IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi Chemistry,

thanks for explaining things for us... you poor thing, the daily jab must be very painful that making you so scared... when will be your last jab? your hubby must be heartpain seeing you suffer... keep my fingers crossed for you... strike this very first cycle!!!

My AF came liao,, good also,, think by 30th will probably stop already

Hi Melody,

how? still having problem get rid of the bubbles? i follow Chemistry and Berry's tips, it's really easier if you draw more lucrin then tap. ya, there's still a long way to go, we jia you together!

Hi Berry,

are you waiting to start your IVF cycle? Where are you doing it?


i think you can arrange to meet him at the TPS if you want. However, u can also arrange to meet him in the mornings at the ivf centre
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the words of encouragement! Im slowly recovering but am still sad!

I will be seeing my gynae on 13 Dec so maybe will deciden then wat to do next.
U are very lucky cos u seemed to hav a lot support from your gynae after the transfer. U are did ur IVF at THomson right? I guess there is definitely a big difference bet. private and govt hospitat. After my transfer, I did not even get to see my gynae. Infact, I did not even hav any vaginal inserts or progestrone jabs after transfer. All i had was Duphrone( cant remember spelling ) pills to take and 2 HCG jabs, every 2 days. But I had to stop my HCG shots after the 1st cos my estrogen level shot up really high. Hmm... jus wondering if I did get sufficient support after the transfer?
Actually, at this point of time I'm thinking of all the possibilities of why I failed and if I decide to tranfer my embryos again, want to make sure tt I am covering all bases.
Maybe, I'll ask my gynae wen I see her next? Does anyone know if its possible to do my transfer at another hospital if my embryos are frozen at Singapore General Hospital ????
Hi dang99

Glad to know that you are recovering... Main thing now is to build up your health.

My IVF was done at Gleneagles and westbb's was done at Thomson Medical. It is true that I do get monitored very closely after my IVF but that also add up to the BIG bill that I received from them. But now I succeeded, what more can I complain. I know it is very difficult to make decision as to whether to pay more and go pte or save a lot less by going govt. Some patients can succeed with the govt hospital's protocol whereas some are not suitable. But I know there is a very high chance that I will not succeed if I stick with govt hospital 'cos I would never know that my hormones after the IVF are not enuff to support a pregnancy.

Perhap you can discuss with your RE if close monitoring can be arranged after the transfer as you dun mind paying more for the bloodtests and consultations. Maybe this will increase the chances.
Hi Poohy

Sorry but is Dr CT Yeong seeing patients elsewhere? Where is TPS?

But if we are asked to go KK for review, do u think we can still see him (if he do consultation at other clinics other than KK) outside KK??

Do you know for KK, normally, if we are seen by Dr Yeong the first time, the next apt for review (after the tests) will also be Dr Yeong right??

We will be seeing the same doc as long as we specify to the nurse during the apt booking time the doc we want to see right??

U can make appt to see Dr Yeong during the IVF programme. But i think they will charge u for the consultation. Maybe u should check with him if he can put u to more checks/tests after the egg transfer. It's actually these tests that are more important.

Today , I got my progesterone results and they are ok. So I don't need to increase the dosage!

Hi Dang

Yah, take care of yourself now and build up your health to prepare for the next transfer. As for transferring your embryos to other hospital, I believe it can be arranged. U can call and check with the hospital directly.

Hi berry,

Yah, hopefully in time to come, we can have a mini IVF baby party!


TPS (The Private Suite) is another clinic in kkh. It located in level 1 of the women's tower. Their rates are slightly higher than Clinic D. U can also indicate which gynae to see when making appt as long as u are not referred by a polyclinic initially.

Hi tomatoes,

I've been following your list of food to avoid so far. I missing eating chicken so much. Everytime i pass by KFC, almost can't tahan!
hi SSL,

as long as you are not subsidised patient at KKH, you can make apt with doc of your won choice. TPS is at level 1 at KKH, near to 7-11 store. I am not sure if Dr Yeong sees patients outside KKH.

Hi Tomatoes,

i agree with you, i will check with Dr Yeong when i see him next time, can have him monitoring me more closely after transfer, even have to pay more... it's better than fail and start all over again, right?
Hi ladies, (sorry im in a hurry to post individual names)

I just want to share how progesterone is really impt. Maybe you don't know this but i had miscarriage a few years back, i was so happy and doesn't know much of this things, the doctor just gave me folic acid and a multivitamin. I thought being pregnant is easy, but it didn't end up right, and it's bec. my hormone wasn't monitored well. So, next time i get preggy, i'll ask the doctor to close monitor me.

Hi Dang99,

Just to share also that i have a friend from NUH who did not succeed on first IVF, tried her frozen and she did succeed, and the surprise is that it was a twin at first but lose one when she was 6 months, it's good she was able to deliver the other one alive and the other one dead on the 9th month. So there's still hope, don't give up. (i know it's easier said than done)

Hi Chemistry,

I'm glad your progesterone is normal, i'm sincere when i told you that you'll be in my prayers, the funny thing is, i say, please bless Chemistry.......God might be confused who is chemistry

How did you ladies come up with this user ID name? For me, i was eating straw berry so i thought of Berry.
Hi Novem,

I'm doing it at Mt. E. Don't ask me when as it was due a long long time ago but there was always an issue so it keeps on delaying, but pretty soon everything will be alright.

If i may answer on behalf of Chemistry, she had 300 iu of puregon. Mine will be 300 iu too. Yours?
Hi berry

Sorry to hear about your story. At least you know what is wrong when you lost your bb so that you won't make the same mistake again.

Hi Gals

I am down with a cold. Feeling really sick and drowsy after taking my medication. Feels terrible, yucks!
Hi all, been following this thread but can get lost sometimes bec it's fast moving and then some info forgot already. Was thinking if we cld maintain a table of info of sorts among us which we can circulate around, will be useful for existing members plus newbies who join in. Just like the brides who maintains an info table containing things like AD, PS, BS, MUA, DInner venue etc.
Our table cld contain info like name, age, Ivf/IUI, attempt (1st, 2nd, 3rd..), date started, hospital, gynae, cost (so far), can't think of anything else.
Hi Berry,

Thanks for praying for me! I think god very smart wan, should know which "chemistry" u refer to.

Just now I went toilet, and to my horror, saw a RED blood spot (10 cts coin size) on my underwear! So worried, called KKIVF and the nurse say i probably walked too much today cos i took a 20mins leisure walk this afternoon. Was told to take more rest these 2 days. But I'm still very worried.... Had emailed my gynae and waiting for his reply now.

Oh btw, i got my ID name cos hope there are chemical reaction going on in my body and then i can get preggy!

Hi tomatoes,

Do rest well. I heard preggy women very prone to flu too. Are u on MC today?

Hi maya,

your idea sounds good, but I dunno how to create that table in this forum leh. I can start giving my data first:

Name : Chemistry
Age : 29
ICSI Protocol : Long Protocol, 300iu Puregon with Lucrin
Attempt : 1st
Date started : 18/10/2004
ET Date: 20/11/04
Hospital/Gynae: KKH/ Dr SF Loh
Cost : $8.3K

ya u can talk to dr yeong abt your desire to see him for closer monitoring
I am sure he may be able to work out some flexible arrangement with u if need be. Sometimes may not need to be chargable consultations... just a informal brief meet up in the morning may be possible. I guess he wil advise u best


dun think dr yeong sees patient outside KKH.
Hi Chemistry

You must take care too.... but then hor, could be implantation spotting... must rest well these 2 days

Me pai-seh to take mc so in the end I applied for half a day leave.

Now still feeling drowsy after taking the medication.
Hi Maya,

It's a good idea, do you know how to do it?

Hi Chemistry,

Better rest the whole day and don't have a leisurely walk anymore. Avoid lifting 10 pounds or more. It could be implantation bleeding. Don't worry, just like Poohy(?), she also had spotting before but it turned out alright.

Hi Tomatoes,

Maybe it's the morning sickness feeling ;-) What medication is it, still progesterone?

take care! rest if you can... at least weekend come liao.


dun walk too much hor..
early stage, its good to rest as much as you can and dun walk too much. It may be implantation spotting
Watever it is, I am sure Dr Loh will be able to advise u better... if u still worried... can even request for a jab

berry... mine is not implantation spotting.. its subchorionic bleeding ... but ok now
hi berry,

glad to know that everything will be alright for you soon, so you can start your IVF, no more delay

Tomatoes and Chemistry,

both of you must rest more and take good care hor.ya could be implantation bleeding, Chemistry, can't wait for the good news fm you next week...


thanks, i will check with dr Yeong when i see him next time.
Hi Chemistry

Thanks for explanation.

My first apt with Dr Sheila Loh was made with via the phone and was referred to Clinic D (but seeing her) (ie. not subsidised patient)

Does that mean that in future, I can still request to see her??
hi maya,

actually i was trying to put up a table like what you suggested, but duno how to do it.. got some ideas fm other IVF forum.. they put info like :
1. name
2. age & DH age
3. reasons - female or male factors
3. ivf/ICSI/IUI #
4. hospital
5. Protocol
6. ER
7. Embryo #
8. ET
9. Beta # -

10. next milestone

you may decide which are more important info,and maybe other gals got some more ideas, i will wait till the table is put up then fill in my info
Hi poohy,

Dr Loh had not reply and the spotting is still there. What kind of jabs can i ask for to stop the spotting?


Yes, u can still request to see your gynae in future.

to stablise pregnancy, normally take progesterone in oil jab. If you are very worried, maybe you wanna call kkivf again or 24hour emergency clinic.

Now, dun move too much. Rest on bed as much as you can.
Hi Chemistry,

found this piece of info fm the net:

Implantation bleeding
The fertilized egg begins to burrow into the lining of your uterus about six days after fertilization. Sometime after this you might notice a small amount of red spotting or pink or reddish brown staining. Only a minority of women experience this so-called "implantation bleeding." (If you have pain along with spotting or bleeding, call your practitioner immediately, since this can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.)

the spotting is one of pregnacy symptoms, if you still feel worried, consult the dr when you go kkh for the jab, oh, i notice there's a 24 hour women clinic at basement level of KKH, you may try if you need. take care...
Hi Novemn,

Thanks for the info. Just hope it's implantation bleeding. Still getting pinkish discharge today.

When I was at KKIVF today, I consulted the Nurse Mgr and she say the bleeding should not be serious as I'm currently on progesterone jab daily and my progesterone results 2 days back was way above the minimum level.
Hi SSL, novem, poohy

I am feeling much better today. I have stopped taking the cold tablets 'cos I really feel super drowsy after taking it. There are alot of flu viruses floating around... all of you here must be extra careful also.

Hi Chemistry

High chance that yours is implantation spotting. There are some preggie ladies who got it for 1 week before testing BFP. So continue to have bedrest and all of us here are waiting for your good news
HI tomatoes,

Glad that u are feeling better now. Take more Vit C.

I also hope that this is implantation spotting, but it lasted for 3 days liao. If tomorrow it does not clear, i will ask the nurse if I could see the gynae for advise.
Hi chemistry

Always good to playsafe by asking your RE about your spotting. But dun over worry too much, as I said some ladies did have spotting for 1 week before testing positive.

I think that's nothing much your RE can do about it now beside asking you have complete bedrest. You are taking daily progesterone shots, rite?
Hi tomatoes,

Yes, I'm taking daily progesterone jabs. My MC actually ended on Friday. Not sure if they can extend my MC further cos I already max the 10-day MC which KKH usually give. Will try my luck tomorrow and see if they can extend further. If not, I'll just apply for another 2 days leave to rest.
Hi Chemistry,

I suggest you go ahead and make an appt with your doctor just for you to have peace of mind that it's just normal. Better be sure. Take care.

Hi Tomatoes,

Would you know what are the fruits or foods that are "cold"? Were you avoiding it too?
Hi berry

Should avoid pineapples, watermelon, del monte bananas. They are all "cooling" fruits. I cannot think of anything now but your mum or grandparents should know more.

Hi Chemistry

Has your spotting lessen today? Btw, when will you be doing the beta test?
Hi tomatoes,

Yah, the spotting has lessen today, but still there loh. I ask the nurse if i should consult the gynae, but she say no point cos I'm already on the progesterone jab and there is nothing they can do also. She suggest me to wait for beta test, which is on next Mon.

How's your flu. Back to work already?
Hi ladies, I attempted an excel sheet with inputs from Chemistry and Novem. Novem, need help with those you suggested in red, what are they?
To others, pls comment if the field data are useful, e.g. is Protocol info useful? must admit that some I don't understd (those in red), maybe bec I'm not on it yet.
Attempting to attach file here, hope it works!
(<center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVFlist.xls (14.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>
looks like many people get sick nowadays, i was also down with flu and cold last week, felt so tiring, plus it was a busy week at work, when reach home really only want to sleep.

chemistry, are u back to work already? continue to take good care of urself k, waiting for ur good news next week. u really can tahan not test urself before the beta test ah?

maya, here's my data for the ivflist, hope it's useful to anyone interested -
name - westbb
age &amp; DH age - 29/29
reasons - female or male factors - unsure
ivf/ICSI/IUI # - ICSI #1
hospital - Thomson
gynae - LC Cheng
cost - $11K
Protocol - GonalF
ER - 30/8/04
Embryo # - 13 retrieved, 11 mature, 7 fertilised, 1 stop growing, 3 transferred, 3 frozen
ET - 2/9/04
beta - positive
Hi Westbb

You oso sick last week ah? My RE told me recently there alot of people down with flu. I think all of us who are preggie or going thru' the IVF program must be really careful. Try not go to places where is crowded.

Hi Chemistry

Good to hear that your spotting has lessen. Luckily you have been taking the progesterone shots.

Me back to work oredi. Dun dare to take more MCs or take leave unless really bo bian.

Yah, really look forward to hearing your good news soon. Test sooner on your own leh... hee!

Maya, here's my data:

name - tomatoes
age &amp; DH age - 27/36
reasons - female or male factors - endometriosis / Low sperm quality
ivf/ICSI/IUI # - ICSI #1
hospital - Gleneagles
gynae - Christopher Chen
cost - $13K
Protocol - GonalF
ER - 1/11/04
Embryo # - 10 retrieved, 9 fertilised (6 embryos frozen)
ET - 4/11/04
beta - positive
Hi Westbb/tomatoes,

I very scare to test leh...that's why decided to wait till the beta test. Nowadays, i got more and more worried cos i feel so normal. Today, the nurse even told me that the spotting that i'm getting doesn't seem like an implantation spotting as my staining are pink which is more like fresh blood. According to her, implantation spotting is usually brown stains.
I've put in tomatoes, westbb data in. Can someone exlpain what is ER, ET, Beta? latest copy attached<center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVFlist.xls (15.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
maya, ER is egg retrieval - gyane will 'suck' out all the possibly mature eggs from ur ovaries. ET is embryo transfer - to put back the fertilized eggs into ur uterus for implantation. Beta - blood test to see the level of HCG to determine whether preggie or not. Are u planning to go for a procedure too?
ok, amended the file again.

Would like to invite ladies here to update the file. Wld be useful ref to others who are thinking abt this.

westbb, me not sure yet but if I'm doing, likely early next yr. I done all tests and all, except for the counselling and actually doing it.....<center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVFlist-226374.xls (16.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi Novem

Have u got the result of the blood test and scan that were done this morning. For me, I can start the 2nd stage this Friday. How about you?

Was wondering which one was you this morning at the waiting area for the scan??
Berry, your procedure was cancelled? Is age a factor (can't help noticing that you and I are the oldest around......)

Maya....you're online now...how come mine doesn't appear as "X" excel. What's wrong with my attachment? I have removed it first as i think it's wrong.

No, age is not a factor, don't think about it, some can be successful with IVF even if they are <40, i hate it if people say we're old ;-) Lucrin just didn't work for me, my egg is too strong to be down regulated ;-) I'm trying again.
