IVF/ICSI Support Group

hope4baby, happy to know that u r reaching ER soon! Don't worry about e jab, just think it's a red ant bite! :p

pink M: wow, so qiao, same age! :D

Sistas, does normal GP do e bHCG test? Or hv to go back kk, gnc or mt A? If I'm not spotting, can just walk in to do bt?go 24-hr clinic or kkivf? Sorry, so many qns... :p

Ladies-actually I'm vr confused nw how to date our pregnancy. It's taking ET date as day 1 ? If this is correct I shud be 5 wk +1 day coz my et is 29 oct.

But I see the kk form put 6 wk +1 when I'm scheduled for my 1st scan. If like this then wat I calculate is wrong liao.

Anyone can advise?
Huh..!..my Wk6 scan on 30Nov. Yours scan is already scheduled on 1Dec. U taking Dr Zou's herbs too right ?.. I am still in a quite lost on what pre-natal stuffs to take. Currently I already got heaps of supports to take everyday and I need to set alarms to remind myself. My conceive well is finishing soon and its time to hunt around for pre-natal too.

Syrah, Sesame & winnie > Did you all take pre-natal vits immediately once BFP ?
Normal GP does betaHcg test too. Its just that some will take a few days for the results to be back. I did my 1st at my co.dr and the results were back the next day.Its better to go to Mt A or TMC to do beta. I think tmc charges 35+30(for 1hr express processing).
ckk, I buy GNC's Prenatal Formula... For members, 2nd bottle is half price. I'm non-mbr, but they give me 15% discount for paying by Nets... B4 discount, $47.95 for 120 tabs...

FYI, e GNC staff asked me to stop my bottle my their multi-vits I bought recently cos that is not suitable for pregnant ladies due to some herb content in e tablets... She said I've to switch to prenatal, that's y I buy... Dr Loh says it's gd to take...

oh dear, u r down w flu ah... Seen doc? Take care n hv more rest...
nope mine was fresh cycle. i didn't have any bleeding at all so everything was very smooth bah. and i just wait for all the scheduled appts lor.
heehee, I was looking at e kk form n am also wondering what e number means... Mine is 'A 6+3/52'... dunno what this means...

Your EDD can't b in oct leh... If oct, u preggie for 11 mths liao! I thought count 40wks from our last AF? I'm not sure correct or not... Let's c what e other sistas say... :p
Ya Angela started me on pre-natal vits yesterday. I was given Obimin Plus. To take this on top of normal dosage of progynova & utrogestan. Still continue folic acid, aspirin & crinone inserts. Yes I do have messy discharge from crinone...

I was told can continue with Vit c, coq10 & omega 369 too.
Day- oh we hv the same date for our 1st scan. Mine also 30nov le. Hmm how come the same since ur et is 4 days behind me ? Maybe they schedule when dr loh is available hor. Wat time us ur scan? Mine 1045am

Rainbow- ic ic. Okok later go gnc to buy the prenatal bits liao. The anmum oso good. But sad I can't take it nw.
Yeah. I kena flu liao. Went to nearby GP for meds last night. The doc hor, like not happy to see me le. The way he talked suck. Ask me u better go bk to ur gynae next time. @""#*+*@
Rainbow & Ckk,
I use http://www.ivf.ca to calculate. I entered my transfer date and my EDD is on 25July for Singleton..Ours should be around the same period for singletons. They do have some v.interesting dates inside too.
The doc told me I got abt 5-6 matured follicles and 4-5 more might mature before er. Hope the smaller one kuai kuai grow more . Actually I felt bloated on 4-6 days of puregon. Then no mote feeling. After that, no appetite to eat. A few mouth then full liao.now praying Kwan Im at bugis. Today is 15.
Day- yeah I'm taking dr zou's meds but stopped last night coz I took flu meds. But wl resume today coz I dun hv other supports other than duphaston.

Maybe after ur spotting stop u ask again can resume tcm meds meh. Better to hv something than nothing to bu our precious nw.
That GP is horrible.Even before my transfer, I told my co.dr that I am on fet preparation and all meds prescribed were for preggies and I showed dr cheng and he said yes..they are safe to be taken for preggies. U better take care and if possible go to another GP and get your flu fixed..
This morning, am still having v.v.light brown spotting. I was told by my clinic that its Crinone inserts that produce brown discharge.But because of my spotting episode, I m still confused if its really the crinone discharge. Sigh!..
Your supports are more or less similiar to mine. I am on duphaston. Your crinone discharge are residues? I seldom get residues discharge but was told that there might be brown discharge from Crinone.
rainbow- mine is written 6+1/52 so im guessing 6wk plus 1 day . when's your supposed bhcg BT ? my bhcg is 15 nov.

grumpus- tks, if this way, my ER on 27 oct, so im 5wks + 3 day lo.

day - ya i asked and asked the flue meds is safe for pregnant woman hor..he said of coz la..haiz see his face alr sian. i will NEVER go back to this GP ever again. So inconsiderate doc. not professional at all.

dun worry too much dear, probably brown discharge is fm your crinone..but i was not given crinone inserts at KK leh. Only utrogestan insert last time
rainbow- oh i mean my ET date not EDD date..hehe..

day - i used the ivf calculator , if singleton, EDD should be 20 July 2011. hope all smooth smooth nw. pray hard..
aiyo, y your GP like that one? For bb sake, just ren... Next time u try going to other GPs...

thanks for e link! Mine is 28 jul if singleton... Heehee...
Me too. Yesterday I had some brown solid cakey discharge coming out. Was a bit paranoid there. Only called CARE this morning about it. They say its expected one, from the crinone inserts. Its trying to discharge some old residue. Nothing to worry about. Only if it's pink or red spottings then its a cause for concern.

Do you have any achey sides or dull cramps still? Bloat?
Yes, I have achey sides and now backache too ....initially i think it's too much of laying down but it seems to be one of the early pregnancy symptoms. I still feel bloated but it's not as terrible like during the 2ww and get quite hungry easily.woke up at 3am feeling hungry... U ? Ms kicked me already ?
Snuuggly, dun tink I'm opposite you cos I on the last bed on the right.. Dr Zou dun talk so much to me like other ladies.. maybe haven build any bond with her yet bah! I taking her TCM and accu 2x a wk cos I maybe doing fet next mth.. wanna tiao my body fast fast.. Wat abt you? Are you doing fresh cycle or fet?
I didn't take any supplements except folic acid. Dr Loh told me no need for anything yet. During 8 week scan then I wad prescribed obimin n a fish oil supplement. I have yet to start on them too. Dr loh said to start when not so nauseous. So till now I'm only on FA & duphaston.

Don't bother going GP for the beta. U r just paying them for consultation n drawing your blood. Then still have to wait till another day or 2 to wait for results as they'll need to send to a lab. Just go straight to TMC or Mt A or even KK 24hrs and inform them that u wish to do a HCG test. If u r not that anxious, can wait a few hrs then no need to pay for express svc.
Hi jessica
Nope.. Hv not since havent start ivf yet.. Worry will get heatiness if drink now..;p btw, do u remove the ginger skin when boil? now still waiting at kk to see doc Loh.. Zzzz.. He just go deliver bb so i already wait for abt two hrs..

Hi stickybb and jok
Thks so much for ur advise on polyp removal.. May i know can we remove polyps on any day during the cycle or specific time will be better?

Hi gals
Am still blur abt ivf.. May i check if we start stage one, will our af still come during lucrin stage? If yes then usually it will come after how long of lucrin jab?? So puregon will start after af finish huh? As am worry will crash with my er et when doc Loh on leave.. Sigh.. If my next af coming on 10th dec, do u think when will be my er et?..thk u sisters..

Hi mary n apple
We maybe cycle buddy since my af shd come around 10th dec too.. I wish it will come earlier though.. Usually hard to predict.. Sigh..
Ya I have dull aches still though less frequent. And backaches too. Some days the neck will ache too. No MS but I get hungry so easily, every 2-3 hours. It's extreme hunger pangs kind, must immediately get food one. If not, hands will shake! Very kua zhang hor. Dr Zou told me must eat alot alot now in case MS comes and anything also cannot eat. Yesterday itself I ate 5 meals, last meal was at 11pm, a hamburger and Milo from Mac. I used to be so disciplined, no food before bedtime, just milk. Now...
I was really confused as to how they count the weeks initially too. Then later on i realise that my visits at kk are scheduled not at the start of the week but rt at the end of the preg week. That's what caused my initial confusion. ER is counted as Day 0. ivf.ca is quite accurate. It's stated there that my EDD is 15 June. Dr Loh gave me my EDD as 19 June. That's for full term of coz. So I shld expect an earlier date since it's twins for me.
Wow..you got humongous appetite but its a good sign. Eat all you can now !..Dr Zou also told me to eat what ever I can when I last visited her..hee! At times I can eat alot and got deep cravings for certain food too. How u coping at workplace?..I hope i can go back on 1Dec..Some of my clothes will need to "rest for the next couple of months" and I can't wait to go out to shop. Sigh!
Actually I haven't really worked full days yet since ET. Though I went back to work last Thu when I was still on HL, I left office at 4pm. Told boss I was so so tired, I went home to zzz...! Then yesterday, I went back office only in PM cos did BT and wait for results mah. Told boss, even if I can come in after BT but will have body, no soul no brain, so might as well come in after BT results. For these 2 days, I applied for half days HL. Next Mon onwards, no more stunts le, I have to work full days!
Ceraine, thks for the links!

Rainbow, yup I got the photos of all my fertilized embbies. They even put the grade n cells.
Rainbow, CONGRATS!!! Like PinkMartini, your patience and effort have paid off!

All of your stories are very inspiring and gives me loads of hope each time I turn on to read. =)

I'm hoping and praying that my Mac and Cheese (thye names I gave my embbies LOL) can hang on tight so I NEVER have to go to the FET stage. I only had 2 grade 3 embbies frozen, even Dr Loh wasn't too positive from his tone of voice. I hope Mac and Cheese will survive and prosper for the coming 9 months! heeheehee

ckk> I hope you're feeling better from your cold. Drink more fluids and rest well.

ceraine and miracle> Feeling better today, my 2WW buddies? hehehe. I made DH sing 10 Green Bottles to Mac and Cheese just now. So hilarious.

If I could, I would insert super glue to them (like how we insert the pessaries haha) and tell them to glue themselves to my uterus! LOL.
i am getting dull aches and am resting more..
hahah...u cute lei..u must be a mcdonal lover..keke..
somemore sing 10 green bottles....ure darlings sure sure will make it ...

u mean u get to speak to dr loh regards the grades?
i didnt..its after teh ET that embroylogist told us our grade.during our transfer...totally clueless..
me too..two grade 3 frozen, praying i wont use them too....

my hubb very gao siao one..he is not a very expressive guy..u wan him to speak to our darlings..he'll oli manage with "guai guai hor"...must grow up.
end up i am the one doing the talking, and he'll parrot my last 4 words...diaoz...
Minako - I had the same thoughts! She did not smile much and spoke little to me but like U said, no bond yet. I am starting my first fresh cycle. Dec start jabs. You are right. Better tiao body fast. Next fri I will go take med.
Snuggly and Minako:
When you go to Dr Zou and don't have to say your chinese name for her to find your patient card, then you know you are on good terms already. I remember I saw her twice a week for a month then she start to remember my name.

WAHahahahaha your hubby funny leh. Mine have to force then he will sing lah, then he sing until 8 bottles he say the uncle come and buy all the 8 bottles of Heineken then left zero bottles. LOL.

We were clueless during transfer also, it's Dr Loh who was talking alot. He was actually talking on his phone when he did my transfer! I was like errrr.....

Not mcdonald lover lah, macaroni and cheese lover. heh heh. I'm starting to hate some food already. I wonder why so soon. Some food simply taste yucky to me when I was ok with them previously. =(
Could it be high high progesterone level???? Let d girls advise u.. I boh experience... Haha... Coz my appetite has not been gd thruout this journey.
Do u still experience twitching n pulling sensation???
Man, sometimes their ignorance can be sooo...funny yet irritating....haha....it's like things are so much simpler when process thru their brains hor..

Budd u feeling better Le mah? Still feeling bloat n vomit mah?? U total bedrest yah
I insert le n fall asleep but still same. Just hope the bt will nt shw low p level. Else v sian one
I cant sit for long, sides will b aching. So will sit n if pain i lie dwn then after awhile sit again. I still breathless. Nauseous much better. I realised tat turning in bed is challenging

I dunno abt the high high progesterone, maybe some other more experienced sisters here can advise? I'm only on Day 2 of ET (Technically Thurs ET doesn't count right??) so how come I am already rejecting food?? I used to live on Mcdonalds apple pie when I had the OHSS bloatedness, but now I eat, I pui. The DH becomes my 'dustbin'. haha...

I find that inserting pessaries is easiest when one is in the squatting position. But now that we are not allowed to squat, I sit on the toilet bowl to insert. I usually pee, wash the peepee area then insert 1 by 1. Because the previous inserts already melted inside the canal, it makes inserting smoother. I dunno if that makes any sense to you? Or, you could lie down with your legs in 90degree angle, then insert.

Chopsticks??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I suggest tampon better =P

Good that you're feeling better from the nausea. =) I'm not sure abt cranberry but I did want to drink the juice a few days back cos I'm constipating mildly.

The inserts didn't fall out, if that's what you mean. They do get passed out in bits of chalky paste onto my panty liners and a tiny bit falls into the toilet bowl. I don't think they're meant to be fully absorbed, if you're worried abt this.

Did you push the length of your finger in? I push almost 3/4 ways until I hit a spot then I stop.
Hi, Ladies!!

Seems like all new members...where are the old ones? I think they went ahead with MTB thread?

Grumpus, hello! I need to ask you something.

Can I still continue with my beauty products like night moisturiser, day moisturiser and even mask? I noticed dry skin on my chin and they arent getting better with day cream. haizzz...

BTW, I'm having a singleton. But my nick will remain.. heehee..
soul, thanks! Haha, I was laughing when I read abt your hb singing e 10 green bottles... So funny!!! Hahaha.... Hope Mac n Cheese enjoyed it too! :D

calzz, so gd... I only have photo of e transferred embies, but not e fertilized ones... Only know what their gradings were...

Ann, thanks! Hope u n Sasha will join me in two days' time! ;)

syrah, thanks for your explanation on e dates... Now I understand liao... I tried e ivf calendar link that day gave, very useful... Got so many interesting dates in it... Thanks again, day!

If I don't hv any spotting, will kk 24-hr let me repeat bt?

soul n miracle, that time e nurse advised me to lie down at least 5-10 mins if we insert vaginally... I read from a few web forums that cyclogest pessaries get absorbed in 20-30mins... For me, I lie down at least 2hrs... :p

Hi gals
Very sad.. I really need to do procedure to remove my 2.1cm polyps.. So big hor compare to jok n stickybb.. As he worry that i may conceive so he dun want do procedure for me until next mth after my af..;( so i hv to start my ivf one mth later.. Which is jan.. So now i no need worry crash my er et when doc loh is onleave.. He say that my fsh result is ok so only insert 200iu of puregeon will do.. He say all my bt result is normal.. Phew..gals, below is my bt results.. Not sure wht r those too.. Any advise?
FSH 4.5
LH ( wht is thisfor? Is my reading ok? 5.83
Prolactin (??) 26.76
Estradiol 97

Btw, may i know wht is the meaning of retroverted?

Hi snuggly, mary and apple
I wont be ur cycle buddy le..;( u gals will bfp before me..
Anyone doing fresh ivf on jan feb? Hopefully if bfp, i still in time to give birth by this yr..will i still be in time?
