IVF/ICSI Support Group

? so each of us pay $333.33 to deliveryman ? thot its $100 or less per person.

so each of us pay $100 to deliveryman?
<font color="0077aa">JJ
er...how many are you all ordering?
I'm not sure if they deliver 1 box per person.
Mayb you check with them?

The last time we ordered 10 boxes, so free 1 box.
So the price ($333.33) is $1000/3 people.
Then they deliver 3 boxes + 20 packets each.
And this will means 1 box about $90.90</font>
oh so 3 boxes each... I actually don't need 3 boxes lei...
I only need 1 more box. who else want the other 2 boxes ?
<font color="0077aa">Anyone ladies want to share Immunocal?
The company will deliver to 3 address, meaning delivers 3 boxes + 20 packets per address

3 boxes + 20 packets = $333.33 (1 box of 30 = $90.90)
ineedmiracle: i only need abt 2 boxes 1st...anyone wan to share Immunocal..then we add to 10 boxes..it will be good that way....
Nadia I pair up with u la... I need 1 box u need 2 boxes. can deliver to either of our hse then I meet u la... I also stay near to eas side
JJ: k la...me too stay east..can deliver to mine or urs..no problem...we meet and pass..so anyone else wan to share Immunocal...got 3 more boxes for grabs..
<font color="0077aa">Nadia + JJ = 3 boxes + 20 packets = $333.33

ineedmiracle = 3 boxes + 20 packets = $333.33 (Anyone staying in SK wanna share 1 box?)

????? = 3 boxes + 20 packets = $333.33

We need 1 more takers. Anyone?</font>
great! We can share. Now waiting for someone to take the last 3 boxes +20 pack set.

what happen to u?
Tonight im feeling weird too... Just cant slp, veri pek chek
miracle, you can take the 3 boxes first. Then I come to ur house downstair to collect from u.

iloveshoes, are you ok? feeling emotional cuz tmr need to go back to work? :p
anyone the 3rd set of immunocal (3boxes + 20 sachets @ $333.33) ?

I can't order if the 3rd set isn't confirmed
I don't mind ordering the 3rd set of Immunocal.
That means I will get 110 sachets for $333.33?
Will I get a shaker too?
Will be delivered to my address right?
yeah 110 sachets at 333.33
deliver to ur place.
After JJ ordered, she will inform us, then u just need to give them a call to inform delivery date and address. Then u pay them when they deliver to u.

can can.. When deliver le, will inform u.
ok so all 3 sets are confirmed. I will call later.
pinkM can u pm me yr hp? then I will sms u when to call the shop to provide yr add n deliver timing. I think there should be a shaker I will ask...

I just need nadia hp too...

miracle u coordinate with pinkF on yr side...
Good morning to all

JJ: I pm u alreadi...Thanks dear..Ur scan is on when?

iloveshoes: glad u r feeling better..u trigger shot is today is it? Take care...Wednesday will come very fast..hmm ur ER will be on Friday is it? If Friday..maybe we might bounce to each other..hehehe
hopefulmummy, sorry to hear about your OHSS. Hope you're feeling better now.

Sisters who have BFP, can I still take half-boiled eggs during 2WW? And also, besides Brazil nuts, what diet should I take to improve the chances of BFP?

I did my ET on Sat, so is today consider D3 or D2? When is the earliest I can test?
Nadia - my scan this thurs.

Shoes - good luck for yr ER &amp; ET !! don't sound so sian lei ... journey is abt to end liao ... good beginnings are coming !!

Mircale - Paging for mircale .. in case u come here, pls check yr hp &amp; call back to ms lena to give her yr add ... left u only ... then order can go out by tomor ...
JJ: oic on thurs...Best of Luck..by Saturday u can start Puregon liao...

Ya iloveshoes..good beginnings coming..coming...Yippee...
iloveshoes: y no mood to werk liao is it? Cheer up gal..Always love ur bubbliness...Keeping our spirit up lei with u ard..heheheh
<font color="0077aa">JJ, Nadia
I called le.
Thanks for coordinating JJ...

PM me your contact number.
Our delivery will be this saturday before 12noon.
Let me know when you wanna get from me. =)</font>
okie - everyone's order sorted... the lady said that a shaker cup will come with each delivery so pinkF &amp; miracles u 2 coordinate hor...

pinkM - u should get a shaker too ...

This ms lena friendly &amp; i mentioned i'm forum girls .. she was like hor ... forum gers ... think she knows all of us know of their coy thru the forum
pinkf: do you experience cramp at your right abdomen after your AF comes? Mine got poking pain until at my pelvic area. its on and off.
dear ladies,
need you advise.

Initially i plan to start ivf using sept cycle. According to my cycle, i will start lucrin in oct, and 2ww will be in nov. Then if bfp, i left dec to rest. If touchwood bfn, 1 mth recover.

But dh suggests aug cycle, so jabs will start week 1 of sept, 2ww will be ard week 1 oct. Then if bfp, 1trimester, i have nov, dec to rest, if bfn... Then sian lor...

Hope you all can advise
so happy for you!!!
I wan baby dusts!!!! Gime gime!!!
Now u need be a good gal to be more careful and wait for heartbeat!!
Can share wat supplement u take?
Hi ladies, I like to check whether do we need to take any blood test or do any scan during lurin stage? What about puregon stage? Do we do scan on cd6 like in so-iui? How long did you take to proceed ER?
