IVF/ICSI Support Group

What is the difference between Puregon and gonalF?

Going to start my IVF process on Aug cycle. For me first to force regulate my period then on lurin. Then on puregon.

hi tokkie - rest well during ur 2ww n bfp soon....
is ur embbies the same grading b4 n after thawing? co all my other 7 emmbies r of grade 3 (kkh)

oh can i know wat is the procedure for FET, similar to fresh wan?
blurlet - they are the same as what I was told by the nurses at kkh. To stimulate the eggs growth.

Just that different hospt used different meds.
kkivf will use either gonal f or puregon
nuh will use gonal f
Hihi Burlet,

Where r u doing your ivf? If everything goes smoothly,I will start my fet on Aug cycle too..
but first have to see how my AF cycle goes..
<font color="aa00aa">found this on another website and tot it is hilarious


Day 1 - Organize sock drawer. Throw out singles.

Day 2 - Bathe the dog OR bathe two water-phobic cats. Be sure to wear Kevlar gloves.

Day 3 - Eat a whole bag of chocolate rice cakes. They're even better with peanut butter on them!

Day 4 - Decide to get healthy, walk 5 miles, get a blister on your heel from sneakers that don't fit right.

Day 5 - Take all the clothing out of your closet. Start sorting which items to throw away or give to charity. Get bored, leave the mess.

Day 6 - Do the same with your dresser. Ditto on the mess. Find mates to single socks you threw out on Day 1. Keep them. Start poking your breasts looking for signs of tenderness.

Day 7 - Go shopping for new clothes. Buy only things that can be "converted" for maternity wear (stretchy pants, straight-waisted tops or dresses). Obsess over whether those twinges you felt were implantation or gas.

Day 8 - Buy a multi-pack of HPT's. Keep looking at them every time you go in the bathroom, even though you know it's too early to tell anything. Wonder if your breasts are sore from being PG, or from all that poking.

Day 9 - Cut coupons out of the newspaper, INCLUDING those for diapers and other baby supplies. Stick them on the refrigerator to remind you that THIS is the month. Call your SIL (you know, the pregnant one) and chat for awhile.

Day 10 - Take out package of HPT's, fondle, read directions, put away. Repeat several times. Obsess over whether breasts are more or less tender than they were yesterday.

Day 11 - Wonder if your nausea is from PG, or from the double super burrito with extra jalapenos you ate for lunch (cravings??), followed by an entire package of chocolate rice cakes smeared with peanut butter. Fondle HPT's again, put away.

Day 12 - Spend half the day in the bathroom (see burritos above). Swear you'll never eat Mexican food again... until next time. Throw away diaper coupons because two visitors asked if there was something you wanted to tell them?

Day 13 - Clean up the mess you made on Days 5 &amp; 6. Keep those jeans you wore in high school - you'll get back into a size 3 someday. Be happy that you can walk across your bedroom again without stepping on clothes.

Day 14 - Wake up at 4:30 am, open the HPT... You know what to do.

from the Relax Relax Show podcast via the Australian Infertility Support Group </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Morning - off for ET this am! Thanks for all the positive thoughts

Nadia, maybe will bump into you!</font>
morning pple - yawn.... so early..
Good Luck shoes!

think I'm getting sick.. throat is itchy, felt cold last night to the point of wearing long pj pants (I usually just sleep with panties ~arrghh too much info given out)

will take some delcogen later...
Hi Girls,

Looking to do a fast spree for Royal Jelly with Bee Pollen in Honey from YS organic bee farm in an attempt to boost quality eggs. After suffering 3 miscarriages I just so willing to try anything =S

Was wondering if anyone would be interested?

A Bottle would cost probably ard $32 (estimated however should be slightly lower after calculating the exchange rate) for a month supply of 2 teaspoon daily. I saw a lot of TTC/ IVF girls writing on this in the other forum with success story thus wanted to give it a try.

Please note however if allergic to bee i.e pollen or sting it is not recommendable.


Sorry to hijackk the thread
JJ, I used to wear very "few" clothes to sleep. But I think all these habits are no good.
))). Especially after ER, we have to keep my womb n body warm for implantation to take place. Since I have started on TCC in 2009, I started to wear more clothes where possible, I wear long pants to sleep or just staying at home. Before I go to sleep, I will put on socks.

At home, I dun turn on Aircon. N dun let fan blow directly at me. Now, I feel very wierd when I dun wear slippers. I find the floor is really cooold!!!
iloveshoes: hey you bubbly dear, all the nest for your ET. Remember, you are considered 2 weeks preggy wef TODAY!
Yr to-do list is fun yet cute!

<font color="aa00aa">Arloooo. me back, report card not that great, so transfer and pray!! Dr Loh is very cute and overall I had a good experience.

Nadia, not sure which one was you today! heee

Thanks for all the well wishes</font>
<font color="aa00aa">thanks pink-d, yup, done everything humanly possible already, so now in God's hands! Muhaha.

The picture of my 3 kinder beunos look really cute. Told my DH, honey, meet your kids. and the nurse burst out laughing.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks Blissful!

I had fun this am trying to guess which one in the waiting room is Nadia. Hope she will come and reveal the mystery!!</font>
Morning all!!!

Adeline : Thanks! Yah my ebbies managed to maintained their grading. But we had standby another straw in case they didn't make it. According to my doc, the grades may not be the same, it really depends.

FET is much lesser stress than the fresh cycle. Depending on whether you are doing natural / medicated.

Natural : ET done based on our natural cycle, usually after own ovulation. But can get cancelled anytime, if lining not optimal. Mine was cancelled due to E2 unstable.

Medicated : I was on lucrin to do the suppression, and subsequently during cycle, doc will give medication to build lining, when lining reach optimal thickness, ET can be proceeded. So in a way more controlled.

iloveshoes : How you feeling? Must rest well over the next few days yah. welcom into 2ww!!!! Don't worry about the grading, as they are only an indication. Now got to be zen and not be stressed about it!

PinkD: *wave wave* How are you?
<font color="aa00aa">tokkie, feeling normal and very peaceful. Very much a miracle given that I am normally anxious and uber adrenaline type =)</font>
happy 2ww!!
How many did you retrieve? 4,3,3 not bad ah. We can decide on the spot if we want 2 or 3 transferred, whether to use govt grant anot ah?

You are forever so bubbly.

how u been? Had ur scan to knw twins or triplets?
<font color="aa00aa">miracle, yup, can decide based on findings from embroyologist! So no worries, they will just work the bill later =) </font>
iloveshoes : Good to hear that you are feeling at peace... thats good!! Me also..heehee... now just rest lots..

But me starting to feeling bored already.. duno how to tahan so many days ahead...
<font color="aa00aa">tokkie,come in here and entertain one another lor!!!

I packed my lunch already now waiting for the right time to attack it. Actually very hungry but figure I should plan an ACTIVITY to help me get the hours away...hahahahaha</font>
iloveshoes : hahaha... I standby liaoz.. yesterday during procedure and accupunture, directed HB to run to bugis junction to get the take home pack from soup spoon. Later just got to pop it in the microwave. Heehee.. My evil hb now calls me jabba the hutt.

yaahh..will come in more often, we can entertain each other... wahahahahaha
shoes: make sure you dun do item 2 - bathe the dog! :p

miracles: Aiyo still cant confirm...but likely its twins?

Tokkie: *wave wave* how have you been?
Have a good and restful 2ww!

twins good. Can close shop after that!!

usually how long do you need to wait to see dr loh given the appt time?
Im still at the scanning.... Duno can in time for my appt at 12pm...
Hi ladies,

a little update of myself... Just came back from scanning... Embroyologist told me, my follicles are in the acceptance range, and required me to go back for another scanning on coming monday.. If the size of the follicles right, i will be doing the pick up on either wed or thurs.. Hmmm... times really flies...

Nadia:- It nice to know you, hows everything? Will we be meeting each other again?

iloveshoes:- u there? hmmm... should say hi to each other.. :p
Just Faith - I wearing more clothes to sleep liao .. haha ...

Ya ya I also feel that if i don't wear bedroom slippers I feel the floor is so cold ...

Mircale - i not sure lei .. the last time i saw dr loh was in jan .... haha...
Elo Sistas......Yipee Yippee......Dooooo......

iloveshoes: You wanna guess which am I..I wore blue la...Wat were u wearing huh?Do take care and rest well during 2ww..Less werk k...Remember preggie with 3 lor...and all of us waiting for ur baby dust..eheheh

Seaview: We r meeting on Monday...but I will be there early again...So if u r early..we can meet liao...My pickup will be Wed, thurs, Fri...so if we pick up same same..we will meet for ER, ET &amp; BFP...ehheeheh ...Really nice meeting and chatting with u...remember the ice cube trick...take care..C u on Monday..

Update on my follicles and lining:
Lining : 8mm
Total Follicles: 20
Follicles: 9 good range - 11mm - 9.5mm
The rest are 8mm
So the dr says all good..3 more 200iu..then monday go 2nd scan liao...

Quite hepi with result..Thanking HIM at the same time..
Yipee!!! Nadia, Good for your sister!!
Exciting ER &amp; ET is drawing near!

Seaview : Good to hear good results from you too!!
tokkie- hi!! how are you feeling? i've been resting all day in bed, except for eating, bathing etc etc..

kitty- hey, how's your 2ww getting along? i just came back from kkivf, went to take blood test for progesterone. have you done it yet?

i dun have any symptoms also leh..nothing at all..so am a bit worried too..no vaginal bleeding, no cramps..nothing..
After another round of scanning next Monday, how many more scanning do u nd to go b4 yr ER &amp; ET?

U taking time off to go for yr scanning ah?
Tokkie: Tanks dear...;-)

Blissful: bear...hehehe...can lah..hehehe...yup one more round of scan on Monday..not sure how many more..but if monday still not k..then i believe tues/wed 1 last scan...

yup for scan me some sort taking time off like that la..pay back later..hehehe....wan to save my leave..

Jia You Jia You Blissful...soon u will join us too...
Hopefulmummy : heehee... quite ok.. but got slight crampy feel on the left side. I'm also resting in bed the whole day. Only time walking is gg to the washroom. Jiayou!!!
Good results nadia !!
Wishing u a smooth process from now till ER &amp; ET date.

So envious .. u guys moving onto ER liao ... I'm all alone!!!!!
Wait for me !!!!!!!!!

hey ladies!!!
I finally see dr loh. He din rush through, in fact i feel very comfy with him. He did a scan for me and commented my ovaries great and have many follicles. Detailed scan result will wait till the report out.

Met sara nurse at kkivf. Love her! She is so adorable! Went thru every details with me. Will be gg down with hb on 27/8 to sign forms n do the necessary BTs.

Dr loh asked me to start ivf using sept cycle. Cos early sept he is not in town if i use aug cycle. It will be better if he is ard.

Feeling more assured now that i've seen dr loh.
