IVF/ICSI Support Group

miracle- i'm taking egg whites..eat until want to vomit...yikes... but if it eases the bloating, i will still eat.. thanks for offering immunocal..think i will give it a miss..each day i'm like eating so many things.. medication, egg white, ensure, my mum comes over to cook for me and make bird nest for me..she said bird nest got lots of protein?

pinkD- drinking alot of water already..until every 15 mins i have to go toilet..keep getting up and down the bed..my mum see already very worried...hehe..she say dun move so much..but bobian..urgent..

Nadia- you are rite.. i just want to give it a shot, even if it does put me in a precarious position of complications..

clercler: Today is d13? Shd be quite accurate...use clearblue coz its 99% accurate?
I did my HPT on D11 and went to the clinic on D13 for BT

Good luck dear!

Yes the peeing would help so dun worry ok?
Keep the protein up. However if discomfort persist pls call the clinic for help!
<font color="aa00aa">hopeful mommy, why did doc say blastocyst hs 0 success rates? in other labs, blastocysts that survive normally have high chance of success. A little queer.

Since you already did the ET, then try not to dissect too much about what happened etc. Try to look forward and be positive.

As for the mild OHSS, do try Immanocal, get someone to go to FUng &amp; Goh to collect for you and take it. I do see a difference the day after I take it.

Adeline - will a private facility like CARE take transfer embroyos? Just curious
me no hurry, what i have can last 1-2mths cos sometimes forget to drink. Hee....
Make sure you stock some for 2ww in case bloating. But now u stimulation le... Think 30 packets shld be okie lah.
Pink Destiny-- Today is my 16th day after ET. I just tested BFP! But still would dare to have too high hope until BT tomorr. Oh gosh, I am cryinh now. Can't believe it. Too good to be true.
iloveshoes- the doc said the embryos sometimes cant survive in the lab by the time its day 5..

clercler- congrats.. its such a joyful feeling to see the BFP..hehe
wah got luxury to have bird nest. yeah! you will get through it smoothly and bfp. =)

go try lor.. Since tml bt, means today shld be quite accurate. Bfp bfp bfp!!
Dear iloveshoes, pink-D, THANKS!!! THANKS!!!

Will update you once I get the BT results tomorr. Still can't believe.
Dear all, Thank you for all the well wishes.

I quite old already :) In the late 30s. So quite concerned if IVF failed. I had one unsuccessful SOIUI. Have been seeing Chinese sinseh for 3 years almost weekly. Drinking the horrible medicine. Changed 3 sinsehs before finally decided to go for IVF. Thank God.
Thanks all. Once tomorr BT is confirmed, I will come to spread all the baby dust in this forum. Every time, when someone spreaded baby dust in this forum, I will tell myself to make sure I catch all the single bits, haha. Guess it helps :)

ineedmiracle-- Yes, I am with KKIVF.
<font color="aa00aa">just read that Isabelle Li gave bith to twin boys..nowadays when I see multiples, sure to question in my head...ART or not? </font>
with dr sf loh?
Yeah another with kkivf. Feels so encouraged. Tmr i will come in and catch the baby dusts.

As usual, now your turn to share the things you eat before and during this ivf. I'm sure many sistas here want to knw how each bfp sista succeed.

Bfp++++ so happy for u...
clercler: Congrats..Congrats dear....;-)

ineedmiracle: Ya hopefully enuff..cos if i drink 3 packets a day..it will last me for 10 days only...hmm...maybe I can drop by OG and buy...The OG is at where one? Orchard is it?
ineedmiracle-- Yes, I am with Dr SF Soh. He is v busy. Always have to wait for a long time to see him. And every time, guess he is so popular that he will be away for delivery so have to wait for him even longer than the scheduled time. He does not seem to beleive in TCM. Told him that I have been to TCM and he gave not very good response but can't remember what he said. Have you seen him before?
never keep tabs lah. Previously seems many bfp frm care... Now so happy to hear from kkivf mah.

now you taking 3 a day? Wah!!! But good..hope u have many many quality eggs.
Nt sure which OG. Must ask jj.
my first appt with him is this coming fri to review my bloodtests of d2 &amp; d22. Yah heard he busy man, so im prepared to bring some readings while waiting for him lor,

did he recommend any supplements to u? Is this ur first ivf with him?
ladies, i'm having a bout of diahorrea, is it normal? will it affect my embryos? cos my womb feels like the muscles are all constricted..so scared the embryos will be purged out..
ineedmiracle: oh ya..JJ hor..will ask when she log in to the forum....My stomach feel better after taking Immunocal..so must take 3 times a day at least...1 morning &amp; 1 afternoon and 1 nite..Thanks dear...

Going to zzz again..very sleepy...hheheheh nice.sunday afternoon..
hopefulmummy-- sorry can't help you but I remember somebody writing in the forum before that do not over exert yourself. Take care.

ineedmiracle-- yes, my 1st ivf. Previously had one SOIUI about 1 year plus ago with him but failed. He did not recommend any supplements.

Need to go zzz now. Hope to share good news with you tomorr. See you.
Nadia - I bought from Chinatown OG, think albert complex OG also got sell ... Orchard OG closed down lei ... replaced by courts ...

If interested we 2 can get 1 more sister to make up 3 to get the immunocal together
Yup - I wanna order more immunocal. who interested to share with nadia n me.

Nadia - u ok to share with me ?
so sorry to hear abt yr OHSS, but seems like u're already doing everything right. lot of water, high protein - ensure, egg whites and bird's nest.
just hang in there and rest well. dun worry too much abt yr embbies, they won't just 'fall out'
if it gets really bad, ASK for the albumin drip.

i wasn't diagnosed with OHSS but my bloating and discomfort subsided abt a wk after ET. hopefully yr's will too.

one way to monitor if yr OHSS is getting worse is to weigh yrself and measure yr waistline everyday. in very bad cases yr weight and waistline literally increase everyday.

just to share with u that i have a friend from kkivf who got very bad OHSS. she didn't even know wat it is cos nobody explained to her before, she just know she was so uncomfortable until one day she cannot tahan already she went back to kkivf and they told her she have OHSS. she was warded into hospital for abt 3-4 days. She put on 1kg a day due to bloating and fluid was leaking out from dunno where to where.

eventually she was discharged. she tested BFP and now confirm it is twins.
sistas in kkivf,
if my af d1 comes on 17/8,
my signing of ivf forms on 27/8,
d21 of AF falls on 7/9
can i actually start my lucrin jab on 7/9 and inform the kkivf on 27/8 that i wan to start ivf?

Those taking the medication b4 lucrin, do you take it starting from d1 of AF?
pink d,
i dun kneel cos later on when tummy big also quite difficult to get up and down. if i'm attending mass outside i just continue to stand, if i'm inside i will play cheat and sit down. but i dun sit down fully, i sort of perch on the edge of the seat if u know wat i mean.
JJ: I dun mind sharing..Tank u Tank u..
By then ur AF shld be k mah..Mine was D4 lei..Argh...After scan quickly I went to toilet to clean again...Can't take it..cos during that time was still alot..

Oh OG Orchard closed down huh..So embrassing I didn't know..nvr go Orchard for so long liao...:p

Ineedmiracle: Lucrin will start from D16...from AF...

Sistas: Can I check something..do any of u feel like stomach has lots of gas or constant feeling of hunger during Puregon? I am having it since yesterday..on and off..Is this normal?Tanks
ok can so 3 of us (miracle, nadia &amp; me)
erm... how to go abt ordering huh?

I can order now to stock up. plus Nadia needs it's too cos going to be her 2ww soon.
miracle, for my case, once AF reports, I will have to call NUH. They will calculate 21 days and fixed the appt for u to collect ur lucrin which in this case 7/9.
Hi tokkie, ya. I starting to take metformin.

Hi pink-destiny, I will.

today I went to see TCM and the TCM say must tiao until my body is good...and AF accurate... dunno when...

gynae also ask me to take a bit of time...

Hi pink martini,
I think depends on individual condition bah. My gynae recommend me to do monitored cycle for the FET.

Hi pink, I think mega men help...;)
<font color="0077aa">JJ
if you don't mind, you can call and order? Cos tml I'm having a long day, and meeting after that, so worried I will forget. The number to call, can get from the website.

You call them (Ms Lena), tell her you are sharing with another 2 ladies so total amount to be paid to them is S$333.33.
Just let her know it will be 3 boxes + 20 packets per person. They will pack for us.
Then once you've called them and order, just let us know, Nadia and I just need to call them to confirm our address. Only when 3 of us call to confirm, then they will deliver.
Payment can be via cash or chq.


ok so I will call tomor to place order.
the total amt to be paid by one of us la...
so who want to collate ? : )

can u 2 gers give me yr hp's thru my PM so I can SMS u gers once I've placed order
