IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi silent reader Imp22, sorry to post this msg here but you could not receive my PM reply.

I was advised by the sisters here to use these supplements as they boost fertility and general health.
-Immunocal is is a pharmaceutical-grade milk serum protein isolate which has bioactive components similar to human milk protein. It is a natural and effective precursor (building block) of Glutathione. A special patented process of manufacturing ensures that the molecular structure of the protein isolate in Immunocal is undenatured (intact or not destroyed). This is crucial in the synthesis of Glutathione in the cells.
Immunocal's ability to support the immune system through this unique feature differentiates itself from all other protein supplements.
It also helps to reduce bloating during stimulation.

-Folic acid is to reduce the risks of most common neural tube defects are spina bifida (an incomplete closure of the spinal cord and spinal column in newborns

-CoQ10 necessary for the basic functioning of cells. CoQ10 levels are reported to decrease with age and to be low in patients with some chronic diseases such as heart conditions

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil may enhance fertility.

-Chix essence - tonic to complement general health and well-being

Pls enable yr PM so i can send you info you need.

Hope these help!
Panda & PinkD:
Ok, we all had 20+ follicles retrieved so easier to compare like that.

By right, E2 is supposed to be 800 (est) with every follicle you produced.
Simply put, during ER, if a person has 20+ follicles retrieved, E2 should ideally go up to as high as 10k+ or 20k+ which were the case for both of you right?

Progesterone should be as low as possible during ER then start to soar after ET to support the pregnancy cos that is indicative that the lining has thickened to aid implantation.

For me, during ER, E2 was only 7373 which is definitely not ideal cos with that number of eggs, E2 was expected to reach at least 5 figure. And by ET day, E2 had halved to 3819 and progesterone had started to jump to 431 so cannot wait any longer for E2 to go any higher.
So that's why E2 and progesterone were not synchronized at that time.

Other ladies who are reading this, pls don't take me too seriously cos only doing a little study and comparison myself, so may not be all correct.
Pink M

your comparison sounds logical. Any other ladies with also 20+ follicles retrieved at CARE? Maybe can make more comparisons.
Just Faith:
Maybe not only CARE, we can also compare numbers with ladies from KK or other hospitals. Then this study can have more 'substance'... haha..

And also BFN ladies, maybe can also use this as a guage on why cycle failed?
But then again, my embbies did implant, just didn't stay implanted for long.
Hi hopefulmummy, didn't get to see u this morning. How was your ET? Did u check with Dr on your OHSS? I was happy that despite my endo condition (which may affect egg quality), there are 7 usable embbies. Used 2 of Grade 4 and balance 5 were frozen. Touchwood in case this fresh cycle fails, I still can proceed with FET. Dun have to go thru the jabbing process again. Hope ur ET went on well
<font color="aa00aa">Hello Kitty, wow, that's great results! rest well.

My ER has been scheduled for Wed and I am thankful that we now have some dates in sight. </font>
You were seated at the 2 seater sofa?

But you were on FET, not fresh cycle right, if I recall. So I think like that also cannot compare cos without ER the readings will differ again.

Was it a natural FET this round? Or medicated?
Dun mean to boast, but would like to share my touching moment with all sisters. My hubby eyes were red when he accompanied me for ET today. I asked him why he cried. He said he is very grateful to me for going thru the IVF process.... I was very touched. I told him I have been brave all along, dun make me cry also....
iloveshoes: Wow so fast u gg for ER..ur follicles is growing well ...

kittychan: ur hubbie very sweet...hehehe...our hubbies must be supportive of us cos we go tru alot....;-)
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia - PTL. Dr Zou was shocked to hear that I only needed a week of stims. I had to ask for a delay in ER cos of my husband's schedule. Else doc originally had it scheduled for Tues. So just in a very thankful mode at the moment.
iloveshoes: So u still continue with 200iu or they increase ur dosage? so u will be gg to Dr Zou everyday for accu till ER rite? Ya 1 week stim is wow really fast leh...u mind sharing ur follicles nos.?
<font color="aa00aa">Sesame oil, yes I am with KKIVF. Scan after 7th jab of puregon and was told that its ok already. Supposed to be only 8 days before trigger i.e. 7th > scan > 8th > tigger, but now 9 due to the delay that I had requested.

Nadia, no change in dosage. Have one more acu (Mon) before ER on Wed. Cannot really remember how many cadburies, only remember the wrapper is about 8mm. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Nadia - so anyway, the day of trigger need to do Lucrin 1 more time in am (8am) and at 8pm, need to do HCG at the 24 hour women's clinic on the same floor as KKIVF. Thought to share since I know you are the sort to plan ahead.

Oh and for ineedmiracle as well! LOL :p :p :p :p</font>
iloveshoes, thats v short! I thought we need about 14 days of jabs in stage 2. Did you take anything special that the follicles are growing so fast? Really incredible.
iloveshoes: hmm ic no change in dosage..which is good hor..wishing all the best my dear...cardburies and wrapper..hehhe...yum yum remind me of chocolates.which i nvr have for so long..heheh...hope all will go well..u can spread ur babydust to all of us sistas soon...;-)
iloveshoes: Wah u can read me huh...hehehe...the trigger shot is 36 hours ahead from ER rite...for I always chub chub lucrin at nite so on the day of the trigger need to do in the morning? I also heard trigger shot will be painful..argh...

11 jabs...hmm 11 days...but urs really very short..good that body is responding so well..
<font color="aa00aa">sesame oil: er no, to be honest I have been working extra hours at work both day and night (like 6 am to past 1am type) and meeting friends each night and all that. So not say resting a lot. Only thing I have been taking is 2-3 brazil nuts and Immonocal. Even then, not super regular.

I can only say that I am entrusting the entire adventure to the Lord.

Eh - still got many challenges to surpass - am thankful so far, but also apprehensive, so can only wait and see la...muhahahaha</font>
<font color="aa00aa">nadia, I also chub at night, I also ask nurse today and she say that last lucrin must chub at the same morning of trigger.

No painful la, just think of it as a very short HOT kiss.

The attending doc today was explaining the risks of ER and described it as "the needle will pierce your vaginal skin ..." I went...err can dun tell me ??? then after he ask me to sign the constent for it. quite funny i thought</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Now I am trying to think of a fun thing to do to reward myself after the end of this adventure.

Jewellery? tee hee hee...</font>
iloveshoes, I can only say you respond v well to the hormone jabs! Wow, your working hours is so long! You don't feel tired with the jabs? Perhaps you keep yourself so busy and did not even have time to think so much which is good. Ultimately, we need to be relaxed and free from stress.

Seems like you have got a good headstart
Jia you all the way!
iloveshoes, go shopping to reward yourself. After that you have to be "guai guai" during the 2ww already.

Nadia, How is your puregon jabs? are they painful?
iloveshoes: i tink I will be like u too..i dun wan to know the ER procedure... wait frighten me....Hmm k will remember on Lucrin...no need Puregon rite on the trigger shot day...I am the scardey type one..nvr been admitted in hospital nor do any surgery..the word admit already can make me go teary...i remember once I was observed for an hour due to food poisoning many years back...felt so scared and uneasy..keep on looking at the time...when is 1 hr gonna be over..

Ya shld reward urself once this adventure is done...Go and hint ur hubbie..hehehe

I tink all of us must follow ur easy going steps mah iloveshoes..inspiration to all of us...Yippee...3 Hip Hip Hip Hurray for iloveshoes..;-)

Sesame_oil:My puregon jabs r k...no pain...i have to make sure i dun poke too hard when pushing the meds cos the meds is slowly push in...so far i am fine...but dun why super hungry at times...

Need to go back to Dr Zou 2x a week next week..then 5 days before ER..will be everyday..so shall wait for next Fri scan..
im so touched. You din forget me!!!! You so adorable, now even Lord gives u less pain n can ER. Only take immunocal n brazil nuts? Any other things u take? Hee... So happy you are going fast... U also must share your ER adventure with me hor... Now my turn to take pompom n wait outside to count your embbies....
Veri fast you going to graduate, you n pinkd graduate... I have to fight fight fight to join u all end yr...
<font color="aa00aa">sesame ... not that i never think of it la, if never think wun come to this forum already and chat. muhahahah. Very tired with jabs but life goes on I guess. Dun have luxury to stop and rest which is something I long for</font>
Nadia, glad to hear that the puregon jabs are not painful
Perhaps the follicles are growing that makes you hungry? Ok, I know I m being silly...hehe...

I am sure the acu will help in both your lining and follicle growth.
Soon will you go for your ER, everything is in fast forward mode now.
<font color="aa00aa">nadia ....yeah, something ignorance is definitely BLISS. Btw, your sis home already?

Thanks for the encouragement all, like I shared, long long way to go before can be like Pink D, NM, Popy etc.

Miracle - of coz nvr forget u la :p</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sesame - I will have the MC la, but dun think can drop my work leh. I know I have a training to deliver towards the end of 2ww already.

Will be trying to use Mon/Tues to cover off as much as I can lor then pray REALLY hard!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">just went to browhaus for brow upkeep, now feeling better, else everytime look in the mirror will go ewwww.Do you all tweeze your own brows? Must teach me</font>
iloveshoes, don't think about work during 2ww liao. At most take it easy if you really need to work from home. don't stress ok? You have come this far liao. BFP more more important!
<font color="aa00aa">sesame = orh...but I am those who if dun do anything will go a bit mad one ... hahaha, see how la, one day at a time. Don't want to plan so far either :p

one day at a time...</font>
sesame_oil: hope so my follicle will grow nicely...heheh...i am trying to eat small meals...just afraid will put on weight...hai..but watever it is...I will still take it easy..weight gain..gain la..later will find a way to lose it..heheeh

iloveshoes: yup my sis is back home..just visited her just now..she is still weak...so now shall wait for friday scan..she's gonna go for scan this fri..not sure wat is it for...then see the gynae...

So my scan is also on Fri like hers...I just hope that her baby will be released from her body naturally so she dun have to go for D&amp;C...quite sad..but I know she will definitely conceive again soon...I told her to rest and drink plenty of water cos now she's having constipation..

<font color="aa00aa">nadia, good to hear abt your sis, prob friday scan to ensure that uterus condition back to normal, no sac seen etc.

Good of you to encourage her</font>
