IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Chemistry,

that's a good number of eggs....you're so lucky, no side effects on anesthesia, have a good rest now and everything will be fine.

dang, some people do see the line later, 10dpt is still too early to conclude failure yet, so keep ur head up still! as for ur qn on symptons, i had AF-like cramps, but it can mean either way so not a very helpful sympton to me leh.

chemistry, congrats on ur successful and "egg-ful" retrieval!!
another promising MTB! think i had the least eggs retrieved so far leh :p
Hi Chemistry,
Wow! Thats a lot of eggs... good to hear tt u are feeling okay after the retrieval.

Thanks a lot for the words of comfort and encouragement. I think I will stop myself from doing anymore HPT other than the blood test on Mon. Yes, I must keep thinking positive and continue to pray hard for good news.
Thanks gals... : )
Hi Westbb

You should not be the one with least eggs lah. I am the one with the least with only 10 eggs retrieved.

I think puregon is the one that is a better drug for stimulation than Gonal F.

Hi dang99

Yes, you should wait for your beta level to decide. Continue to think positive
Hi ladies
I thought of switching to KKH or TMC from GlenE for SO-IUI or IVF procedure. Can someone tell me the rough cost for IVF in KKH and TMC. And which Gynae would you recommend for KKH and TMC.
Hi tomatoes, Westbb, dang, berry,

To me, quality of eggs is more important than qty. I just hope that the high qty will not result in a compromise on the quality of my eggs. I read somewhere that the quality is best at 8-12 eggs.

BTW, do u feel a pulling cramp on your tummy after the retrieval? I got this cramp and is quite irritating esp when I was walking.

Hi hopeformiracle,

The cost for IVF at kkh is about $7K, of which I think the max u can claim from medisave is $4K+ cos the cost of the procedure at KKH is much lower than other hospital. For SO-IUI, heard it's about $1K-$1.5K, think not much diff from other hospital. There are 2 gynaes (Dr SF Loh and Dr CT Yeong) in KKH who is quite good. Heard Dr Sheilia Loh is also quite good, but I never see her around in KKIVF centre.
Thank you for the info. My Gynae at GlenE charge $2000 for SO-IUI and $10K for IVF which I find it too expensive. So want to seek second opinion but can I don't go through all blood test again since I know my problem?
Hi girls,

I know my question is not in the topic, but i'm just curious as i read something about this in a book.

What is your blood type? esp for those successful IVF girls - micky, westbb, tomatoes, poohy.

thanks, i appreaciate your replies.
See....nobody answers, you ask me with another question.

Hi poohy, yes, it should be SO-IUI.

My question posted is to all of us who are TTC, and for those who succeeded. I'm reading a book about blood type, and it says ....... oh, i won't tell you yet, please let me know first your blood type so we can analyse it better. It says only one blood type doesn't have difficulty conceiving.

It's my first time to hear about it too, but i've heard that some couples have unmatched blood type, but it's another topic. I'm not 100% convince yet, so i want to know other TTC blood type.

I'm blood type O.
Here's the summary:

Blood O
Berry, hopeformiracle

Blood A
Tomatoes, poohy, Novem

Keep coming(esp westbb) so we would know which blood type prone to TTC
How come no AB or B yet.

I'm reading "Eat Right For Your Type" by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, it's mostly about blood type, which is not of much interest for us, but on page 289, it talks about infertility, it says scientists have been studying the reasons why childlessness seems to more common among type A, Type B, and type AB women than type O women. Many researchers have suggested that infertility maybe the result of antibodies in a woman's vaginal secretions reacting with blood type antigens on her husband's sperm. I got it from borders, just browse that section and it's quite interesting, but no need to buy as the topic is just a few pages. It was suggested to me by my childless friend (type B) she said that explains well how come she doesn't have a child.

I want to emphasize that it's just a research, not saying that if you are this type then you will be childless, we'll see how many of us here has the most numbers of type.
how come the topic becomes blood type liao... hehe very interesting! btw i'm a B and a Rh negative, maybe that's why i got unexplained infertility???
tomatoes, is GonalF cheaper than puregon? i thought GonalF very expensive leh.

chemistry, i did have some crampy feelings after the retrieval and transfer. Should be normal don't worry. Just slow down your motion lor
HI Berry,

Both me & hubby are O+.

Hi hopeformiracle,

I'm not sure if kkh will take the results from a pte hospital. I got the perception that govt hospital always will do a re-test to confirm a condition before any treatment.

Hi westbb,

how long did your cramp take ot go off? I don't seem to feel any better and also now it appears like gastric to me.

i believe kkh gynae shd not require u to do a retest if u r able to produce the test results copy to them. Unless of course they find something amiss with the report or watever reason warrant a retest.
Here's the summary:

Blood O
Berry, hopeformiracle, chemistry

Blood A
Tomatoes, poohy, Novem

Blood B

Hopeformiracle, me too, i'm O too but TTC for long time already, (though i got preggy before)
and it's somehow a male factor.
Hi Westbb

Yes, puregon is more expensive than Gonal f. But I know KKH doesn't/seldom use Gonal f. They prefer puregon.

Hi berry

For gonal f in pte hospital, it is about $80 per ampoule. And for puregon, it is about $110 per ampoule. But I am sure puregon is much cheaper in govt hospital.
Hi tomatoes,

how do you computer per ampoule, i've asked and puregon is in one carton (600 Iu) / cartridge. Is it different from each hospital? They gave me a price for one carton with 7 needles inside.

Hi hopeformiracle,

Just a wild guess, are you more of vege/fish eater than animal meat eater?
Hi hopeformiracle

U intending to go for SO-IUI??

I'm now seeing Dr Sheila Loh for second opinion on infertility issues. Doing some tests now before seeing her for review on mid dec.

She said that if my tubes are not block, she will suggest i go for SO-IUI. But if they are block, i will need to go for laparascopy to clear and unblock my tubes. But then again, also have to see the test results of my other checks. (me diagnosed to have PCOS and Adenomyosis (endometrosis in uterus) by another doc at Glen E)

I intend to ask her if i can try to get pregnant the natural way if my tubes are not block, rather than doing SO-IUI. but duno what are the chances of conceiving this way.

Are u seeing any gynae at KK?? I heard alot about Dr SF Loh but becos i prefer female gynae, i choose to go to Dr Sheila Loh instead. (think she is also good)

I think i will go KKH for laparascopy and SO-IUI if need be. should be more cheaper than Glen E.
chemistry, i can't remember how long my cramps took to go off, or did it ever went off? but it's not very serious kind of pain. are u given any painkiller? i was given a type of painkiller (can't remember name) but i think i didn't take cos the feeling was quite bearable. if u really feel uncomfortable, you should call ur gynae/nurse and let them know, don't delay.
Hi gals,

Today I went for egg transfer liao. Transferred 3 embryos (1 5-cell and 2 4-cell). Only 9 out of 19 eggs are fertilised. Bad right? Dr say quality of hubby's sperm not good, but the embryologist say she will still monitor them for a few more days. The embryologist did not mention the grading of my embryos, but she say they are good ones. After this, I will have to go back every day to kkh to take the progesterone jab to improve the lining. Siong right, but i think it's worth the effort if I can suceed in this cycle.

Hi Westbb,

I think the pain should be gastric caused by the anti-biotics that I'm taking. The nurse say can take antacid 2 hrs apart from the antibiotics, but I try not to take it and bear with the pain.

Hi berry,

The puregon i bought in kkh comes in 300iu cartridge with a box of 7 needles. Cost $216. I still have 1 brand new cartridge with me cos the cartridge in fact has 475 iu, and the nurse tried to help me save $$ by using the leftovers in the cartridge. Ended up, I still have 1 new cartridge left.
Hi berry

For Gonal F, it is 75iu per ampoule. I am not sure whether it is different from other hospitals.

Hi Chemistry

Great to know that everything is fine with you
Btw, can you do the progesterone jabs on your own? To go to KKH daily is really very tiring... For me, I go back to Gleneagles every 2-3 days I oredi want to faint liao. Btw, you might wish to ask if KKH provide Crinone cream for insertion. This way, you can surely do it at home and without have to suffer any pain. From what I know, it is directly absorb by our uterus and it is one of the best form of progesterone.

Btw, you must take care of your gastric. Have a good rest these 2 weeks. When will you going for your beta test?
Tomatoes - Thanks for the prices info, your rate and mine are almost the same, but i'm surprised with chemistry's rate at KKH, almost half the price. She said only $216 per 300iu, waah....super cheap. I'm sure it's also the same kind.

Chemistry - good numbers, not bad at all, so you still have some frozen? are you awake during transfer, no need to take medicine like "Vallum" to make you somehow dizzy? i'm more scared of transfer than retrieval bec. i know i'll be awake.....take care and best of luck to you.
Hi tomatoes,

I don't think they allow me to do the jab myself. The needle is pretty long and I also don't think i dare to do it myself either. Luckily, my house is opp the MRT station and I will just need to take the train to Novena and they provide shuttle bus to and from from Novena station. I will do the beta test 16 days later, very long hor, and i will not want do any HPT before the beta test. No courage lah.... Did u do anymore beta test after the last one? How's the result?

BTW, did your embryologist did any hatching for your embryos? They did a laser hatching for one embryo that was transferred today cos the shell is thicker than normal. Wonder would that affect the embryo.

Hi Berry,

I have got 6 confirmed frozen and the rest will be monitored for another few days. I was fully awake during the transfer. No anesthesia given. The transfer was done on a dental lookalike chair. Pretty painless, and not much discomfort. I was pretty calm today though my legs were shivering. I was only given antibiotics and daily progesterone jab. When are u starting the jabs?

I just check my bill again and yes it's $216 per 300iu. Think kkh got it at better prices because they combine with other govt hospital and buy in bulk. Also, there are so many patients doing SO-IUI and IVF at kkh, can imagine the volume they dispense.
hi Chemistry,

glad your transfer was done fine. KKh nurse explained to me there are two type of jab after transfer, the number of eggs retrived will decide which type of jab you will be using, less than 15 will use the shorter needle which you can jab yourself at home, more than 15 eggs like you, will have to go back kkh jab bcos the needle is too long.

so you are getting 10 days medical leave, right? other than going to hospital every day,must take good rest at home ... oh, can i check with you, did the MC mention IVF ? I mean is it neccessary to inform our company abt it?
Hi berry,

Where are you doing your IVF? Sorry, I may missed your posting previously.

Yah, everything at pte hospitals is very expensive. The stimulation drugs forms a major portion of my bill.

Hi Chemistry

I think my embrologist did do "hatching" for me. I didn't know what is hatching until you tell me now. So interesting. Dun worry, at long as the grade of our embryos are good, it should be ok.

Yes, I did one beta test yesterday and it was about 1600. But then, still cannot do any scan 'cos it's still very early. My RE said I am only 4.5 weeks preggie only. Still long way to go.

You take good care of yourself these 2 weeks and dun walk around too much hor
Hi tomatoes,

your beta results look good. Did your RE tell whether it is multiples from the beta results? When can they do the scan?

Hi novem,

So far i only got 5 days HL, which will end tomorrow. I will ask for an extension tomorrow. The nurse told me before that can ask for another 5 days outpatient leave, if we don't feel well and I think I really need that 5 more days now. They did'nt indicate IVF/ICSI on the MC, but the dept of the doc who issue the MC is indicated. So if your HR is smart, they will suspect something.

Today when i was at the 24hr clinic to have the jab done, there was another couple who also went for the jab. Theirs is a different type, something like "profasi". Saw her form and she only need to do that like 3-4 days apart. Wonder what's the difference.
Hi chemistry

Yah, I think you should max your MC or HL from KKH. Rest is very important these 2 weeks.

No, my RE din say it could be twins, can only know thru scan. My first scan could be this coming this wed if my beta reaches about 6000.
hi Chemistry,

ya, the nurse said it's the number of eggs retrived decide which type of progesterone jab need to be used... think you better rest another 5 days lor..but dun stress yourself, must stay positive all the time, your mind also play an important part for your success in IVF programme... everyone must jia you lor..

Hi tomatoes,

you are doing very well leh, see you are under good care
hope to hear good news from you on wed, how nice if it's twins, so far we don't have twins here yet

my hubby still jabbing for me every morning, it's quite ok, not much pain and no side effects... hope the 2nd stage also as easy and painless...
Hi novem

The stimulation jabs are not much of a difference from your 1st type of jabs. Remember to eat more protein food.

Tomorrow will be my first day at work after been resting for 3 weeks. Everyday, you hear me complaining how bored it is to be at home... but now I am having mixed feelings about going back. I know one or two of my colleagues will sure give me that kind of unfriendly look. I also guess my boss will surely throw all the work she can find to me.

Come to think of it, I think it is still better to stay at home ;p
Hi tomatoes,

Don't stress yourself tomorrow, okie. Just heck care your boss' and colleagues' nonsense.

Hi poohy,

Yah, I quite sure that couple is given profasi. There are 4 appt on their forms for the profasi jab. I also dunno why the diff. If the nurse who does my injections tomorrow is nice, i will check with her further.

Hi novem,

The puregon jab is similar the the lucrin jab. But when u start your puregon jab, u still have to continue taking the lucrin jab. That menas 2 jabs a day. And then, kkh nurse always try to help u save $$, thay will ask u to keep the used puregon cartridge which has a left over of 100iu. And if your dosage of puregon is like mine at 300iu, u will have to take 3 jabs of 100iu plus 1 jab of lucrin. that mean a total 4 jabs on some of the days. Sometimes, i jab until can't find a good spot to jab also. :p

oh yah, i'm take lots of rest now. Everyday took nap. I never take naps in the past, even on weekends. The nurse tell me to go shop shop a bit, but I try not to lah.
Hi tomatoes,

how's works today? whatever comes, just take it easy lor,, dun stress yourself hor
BB is most important..

Hi Chemistry,

oh, that's something new to me, i didn't know have to jab two or more jab per day leh, think i got to learn how to jab myself then, bcos my DH start work early, won't have time to jab for me liao... need to jab all at the same time? wondering why westbb and dang99 no need to jab the lucrin still can proceed with IVF, he he he, really wish there are not so many jabs...
Hi novem,

kkh is using a long protocol. That's why have to do more than 1 jab when we start the stimulation jabs. Best to do all jabs at the same time. So far, I have done all the jabs myself. It will take just 5 mins more to do the the stimulation jab.

Oh today, i check with the nurse about the post -transfer jabs. There are 2 types of jabs, one is the jab in 3-day interval, while the other is the daily jab, Both uses diff medication but is for the same purpose.

I am seeing a Gynae in GlenE. I will diagnose with Endometriosis and got in remove in March this year. My tube was check and it was not block (lucky). Like you, I want to try the natural way too so I might hold back doing SO-IUI. See how first. I just want a second opinion from another Gynae and thought of trying KK but I don't want to go through all the pre-conception test again.
