IVF/ICSI Support Group

Seaview: me will be there ard 7.45am...must say hi to each other k...yup hope all will be well..Do u feel heavier on your lower tummy..especially ur left & right ovaries section..I am walking like granny liao...hehehe

seaview: You have started the cycle? take care and rest well. I am fine except yesterday as suddenly got diarrhea, called Dr and would like to make an appt to see her, just concern about the bb. Hope everything is fine.
gals: im very frustrated. Now my boss says my HL for ivf is not covered. Either tehy have to cut my pay or my leave. Xian man. Before this, they never mentioned anything to me.
Nadia:- haha... your description makes me laugh... ok ok... will look out for u.. Will wear black-shirt, bermudas. hehe.. I dont feel heavier on my lower tummy... but sometimes i feel pain on my lower abdominal (As if my AF coming) is it normal?

live:- I had started my cycle.. today, will be my D6 of puregon jabs.. tomorrow will be going for scanning... Are u with Care or KK?
Lubna:- I dont think so leh... Perhaps you would like to check on the HR guideline..
pink - tat time i start acup during my fresh ivf during end may to june. but nw i will start early b4 my nxt stage.

Nadia- i just fail my ivf last week, will embark FET mayb nov, have to nourish my body condition with tcm med, supplement n accup plus massage hee...
Seaview: me will be wearing blue with head scarf hehehe..i tink i find pple do look at me walking..so slow..tortoise also can win me..hehehe..will keep a look out for u dear..

Hmm i dun have cramps during AF leh..so dun know..but feel heavy like already preggie...hehehe

Lubna: My ofis too the same..they say it's not HL..considered MC ..balance is leave..my boss says can work from home after few days of rest so will save my leave..so at least not so bad..try to talk to your HR..mine so small co..no HR to fight for me..but I will submit my HL and see wat they say when the time comes..

Adeline: ic..u r going to FET...yup nourish ur body dear..and definitely u will succeed..hopefully all of us can BFP this year..;-)
Lubna, Nadia,
most company considered HL, if really stays in hospital. That's also partly the reason I don't want the school to know about it. Hence will just tell them gone for operation, women stuff. then operation can't move mah. hopefully they wont play punk..
ineedmiracle: Ya lor..that's why..but nvm i will see wat they say when they see HL..anyway I will rest for 1 week then work from home..will save my leave that way...;-)

Seaview: k see u too tomolo...;-)
ladies, in this case, i think i will ask for the hand-written HL... Also, dont want others to probe me.. at least, can give the excuse of women stuff (just like miracle)..
they say because the insurance does not cover ivf. then when i told them i also do operation for my fybroids, they want proof saying i did operation. Either way, they dont wish to help me. If they have told me earlier, that it is not covered, i will have come back earlier. When i say i want to work from home, they never encourage me.
jj: thats what i told them. Im not asking the company to pay me but just to cover the days thats all. They say its the same thing. No mood to work already. pour out at my boss, see whether he is able to help me. if not, i have to forgo my balance leave and my salary.
Hope yr boss can help u to fight for yr rights! Yr co is too rigid. Govt is encouraging us to have more kids & yet most co r not very supportive on this.

How r u?
hi shoes!! u sound like yrself today... update us on yr eggs

kkivf called me lei... stage 1 cleared!
they gave the go ahead to start puregon injections this sat.
<font color="0077aa">Suyana
when you have it during school term, did your P or HOD sa anything? because no one will be teaching your class....</font>
<font color="0077aa">JJ
thats great!! you are getting closer to the ER/ET!!!!

did you take any time off in the morning for scans and BTs?</font>
Ineedmiracle, i went for ivf last year n this year. Last year, for my scans it were during term time. I told my vp that I'm doing ivf n needs to do scannng in the morning. Told her not possible to do in the afternoon. I took time off. Was quite rushing coz I'm with Nuh n my sch is in bishan. But managed to come back to sch on time. The person doing relief was quite reliable n kept mum abt my absence. Sch got acrelief to cover me. I did all lesson preparation so the teacher does not even have to think what to teach.
This yr went ivf again. Scan are during June hols. My HL was till week 1 of term 3. I prepared lessons again but this time nobody know abt it. My vp knew coz they wanted me to take a graduating class after the hols so she knows
your sch is really kind to u. I really duno how to inform my p. I've counted, my HL might end up during the EOY, so it wont affect students' learning. But the BTs and scans will be during revision period.
Your hod knws abt it? My hod is not the supportive type, so i might approach my p. Haiz.....
Ineedmiracle, last year my hod knows abt it. I was done with the dept prj so not too bad. My vp is very understanding type as she herself has a toddler. Yes, I can say I'm lucky.
Why not during those revision periods, you give your pupils workshhet to occupy their time. At least it's not considered wasting the kids time. You prepare things for them to do at least sch knows you are responsible. Last year I forwarded my lesson I planned for the relief to my RO. Again showing that I m still working :) hope all willgo well
nadia - u already used up 3.5 tubes of the puregon right ? did u throw the empty tubes away ??

got left over in the tubes ?
I saw the price for the 4 tubes of puregon = $800+ OMG ! luckily for medisave
JJ: My Puregon is 200iu which half of each bottle...1 bottle for 2 days...Urs in 250iu is it?

Yup it's 800+..luckily medisave kicks in...heheh
nope .. mine is also 200iu. will have balance of 200iu left ..
My nxt scan is on 30 Jul (Sat), so if still not enough for the week of 2 aug need to go down alt day for scans.
Jj, most likely there's leftover in tubes. I used gonalf. My dosage was 150units. Each pen there was 300units. If I'm nit wrong, I used 3 or 4 pens. I can't remember. When I brought back to Nuh, nurses managed to give me 3 syringes if 150units, with another bit more. Can you imagine the savings :).
JJ: oic...u mean on the day of scan will have balance of 200iu..Nurse ask me to bring it when I go scan tomolo leh...did the nurse tell u to bring during ur scan on 30/7/10
hi gals,
i jus book counseling session with sgh care in 1st week aug for ivf... after the session will go for all the blood tests in my next cycle in aug... the sept can start lucrin jab liao...
nadia:- hmmm... ok ok..
wanted to give them a call.. but is too late liao.... but nevermind, if they want it, will give to them on my next scan.. thx
Hi all!!

I'm back from ET! Thank God! My frosties managed to survived the thaw well and remained at Grade 1-2. Transferred a 3 cell, 4 cell &amp; 5 Cell. So now in 2ww!

Iloveshoes : How you feeling? All the best for your ET tomorrow.

JJ : Congrats to be moving to stage 2. You are getting closer to ER &amp; ET!

Nadia / Seaview : If not wrong, tml u gals will be gg for your scan. All the best! Hope ur follicles are growing well!!

Hopefulmummy / Kitty_chan : *wave*wave* How u gals feeling? Rest well ya!! Jiayou!

Claire : *wave*wave* Hi Hi!!! All the best for your coming IVF ya!
hi tokkie: wow u have done ur ET..now in 2ww..rest well...hope to hear ur BFP soon...u trfed 3 huh...Wow...

Thanks for the wishes..yup hopefully follicle will grow well...now tummy look so round and like preggie..even hubbie commented...Thanks dear..U take care...;-)

U mention abt the grading of ur frosties...hmm Grade 1 &amp; 2 is the best rite? Haven't read up about the grading yet nor abt the cells..so still blur...hehehe
Nadia : heehee.. yah trfed 3 coz we want to maximise our chances.

Sounds like you are bloated. If possible, try to take some cranberry juice, but try to take it cold maybe room temp. It helps. I used to alternate cranberry juice and protein shake.

Yah. For raffles grade 1 is the best. But it depends on the hospital, coz if Im not wrong, KKH is Grade 5 is the best. Its just an indication of how well the cell of the embryos has split. Whether they have lots of fragments. The more fragments it is the lower the grade will be. But don't worry too much, coz from what I understand there are also ppl who BFP with average grade.

Keep us updated after your scan ya? heehee...
tokkie: ic...thanks for the information...for now I am not worried on the grading..just hope my follicles r growing..acually tummy is bog but i don't feel bloaded lei..but I drink Immunocal 2x a day....do feel heavier at below my abdomen near the ovaries...

Just wondering is it I dun know how bloated feels..hmm...Strange hehehe

Cranberry I can't take..will cause tummy to be sensitive...then me will stay in toilet...heheheh

Yup will update on my scan tomolo...Good no. of eggs u have..hope all 3 will grow beautifully..;-)

Thanks again for the info dear...
Hi Tokkie,

Wow so fast...u're joining us for the 2WW now.

Has been closed to a week since my ET, but dont seems to have any symptoms. Feeling kind of worried. Hopefulmummy, how about you?
Nadia : welcome dear!
You rest well today and all the best for your scan again!

Kitty_chan : heehee...finally...my last 2ww was 1 year ago.. so hope this time will be good news. Gg for my E2 and progesterone test on Mon. So hopefully all will be gd.

Yours a D2 transfer? According to my TCM just now, implantation should be ard 6-7 days after that. Coz she was counting for me just now. Try to relax and not try to look into the symptoms. As according to some of the seniors here, some will not have any symptoms. Try to relax and rest well.
thanks Nadia
thanks tokkie

hi JJ... =)

hi kitty, hi hopefulmummy,
hope ur will bfp real soon... together with tokkie can upgrade to mummy 2011 forum liao... =)
Nadia/JJ:- to play safe, i think i will bring it tomorrow lah... now making ice-cubes..

Tokkie:- thanks for the well wishes... All the best to you!
