IVF/ICSI Support Group

ladies, i started taking immunocal 2 months before ivf, and continued even after bfp. it is very good for overall well being.. if u can get hb to also take it with u, even better.

tzac, i tink the cost depends on individual..i spent about $20k for the fresh cycle. I was put on an expensive growth hormone med 2 mths before the cycle plus endo treatment med, hence higher cost compared to the gals.
so for 14days you will guai guai be at home resting? Will you ask them to extend the HL to BT? Cos just 14 days, dun cover 2ww leh.
Good Morning Sistas....

ineedmiracle: I slept liao before u post the message..nowadays gets sleepy very very early..hehehe

Sunnyday77: Welcome dear..hmm u start Lucrin already...Try to avoid cold stuff...maintain healthy diet...exercise alittle...drink lots of water...remember to stay hepi too..;-) Take Care...


u can use the excel sheet above as a guide if u wan to...it's just a guide only from Sistas who have BFP..wat they do during the stages of IVF..Hope it helps..
morning nadia
must have sufficient sleep especially when you starting you stimulation and after tat 2ww. Body will be in a more conducive state for the growth of embryos. Must clock in 8hrs of sleep leh...
with 3 babies in you, it is good to continue with the immunocal to provide nutrients and to build up your immune. You cant afford to fall sick =)

hmm per tablet 5cents. Okie lah. And medisave claim, haha...
Adeline: the amt i stated is after medisave deduction...the duration of cost is from the first time i went to CARE till now..cos now i still have 2x weekly BT and meds.
I think this will continue till at least after my first tri?
Hi Ladies, does anyone drink both Ensure and Immunocal? For brazil nuts, do we only start taking during the 2ww?

ineedmiracle, I have not started my accupunture yet. I actually scheduled for tomorrow but hb wld be pretty bz this month so might change to Aug instead. I was also worried about the hassle and scared I will start blaming myself for not gg accu if I would fail my 2nd attempt. *lol*
pink: i drank only Ensure. Its a meal substitute. I dont know how the two will taste together ....

brazil nuts can be taken from 2ww onwards since it aids implantation.
i don't take ensure, but similacmum.
Instead of mixing immunocal with other beverages, i mix with the similacmum or you can mix with ensure.
Cos the vitamins and other nutrients in ensure/similacmum is diff from immnunocal, hence i feel we should take both. But immunocal i think can replace egg whites.

Take it slowly, if hb busy then u start first. You planning next fresh cycle end yr right?
Adeline: My amount is abt $18K before Medisave deduction of $6k.
But my current monthly expenses is about $2k...because of two blood tests per week, progesterone inserts, medications and an exp jab i need to take due to allergy. I have to take this jab until I give birth

So it's $18k and counting...
how come you still need to BT twice a week. what allergy you have... Take jab weekly till give birth? 2k a mth is alot... And you now npl... Must be thrifty now...
ineedmiracle: will take note of the 8 hrs of sleep...normally my sleep is only abt 7 hrs everyday...heheh..less 1 hr..heheh...but k lah will take short nap to sum another 1 hr..hehehe

yup under medisave mah..so not so bad lor...u can ask for the folic acid if u wan to eat now when u go for dr appt on 23/7...;-)
ineedmiracle: its CARE policy to conduct 2x weekly BT for their patients to check their E2/prog/HCG. Based on these BTs, they will decide whether intermediate action needs to be taken.

I am also on the jab that pinkD is taking..its related to blood coagulation. I have problems with my blood coagulation but pink D is allergic to aspirin hence this jab is her replacement.
nm, thanks. Think I too kiasu. Saw them at Carrefour Suntec and bought 200g first. Thought it will helps before embarking on a new cycle too. :p

ineedmiracle, den every morning ur stomach must be very full. :p I think I'll go buy Immunocal for since it will also help detox the body.

Ya, trying to take it slowly. Yep, new cycle end of the year

Btw anyone bought GNC Mega Man for their hb? My hb is taking them now. Was wondering if it really helps on their sperm development.
Pink D/Nm- How much folic acid are you taking daily now? I am on 1 pill of folic acid but also taking the reminder of my conceive well, which also got 500 µg of folic acid. I wonder if it is too much. Should i skip my folic acid pill.
if prior preg is 400mcg, then y some mentioned that we shld take 4-5mg = 4000-5000mcg right?

Wah brazil nuts oso fattening?

i more kiasu, i still have 600g of brazil nuts sitting in my fridge. I took 1-2 nuts every 2-3 days... Just as tidbits to munch lor.

Erm... I will take royal jelly when i wake.
Then after 15-20 mins, i will take the immunocal with similacmum. Then will wait for 2-3 hrs later to have breakfast. Cos i usually wake at 6am on wdays, and abot 8am on wkends, so still got time in the morning to digest.
Usually i add in 2 scoops of similacmum.

But on days i have no time for brkfast, i will make a bigger cup of about 3-4 scoops to be more filling.
Then after breakfast/brunch, i will take folic acid + vitamin c. Alternate nights i will take royal jelly honey. And i seems to sleep better after taking. Though i read royal jelly perks one up
NM- the one KKH give me is 5mg/tab. which is much higher than what is required. but then this seem to be given to all. I supposed it is okay. What is in my conceive one is 0.25mg per pill. So total i am taking abt 5.25mg per day.
diff brands have diff dosage....min dosage to take is 400 mcg..so excess is ok.. i read somewhere that the excess is excreted out .
if you going to order immunocal from the website, try to consolidate with 2 other ladies, buy 10 boxes free 1. So shared among 3 will be getting 3boxes plus 20 packets @ $333.33 each person.

If taking daily, i may also need stock up le. Haha...

you still need immunocal??
miracle: now i eat grass everyday...heee...
im allergic to Aspirin and baby aspirin is givem after ER (for i dunno what purpose actually) and Angela said I need to be on that to replace Aspirn.
Imagine the cost. The jab is $20 per day...baby apsirin muz be waaaay cheaper

me and nm on the same (expensive) boat...

Hi Pink-F: how have you been?

Baby Rabit: i thnk CARE's Folic acid is 5mg?
Plus they give me Obimin as well...there's some component of Folic in the tablet.
ineedmiracle, oh I thought 1 box has only 30 pkts? I thought of going to OG buy but I wouldn't mind to share if anyone is interested.

Btw those with Dr.Zou, do we need to show her our medical report during the visit?
hi everyone, i finally have the strength to log on..

yesterday went for ET, but i did a blood test to determine if i have OHSS, and the blood test showed i have. when it was finally my turn, the doc said doing the ET now will worsen the condition, and in serious cases, i will have to be warded for complications. another 2 options is to put in the lab for another 3 days called blastocyst, but the survival rate is close to 0. or we can freeze and do FET when i'm better.

we had to decide on the spot, and it was so difficult that i was crying in the room, cos i'm afraid of the complications, yet i wanted so much for a higher success rate..

in the end, my hubby and i decided to take the risk and go ahead with ET. i was so bloated and painful at the abdomen area that i had to clutch my tummy and walk slowly..

doc put me on close monitoring, and i have to go back tomorrow to do a blood test to see if the OHSS has reduced.

girls who have been thru OHSS b4, how long does it take for the thing to subside? i'm so worried..and i haven't been sleeping for the past 2 nites cos everytime i move, its painful..
you really can eat grass le. $20 worth of jab a day. Think i have to cut down on shopping n many other things. Looks like after pregnancy, your savings also dry up le. You still have to jab tat exp jab yourself daily?

yah 1 box have 30 packets last a mth. Mayb u shld go get 1 from OG see if taste okie for u, bt then again, i still tink as long mix with beverage, the taste is negligible.

If share buy 10 boxes, free a box, then 1 box abt $90.90 lor.
indeed not an easy decision to make. Ohss does it mean veri bad bloating? Did dr say any ways to minimise it and make u feel better?

You are a brave mummy, gone thru so far, i can understand why you wana go ahead. Im sure you can make it through and God will be watching you.

will immunocal help reduce ohss?
Nm, pinkD, pinkM- thank for ur info. I'm still considering whether to transfer my embies to care from Kk anot. Wait till my hb bk fr biz trip will visit Angela for consultation. We worried tat aft transfer it will affect our embies grading.
I was reading up quite abit on OHSS when I was diagnosed as OHSS potential & was told may not be able to do ET during fresh cycle. Were u put on the drip like PinkD? It helps reduce OHSS.

You can also take immonucal up to 3x a day.
Another alternative is to eat half-cooked / raw egg whites. Take 8-10 a day. It will greatly help to reduce OHSS woes.
pink-F: i will return after 1st trimester is over...mid sep

miracle: The jab continues from now till due date lor...no choice...poor hubby.
I dun spend a lot...esp now I have no energy to shop/eat/drink and be merry heee...
i just need 3 meals and im happy girl liao... simple...
my luxuries are kept aside first...also coz of pregnancy i dun do pedicure, waxing yet...

Adeline: i think the transfer is a very delicate step...

hopefulmummy: Although CARE did not tell me, I knew I had OHSS coz I was put on albumin drip again on ET. Maybe mine was a mild case...the drip helped to ease the bloating after a few days.
I read somewhere that ppl with OHSS has a higher chance in succeeding IVF...not sure how true...
miracle- OHSS mean over stilmualted ovaries and cause extrame bloating with pain on the whole abdomen and womb area. it's very unbearable cos everytime i move, it's painful.

doc said to eat more protein, like egg whites, and also to drink lots of water. according to him, the water is not to reduce bloating, rather, its to prevent dehydration, cos the water is logged in the stomach and if serious, can go to the lungs. if that happens, must be hospitalised.

there is no sure for it, but to let it run its natural course and slowly wear off.

thanks for your encouragement, this ivf journey is tiring. i just hope it will be successful..

I had slight OHSS--for me it took one day to reduce the discomfort --the first night I could not sleep at bed I spent the whole night on a sofa almost in a sitting position-- all I had to do is take a lot of fluid and pee it out(adviced by my doctor)--I felt better from the next day
pinkM- the doc gave me a choice to do fresh transfer, maybe bcos my condition is not very serious? but even if it's mild, it's already very hard to tolerate..

it's best not to eat raw/ half cooked egg whites for fear of salmonella. i asked the nurse if can eat soft boiled eggs, she said cannot..must be hard boiled or fully cooked..

pinkD- the doc din even recommend a drip, cos i asked but he said no remedy for it..hai..maybe he smoke me..

the sonographer was very nice, she told me not to cry, cos girls with OHSS have a higher chance of success, although she also said there is no proof to show it..
i think i read somewhere in the forum, there are ladies taking 3x immunocal a day to reduce bloating. If you can swallow 8-10 eggs, then immunocal will be an alternative.. Do give it a try.

You have immunocal? If not, where you staying, see any of us staying near you, can pass some to you...
hopefulmummy: I read it somewhere and i wrote it down...but now i cant find the source of the lierature. Use that as an encouragement for yrself ya?
Drink lotsa flui, like what popy said, excreting helps. And Immunocal.Maybe you shd order. I took 3x a day to ease the bloating...
ineedmiracle: I dun know whteher I need 1 box more..maybe..cos I am trying to up my Immunocal intake..yesterday alreadi kena stomach discomfort..hopefully today dun have...R u buying somemore?

Hopefulmummy: hopefully no complications when u go back tomolo..ya like wat other sistas..can try Immunocal..hopefully it will help with the OHSS..u r very brave...stay positive..hope all goes well..after gg tru so far..sometimes we just want to complete wat we started...Do take care..;-)

Pink D-- HELP!! My preg BT is due tomorr at KK. How accurate is the results if I would use the clear blue preg test kit today?
