal. heehee.

Last night I was soooo hungry at 11.30PM (cos pessaries insert at 12midnight ARGH) I gobbled 6 biscuits and 2 sections of pizza hut garlic bread! URGH. That was like a meal to me cos now I eat abt 5 times a day or more. =(

I also want to eat durians! I read its between 5-9days. BTW, tomoro, our embbies will be implanting in our uterus liao! =D
Haha so we are normal. I take it as our embbies are growing so need more food to eat.
This morning
7am had cereal
8am immunocal
930 breakfast
1130 lunch
1pm biscuit
230 milk
430 apple pie
6pm dinner
Now im hungry again!!!!!!!!

I had my dinner at 7-8PM so I'm expecting to go hungry again at about 9.30-10PM later. I have tao hway on standby liao. LOL!!
So fast meh? I heard it's day 4 onwards?
Considering thurs as zero, Tmr is day 3 nia. Ures n miracle shd be Monday yah...
D embryologist told me mine will implant day 7-10 post Er, which is next tues-Friday, day 4-6 post ET.

Hmmm.. So I m d Oli one with no appetite. I can feel very very hungry. But don't mention fd to me.. I will 反感。
Wah!!!!! I rememberduring trigger stage ure appetite very gd too. U know Wat I had d whole day?
9am half pack vegetarian med boon
2pm few bites vegetable, few mouthful fish, no rice totally
6+ pm craving for kcf since ER.. Hubb bought satay n had 5 sticks
7+pm. Very hungry but no appetite. Lower tumm very rounded n tight, feelslike 3 mths pregg. No appetite. Ate few spoonful of redbean soup which supposedly my breakfast
8+pm scare hubb worry force myself hv dinner
Yah ceraine, maybe your appetite will return cos miracle and me also didn't eat very well in the beginning. She puked, I had gastric.

I read a few articles saying that day 6 hatch out of shell, then day 7 after fertilisation, not ER, will implant leh. Maybe I read wrongly???
Maybe u try hv lighter and less oily meal. Too oily will make me uncomfy and nauseous. Mine all small and light meals. Rice also half bowl, everything is in small portion cos i scared wait too full and go breathless.
hmmmm not sure what is KK's schedule but for my pte gynae usually 1st tri will hv scan/dr visit every 3 wks until DS test, so roughly 6wk, 9wk and 12wk. then during 2nd tri will be every 4 wks.

sides ache cos ovaries are still working hard. early pregnancy is supported by the ovaries until the placenta develops and takes over.
also when uterus and ligaments stretch and expand is always from the sides. the middle part is the calmest protecting the embbies
miracle - u saw my reply to u this morning? if not I'll reply ur PM

had another BT today, next week got BT and scan to see precious! today also arranged for my oscar test & I'm hopping to skip this & just do triple test. today I'm a super hero, went manhattan fish market & ate fish & chips. so far no good, not feeling sick nor nausea. hope it remains this way
Hi gals..
Can anyone advise abt my bt reading? Wht it mean for LH etc? My reading is below, ok reading or not?      He say doc Loh say that my fsh result is ok only so insert 200iu of puregeon will do.. He say all my bt result is normal..true? Phew..gals, below is my bt results.. Not sure wht r those too.. Any advise pls? Thk u..
FSH 4.5
LH ( wht is thisfor? Is my reading ok? 5.83
Prolactin (??) 26.76
Estradiol 97

Btw, may i know wht is the meaning of retroverted?
miracle - no problem! she got any query can always call & ask, they're more than happy to help ur friend is she decided to cycle with them
I think yr interpretation of implantation is correct. I always understand it as implantation happens in the 1st wk of 2ww.
Middle aches depends on where lor. If higher up above belly button is more like gastric or stomach bloated? If lower down could be the uterus, if happen once in awhile is still ok. As long as not constant cramp
Congrats on seeing your little one! For the 2nd scan (8 week) it'll be done in doctor's room itself. For Dr Loh, if u want to hear bb heartbeat u need to request for Rm 5.
After this scan your next one is most likely the DS scan ( if u r opting for it). Dr Loh is seeing me next only at 13th week. But I've heard of some others who r higher risk seeing him at 11th week too. So guess it depends on indvs.
For first scan it's at AMC where it's detailed scan. Dr Loh will not scan. Then the 8 week scan he did it himself in his room. That's the routine scan. Dr Loh sees patients in Rm 4&5. The nurse told me Rm 4 machine is newer but only Rm 5 can hear hb. When you go for your 8 week appt inform his nurse at the door that u wish to go Rm 5 that day.
Joanne - retroverted means your womb is tilted to the back instead of the front. I found out the term thru someone here the other day but can't remember who. Are you like that? My womb is also tilted back wor. Gynae never say it's a problem but that lady that day took 2 hours for et coz of retroverted womb?

Memory poor, who is it ah?
oh no... based on the E2 guideline, mine is very high... D3 level is 313... does tat mean i'm difficult to stimulate? as i dun hv cyst & ovarian reserve is ok...
Ceraine & Miracle:
I didn't take durians at all during 2ww.
In fact I will run far far when someone mentions durians, due to the smell, can't stand it since young.
It ever crossed my mind when I see ladies here take durians during 2ww, will I ever do it??
It's an ultimate challenge for me to eat durians...!!
Thx sesame n rainbow on d durians ...

I m having both ... Upper n lower.. Continueing my eggwhitesx3 n immunocalx2. If it feels tighter Tmr, I'll consider totake 6 eggwhites Le..
Any other remedies???
I goggles on implantation n it states 1-4 day post blastocyst transfer..... Different fr KK ...
Nevermind lah, most importantly is to implant.. Keke..
Joann n snuggly
Dont worry of retroverted womb n extended ET procedures.
I was told I hv a "hump" or "reach" in my womb n past transfer takes 30 mins by other gynae during soiui. But dr loh did it within split seconds. When we finish admiring our embroyos, he insert d catheter n less than few secs, itsdone!!!
Totally disbelief .. N he earns my respect.

Dr loh is very experienced n I heard he handled more complicated cases. During scans n reviews if d womb really is challenging, I heard there were occasions he specially ordered equipments to support a smoother ET or will run a trial session
Remember not to over-eat the durians.I only took about 2-3 seeds a day. Also ate 4-5 Brazil nuts & chicken essence and these are really heaty stuffs. So remember to drink more water during this period.
Pink M,
i was checking on e various vitamins... I see on one of e websites that e vit A reqt is around one tablet of GNC's Prenatal Formula... Vit A can be harmful if taken too much... I'll just be taking 1 tab instead of e recommended 2, juz to be on e safe side...

FYI... If u worry, then dun take ok?
rainbow, morning! u are early again. I was struck with hunger since last night. Wokeup at 12midnight to snack slept @ 2AM..and creep out of bed again at 6AM to look for food again :/

gd morning, day! This morning I wake up at 4+ again... But luckily I can get back to sleep again... My hunger is usually at 11+ at night... I just take one bite of bread or some biscuits, then I sleep.. Yday's appetite not too gd, dun feel like eating... Took abt half burger during lunch... Wanted to continue for dinner, but no appetite...

My tummy pain again... Got too much gas...
and sleep in all positions nt comfortable... Dunno y... Lie on back, my lower ab feels v tight inside... Turn to left, I feel there's a stretch inside... Turn to right, dunno y I want to peepee... So I sleep with my legs bent at an angle... Hv to slowly unbend till straight... Then I can sleep...

heehee, r u still playing w hpt everyday? This morning I take another one, e line is darker than the indicator line! Fun fun!
