IVF/ICSI Support Group

JJ : don't worry! your turn will come soon!!!


Dr Loh will not be around early sept? But even if u use aug cycle won't the ER and ET only be end Sept/ early Oct? Is there a need to see him before that in early sept? Confuse and worried now cos I'm starting with aug cycle.
girls: my boss can help me fight for my HL. I feel its unfair. Government encourage us to have babies but why my company dont see that. No choice now, have to deduct some from my leave and pay the rest. I feel this year, my money keep coming out. Sigh....
i actually have the same thought as you. But decided not to question him bah.
If cycle 35 days, sept shld be lucrin and puregon. ER is week 1 of oct.
Mayb he worried if my cycle comes earlier? Then er will be brought forward?
Or maybe he knws i get worried very easily. And will email him? Hee...

Well... A least now i dun have to worry aug or sept cycle, i always believe God has plans for everyone, so now asked to start sept, means i have more time to 'tiao' my body.
Lubna: Dun be disheartened...Hopefully ur boss can help u..if can't ..then nvm dear..Just remember money we can somehow earn...Just take good care of urself..Sometimes no matter how govt encourage things..they dun enforce..so we as employees r always at a losing end...Dun worry all will be fine..U take care..Cheer up..
;-)..Giving u a very BIG BEAR HUGzz..HUGGzz..
today i was asking nurse sara about HL. She advised me not to tell boss that it is ivf. Cos many company wont accept the HL as it is more on a personal thing.

She did mention a few reason i can give. Can't recall now. Hee... But think i will ask her for some reasons to gv to my hod and P.

once you are done, i will be alone...

yeah... Hope all be smooth... Looking forward to your bfp!!!
Ladies:- just wake up from a nap,, hehe

tokkie / Blissful:- thanks!

Nadia:- hmmm.. that will be great!
We can be there supporting each other, and kill times while waiting... ok.. will remember the ice-cube trick.. haha... Oh! Will you still be jabbing in the night for this few days? Cos, earlier i told the Embroyologist that I jabbed during night times, and he suggests that I should jabbed in the morning from tommorrow onwards.
ineedmiracle: Thanks dear...Dunworry we sistas will still be here to support u..and u will ur own new cycle buddy by then ...;-)

Seaview: yup I will continue to the jab..still got 3 days...hmm i nvr mentioned mine is night jab though..must jab in the morning huh..argh..k me call the KKIVF and confirmed..hehehe..thanks for the info..Yup will be great to have a buddy to support and kill the time..heheheh...Fun Fun...;-)
Seaview: Just call the KKIVF..she say can continue with the nite jab leh..so i will continue lor..hmm if morning jab...then will do on sat & sun..today will still be nite...hmm..did he says why must do morning..?
Nadia: sorry, actually my boss cant help me.

ineedmiracle: thats what im experiencing now. In the first place, i did not want to tell them its for ivf but they alreday know abt it from my boss when my boss ask them to look for temp staff for me. Eventhough if i lie them im doing operation, they will still need some proof.
Nadia:- Would it be the preggy jab, as u mentioned earlier that Lucrin will be 8am and and the preggy jab will be on 8pm? hmmm... I also never ask clearly.. *sigh*
Seaview: hmm pregnyl shot I dun think they will advise now leh...

Sistas can u help in this..r we required to jab Puregon in the morning before our 2nd scan...Abit confusing liao...hehehe
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia/Seaview, better call nurse yourself to determine which shots to take la. Dun guesstimate.

Nadia - I'm the pretty one of course!!! Need to ask one meh? Oh ok, I saw you and your DH, arrived about 7:45am right?</font>
iloveshoes: pretty one...argh..now which one..can i say all pretty...heheeheh...oh u saw me huh...now which one is u..ermm..u wore the flower dress one huh?
iloveshoes: oh yes u look pretty...hehhee...no chance to say Hi to you personally..hehehe..u take care..remember rest well hor...

i have check with the nurse abt the jab..she say can continue at nite..i continue at nite la..anyway Monday I got no more Puregon left..hehehe
<font color="aa00aa">nadia -- tee hee hee dun like that say leh *blush* saw you and your Dh very loving, sweet.
Sister how?

oh good, now your mystery is solved!</font>
iloveshoes: heheh...sweet huh..tank tank u...hehehe..go home must tell hubbie...

Sister today went D&amp;C..baby still no heartbeat and has shrink...

I had to go for marathon run today at KKH just now in the morning..hers and mine clash...she is at Clinic D..wanted so much to see her..but my mum was with her..I didn't tell my mum abt IVF cos just dun wan to worry her so much...nearly bump into each other...i'm gonna see her tomolo...so far she's k..she will be back home in couple hours time...thanks for asking..

felt bad actually didn't see my Sis..but no choice...have to do it..it's the best for my mum..Cannot worry her too much..
ineedmiracle, you can just say you are going for some women surgery. If they ask, i think you can just say it is personal. To me, they dong have the right to know the op you are going when you already says its women surgery.
iloveshoes: thanks dear..i do hope so too...mum says sometimes she sit and cry for no reason..it's hard for her..cos they plan to have baby after 1 yr of marriage..and thot everything will be k once +ve..nvr knew this will happen...but we family r strong for her...hope she will just move on...of cos it's not someting to forget..but it's already fated lor..
Nadia, hope your sis will get on fine after this. It is not easy to go through after a miscarriage. The pain is something hard to describe. It is more of the emotional pain that she had to endure. I will say I had no physical pain last year just emotionally pain.
<font color="aa00aa">seaview, I prefer to do my jabs at night too. I read that sometimes its easier to do night shots cos can sleep through the side effects.</font>
Su yana: very true...thanks...nvr easy gg tru one...feel like a part of us is lost...she is sitll young..she will definitely conceive again...soon...

iloveshoes &amp; seaview: me like nite jabs too..cos after that sleep like a log..hahahah
Wahaha.. I LOL when I saw your reply to Nadia.. Its quite funny.. Keke..

Oh my.. Your sis so poor thing. Guess it take time to heal.. But encourage her, she'll def conceive again soon...

So your Puregon finishing on Mon, and u are starting on ER soon huh? Good luck ya.. May you have big, beautiful eggs and lots of them for collection..
Tickles: Elo..nice to hear from u...Tank u so much...Yes time will heal for my sis...Definitely she will have load of encouragement from me...

Yup Puregon finish on Sun..Monday 2nd scan...then will see how it goes from there..time really flies...Thanks so much...hopefully my eggs will grow BIG BIG and beautiful too...hehehe..Tanks..

How r u doing by the way?

iloveshoes...is very very cute...she's really a doll to us...make us laugh...hehehe
<font color="aa00aa">aiya...u all dun like that say me, I shy shy one u know....

any cool plans for this weekend? better cheong before 2ww!</font>
iloveshoes: u r our colourful Sista leh..hehehe...ur 2ww start already rite...got still before meh...hehehehe

Seaview: Not forgetting to you too..Hope all us will BFP together....we just Jia You Jia You together..and talk to ur babies to encourage them to stay with us..heheheh
iloveshoes:- nice word "cheong" is used... Erm... perhaps going for some shopping on monday, after the 2nd scan.. keke.. Wanted to say hi to you like Nadia, but miss the chance..
iloveshoes: me huh...sorry i tink i blur liao...hahahah...

tomolo gonna watch movie with bestie and my god children..but still got accu to go..heheh...Eclipse here I come..my long awaited movie to see..hehehehe..Outing tomolo...Full activity..will be fun..I like..
yup gg to her tomolo..miss her huh..u can still drop by after ur 2ww..and say Hi..Me BFP liao...Yippeee...yippee...Dr Zou will definitely be thrilled to hear good good news...i tink I will miss gg AMK too during my 2ww..every week go mah..
<font color="aa00aa">I think she will call to check on her patients, she wrote on her desktop calander her IVF patients BT</font>
oh is it...hmm will she call me too..heheh..we communicate very little..she tries hard..but sometimes i also pity her trying to translate to me...heheh
<font color="aa00aa">think i need to break the news to my folks tonight, else they will wonder why their normally adrenaline rushed daughter lie on bed so guai...lol</font>
Wahaha! So cute lor u... Oh, u wont miss her for long, she will call u towards the end of your 2ww and ask abt your symptoms etc.. Keke.. You'll hear her voice soon..

I miss the rojak at the coffeeshop at her shop there. I rem I ate there everytime I go for my acu.. Keke..

Me arh.. Considered quite ok lately. Spotting lesser le. But I do still wear panty liner everyday, cos at times will still have bits coming out.. I'm gg for my detailed scan next sat already. Kinda excited..

You jia you ok.. Babydust to you..
iloveshoes: I know she is nice...i don't understand mandarin that well..heheheh

Tickles: Gd...now lesser spotting...hope it will go away..and everything will smooth after that...hmm detailed scan...wow so exciting...hope all goes well dear...do u know whether boy or gal?

Thanks for the baby dust...grabbing it so closely to me...;-) Ya toking abt the mama stall..i will miss the nasi goreng and rojak too....
oh yes iloveshoes... ur parents will be so hepi....u rest well k...dun forget to give ur colours from time to time here...
ladies, pregnant cannot take dang gui, but before conceiving, before the start of the icf treatment, we still can take right?

Please advise....
i think is ok to take before start of treatment. but once start all the jabs etc better dun take already.

ineedmiracle: suppose to update on the scan timing...reach there ard 7.45am...scan finish ard 8.10am...wait for the dr ard 8.30am..everything finish by 9am with the collection of Puregon at Pharmacy..nearly forgot to update u..
