IVF/ICSI Support Group

yesterday in the prog one-to-one on channel newsasia, was a interview with a pioneer of IVF. He said above 40 then the chances are reduced. He didn't say no chance at all.

Hi Melody,

I will be starting this Thur,was trying to spot you also, i am the third one going into the scan room, my hair is long and a bit curly one.How abt you? you went alone or with hubby?

duno how they decide when to start the stimulation jab...
Hi gals,

have updated mine, and edited a bit... <center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVF list
IVF list.xls (20.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi Novem

I thought I was the 3rd one. I'm the Indian girl with the very long hair. I went alone. I thought we'll start the stim jab on the same day as we started the IVF on the same day. Do you know whether for the stim jabs, do we jab ourselves or need to go back to kk daily for the jabs.
Hi Melody,

U will still do the stimulation jab on yoru own. Quite easy and the needle is about the same thickness as the Lucrin jab.

Hi gals,

I back to work today already. I'm still spotting today and also got some cramps. I think no hope for me this cycle liao.
Hi Chemistry,

Cheer up, no confirmation yet, so hang on girl! Two things when spotting, either implantation or it's detaching. We really wouldn't know what's yours, still have hope. Keep the faith. Continue praying, it's the only hope we've got after the transfer.
Hi berry,

Thanks. Have been trying to tell myself to be positive, but then the nurse already warn me that my situation not very good. So I'm not having high hopes though the other side of me still hope that it is implantation spotting.

So how? Have u started your jabs already?
Hi Melody,

ya, i remember you. I think they see the blood test result then decide when to start stim. hopefully we do ER and EF around the same time, then wait for result together

Hi Berry, thanks! hope you can start soon also.

Hi chemistry,

dun give up hope yet, we are here supporting you...

where's everybody?

Hi Melody,

I started puregon yesterday, 200unit/day, i found the pen needle more difficult to use than the normal one, hee hee... u starting today,rite? I will be going back KK for scan on 9/12, how abt you?

Hi Chemistry,

Has you spotting stopped already? pls don't worry too much...
Hi novem,

Oh u started the stimulation jab already. Don't worry, after sometime u will get use to the injection pen.

I'm still spotting but lesser. I'm praying hard everyday that I'll suceed this round.
Hi Chemistry

Dun worry too much. You will succeed!
I think if you failed, you menses should be here by now. How many days past retreival liao?
Hi tomatoes,

How are u recently? Got any pregnancy symptoms or not? When going for a scan again?

For me it's 15 days past retrieval already. But understand from the nurse that menses can also be delayed for a case of failure because of the progesterone jab. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. My blood test will be on coming Monday. Very nervous!
Hi Chemistry,

May I know, how many scanning and blood tests do you need to do during the IVF protocol?

Good luck on your blood test!

Hi Chemistry

I know it is difficult to relax when it's nearer to your beta test... but try not to think of -ve things

For me, ms has started but not full-blown yet. Always got the feeling that the food is stucked to my chest throughout the day. My next scan is next Mon.
Hi hebe,

So far, the blood tests and scans that I have gone thru are:

- Pre IVF Blood test for HIV, Rubella, FSH etc
- E2 blood test + scan 14 days after down regulate jabs
- Scan on 7th , 8th and 11th day after starting stimulation jabs
- E2 blood test on day of egg transfer
- P4 blood test 1 week after egg transfer

Are u also going thru IVF at kkh?

Hi tomatoes,

Actually, I'm more positive these few days esp with my spotting getting lesser and almost none today. Hope I can join u and westbb leh. U take care and avoid taking full meals, maybe take multiple small meals. Do update us about your scan on Mon too!
hi Chemistry,

i am also excited for you, waiting for your good news tml

Hi tomatoes,

how's work recently? do update us on your appt tml.

gals,what do you do with the leftover puregon? i am keeping it in the fridge.

Hi Melody,

doing fine with the puregon jab? i don't have any side effects so far...when will be your next scan?
Hi novem

Good to know that you have no side effects with your puregon jabs

For me, I have been dragging myself to work everyday due to my ms. It is not that bad yet but it's is bad enuff to make me uncomfortable and lose my concentration. I really hope this stage will pass soon.
Hi Novem
Puregon jab is okay, no side effects so far. Agree with you that the conventional jabs are easier to administer. I'm using 300iu/day. Scan would be on this Friday.

Hi tomatoes
Take it easy and relax as much as you can.

Hi Chemistry
I'm praying hard for you to have good news to share.
Hi tomatoes,

I've gone for my blood test this morning already. Will get the results this afternoon. Very scare now and praying very hard for good news.

Hi Melody,

Thanks for your prayers! Glad to know u are also coping well with your puregon jabs. Your dosage is the same as mine!
Hi Chemistry

Me also very excited for you. What time do you think you can share with us the good news so that I can log in to check?
Hi tomatoes,

Around 3pm. Oh no, I dunno how to get over these 4 hours now!

Hi novem,

missed your posting earlier. For the left over puregon, bring them along during your scan and the nurse will teach u how to make use of them. Usually, u can draw another 100iu from the left over cartridge. So if your dosage is 200iu, then u can use 2 left over cartridge for your injection. In other word, u will inject 2X puregon, 100iu each. Hope I didn't confuse u.
hi melody/chemistry

want to clarify something, i am also using 300iu, but 200 unit/per day, are yours the same? and what to do with the leftover puregon? keeping it?

Chemistry, keeping my fingers crossed for you...

Hi Tomatoes,

hope ur MS will be over soon, update us on your appt today
hi Chemistry,

i understand now, thanks,,, so excited for you leh... really wish you strike! now praying hard hard for you... Think will be my turn during Christmas time...
Hi novem,

If u are usin 300iu cartridge and injecting 200iu each time, then the cartridge can actually last u 2x200iu injection. U get what I mean?

How many 300iu cartridge did u buy as a start?
Hi Chemistry,

I bought 4 cartridge, the nurse told me 1 cartridge for 2 days, can last till my thur scan, so i need to bring along the leftover to KK on Thur, is it?
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement. My hubby had called KKIVF and they confirm it's POSITIVE!!! I so glad about and indeed my patience had paid off. I have to rush down to KKIVF centre now to get prescription for the next 2 weeks.

Once again, thanks so much!! i wouldn;t have made it without all of u here! Got to email my dr to inform him now!!!
Hi Chemistry

So happy for you!!! Just as I guessed!!!

Take good care and join us at MTB thread!
Keep us posted of your progress
Hi Chemistry
Congrats. I'm so happy and excited for you. Now must take very good care of yourself.

Hi Novem
I'm using the 600iu cartridge. So just nice to use for 2 days.
Hi Chemistry,
A big congrats to u!!! I'm so happy for u. Must take good care of urself! Wish u'll have a smooth pregnancy ahead!

I've just started the pgm today, hopefully I'll also be like u, succeed on the 1st try... this is indeed very encouraging....
hi hopeformiracle

u confirm going for SO-IUI at KK?
So which doc will u see?

Btw, how do u start to decide on SO-IUI? Do u consult doc first, then make apt and let them know the decision and then they will advise you accordingly?

I think my situation will be like yours. If still no news by then, will probably go for SO-IUI too. next week seeing dr sheila loh to review the results of my 2 tests which she had requested me to take.

Though i sort of hear the results from the radiologist, back of my mind still couldnt settle down until my apt with dr lor.

so how are u doing lately? on TCM? me eat until want to vomit liao.
HI tomatoes, novem, melody, hopeformiracle, ICSI, SSL,

Thanks! I was so scared to call to check my results and my hubby had to call on my behalf. Anyway, my beta results is 495.8. The nurse say it's a good level and I'm scheduled for a scan on 22 Dec. Now, they had prescribe me duphaston to be taken till week 12.

Hi ICSI/hopeformiracle,

Are u doing the program at KKIVF?


U will need the gynae's referral to KKIVF for SO-IUI program. But hope u'll strike before ur appt!

Lastly, tons and tons of baby dust to all who are or will be undergoing IUI or IVF program!!!
Hi Chemistry,

Congrats! so happy for you!
This must be the best xmas gift for you and your hubby!

Thanks for the details. No, i'm not doing at KK. will do at Mt E but duno when starting.

congrats! so happy for u... where r u doing your scan on 22 dec ? I am also going for checkup that day at TPS...in the evening though.
Hi Hebe/poohy,

Thanks. Till now I still can't believe it's real!


They ask me to go to Women's Specialist (something like that) at Level 1 to do the scan and then 1 hr later see Dr Loh at Clinic D. BTW, how do we get to see Dr in the TPS? Must sign up any package or not?

just make your appt with the gynae (ie. dr loh) at TPS...
tell them u wanna see doc at the TPS .. no need to sign up any package
Hi Chemistry

Your beta level will double every 2 days... by then when you do your scan, you should be able to see the sac and your beanie
Hi tomatoes,

How's your scan yesterday?

I hope to see the heartbeat during the scan leh. I haven't disclose the news to my parents yet. Thought of telling them later when it's more stabilised. In fact, I didn't even tell them I went thru the IVF procedure.
Hi chemistry, congrats! Can you fill up the other fields in the table? I'm trying to keep this file as updated as possible.

To others, if you don't mind, do fill up your details in this table. It's a compilation of info of the ladies here who are doing the IVF program. It is useful for anyone who needs to know abt the procedure or wants to find someone to zoom in and ask more questions.<center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVFlist.xls (22.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi Chemistry

Do you have the email address of Dr SF Loh. Me starting to have some side effects I think because of Puregon. Need to check with him is it normal.
Hi Chemistry

My bb measured at about 8mm yesterday. You should be able to detect your bb when you do your scan also
Maybe your can disclose to your parents after the scan
