IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Claire !! Thanks ...

All Sisters, thanks for the well wishes! Hope my results on Tue won't disappoint u guys ... cross my fingers, toes...

Think later I buy another HPT & test on BT Morning to assure myself again.
woohoo! congrats jj!!
great news for the weekend!!
is it crazy that i keep looking at the hpt to see if the line disappear ? oh dear how can i go to sleep tonight .... brain on overdrive now...
is not crazy, BUT the hpt does say not to read the results after 10 (15?) mins.
so if the line does disappear later it doesn't mean u're not preggie anymore!
gers - the hpt line will disappear is it ?? seems to be that its fading ..
= P

Thanks again all sisters for the well wishes ... too excited now keep sweating ....
Thanks grumpus for the kind advise again ... ahhh .. what will i do without u ...

Ok I think i better go downstairs for a short walk to calm myself down...
you're not crazy. Me too when did hpt kept looking at the line to see whether 'disappeared'. Went to buy some more to test. Total tested 5 hpt! Just to make sure. ha3!

Congrats...I also keep looking at the hpt, worry that it will disappear but it did fade away..so u know what..I tested again...positive also


I didn't go to the clinic downstair but ended up taking a nap. But before gg for my nap, I called Nurse Sara, she said can go for bt tmr morning but if reading too low then needs to re-test. I said ok so will be gg to KKIVF tmr..

Can fully understand your feeling now...so unreal rite? Till now, I am still worrying whether am I dreaming or what..think will feel more settled and convinced after the bt...we jia you, jia you...
Hi Prayhard !!
I went downstairs but forgot to buy extra HPT ... tsk tsk .. forgetful liao...

Aniwei now till tue still got many chances to buy another hpt to test again...

So tomor u going to do BT liao la ... good good ... u update us on the numbers ok

Fish 1.5 M and longer are high in mercury. Eg. Shark, king mackerel, swordfish, etc.

Cod and Salmon are good oily fish.
Hi Singapoh,

Did KKIVF give you any additional support/ medicines after your early bt? Tmr is my d12pt, and I will be doing the early bt, so after the bt, any medicine beside the current inserts I need to buy?
Thanks Singapoh & Pandawife.
Will join yr side once confirmed + chop + gurantee that its successful ...

PrayHard, hpts are very accurate... BT is just to check on the hcg level..PREGGIE liao!!! heheh... no need gan chiong.... can celebrate w hb tonight

you know what..I actually bought two diff brands of HPT..Clearblue and Guardian..on my way home, still thinking which brand to use first..hahaha silly me...

Finally, decided to use Clearblue cos a lot of sisters said Clearblue more sensitive..when tested positive...I stared at the thing and cried out very loudly..so unbelievable...while still crying I called my dh, he thought what happened to me..

I kept the HPT wanted to show my dh when he comes hm from work...but it fading away...thought I was dreaming...I used the other HPT to test again...and it shown positive as well

So happy but like what JJ said...must confirm + chop + gurantee that can laugh out loud..now still worry leh..can't help it...
Hi, JJ!!

Congrates!!! Have a smooth 8 months ahead.. Do remember to walk slowly...
Dont forget we are waiting for the baby dust... hehe
PrayHard, i can totally understand how u feel..hahahaha... i used 3 clearblue hpts (2 normal and 1 digital) to test before i went CARE for my bt... nurse laugh at me n said i waste $...hahahahaha....

i even ask if the hpt's are accurate... they told me yes...accurate.. preggie liao... just hv to check the hcg level.
so wanna assure u to trust the hpts.
JJ & Prayhard

Big Congrats!!! U gals shld be confirmed preggie! Have a smooth 9 mths pregnancy. Prayhard, do update us ur BT's result tomolo...
JJ - big congrats!! I need to get a big box to contain all the bb dust from u!

pinkf - I'm at hougang, one street away from buangkok

singapoh - I like cod fish and salmon, but hubby say after ET all my food must be 100% cooked! no runny egg, medium well steak & my most favourite sashimi!
congrats congras..line very signifciant le....take care and enjoy ure pregnancy :)
last mth we met onli and this mth u have happy news to share...so happy for you..
u r under sf loh too?can share ure emotions and experience thruout the ivf journey?

btw gers, can i check...during ET..are we required to drink ample water to 90% bloatedness before insemination?
big big congrats!!!!
juz met u last mth and this mth u have good news to share....so happy for u...muz take care and enjoy ure pregnancy lohzzz...

u r under sf loh right? hmm..can share ure ivf experience??

btw gers...for kkivf, during ET are we suppose to drink ample water to fill bladder to 90% to enhance easier insemination?

if my AF is ard 26-29 sept, when roughly is my ER/ET and BT date? thanks loh

Yr dh is right but u can eat cooked fish ma. I like steamed cod and pan fried salmon. I am eating fish 4 to 5 times a week.
Ceraine - thanks ! Think i got to thanks miracle mama's tummy rub .. haha ...

I will be testing again on BT morning in case got suprised results again ... hope not !

My emotion ? hmm through-out the injections i was quite calm & relaxed, didn't think much just go with the flow. Also listened to nurse adv & Dr Zou adv on various kind of silli stuff ..

Then during ER I was slightly nervous cos its the 1st time I'm put under for anything.

(tell u gers a funny story: the doc in charge of adminstring the drug was angry at the nurses who scheduled wrong timing so she was 'scolding' the nurses .. I was like lying there thinking "oh no is she going to overdose me...")

Anyway, am very happy that I slept thru the whole ordeal & got the just the right amt of eggs. ET was more nervous cos my DH was present & he was like so deer-eyed over everything (he ask is it normal to take off all the bottom, where should he sit ..)

Then during 2ww i just had a blank mind & trying not to think too much over each & every symptom. I still had a bad cough for the 1st 5 days after ET.

ET i drank 2 normal size glass of water, then when reached kkh they ask me drink another 3 cups of water. my poor dh had to go take 2 cups into the ET area ...
ha .. i checked the HPT & there is still a faint line ... keke ... sorry for the silli post

*wave* Hi Just Faith !!
not silly..perfectly normal..inform ure hubb le mah?
i did an even more silly thing last mth.,
i tested hpt when my bbt stablize..and before af due.
wah..bingo, got line..i repeatedly ensure its HPT kit i using..even dr zou is so happy for me and assured i am preggy..
same night and next day i tested clearblue , BFN!!!!!
was like how can it be. u know wat, i used a EXPIRED kit..this is real silly..
big roller coaster of emotions within 24hrs..hahaha...

oh.so same as iui lah, gota overdoze our water content..btw, a quick method is drink tea.

i am getting more ready for ivf le.will sign my consent form when AF reports end aug.tried to call kkivf to book appt to sign form.forever their line is engaged..aiyoh..
JJ... I m with Dr Loh too... hopefully can be like you BFP soon... hehehe... but me stil hv long way to go...hvnt even start lucrin yet. But u muz pass me your bb dust k... share with all the sistas here...our saliva drooling liao... hugz... love love
Hi Pinkaddict & Highhopes,

I'm also on microgynon. No side effects for me at all. I started taking it on 6/8 and today is the 16th day.

Just did my 1st lucrin jab a few minutes ago. HOORAY! I DID IT! I didnt do it at KK today as I didn't want to feel stress out doing in front of the nurse. Anyway I planned to do it every day at night in any case since it's inconvenient for me in the morning. For me, pain wise, it's similar to the acup needles if the needle point isn't on the dot. So it's really minimal pain.
Syrah... I duno is becos of I actually not feeling well or becos of I took microgynon...that's y not feeling good. But I emailed Dr Loh. He told me to continue if possible but go and see him if I stil not feeling good.

Hopefully I can overcome it and finish the medication.

Huh? u mean u neva do it in KKH? The nurse there forced me to jab on a pc of rubber to show her that I clearly understand how to jab leh. But I only start jabbing on 30 Aug...hehehe if i forget how to jab and look for u.

So how is yr preparation? I ma chiam never do anything like tat? Scare scare man!!

R u with Dr Loh?

I did come down with flu and cough last week. I didn't think it's cos of the microgynon though cos I thought I caught it from hb.

Yes I did do it on the dummy at KK. However when the nurse asked if I want to do the first jab on the spot there I rejected her. That's y just did the first jab on my own just now. No prob. I'll help refresh your memory before you start yours.

Prep wise, I did acup and piled up on the supplements as what most ladies here do. In fact, I still have my TCM herbs but I didn't take it today since I wasn't sure what time I'd be doing the jab and I wanted to ensure an appropriate interval time. I dunno if the usual practice of leaving a 2hr gap between eastern and western med applies here for jabs and since Dr Zou isn't in town, I can't ask. Anyway I figured to just not consume the herbs today.

Yup I'm with Dr Loh too

gers on lucrin .. very fast will be puregon stage the ER & ET ... to me it seems so fast actually.

don't know if it helps i put my alchol swabs in the fridge so that its cold & when it swabs the skin it sort of numbs it ..
