IVF/ICSI Support Group

JJ: u r welcome..dun forget to check ur scan date..chicken essence i haven't buy..still thinking whether to buy or not..dun like the smell or taste...maybe i have to try to drink for whole of next week alternates...still thinking...heheheh..really salute u all who can drink it...I really can't hehheh
<font color="0077aa">grumpus,
thanks thanks. I think I will take herbal soup before starting the treatment. once started, i will just faithfully take chicken essences.

with reference to the timing from JJ and you, looks like by time I'm back in sch will be about 945-10am. For school, it will already be half teaching day gone.
Now that Dr Loh, say take sept AF, I checked, my whole treatment begins in Oct, with puregon at end oct/ early nov, so by then, no issue as students either finish exam or already on holiday. My HOD will definitely let me take morning time off.

if one is not ovulating, it doesn't matter when doing ivf issit? </font>
<font color="aa00aa">ok, told my folks, dad was quiet, mom got overexcited abt triplets possibility until I told her the percentage chance of getting triplets for my case...glad to have gotten it off my chest, very tough for me to keep secrets from my family!</font>
I didn't like the taste also ... didn't drink it ever before ..
But i find the Eu Yang San's chicken ess with wolfberry is quite alright.
Brands one i no like ...
<font color="aa00aa">



6 chicken bone carcases
½ cup water
½ tsp salt


Wash and trim of any fat or skin from the chicken bone carcases. Put the trimmed chicken carcases into a mortar and pound the the bones with a pestle.
Prepare the steaming utensil by putting a small bowl in a ceramic pot. Pile the pounded chicken bones carcases on top of the bowl.and add 1/2 cup of water. Cover the ceramic pot with a lid or seal with a foil. Put the ceramic pot into a stock pot and add enough water to cover half of the ceramic pot. Bring the water to the boil then lower to a simmer for 2 hours. Cool before removing the steamed bones carcases on top of the inverted bowl. Carefully remove the bowl before pouring out the chicken essence broth. Add salt to taste. </font>
<font color="0077aa">JJ
i love chicken essences. Maybe since young, mummy been giving me that.

true lor...sept cycle saves me alot trouble. actually wanted aug cycle, cos by time if really have good news, in time for my daddy's birthday...but looks like i shall save for xmas...hopefully.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">miracle, dun stress yourself so much la, a surprise will be nice for a family member but anytime for a bfP is good too!</font>
I'll stick to bottled retail chicken ess .. cos i can't cook it !!

miracle - I'm sure yr dad will be happy with the news regardless of the occasion ...
Agree with you. I believe it's all fated. I was scheduled for Jul. Then I asked Dr Loh if better to start Aug so that more time to recover from lap. He told me not much difference in my case. Anyway i still opted for Aug. Now heavens plan it my Jul mens totally skipped. So no matter what it'll be Aug. I'll just go ahead with whatever's planned and pray for the best!

A silly question to ask those under Dr Loh...
what do u indicate under the SUBJECT in your email to him? How are we supposed to identify ourselves?
<font color="0077aa">syrah,
your AF is not regular one ah....or only after lap, then become irregular?

for emails to dr loh, usually i will state the subject i want to ask then followed by my name.
Then when signing off, will indicate my full name lor.
If you want, can indicate your ic, in case he wants to check your records...</font>
My AF usually 35-38 days. But sometimes out of the blue (like this cycle), can stretch to 40+. Lap was late May and my June AF reported as per usual as if not affected by the lap. Who knows why this month suddenly haywire. Maybe body trying to react to so many things that I'm pumping in? :p supplements, acup ...

Dr Loh did reply my mail prior to lap. But after lap, he didn't reply those questions I had after lap. Was wondering y leh. Maybe he thinks not impt.
Elo Sistas...Good Morning...

JJ: Eu Yan San chicken ess with wolfberries..hmm..maybe will try that one...

iloveshoes:wow ur parents must be super excited lor...thanks for the recipe..but doubt will do it...take long time to do....lazy ....heheheheu take care n hepi weekend...

ineedmiracle: u welcome..timing will just be rite...no worries..best of luck..

off to accu....Hepi Weekend to all...ECLIPSE...Here I Come...hehehehe
morning morning everyone!!!

I finally can sleep well last night after a good massage. Went ikea gaigai last night, and bought a pink bed table. Haha i knw im still too earli to use. But seeing pink things, i cant resist.....heee

anyway have a great weekend! Feel like eating oysters and sashimi!!!!! *drool*
miracle- morning! wah..so good..go shopping.. i feel like eating sashimi also! but cannot..i miss sushi so much..

btw..i got my progesterone results, it's 53. the nurse said the normal range is above 30..
thats y i must eat now before the treatment.
Progesterone is to measure what? Yesterday went to see nurse sara, then she tell me that my progesterone (d22 BTs) veri low. Then she say i'm not ovulating...
So progesterone is to measuer whether ovulation?
miracle- from what i know its a chemical the body produce during the menstrual cycle and also during pregnancy.. after ET if the blood test shows the body does not have enough progesterone, the doc will have to give additional medication to support the embryos..
Morning all!!!

Nadia : Yah.. EYS wolfberries ones are good. I also dun like the brands ones, find that the smell abit too strong.

Now I'm taking on alt day.

ineedmiracle : Good to hear that you had a gd nite sleep. Ikea bed table is so cheap, I got a blue one before my ET, now using it for everything..wahaha..almost bought the pink one until I found the blue. Love blue

Hopefulmummy : Good to here that your progesterone level is gd. Rest well yah. My test is on Mon.
hello to all the ladies here, been reading this thread for abt 1 mth ... hv decided to crack my voice today ...

miracle: progesterone is a hormone tt is produced after ovulation, usu after ovulation there is a surge in this hormone n it is also the hormone tt will cause yor BBT to rise
hi flowers&amp;fruits
welcome here. Are you also embarking on ivf soon?

Thanks for the info. Hopefully this prosgesterone will not affect the quality of my ivf.... =)
Hi hopefulmummy and Tokkie,

Just called KKIVF for my progesterone bloodtest result. Was told that my level is 428 and anything above 60 is acceptable. Why is my level so high? What does this imply?

Sisters who have BFP, does my high level of progesterone test means that my chances of BFP is higher? So excited now....
miracle: failed my 1st try at ivf in jun, was quite devasted until i found this forum for support ... b gg 4 FET ... but duno when, nt decided yet

i think if prog is low, they will give prog support, dun worry
Progesterone: The follicle from which the egg was released is now called the corpus luteum. It will release progesterone that helps thicken and prepare the uterine lining for implantation. The corpus luteum will produce progesterone for about 12-16 days (during the luteal phase of your cycle.) When the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum will continue to produce progesterone for the developing pregnancy until the placenta takes over around week 10 (when your corpus leuteum degrades). Progesterone is the hormone that helps maintain the pregnancy until birth. Sometimes, the failure of the corpus luteum to adequately support the pregnancy with progesterone can result in an early pregnancy loss. Progesterone also inhibits immune responses, decreases prostaglandins, and prevents the onset of uterine contractions.
hopefulmummy, I'm also confused. Is it because I'm on pregenyl jab and you're not? Thats why for me, need to be above 60 and 30 for yourself? But dun know why my level is so high
Guideline to Progesterone levels during pregnancy:

• 1-28 ng/ml Mid Luteal Phase (Average is over 10 for un-medicated cycles and over 15 with medication use)
• 9-47 ng/ml First trimester
• 17-146 ng/ml Second Trimester
• 49-300 ng/ml Third Trimester
at least u ladies here are so informed, when i wnt 4 my ivf, i blur blur like sotong, duno wat to ask, so i duno my prog level, hcg leve, infact all the blood test i do i oso duno wat level n the nurse oso nv tell me ,,, haha
flowers- wah...you are so knowledgeable..

so that means my level of 53 is still considered acceptable right?

i was nearly going to call kkivf to ask already...

kitty- i'm not sure also. perhaps its really bcos you're on pregnyl jab and i'm not..
i dun think the prog level is any indication of anything, if it is low then more support will be given cos prog is needed to support pregnancy.
wat my dr said is that cos of the lucrin suppression that we do, sometimes our body haven't wake up yet to produce our own prog so that's why we need prog support.
prob some ppls bodies recover faster and can produce their own prog and some just need more support.

even after bfp, usually will be on prog support for the entire 1st tri, for the same reason that the body may not produce enough due to the earlier suppression phase and can lead to early miscarriage.
grumpus- icic.. cos my level and kitty's is so far apart..so was a bit concerned that maybe kkivf overlooked my case or wat..then worse, bcos of overlook, cause my chance to bfp to be gone...hai..so many things to worry about. i won't deny that it can happen, esp when they have so many patients..

flowers- actually i also blur blur go thru the whole process..only after i came here to read then realised don't know alot of things..

which hospital are you with?
hi tokkie- thank for ur info for FET. for raffle, do they monitor ur prog n E2 bloodtest closely? coz for KK they only do prog BT n final BT.
Flowers&amp;fruits: Welcome!!
Yah I know what you mean I was a bit sotong also when I was on my first cycle.

Hopefulmummy : Hahah...me too...only shopping I have you only browsing thru the internet webbies... Getting very tired lying in bed.

Kitty_Chan :Wow!! Your progesterone level is so high!

Adeline : Heehee..anytime, we are all here to support one another.
They only monitor E2 very closely during cycle. Now in 2ww, I will only need to go for 1 BT for E2 &amp; Progesterone on Mon, if everything alright, then final BT the following week.
my dr didn't even monitor prog during 2ww. i was just in prog inserts the whole 2ww plus pregnyl jab.

i'm from raffles too and my dr didn't even do E2 and prog BT during 2ww. after ET next BT is preggie BT already.
flowers- icic..many of the girls here are with him.

grumpus-i'm not on pregnyl jab even..only the inserts..maybe due to my ohss they reckon i dun need it..
Hopefulmummy : usually if your progesterone level is enough, no jab is required. Thats y they do the BT, if insufficient, they usually will then give you the jab.

Grumpus : So during the 2ww you went straight for the pregnyl jab? Coz I have to go for BT first if insufficient, then need to jab, if level ok, no jab required.
yup, during 2ww i was on crinone inserts twice a day and every 3 days i get pregnyl jab, no more pregnyl during the 2nd wk of 2ww.
fixed support, no BT to check level first.
