IVF/ICSI Support Group

congrats to your ET!
Rest well during your 2ww. Very important not to do anything strenuous.
Think positive & talk to your embbies everyday.

soulvacation - smell sweet ... really ... i don't think my pee smells sweet .. thanks for yr assuring words...

But now not looking too much into each symptoms if not will go crazy ... heating up my lunch now ... Yum
This is my first FET. Anyone has done it before? Just wondering why there is no blood test for progesterone during the 2ww. I remembered doing something like that during my fresh cycle. Anyone can advise?
I am with Dr Foong @ GE. Wonder if I should call him and ask. I am given insert and jab every 3 days after ET. Thereafter straight for blood test 2 weeks later. Is this normal?
<font color="0077aa">JJ
you can actually tahan till sunday..COOL!...if i am you, i think I will go test today le..haha....
actually today can test le right?

I cant wait to hear your good news. I want baby dusts...cartons and cartons of it hor..</font>
i'm with another dr, but my support after ET for my fresh cycle is the same as yrs. crinone inserts twice daily and pregnyl jab every 3 days. straight away preg BT 2 wks later, no BT in between.
errr i ate normally including chicken. but some ladies said tcm advise not to eat chicken cos nowadays the chickens hv a lot of hormones injected into them. if want to eat then try to eat the kampung chicken type.
Woo Hoo... Maybe just pop by any clinic to check.. Good luck ya... Today is D11 le.. Should be ok to test le since u are not on pregynal or HCG jab... Do keep us updated ya... So excited for u...
<font color="0077aa">grumpus
it is not advisable to take fish with high mercury, then other than threadfin and cod fish, can eat eel?</font>
I realise that I'm quite gassy also ... keep farting or burping ...

hmmm .. should i test HPT tomor ... hmmm ... hmmm .... so tempted ...
Hi all! I'm new here. I've just started on microgynon on Tues. Wishing all u ladies who are eagerly waiting for the BT - all the best!
Pinkaddict- so far i've no problem yet or maybe its just my 4th day taking microgynon. There shldnt be any side effects on this u know since its just a contraceptive.
<font color="0077aa">JJ
go test if you feel comfy. So excited for you. Moreover you are having symptoms that you never get before...even your last so-iui also no such symptoms right? Hee.... Waiting to collect you baby dust!!</font>
its friday everyone!!
for those of us who are slogging away in office, a few more hours before the weekend beckons!

for those of us who are on 2ww at home, please rest well and hope to get good news from all of you after the BT.

for those of us cycling, jia you and stay positive!
pink-yup i'm with nuh

grumpus - thanks for telling me that pao sheng can it. i was secretly angry with MIL for making the pao sheng to drink past 2 days :p

JJ - wow, you did hpt ? you tempting me, but i got no symptom. today is only day 4 post FET. i got 1 more week to go to BT next fri. think i'll wait.
wahhhhh u all really testing me with the food qns. Actually even the so called foods with high mecury content like tuna is not a definite no-no. just to limit the intake to once or twice a wk.
so i dun see why eel cannot leh? not say u planning to eat everyday right?
highhopes...finally found you. Apparently nobody taking microgynon except you and me...hahaha...

I started to take it on Mon (one day earlier than u) but I feel a bit giddy and breathless at times. The nurse did tell me if i m breathless I need to call them.

Btw, who is yr doctor ah? I m with KKH... wat abt u ah?
after i delivered my daughter i ate one pc of cod EVERYDAY for the one yr i breastfed her.
now preggie with #2, i'm eating salmon abt twice a wk.....
grumps - hubby say tomorrow bring me go eat sashmi, he say enjoy now while it last, after ET can forget about eating it liao hahaha
During my 3pm insert, I fell asleep &amp; dreamt a weird dream that I'm watching channel 8 show with my fren &amp; the scene we saw was jamie yeo peeing into a toilet bowl with a HPT stick attached to it &amp; it stated positive !!

Then i woke up ... and went to take out my clearblue HPT to test... here's the result:
i eat my sashimi at the usual sushi places like Sakae, Sushi Tei etc.
but i hv to admit during my 1st pregnancy i totally avoided sashimi, now a bit more bo chap already :p
I still don't know if that's considered positive !! weird right ??
I keep egging the other line to be as dark as the control line !!

I've been having weird dreams all the time so can't differiate if the dreams I'm having recently is weirder or not
Grumpus usually number 2 tend to be more Bo chap as observed. My friends also.

I went facial today, felt good . At least tidy up my brows haha
wahaha~ I agree.. No2, usually more bo chup...

Today on leave arh? go facial.. so shiok.. Come to think of it. I very long never go facial liao. must call and make appt soon...
Ha ha ... tickles yup I'm a weird dreamer ... I was still thinking to myself that's a cool invention (HPT attached to toilet bowl)

I haven't told my dh yet .. he inviting pple to our place for MJ later tonight i think i will tell him when everyone has gone home after he can't concentrate on the game &amp; lose $$!!
For HPT, as long as gt the line already considered preggie le... No need to be same colour or darker de... So u are preggie now. Now be careful hor...
Tickles yes took leave today. Have not been sleeping well, so tot take 1 day off to relax. Felt good after facial, haven't go since April!

JJ now u must take good care. Have a smooth 9 months!

I think if u just mms him and he see le, maybe will get excited and win more $$ later... It is really a cool invention. Maybe all IVF centre in singapore should have this kind of toilet bowl...
