IVF/ICSI Support Group

u n pink M's appetite v gd hor... I shld try to eat more like both of u, just in case any MS kicks in... But I think won't be so soon... :p

will u be doing any scan b4 your week-6 appt? Or will u b doing bt only?

Sasha n ann,
tomorrow is e day! All e best to both of u... Like what e sistas here say, stay zen!
Hihi!! Better eat what ever you can before your ms kicks in. I have been eating all the food I craved but sometimes they tasted horrible though.

Seems that there are lotssa "activities" in tummy and pelvic area. I feel occasional cramps and strains too! I tend to sleep on my sides with my legs bent too. I don't feel extremely gasy these days but the bloating effect haven't subsided too.
Are u still constipating ? I developed backache too ...

Hey, I stopped playing with hpt since my hpt15 bt. I am now looking fwd to my beta bt instead. I find that the test line doesn't really darkened any further just that it appears almost instantly and the test line doesn't fade off even after a couple of days. U are using clear blue too right ?
Me too.. Slept at 1am, wakie at 4.06am,6+,7+..Rhs n Lhs. Both not comfy.. Stomach seems to b pressing on smoothing, painful .sleep on back.. Tummy bloated..
Sit upright.. It presses on smoothing again...Hvnt been able to sit-up n Sudbury for 10 mins..
Am so glad there is iPhone ... Else be bored to death.

I stop my chix ess but will resume today as Hvnt been zzz well.. Feel like adding drumstick n slow cook. Is this very heath as hubbfinds it will be...
I will be wk5 next week.. Actually I m still chewing on the idea if i should ask dr cheng to scan for the sac next week....hmmmmm!

Googled and saw the below....
Conventional wisdom is that you won't see anything on ultrasound until your hCG levels exceed 1,000 mIU/mL. However, the gestational sac has been visualized with transvaginal ultrasound at levels as low as 300. In the majority of pregnancies, a sac should be visible when levels exceed 2,000. A yolk sac is commonly seen in normal pregnancies once hCG tops 2,500; an embryonic pole is expected at 5,000; and a heartbeat is seen in the majority of normal pregnancies when levels reach 10,000.
Hi Rainbow,

It'll will be the worst day tomorrow!

Now the 'stomach' area under my breasts are getting pains. Whole tummy area is so bloated & hard... Experience cramps too!

Feeling so bad now....

Ann, gd luck!
Oops feeling bloated can really be terrible...try not to sit upright for too long during 1w. Being horizontal should help in implantation hee! Ur chicken essense are those bottled ones ? Don't think adding chicken will make it heaty !?! It's the herbs in the essense that makes it heaty!
heehee, u also sleep w bent legs! It helps hor... Yap, I'm still constipated... My bloating looks better, just hv lots of gas... I dunno whether tummy or gastric... I hope tummy will shrink a little so that I can take monthly tummy photos for fun n see how it grows by mth... If take now, it looks as if I start pregnancy at 3 mths... Lol!

My backache started early this week when I went back to work... By 4plus, I feel like lying down... That's y I've been taking cab home these days... Maybe I lie down too much in my 1st wk, now hard to adjust back... R u taking any panadol for this?

Yap, I use clearblue... Maybe u've reached e darkest colour e hpt can go, so it doesn't darken any further? Haha... That's something gd!
for me, still haven't decided where to do another bt... Feel like gg another gynae to do scan+BT, but I think my hb won't like e idea... He prefers to wait till e wk-6 scan...
yup yup as long as implant can already

oops sounds like yr bloating is quite bad. is it the pregnyl? i had horrible symptoms after taking pregnyl. i only took 4 egg whites a day though but drank ALOT of water.
i remember i used to sit upright in bed, with an additional pillow propped up on the headboard so i can still lean, for abt an hr after meals. slowly slowly as the night progresses then i will slide down to sleep.
i had very bad backache during 1st tri. seems to be one of my pregnancy symptoms this time round.
every night i will use a heat pad to soothe my back. it really helped!
i have one of those microwaveable ones so i kept heating and applying for a few times every night.
strangely enough it sort of just went away gradually by itself.
try not to take too much panadol lah until u really cannot tahan.
Thx thx.. Yah bottled ones.
Other than day of ET ist half of d day with more walking.. D rest r mainly on bed lying flat or on sides.. N some walking to promote circulation.
Will see d bloat n the twitches as good symptom to have 

Hehe... Can lah... Just go for scan yah.. So exciting hor!!!!! Dun think Dr Cheng will turn u down. Btw.. Rebecca still there??

I had a weird dream yesdae...
I was like u, wake up several times each day during my entire 2ww... Now u tahan all e discomfort... Hope these will lead to gd news in 1.5 wks... Heehee... Rem to drink lots of water cos w lack of sleep, body can become heaty too...

Yalor, luckily there's iPhone... If not I dun think I can last long on bed too... Haha... I watched alot of Just For Laugh gags last week... Sometimes laugh until v hard... Glad my precious embie(s) r ok... :p

oh yah, u know what... My hb always hao lian say he knows countless songs... When I asked him to sing 10 green bottles, he looked at me blur blur n say he dunno, only know 'san zi lao hu' (3 tigers)... *faints*... lol!
Yeah yeah.. Muz cling tight tight to mummy!!!
U know during meals.. In upright position.. My tummy will be painful. ESP uterus area as it's pressed.sometimes.. Not all times.. I hv to slouch abit.. Bring d bowl right in front of me!
But if I sit upright n cross leg.. I m okie..strange hor.

Before ET.. It's more bloated than past days.. After ET.. D nurse injecting d prengyl commented slight bloat... But seems to hv gotten more these 2 days Le...
your signs seem gd! Haha, for e 1st time, it feels gd having sore boobs! Enjoy it n we look forward to seeing e room filled w bb dusts!

stupid me, forget I still hv my heat pack... Thanks for mentioning! I'll try to use it later. Hope it works for me too!
by e way, can I know where u get e microwavable one pls? Thanks!
Thanks for the idea..I think I will put on heatpad to soothe my backache too even the sides ache and I thought because I rested too much on my sides.

Yes, my hb was telling me whats the hurry to scan the sac on Wk5 then heartbeat again on Wk6. Sigh..
I am still not back to work yet and I don't know if i can survive seating up for 8-9hrs.

Bloating, strains/twitches are good signs.. Is this yr second fresh cycle ? Ur 1st cycle with tfc too ?..Yes, heard that Rebec just came back.She has funcky v short hair now. I m all along with Shamseah. She's great!..
My sleepless nights n no appetite starts day 1 of lucrin. Whilst some gets tired n sleep well during stimulation... I don't still.
The feeling of super tired, lethatlrgic yet can't sleep is horrible.
But I know these discomforts are gd causes of sacrifices.
Today is 2dp3dt(correct wording,,) with more bloats n pain than before... Like u say... Endure endure...all worth it when I see d Bfp!

Wonder how my buddy n soul doing.. Must be still dating with zzzzzz monster..

Haha.. Ure hubb gana caught for his lying acts yah..
Mine Oli sing "twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder how u r"... That's it!! Ures at least till 8 green Heiniken bottle..
Ure hubb drink yah.. Heiniken.. GAO Siao lor..

Tell u what.. I been talking to embryos etc etc.. Scared if eventually it's not Wat it's supposed to turn out to be ( I dun wana use d word), I would be crashed entirely as these communications to them has become a routine ... Sometimes I will hold back a bit.. Am I silly??
Daiso has d microwave one.. I bought it at imm.
Set to 1minwill do.. Else will chao tar!!
Did u use heatpad during 2ww? I dun dare to as my adhesive one very very warm. 50-65 degree celcius
Ceraine & Rainbow,
You must have positive vibes. Initially a friend of mine who under went ivf told me that i should talk to them and I found this idea so silly & ridiculous. But when it was my turn and when my embbies were frozen, everytime I return to the clinic for my FET preparation reviews, I will automatically think of them
.. During 2ww, I "talk" to them alot too. Even until now, I still talk to all 3 of them. hee!
This is my fresh ist cycle with KK.
Encounter with dr Cheng was 3 years bk when I tested +ve on online sheet but negatively on clearblue. went TMC for BT.
When Nuh wasn't encouraging of d preg n not willing to giv support.. I turned to dr Cheng. They hv beenvery supportive, shamseah, rebecca n dr Cheng...
Yah.. Still talking to them. Hubb dun allow me to tap tap tummy.. U know like Hw u tap a bb to sleep...
Hubb will kiss kiss them too...staying positive positive..

Duno why, I get scare easily.. Eg when drop something..

I can't recall yesdae dream... Saw 2 girls in my dream.. Abt 5 n 3 years .. Both very pretty, big eyes long black hair.. Then some scenes of embryos etc.. N I woke up scare scare.. Heart was pumping so fast n hubb not with me.. Felt a sense of emptiness then...
Day/ Rainbow / Sashay
Yesterday DH and I hesitated to buy PTK
But we din't!
Still no symptom! Only slight cramp in lower abdorminal for a few sec and tender breast!!
Tummy not bloated...

Really feel so dishearten!
Some preggy at Af symptom or no symptom too...
Preg n af symptom are very much alike..
Dun give up hope Ger....who knows u might be on ure way to mummy land
Hey, please don't feel so dishearten at this stage. YOu haven't yet done your bt yet.. Must stay positive and don't worry too much over the symptoms. Some ladies do not have symptoms and yet they are tested +.
For me, the 1st 10days was really tough.Try to get your mind off the 2ww. I was hooked on iphone games during my 1ww. And I found listening to relaxing music really helped me make me more relaxed too.
Hi grumpus
Thks for the link.. Very useful..;)

Hi snuggly n ceraine
Am not sure is my womb retroverted? As my gynea formally doing soiui didnt hv any diffculties at all injecting the sperm.. He never say anything too.. I just see in the report get yesterday, there is a word stated normal n retroverted so not sure wht it mean too.. Must ask doc loh to explain next time..

Hi apple
Yah.. Bfp bfp to all of us here..;)

Hi shaha n ann
How r u? If till now af still not here then i think u gals had strike bfp..;) can test hpt urself first if kancheong..all the best to ur bt tomorrow..;) we want here to flood with bb dust..

Hi gals
Anyone going to doc Zou today? Me going today later at 11plus..

Yes, i see open le.. I tell myself that any medicine or accupuncture need at least three month of tiaoing before got effect.. So i tell myself is just nice since another three mth will be my er et..
I remembered 1dp3dt, tat night, i woke every 2-3 hrs to go toilet. Then yesterday night i oni wake once to go toilet. Last night before slp i told my darlings good night and sang lullaby then the whole night i hv no ache n slept well. Haha mayb coincident bah but no harm trying.

Today is 3dp3dt and the aches much reduced. What u experienced, those aches and pressing on something, i got them too. 1st 2 days was bad. Also tried lying or sitting dwn with legs bent, i find the strain n pull is much lesser.

Everyday cant sleep late lah, 8am must wake to insert and 830am today im crying out for FOOD!!!! Yeah today last day of antibiotics!!!! Just had a bowl of fishball noodles soup at 930am. Nw feeling bit hungry again!
i got my heatpad from the pharmacy, they hv different sizes. i got a big rectangle one that can stretch across my whole back so i just put on the bed and i lie on it. very shiok!
Felt less strain today but right after half bowl of mee hoon,I get bloated again. At least I can sit thru to finish it.
Yah.. As d day passes.. Feel d strain n bloat reduces too..
Back to lying down again, hope to catch some sleep
soul's hb is e cutest! Haha... My hb sang e 3-tiger song... He sang '1 got no bum, 1 got no bum'... Then I said his is a pirated song... :p

Wah, u sleepless since lucrin? Got eyebags? Hope this will get better soon for u... Thanks for e info on e heat pack, I'll get it from daiso nxt wk...

your hb scared u pat pat your tummy too hard, so don't allow u to do ah? Same as me hb leh... Until today, my hand is still always there to sayang my embies n my hb asked me y I always put there... He say later e weight of my hand is too heavy n press on them... Haha, hand no so heavy mah!

don't be disheartened! U will make it! Hv confidence in your embies!

happy to know that u r eating well now! Keep it up! Heehee!
woooo, whole back.... sounds shiok leh... Hope to quickly get one soon... Will also take a look at guardian pharmacy if I got no chance to go daiso... Heehee!
Hi shaha
Why af wun come for this cycle? It shd be monthly af unless bfp.. But i know for urs, it will come after nine mths.. Same for ann too..;)

Hi jok
May i know why u choose to do ur fet (?) on feb?? Thot u already did ur polyps removal last mth? Btw, may i know how big is ur polyps size that time? Mine is 2.1cm.. Very big hor.. Hope i wun feel too pain after the procedure since so big..;(

Hi gals
I understand fr gnc that coq10 cannot be consume after test bfp.. But i think i read someone still taking it after bfp.. Think better to avoid ba..

Btw, may i know whts the purpose of omega369? Where to buy? Also, when u gals start to drink red date drink? Before lucrin inject or during the inject start? Look forward to ur advise.. Thks sisters..
Hi rainbow, grumpus, ceraine
I am using those heat pad which buy for winter use at the winter times shop.. Is this heatpad ok? Did u gals put the heatpad at the womb area after et to keep it warm? Not sure shd i put direct on womb or paste on the pyjamas on top of the womb? Hmm..

I'm not sure but I think will not come... Mayb I'm wrong....

Better for ladies here to explain/correct me....

For me, I'm not so +ve for bt tomorrow.... Cos my symptoms r more like monthly cycle symptpms that I experienced most of times...
Nope, after ET I don't use heatpad anymore. A Frd whom Bfp advises not to as not gd to raise body temp in this manner.... Plus my heatpad.. Those but fr wintershop.. Quite hot.
But it's up to individual lah.. I know Sm sisters do.. U see which u comfy with...

Hiaz.. Trying catch a nap.. Fail
I had kfc for yday's lunch too! Heehee! Enjoy your lunch!

i bought e heatpad frm those travel shops too... I put it on my lower ab for whole day n night on my et day... Read contradicting info about e use of heatpad on embies... To play safe, I stopped. I used for my badays following day n then totally forgot abt it... :p till now, I dunno whether can use or cannot... If I rem correctly, day used heatpad too... She bfp, so I guess it's ok to use... I think let e sistas advise u... I gong gong one... Lol! :D
hi joanne,
cos I work in a garden centre and we are very very busy before LNY so I have to settle my job before I can rest at ease during the FET period lor.. so delay till Feb 2011. Anyway Dr Loh also suggest me to do in Jan so I only delay 1 mth. my polyp only 0.5cm, the nurse oso say mine very small why Dr say to remove.. haha.. but I thk remove it .. "yi liao bai liao" ma.
ceraine, miracle n soul,
e EDD link that day gave e other day is v useful... Even hv e implantation start n complete date... Everyday I keep looking at e dates, trying to remember some impt dates... Haha...

U can take a look for fun... In case u need, here's e link again: www.ivf.ca
dr zou say its fine to use heatpad after ET..but has to be very very very mild!
if u intend to use, stick it on ure pyjamas.do direct contact to skin.
i used to have the 40degree celcius one..totally not warm..and i stick directly to tummy :)

Hi gals
I see.. Ok, when the day come, will see how.. Btw, how u know the temp on the heatpad? Got state huh?
Can anyone advise me on below query?
Btw, may i know whts the purpose of omega369? Where to buy? Also, when u gals start to drink red date drink? Before lucrin inject or during the inject start? Look forward to ur advise..

Thk u..

Hi jok
Oh i see.. I not sure when my af will come but usually got slight delay so i may do my er et on march too.. Lets jiayou ya..;)
