IVF/ICSI Support Group

Yes, confirm doing SO-IUI in Feb/March after I return from Sydney (CNY holiday). Currently I am not on any medication...just take multi-vit. I have problem ovulating even after taking clomid so my Gynae suggest that I do SO-IUI. Suppose to start in Jan but because I am going for holiday in early Feb, will do it after I come back.

I am doing my SO-IUI at GlenE under Prof SC Ng.

Hi Chemistry

Thnx for the email add. I'm having rash on my back and chest. Called the KKIVF just now and they told me to come tomorrow to consult the dr. I hope I don't need to terminate the treatment.
Hi Melodym

Oh no, hopefully it's not the Puregon that caused the rashes. Don't worry, Dr Loh is usually very prompt in his reply. Do keep us updated!

Hi hopeformiracle,

Heard Prof Ng is a very good gynae. U are in good hands!
He is a very experience fertility specialist. I am looking forward to see him for the procedure. I am really very happy for you. It must be the best christmas gift you ever have.
Hi Chemistry

Yes, my bb heartbeat was detected when I was about 5 weeks plus.

Hi Melody

Take good care... meanwhile dab the rashes with warm water....
Hi hopeformiracle,

Yes, think this is the best X'mas present I ever got.

Hi tomatoes,

It must be exciting to see the bb heartbeat. I'm really look forward to that day.


U started the program already? Which gynae are u seeing?
Hi Chemistry,

Thanks for the information
I hope that i will strike before deciding on SO-IUI too. havent make any apt as yet.
Hi hopeformiracle.

Maybe u will succeed during the break to Sydney

Is the multi-vit prescribed by your gynae or u bought them over the counter? me on TCM...

this month, i didnt take clomid and realised i still havent ovulate till now, already CD27
dont think will ovulate this month.

maybe body not well, my rashes problem came back again and its quite bad. so intend to go see chinese doc for my rashes problem and get it cured before resuming my TCM routine.

mind sharing why have u decided on Glen E and not KK? will the cost at Glen E will be much higher than KK?
Hi Melody,

the nurse adv me to drink more water to minimize any side effects of the jab, hope you will be fine after seeing Dr Loh, take good care.
Hi Tomatoes,

I'm thinking of seeing Dr Qi for my rashes problem. And maybe at the same time, seek her opinion on problems in conceiving.

Is it a must to call and make apt? can we just walk in??
Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations Chemistry....i'm really so happy for you.. now you can get back at the nurse and tell her that it's implantation spotting....continue to take things easy.

Well ladies, don't think that i'm MIA, i swear i haven't opened or touched my computer for a long time esp last week, i was banned by my husband to be tired....yup, i did the transfer last monday, so now that he's not home, i open my computer to check on you....i'm doing well, though a little bit tired, no bloatedness except for gas, is this normal? i only had a very short, really short protocol, so the retrieval was done in less than 2 weeks.

I had 3 - Grade 1 embryo(the highest grade, different hospital has different gradings) and 4 frozen with grade 1 and 2.

Pls. pray for me that everything will be successful. Tomatoes, Westbb, chemistry - what i am taking/doing now is just aspirin, progesterone cream (insert), pill, and i will have 3 hcg shot every other day. You think that's alright, i ask for progesterone test regularly and the RE said no need bec. my result last monday is good, hormone are okay, so no need to check it regularly, what do you think? i don't want to insist and she might think i'm knowledgeable than her. What else should i eat and do?

Hi Hebe - i have done it, she is good. when will you do it?

Just keep your postings, and i'll see when can i open my computer again. Post your questions if you have and i'll reply as soon as i can.

Take care ladies, and again, chemistry, congratulations!!! *hugz*
what did you take chemistry during that 2ww? what is that jab that you have to do at kk everyday? how come i don't have it, what is your progesterone level (tomatoes and chemistry?)

It feels like going crazy for the next 2 weeks, now i know how it feels.

I told you tomatoes to do this and that when you were bored at home, now, i am the one experiencing it, can't do anything, feel so bored, i don't want to watch TV. I can't chat with friends as only 1 person know that i have done it. Any suggestion on what to do will be appreciated.
It is still the best to strike naturally cos don't have to spend so much $$...but I doubt I can. When I was off clomid, I couldn't ovulate too. This is my 2nd cycle off clomid and till now still didn't ovulate...today is CD35 for me. I never expect to go to GlenE. Before I decide on seeking help, I call KKIVF, TMC IVF and NUS. In the end, we decide to choose NUS cos near to my work place. After my first visit to my Gynae at NUS, he told me he is moving to GlenE so I follow him lor.

The rate he charge is very reasonable....consultation only $45 - $50 so no different from KK. The good thing is, no long queue. The most I waited to see him is 30mins and I don't have to wait to take medicine too.
Hi Berry,

glad that you had your transfer so fast, and progressing well. How long will you be staying at home? Have you updated our IVF list for your details?
Hi Berry,

U did the transfer liao! That's fast, cos it seems just a short while ago when u check with me regarding the Puregon. Your embryos looks good. I don't even know the grading of my embryos.

I think the support given by your gynae is better than what I've got. Remember, I only got the progesterone jab daily. Apart from this, I only did 1 progesterone test 5 days after the transfer. As for diet, I really avoided the list of food posted by tomatoes. I drank milk every morning and took spinach and pork liver regularly for iron. Apart from that, no cold drinks but occassionally took some ice-cream. kekeke

So when u doing the beta test? Hope u have good new to share with me too. Meanwhile, just relax and rest as much as u can!

Just saw your other post. My progesterone level was 433 that time. Dunno what unit they use. The nurse say don't need to increase dosage as long as the level is beyond 60. So i just have to continue with the 50mg jab till last Sun.

How long is your MC? Actually, I find that coming back to work for me is better than staying at home. At least, I won't keep thinking of the outcome and stress myself up. But then if your workplace is a shit place, then it would be better to stay at home to rest.

You can call or walk in. Dr Qi only sees patients at Tiong Bahru on Mon, Thu, Fri & Sun. I dun have the no. with me now. Will find out for you. You can seek and 2nd opinion with her but I still think you should mix 2 types of chinese herbs from 2 different doc.

I also intend to see her one of these days for a consultation. But not thinking of asking her to give me herbs....

Hi berry
You did your transfer liao? So excited for you also. Your grades so good leh. High chance mann
Take good care of yourself hor
Hi Tomatoes

Dont worry
I've called and they told me can walk in to see her tomorrow. Me going lunch time so they say no crowd.

oh, me not seeing her for the fertility medication. Me seeing her for the rashes and I want to make sure that the medicine from jurong doc doesnt clash with Dr Qi's medicine for my rashes.

i duno the jurong doc medicine contents too but will try to tell her what i'm diagnose with and hopefully she will know. Does she understand English and those english medical terms??

as for the jurong doc medicine, will be finishing today. only intend to go back sometime in jan cos hubby started taking the med from KK doc. so during this time, i intend to cure my rashes problem first.

who knows, if i like her, may continue with her for my regular medicine, be it for inner health or fertility
Dear all, I just came back from a short trip to KL and once i can log on, i came to check on Chemistry's news... CHEMISTRY, CONGRATS!!! Very very glad to know that all ur efforts have paid off!!! Wow !!!
will urs be a July or August bb?

berry, good to know that u have a good transfer! sounds promising as well... i think ur medicine are quite similar to mine except that i didn't have the hcg shots, i have progesterone shot once every week. since ur gynae said ur hormones are ok, even better right? for me i didn't do strenous work and TRY to eat as nutritious as possible. remember not to stress urself mentally too! as for things to do, do u have any hobbies? my hubby did not ban me from the computer so i practically surfed every single IVF/ICSI and pregnancy related website during that two weeks :p how abt borrowing some books to read from the library? if u not comfortable going there yourself, can ask ur hubby to accompany u there in the evenings. i did some light walking when my hubby can accompany me cos i think i would go crazy staying at home 24 hrs for 2 weeks! do only what u feel comfortable and feel relaxing ok! when can u test??
Hi westbb,

Thanks! I will only see my gynae 2 weeks later and by then I should get to know the edd. I 'agar-agar' should be in Aug.

Hi melody,

Hope your rashes had subsided. U seen Dr Loh already? What did he say?
Hi Ladies

I had a very good news for those who did or planning to do the IVF in KKH.

You can claim up to 6K if it's your first try and it include medication as well.

Previously, medisave is only deductible for procedure but now they will include the medication as well.

I will be getting a $2k cheq from KKH ... so happy.
Hi Ladies,

I'm not working chemistry, so there's no place to go except the four corners of my house, so you think what i'm taking is alright? Then, i don't have to worry anymore. I don't know yet when would be my beta test, i just think of the next step which is this jab every other day. Maybe 14 days?

Westbb, my protocol is almost exactly as yours, would you believe, even our egg retrieval numbers, fertilize, etc. is almost the same too. Maybe bec. it's puregone with cetrotide protocol. I'm just reading and praying a lot while bed rest, i can't cook too as it's tiring for me, do you know any good tingkat home delivery? I'm using one now but after a few days you don't feel like eating it anymore. Same taste.

Tomatoes, what was your progesterone level when you told us that is was so low, and what was the normal one after. Mine is 750. So i guess nothing to be worried and no need for a jab on that, as chemistry said it should just be beyond 60. I read the result and 750 is already the level for a third semester pregnancy.

Did you take folic acid after the transfer, is it also a multi vitamin, tomatoes? i have stopped it for a few days now.

Can anyone tell me what exactly is bloatedness? i thought it's when your tummy becomes "bigger".

Where do you put the insert? vagina or rectum? mine is rectum but accidentally put it in vagina last night, don't know what's the difference.

My husband won't allow me to surf bec. he knows that i get affected easily if i read something negative, i read from IVF connection that some people have egg retrieval and turn out zero fertilize, and it scares me to death thinking it might happen to me...he he he.....the embryologist calls me everyday after retrieval and it's really amazing what science can do.

Hi Hebe, i'll check my email today just for you, but i don't usually check on that address, if you have question later, just post it here and i'll be happy to assist you.

Hi Novem,
Haven't updated my file, don't know how to save it. Maybe later. anyways, feel free to ask me if you have questions.

Hi Melody,
Please count your water intake, esp during stims. My side effect was that i was really thirsty all the time. And make sure you don't eat anything "new" to your system. Take care.

Til here....i might not be able to surf everyday. Just post your answer to my questions. Thanks ladies.
Hi Hebe,

I just checked my email, i don't have one from you, pls. resend it again, i would love to receive something from you...though i can't promise when can i answer.....just send it to [email protected]
Hi berry

I dun know what units you are using cos my progesterone level is only 15 after my transfer. Now that I have conceived, my level is still around 90+ and my RE said that is safe and steady.

I did not take any oral medication after the transfer, just progeresterone inserts 3x a day.
berry, pls continue to take your folic acid, it's impt esp during early pregnancy. sorry i didn't know of any good tingkat, my SIL used to order tingkat and she also gave up after a few weeks, say everytime taste the same! are u using crinone for the insert? i insert into vagina one leh, the packaging also said vagina leh.
Hi CT,

Great, that's means I can get back some $$ too? I have not hear from KK yet leh? Did they notify u by post?

Hi Berry,

If u are not fussy with food, cooking is actually quite fast and easy. For me, I only cook lunch for myself during that period, so it's a very simple soup dish only. Just boil some water, dump in the vege, egg and meat, add soya sauce to taste. 5 mins and it's done! I take that almost every day. As for dinner, can ask your hubby to packet loh. Tingkat food not very good, cos very oily.

Oh yes, please continue to take your folic acid! 1 a day is enough. Besides that, i also take my own Vit B complex which my gynae say is ok.
My rash seems to be not so itchy now. But now I do make sure I'm drinking more than 2 litres of water each day. Dr Loh replied to my email that rash is not a known side effect of puregon.
Hi! Chemistry,

Just learnt that you're pregnant!

Hope i'm not too late to congrats you..

Your patient and effort really pay off.. is a good example to many who are trying..

No kk did not call me ... I received my CPF statement and realised the amount deducted is not correct so I called up KKH to check.
Hi Melody,

glad that your rashes is better now, I also drinking lots of water everyday.

Update my scan today, I have total 12 eggs, 6 right and 6 left. size : 1-20mm, 2-13.5 1-13, the rest between 5 to 10mm only, need another 2 days 200iu till Sat scan, Dr CT Yeong not around today, Dr Sheila said ER should be next Mon or Tue.


do you know if Dr Yeong will be back next Monday? I am a bit worried now, as I don't know who will be doing ER for me.

er I thought he's only away from last friday to yesterday. He shd be back today already. Even answered my email today leh. Was supposed to see him tomorrow morning but I am not free due to work commitment. Maybe u can call kkivf to check up on his schedule and confirm whether he will be able to do ER for u on monday
Hi Elle,

Thanks! Finally can join u all liao!

Hi Novem,

Your progress looks good, as least better than me during my first scan.
Hi Poohy,

can let me know Dr Yeong's email address? Thanks.

Hi Chemistry,

I wish i would be as luck as you, strike the first attempt
So how many days HL and MC did you totally take? did you take extra leave to rest at home? now must take good care of yourself and rest more after work ...
Hi ladies, esp those relatively new, pls help to update the chart. It's really a good ref document to find out who's doing the program at where, with who, etc.
Berry, it's very easy to do. Download and save file 1st in your local drive. Fill in your details. Then use this posting box, activate the "upload attachment" button found under "action" and put the updated document back.
Hi tomatoes, I think you were the one with the list of foods to eat/avoid?? I've added 2 more columns "food to eat/avoid" in the chart. Can you put in the food list there? More useful info for all here.......<center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVF_buddy-229066.unk (22.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Update on my scan today. Only 5 eggs and out of that only 3 are 13, 14 and 15. The other 2 are 10 and 9. Tomorrow need to go back to see any progress. Very depressing when I heard there's only 3 potential ones. I keep praying that everything would turn out fine.
Hey melody,

Relax...relax, how many days are you with puregon and what's the dosage. Would you believe, i only have around 7 - 3 &amp; 4 on each side with small size. It will DEFINITELY grow more, on my third scan, only 1 is size 20. And the numbers are still less than 10 eggs. On my last scan, i have only about 10 from the screen, about 5 size 20, so i'm ready for retrieval. But at the back of my mind, i thougth it's a few number compared to the other ladies. On my retrieval, they got 14, so i guess, some of it are hidden. And even if it's small, it can still fertilize. Believe me, too early, the doc will not retrieve if it's not the right number.

Hi Novem,

Your number looks great. You might have retrieval ahead than melody.

Hi westbb,

I will stop the tingkat in a few days, to whoever is thinking of that, pls. Don't. It's really not good. Do you know any home delivery aside from pizza, kfc and mcdo? Starting next week, i got a filipina part time help to bring me home cook food, she cooks good, so i'm happy. My insert is called cyclo???, different name and it's for vagina or rectum use. Vagina is more messy, they say.


Good luck! We can all do it - successfully....
Hi Moledy,

I believe the no of eggs will increase towards retrieval, it's the size and quality of your eggs that matters , i think. the size of your eggs like looks looks, mine are smaller than yours... so dun be too affected by the numbers..

I am also going kk tomorrow, so may see you again

Hi Berry,

when will be your beta test? hope to hear good news fm you soon, meanwhile, do relax and rest more hor
Hi tomatoes n berry, thanks so much!!! Really hope I can be successful this round.... Will keep u gals updated of my progress.
Meanwhile, do take good care of urselves and rest more...

Hi berry, hope to hear good news from u very soon

sorry juz saw yr msg. mind giving me yr email addr i send to u?

may need to reply tomorrow nite cos me going chalet now
All the best for your scan today
Hi gals,

I had a big shock on Thursday..... I had bad cramps on and off on my left bum and thigh afternoon on Thursday. When i reach home from work, i discover that I was bleeding. So rush to kk 24 hr clinic immediately and the doc on duty did a scan and see nothing other than a lot blood in my womb. So I was warded for further investigation cos they suspect ectopic pregnancy. They did a detailed scan and another beta test that night. Luckily the radiologist found the sac in the womb, but he say still possibility of pregnancy outside the womb cos I transfer more than 1 embryo. My beta level is normal so Dr say the pregnancy is still there. Was given 2 jabs on my thighs to stop the bleeding was discharged today. They have also brought forward my scan/appt to next week. Hopefully, they are able to detect the pulse by then. I'm praying very hard now and talking a lot to my sac to stay there and grow.

Hi novem

I took altogether 5 days HL and 4 day MC, cos the at the end of the 4th day MC ended on Friday and I do not need MC for the weekend. Then I took another 2 days leave before I return to work. Now, I'm on HL till next Thurday.

So how's your scan today? Schedule for ER already?
Hi Chemistry,

I wish your are feeling much much better today, must be very shocked to find yourself bleeding suddenly, right? Glad that the Dr confirmed your pregnancy. Did you get to see Dr Loh? What did he say? Meanwhile, rest more and i am praying for you as well.

My scan yesterday coonfirmed my ER will be on Tue, so tonight going kk for HCG jab, hopefully it won't be too painful.Now I have 13 eggs, sized fm 10mm to 23mm, if i remember right.

Hi Melody,

How's your scan result? What did your Dr say? When will be your ER, hope you are doing ER soon.

Hi Poohy,

my email is : [email protected] , thank you, so far i didn't get to see Dr Yeong after the registration for this programme, being with KKH for IVF, dun have the feeling that you are under your gynae 's care, dun even get to see him, short consultations were also given by other doctors...he he he..
Hi Chemistry

I was shocked when I read your posting. You must rest more to prevent any further bleeding. Take good care ok?

Hi novem

All the best to your ER on Tue

Hi Chemistry

How are you feeling now. I'm glad your pregnancy is confirmed not ectopic. Pray that you have a safe pregnancy.

Hi Novem
Went for scan this morning again. Only 3 possible eggs for retrieval and the largest is only 18.5mm. Saw Dr Sadhana and she said anything above 16mm would be fine and the nurse said that few eggs doesn't mean failure its the quality that matters. That was very comforting to hear. My ER would be most likely on Thurs or Fri. Wish u all the best for your ER.
