IVF/ICSI Support Group

karen: side effects? for me thank goodness i dont have any...

now at stimulation stage, i feel slightly bloated...but other than that i feel ok


can someone tell me what's this 3-5 days for private hospitals and 2 day for government hospitals?

I heard 3-5 days is better than 2 day??
haiz just came back from kk 24hrs, after i typr the msg on red bean or hl, stand up, felt a gush....and blood was flowing down....alot more than 2 weeks ago. Rush down to kk and just happen dr loh walks in to 24hrs....dr loh scans and check for immediately..he said alot of blood, not stable asked me bedrest. Thank God bb is ok, seems to grow bigger too coz can differentiate head and body leh. Got another poluton jab. Really shld lie down more coz i was sitting on sofa for long time last few days as i tot i was ok.

Think you prob have to rest more.... It's good that bb is growing bigger. You just try to rest more. Actually sit down is ok one right? No necessary need to lie on the bed?

Take care!
Gan, did Dr Loh say how come so much bleeding?

actually progesterone support is very impt during pregnancy...... i suppose thts y CARE is monitoring this very closely.. coz ours is not natural pregnancy..so its possible tht our body does not produce sufficient prog after BFP.....

today my bt result came out, prog level dropped quite a bit..even though i had additional jab on sat... now quite worried..waiting for angela to call me to see if i need additional jabs.....

u bed rest totally...i tink better tht way..... until very stable.. dun risk...
gan/panda: better rest more....lie down is better?

panda: i heard a lady at CARE paid for daily jabs after confirmed bfp..cos angie was calculating how much she has to pay...
Shock when i read yr post.. Has the bleeding stopped??
When dr loh scan, he say inside alot of blood? Is it like tickles with blood patch? Did dr loh say anyting abt the bleeding?
Happy to hear yr bb growing.. Can see head and body.. So exciting!
Pls lie dwn as much as possible ok.. I know its tiring and sian to lie down whole day.. But no choice.. Take care ok!
pandawife, dr loh says the bleeding is from the placenta, cld be the placenta is detaching, so i need to minimise movement. But luckily the scan still shows bb heartbeat. Will be seeing him again this thursday.
Really lucky that the moment i went to kk 24hrs, he happens to walk there too...so i get to be scaned and examined by dr loh, felt more an xin
i suddenly recall tickles saying the gushing of the blood....it felt really scary......
Gan, please CRIB. Dun take any risk. Sometimes sitting for too long can add stress/strain to your tummy which is no good.
panda: not sure if its prog jabs but she just took out a chunk of cash to pay angie....my eyes popped out.

gan: do take care..
must have a bad scare for u..u went alone?
baby he didn't mention abt blood patch, so i dun think so.
I am thinkinh maybe my placenta is low...i heard some girls bleed or spot due to low lying placenta at initial stage.
Anyhow when dr loh says 'there is definitely a heartbeat' when i asked if bb is ok...i felt better.
I think my jab will be twice a week le
Placenta detaching? First time i heard of.

Ya, lucky you bump into him. Guess we trust him more than the medical officers there.
gan, 1 of my babies oso attached lower in the uterus... thts y angela kept reminding me not to walk or stand too long.. we need to get pass the initial 3 mths..after tht shld b ok liao...

she says if i see red, must call her immediately oso....

twice a week jab is good...feel more assurance leh..

nm, u hv to also jab daily blood clot med when bfp rite?? hee.. is the med costly?
panda: ya its called fraxiparine but that one can jab on my own ..no need to pay extra to CARE..hehe its 10 jabs for 400 dollars
I see... So other than bed rest and injections.. Did dr loh say anything more u can do to help?
Has the bleeding stop?
Will u consider taking chinese an tai herbs? Maybe other than western med.. Chinese an tai can help... Can consider...

How come with the regular injections, yr progestrone level still not enough?
Thruout all these while i have never done any bt to check my progestrone level.. Also abit worried.. Duno whether my utrogestan insert and duphaston is sufficient not...
just faith actually since bfp, i didn't do anything like housework, go shopping etc....not sure why like that. Haiz. Still having some bleeding now, it's like af is here.......

July i am actually on hl this week too....tot i was ok le....and who knows this happens.

Pandawife i think at this stage we just want our bb to be safe and healthy..even the jab is 100 bucks and i need to jab daily...i'd do it readily
hello ladies!! I am new here.Starting puregon from tomorrow.Anyone using it Currently?Please let me know what to expect in the comming days-- I am very very nervous.
GAN: maybe its a one of incident..hubby coming home? take good rest ok?


Panda: opps sorry i remember the wrong price..its $200 per box. Cos that time i bought 2 boxes..

so one mth is $600 plus all the other jabs ( whatever they are)...
gan, yes..thts true.. i agree.. now $ is secondary liao... most impt is bb healthy and grows well...

bb, i just got reply from nurse..she says its normal for prog to fluctuate..and its less than half in reduction...so no need to worry abt it.. they will monitor again on thur.. the level today is still within healthy range....

good thing is HCG is increasing well..today beta ia 115 000 already... so babies r growing well....
in NUH, every time I jabbed, it's $85, and I have to jab twice weekly for 8 weeks... so it's expensive.. but for the baby, it's worth it.. money can earn back..
nm...has to b high..coz 3 growing babies...

angela told me last week, for 6 weeks preg..beta has to b 20 000 each bb...so i need to hv beta of 60 000 ....n last week's bt was very close to tht already.....
july actually the jab at kk quite ok...around $25 for the proluton.

Nm my mum was around, she went with me to kk, then my dh rushed down, so did my sis in law and dad. Now my parents r at my place...dh went back office, will be home soon.i hope it never happens coz it's no good to see blood when preggy.
gan, taking an tai med is also a good idea..maybeu can consider.. can only take during 1st tri..after tht quite pointless liao

baby, u dun want to take too? my mum says if multiples better to take.... so i hv been faithfully taking the awful pills and powder....
which just reminded me tht i hv to take the evening dose liao...if not will delay my utro timing tonight.....
got a shock when read blood came flowing..must rest well and CRIB like what others advised.. has the blood stopped flowing?
just woke up from my nap..when I stood up, I felt dizziness for a while and got black out for a while only..is this normal? been getting this dizziness/headache for split second these 2 days..
ttcingbb..i m not seeing dr zou...
i went to a tcm at jurong east...coz angela knows her and confirm tht i can take the an tai med frm there..n fact angela was the one who ask me to go there.....

i started 2 weeks ago... 1 mth supply is 160.
pandawife/baby is take an tai, need to see dr zou, think won't travel for time being.

Ttcingbb, there is still some bleeding...hope it will stop soon
I also thinking... U take once a day? Have to be how many hrs apart frm the western med?

Yr tcm gives u the dose for the whole 1st tri? Or u need to go see her again? Did she says the herbs consists of what?
baby...twice a day..morning and night..2 hrs apart from the western med...

the same med thru out....1st time i bought 2 weeks supply to try..then yesterday hb just went to buy 1 mth.... no need to see her again
i remember got cordyceps and ginseng and some other stuff which i dun understand....

now my mum oso v gan chiong..coz once cross 1st tri cannot take tonic..so she asking my mil to make me some ginseng chicken soup... which i supose is ok since the an tai med oso has ginseng...
oh ya..yes I rem you saying about Jurong east TCM..
what does the monthly supply consist of?

since bleeding has decreased..I think the bleeding going to stop soon.. rest well..
Why after 1st tri cannot take tonic?? I tot its better to take tonic after 1st tri?
Can take ginseng ah.. I tot we cant take...
Now im hungry.. Waiting for hubby to off work... Feels like eating mee siam.. Need some spicy and sour food.. But this time quite hard to buy mee siam.. I think i will just settle for kuay tiao soup...

Actually u can no need to go dr zou if u dont want to leave hm.. U can ask yr hubby to go buy.. Just tell dr zou how many weeks u are now and have bleeding.. Say u want an tai med.. I think its fine..

You are not alone. Besides folic acid, I am on duphaston 3 times daily. That's all. I dont have extra support. I am all on my own.

Sometimes I also worry I dont have enough progesterone.

I have second thoughts about taking "an-tai" medicine.. cos now I m ok, not sure if taking it will have side effects or not.. and since I dun have peace of mind myself. I rather dun take.

my mum also says 1st tri can take tonic.. the rest cannot. Think it is too heaty, especially when the baby starts to consume. Now when we eat, it is to build up our body.
hello, I am now still on oral contraception.
Suppression will start this Sat.
During this period, can we consume angelica roots (dang gui)? Thanks!

baby, just faith, i tink 2nd tri babies will b getting their nutrients direct from wht we eat?? if take tonic, might end up with oversize babies...

my mum says 1st tri is the foundation building for the babies' future growth..so must get it done well.....

just faith, initially i oso very skeptical abt an tai med leh...was quite worried ...thts y i only buy 2 weeks to try....and take liao so far so gd..and i oso double check with CARE twice before i started eating..hee...

ohhh...its oso gd for us to eat red dates leh..my mum's fren who owns a medical hall...says red dates very nourishing for bb...eat it like a snack everyday....
