IVF/ICSI Support Group


Some clinics suggests to store sperm sample as back up --in case on the day of ER your husband cannot produce any sperm they can use the back up-- but preferrable is fresh sperm.
popy, sesame oil,
I tot so fresh sperm is the best! But I oso paranoid tat he suddenly fall sick on ER day. *Touch wood* Tat y besides taking care of myself, I oso 've to watch over my DH diet. Make him take supplement daily!

Dr Zou suggestion not bad...like wat CARE is doing hor. Wonder KK oso does the same thing????
blissful, I am the same as you. Not only taking care of ourselves and also our hubbies.

If you really have this worry, let the nurse know and store before Stim would be the best. Cos sperms also need time to produce new and good ones again.
hi ilove shoes.. i not guai..i tested on d14, then on d15 again...hee

clercler.. i went to kkivf 0n D18 but nvr see dr only do beta HCG BT in the morning.. Et is considered D2 at kkivf.... i collected my medicine in the afternnon(progesterone pills = duphaston and folic 5mg).. my next visit to see dr was 2 weeks later which is on 27th July... in my week 6 ba...

actually private hospital observe u more closely compared with govt hospital...

Hi grumpus... how r u? like what clercler said..u always there to answer our queries...

Hi Gan... tks for ur reply earlier too...

Actually i went to see my gp on my week 5, cos i know private hospital got chk sac and do bt, urine test... but kkivf dun do tat...

so gp scan and saw my ovaries were enlarged and there are still a few follicles inside me.. this is probably due to overstimulation ...he says probably my bloating tummy will go away 2-3 months time! omg! what to do...

i did ask him why kkivf dun do 5th week scan so he mentioned maybe the sacs will disappear along the way... hence the no of sacs may not be accurate... i read from the old postings tat it's known as the vanishing twin syndrome.... however, he did a urine test for me as he says better to do it since preggy pp prone to Urine infection.... actually i went to see him about my loose stools...
i also ask him ensure better or anmum... he says if you're not allergic to cow's milk drink anmum.. if not can continue with ensure...

Blissful: i took BT for progesterone at kkivf 1 week after ET
blissful: abt sperm storage... my hubby more gan cheong than me.. keep asking me when kkivf needs to store his sperm.. cos he wants to clear his soldiers a few days b4 the fresh semen collection day... he says sperm will be fresher and stronger! hahaha btw, he only give fresh semen on er day...
no la pink d.. i should say u r more courageous than me! lucky u say to go ahead to test on D14... actually after i tested positive... i became guai abt the food i eat again and also slowed down my movements... hee
why u guys doing earlier n earlier .... i don't know if i can hang on .. but i will try to do HPT 2 days before my BT ...
I see! So KK does practise tat too.

Btw, another silly qn from me again: do u gals accompany yr DH into the room when he produce his soldiers or u left him alone & u waited outside?? Coz I scare if i go in wif him, will make him more gan cheong.
juz to check...for those of u who go to Tong Ji...does the physicians in the infertility clinic know how to speak english? and also does the hubby need to b there or juz for the very 1st appt only?
If u take the pills or injection, +/- 15mins should be ok hor?? Coz sometimes I very forgetful, I will forget to take my pill though I set alarm. When the alarm rings again 15mins later, i will give myself a fright tat I've FORGOTTEN to take my pill!!!!
blissful...u go to another room where they prepare u for ER while ur DH goesto another room to collect his soldiers... so i dun think u'll hv the chance to accompany him....

in fact b4 er...my hubby ask me not to keep asking him if he can produce or not.... heee.. cos i worry, intend to give him suggestions with kind tots... but backfired!

jj: do u inject hcg -pregnyl? i did test earlier cos i worry abt the false positive... but on the other hand, pink d also took the hcg jab & she also tested on d11, am i right pink d!?
Karen and JJ: yes i did the HPT 5 days after 1000IU Hcg.

Then i continued testing from D11 to actual BT day

My hubby also got stress whenever i asked him if he could produce. he'd rather do it at home then use their facilities...
congrats!! we are all here to help one another lah. i am just fortunate to not be working so hv a lot of time to hang around here...kekeke....

hi! *waves* congrats!!! a little sister or brother for yr gal now

i'm just lucky to hv an easy pregnancy.
I'm still lucrin stage .. sigh ..
Dreaming up to the 2ww which is still far far away..

I already have in mind of what to do during 2ww ...
Karen, May u ask during puregon stage when do they start 1st scan? My previous so-iui scan begin on cd6 until mature but dosage only 75iu but understand for ivf dosage increase till 200iu. Seaview, I will only start ivf in Aug at kkh. I'm under Dr SF Loh
grumpus: tks! i hope i will hv an easy pregnancy like u or perhaps much easier compared to my first pregnancy! heee... loose stools nvr happened to me! last 2 days i constipated... lucky today stools normal again... hope this stays...

actually i did see ur advise u gave pink D rdging the hpt testing days abt the earliest u can test after the hcg jab... it was very helpful too! u nvr fail to encourage anyone who did testing & found positive! good to have seniors like u around and also few other seniors who did the the same!

btw, when will we know the gender of the baby? i think for normal pregnancy, i know it's about 4 months pregnant... anyone knows it earlier for ivf pregnancy?
Hi all,

Wow, today thread is moving super fast!

clercler : Congrats!!!

Little update on myself : went for my BT and scan. Everything good to go. Will be proceeding for my ET on thurs. Hopefully my little frosties will thaw well. Thereafter 2ww and my BT will be on 3 Aug.
BLISSFUL - how's yr lucrin jabs ??

Now i'm having slight head pain. Plus back the bones there like aching .. don't know if its the symptoms.

I jabbed my lucrin early yestday, 6.30 rather then the usual 10pm time slot .. cos got wedding to attend & didn't want to bring the barang there..

Can't wait for this thurs BT & Scan ... the BT results will be given to me 2days later right ?? not on the spot?
jj: time flies past very quickly once u r go into puregon stage and i'm sure for u soon too!

2ww is very boring to me... when u r not there u hope to be there... once u r there, u hope it'll end soon!

i did my first scan after two days of puregon... and susequently 1-2 days to observe the size of follicles if the dosage was enough fr me.. tat time mine was really a tough stumulation stage... lotsa of ups and downs... but pls dun worry forthose with poor stimulation.. cos in the end i still manged to retrieve 13 eggs, 9 fertilised and 5 frozen... my last scan b4 er only got 6-7 follicles... good size ones only abt 3-4 follicles...
my starting dosage for puregon was 200iu... but my body did not react well... drag till d16 then i do er... my last dose was 500iu!!! hee.. when i know i had to take 500iu i wasn't scared cos at tat time i just want my follicles to grow more and faster so tat i can do er and et... meybe tat's why after et, i got mild ohss till now.... :D
So far ok for me on the lucrin jabs. Oni somedays I 've mild gastric..i tink its the wind inside me. Afr I applied Ru Yi oil, the wind will come out.
iloveshoes- I did visit my gyane regular after testing BFP. "cos KKH dun monitor me. It really helps. But i m not sure if any gynae will monitor us during 2ww. U can call and ask. If yes, that will be great
no diff for ivf pregnancy. 12 wks can guess gender, 16 wks can tell already.
yr symptoms are different? maybe it's a boy this time? hehehe
hoping... actually my idone tcm medicine and accupuncture and hubby done accupunture for 3 months but tat was about half a year ago b4 i embark on ivf... at tat time i was still trying to conceive naturally...

i was quite lazy... in fact i nvr exercise.. hee

i only tried to cut down deep fried and spicy food! my hubby also became lazy after my first pregnancy... nvr run threadmill anymore.. so we just eat healthy, sleep early... he's on supplements such as centrum silver,vit c & vit e while i continued with my folic acid.... :0)
blissful - Ya i got alot of gas also ... tummy will be quite big with the gas .. then need to burp or fart it out ... (sorry gross)

is this bloated sign ?

Think when my new batch of immunocal comes I can start taking .. cos i need to distribute them even so that it covers my puregon stage & 2ww stage
hi tokkie!

May u hv a successful ET and hv very good embbies to stick with u throughout 2ww and thereafter!!! keep up ur lively tots!!!
jj: if u forsee bloating...must take b4 it hits u...tat's what i did! immunococal really helps bloating though it expensive... but convenientcompared with eating egg whites! add milo or horlicks to the immunocal mix and the foam is gone! oh pls drink more water too!

grumpus... i hope so... hee.. but if gal also nvr mind as long as they arehealthy...i'm sure u feel the same as i do... what abt u? u knowthe gender alreday? hee
Nadia - How's yr lining ? good ?
Ok will update on my result & stuff this thurs ...
Feeling restless ... cos anticipating this thurs's result outcome ...
Can't seem to do work
Thanks karen - I forsee bloating actually .. hence i'm stocking up on immunocal liao ...

I also take raw egg white daily (trying too) & chicken essenses alt day...

Dr Zou can tell I'm heaty ... tell me drink more water
JJ: My lining result was good..but I nvr ask wat do they mean by good..hehehe..The one who scan me and the nurse who saw my scan result told me on the spot before I went to collect my Puregon...

Do drink the immunocal or egg whites..I did eat egg whites 1x a day during Lucrin and GNC protein drink everyday (Finish alreadi)..so now drinking Immunocal..
ok .. noted .. i better start my immunocal soon ... cos i can only tahan egg white to a certain limit ..

I will still try eating the egg white till before start of puregon ... But during 2ww i don't want to touch egg white already
JJ: I always pinch my nose when eating the egg white...gulp at one go..then after that if got after taste..i run for 1 sweet...hahaha...

Yup immunocal will help...yesterday i took 3 to ease me gassy stomach...today seem k..so will take 2..ehehe
Nadia - i put soya sauce in my egg whites. it helps ... but the after taste still remains. That time i tried to steam awhile ... put too long .. over cook it .. have to re-do ... sigh ...
Ladyluck, i been to Tong Ji before. They don't speak english but i think simple terms they may u/s. Note that the herbs collected has to be brewed. If ur hb go there is better so she can tiao ur hb body too. But herbs for man have to be bought outside of Tong Ji. They will give u the prescription.

Hope it helps
Ladyluck, oh .. But hw come u consider gg to Tong Ji? The herbs need to be brewed every alternate days and i don't have alot of time doing. So i ask my mom to do. But after a few mths, i gave up seeing them. :p
hi ladies, wah..today so many posts...

got something to ask you girls.. i had ET last sat, so today considered D3 i assume... on top of diahorrea, i started vomitting today. anyone of you had vomiting after ET?

today i went back to take blood test to test if OHSS has subsided. the nurse said it's within acceptable range.. i feel much better now, although still bloated and a bit painful at the tummy...
ladyluck-- actually, at tong Ji the questions that they usually ask are quite simple--like whether your mouth is dry, are you tired.. should be quite easy to translate. If your dh has done sperm analysis before, it will be good to show them the results.

hi pink.....i heard alot abt tong ji so decided to give it a try....yeah i noe abt the brewing of the herbs....my frd went there for a few mths n conceived....

hi clercler....tks alot....will bring the necessary documents....
