IVF/ICSI Support Group

ineedmiracle: if ur AF is mthly I tink ur Lucrin will start on D21...mine started on D16 due to microgynon...hope Sistas can help in this..I did noe a sista who did inject Lucrin for 23 days...can't remember who though...cos based on the IVF schedule Lucrin is to be injected for 2-3weeks before Puregon starts...
tzac: that's wat i ask the nurse..they say can..it's normal..so u can imagine..the mess...luckily mine didn't stain the white paper sheet though...but it was really uncomfortable...i find it gross...sorry for the details...cos mine even on D4..i am on heavy flow..argh....
miracle, ya .. no choice. Just don't want to take any chances. Yes 500 will do. Thanks so much dear! I'll pass you the money when I meet u. =)

Nadia, thanks .. its ok. I'll just order from miracle.
ineedmiracle : I was on lucrin for 22 days, though mine is FET. But think it should be for similar effect.

Tzac : Scan can be done when having AF. Thats where usually the doc can see the no. of follicles that is starting to grown, and see the lining already. Its ok, not too messy..
Elmoline, if u think its good, then should contnnue with ur current TCM. I think I'll try Dr Zou first. Hopefully I can endure the needles. Sounds like its quite painful but I think its worth a try.
remembered the ivf calender website you used? Was it accurate for you? If yes, then i base on that to calculate the jabs. So at least i more or less can knw where my 2ww will be.

okie so cfm. Will order 500tabs @ $78.80

you pm me to cfm. So that i can let my friend know by tmr morning.

i remembered my 1st visit to kkh, then dr hendricks oso check me when i having AF d4. But my flow usually heavy on d2 and 3 and after tat will be nutting much and clears by d5... I feel weird when she check, haha... The gynaes really brave..
tink shld be the same. Haha and i always thought lucrin 14 days oni... Hee

im not sure. Gnc selling 90 capsules at $34+ if member. Can take 1-3 capsules. I couldnt find much info abt it. Nadia took both... Can ask her.

Acupuncture shld be relaxing. If you're all tensed and stressed up, it defeats the entire purpose of it. Dr Zou will adjust any needles that are uncomfortable for you. The electrical current can also be adjusted to your comfort level. You can even doze off actually.

Btw, it's 20 mins front and 20 mins back.
ineedmiracle : I ask the the nurse the other time, after I jab for more than 2 weeks, and she did mentioned that the norm is usually 3 weeks, usually depending on how well the hormones had been suppressed.
Syrah: I eat Spirulina before breakfast in the morning...GNC one is 1.5hrs before meal..

Adeline: ic...mine is 2x a week...so this sat 1 more seesion..if i know my et date on Friday..then have to go everyday next week...;-)

Hai..suppose to chub Puregon on right..i go chup Lucrin on right..hai tink so sleepy liao...wat's done is done..tomolo another day of chub chub...hahaah...gd nites sistas...
syrah, still got electrical current? I thought its just needles. Ok, will try to relax myself abit.
.. I can't go before 5pm on weekdays since I knock off at 6 ... maybe I'll take half day some of the sessions.
U usually go at what time?

Adeline, ok. So in total, the whole session plus waiting time will be about 2 hrs I guess?

yes, that's electrical current. I had a shock myself the 1st time I was there too. I asked Dr Zou y come acup use elec and some don't. She said that elec is better stimulation. If the doc doesn't invest in the elec machine, then every 10mins have to twist and adjust the needle for stimulation.

I go down every Mon 4pm and Thur 11am. My work not office hours and hence such timing. Used to be Thur aft/evening but realised Thur is super busy day. So switched to mornings.
syrah, oh I see. Yes, I'm shocked about the electrical current thingy. You're at stimulation stage now? How come need to go twice a week? Thought its once a week? Sorry for asking so many qns :p
Adeline, I salute you girls who can go there despite not affecting our work.
I definitely cannot go in the morning. I'll prolly take half day or so.
miracle - the ivf calender quite accurate up to start of lucrin stage.
Then the days will differ abt 1-2 days.
like my af during lucrin stage is 17 jul, date stated as 20 jul.
Puregon inject start 21 jul, but in fact 24 Jul then will know if should start puregon.

all the dates will change if they increase or decrease the lurcin / puregon jabs. also have to factor in if not stimulate enough then got extra days added in...

only will know ER & ET only around puregon stage (towards the last few days)
pink, mayb u try to book their earliest slot for the weekend so no need to wait very long. i like to b her 1st patient early in the morning.

No I'm only starting with Aug mens. But like what Adeline says, Dr Zou recommends 2x a week. I heard some gals closer to ER/ET go down everyday.
pm me if you want to order the elken spirulina. Will be informing my fren later in the monring.

got your pm.

i realise they counted the next AF during lucrin as 34 days. My cycle abt there, so hopefully accurate for me. Will go work out the days. You are not on microgynon so your lucrin starts on d21?
Gd Morning Sistas...Rainy Day..Nice to zzz...How I wish I am home..heeheheh

Pink: Yup that's wat the nurse and Sistas told me here..so if today Puregon on Left, Lucrin on Right, the next day will the vice versa..;-)

ineedmiracle: Like wat JJ..+/- alittle here and there...that's the same thing for me when i use the calculator...ur timing will just be right..dun worry dear..;-)

Adeline: u r at which stage now dear?

wonder where is iloveshoes..tink she's resting..hope she is doing well..
miracle - ya D21 start lucrin. I wasn't on the pill.

Nadia - boo boo Sia... I was so concentrated on coming here for scan that I forgot to bring my BT forms etc.. ahhh!!! luckily the sonography lady, ms may, made a whole new set for me.

so forgetful me...

anyway my lining is ok, 3mm (must be under 8mm) so tentative clearance to start stage 2 this sat. just have to wait for BT results to confirm.
Thanks. However I think I'll just buy the GNC one first to try.

Not exactly. Was already on some basic suppl all along. But those specific ones like CoQ10 and acup only started in June. They say that suppl best to take for 3 months to be effective though. So hopefully not too late.

Btw ladies, can I have the link to the calculator again? Can't find it in the previous posts.
Morning all!!

Mel : Yah, its later in the afternoon. Thanks!

Im also thinking of iloveshoes. Haven't seen her in the thread yesterday. Hope she is doing well, if not wrong her ET is tomorrow.
Morning to all sistas,

Have not log in for 2 days... Is everybody alright!

iloveshoes:- are you fine? Must rest well during this period..

Nadia:- time flies... today will be our 6days of puregon jabs...

Clercler:- is ok.. just shared with us when you get the recipe from your god ma..

JJ:- Congrats for starting your stage 2..

Live:- how are you?
miracle - I'm done!
came at 8.20am now leaving at 9.30am.
did v. scan, 3tubes blood, collect puregon, taught how to inject.
JJ: hehhe...nvm at least u got a replacement form..not so bad after all...good soon u will start Stage 2 liao...hepi for u...

Seaview: Yes time flies alreadi D6 liao...tomolo our scan..wat time will u be there dear?

Thanks Seaview. It's not the due date but the sample process one that I need. But it's on the same website. Thanks thanks.
Seaview: Ya hope it doesn't rain..heard the China Storm coming to Singapore..dun know how badly it will be affected here...
ya... I didn't even have time to surf Internet .. everytime I took out my phone they called my name.

ya I am on D6 of af, very little bits of brown discharge
