IVF/ICSI Support Group

baby, its safe to take cordycep and ginseng tonic... so can brew cordycep with chicken or ginseng with chicken... i probably will not try beyong these two kinds....


Was looking for the chinese name.. and PandaWife provided already.. hehe.. ya, its cordycep.

Usually mum cooked it with chicken.

But I still prefer to drink the chicken essence (not those bottled type), but slowly boiled type. It is very nourishing.

Cos I dun have habit of going for TCM, accupuncture etc. I have not even once taken Dr Zou's medicine. In the past, I only see chinese sinseh to strengthen my blood circulation. Cos I have operation in 2006 and have weak legs. My leg swell and aches easily.

That's why I prefer status to remain the same. heehee
Just Faith, if u r taking cordycep regularly oso ok... coz the an tai med oso consists of tht....

tht time i was tinking no need to trouble my mum or mil brew tonic..i pop the an tai med more convenient... bt end up still hv to make chicken essence ....
panda: oic....not easy being a mummy of 3..

GAN: luckily yr mum is ard...if not very scary...

pink: i heard from someone cannot take dang gui..but its hearsay i am not sre...maybe u ask CARE first
thanks nm.
I will check with CARE. I hope you are doing well
Just Faith,

no leh..haha..not like on tv.. most of it are pills, either capsule form or black colored pills..only 1 is powder form tht i mix with water to drink.

i find the chicken essence too oily...even remove skin liao..still got oily after taste..which freaks me out.. haiz...
nm, i tink i would say being ivf mummy is generally not easy..... everything hv to b extra careful.... and at every stage, we hv milestones to clear..

i told my hb..next time we will celebrate mother's day twice a yr..once a yr not enuff for me..hahahaha...
Hi Ladies,

Gan - do take care and rest well. glad your bb still doing well.

ttcingbb/working wife - congrats on your BFP!

Had my first scan and heard bb's heartbeat today - I'm expecting a singleton
EDD is 12 Jan, but dr advised likely to hv elective c-section end Dec, as i had delivery complications with my first pregnancy.

I'm on minimal support - only duphaston 2x/day. otherwise on folic acid + B6; multi-vits etc. hv also stopped asprin now.
panda: hahah yr funny....well u have three little bb to share the happiness with...

i told my hb that in future our kids are not filial, i will be very heart broken...cos this journey is so no easy
nm, i believe we will teach our little ones well...so tht they grow up with the right values...so no need to worry tht they will be unfilial.. must hv faith in urself.

indeed this is a very difficult journey...until now i m still hving the i m in a dream feeling... this afternoon talk to my gf...i end up crying.. i told her i still cannot believe tht i m expecting leh..
Nm, whether nx time our kids are naughty or not. It is still our choice to have him/her. I will only love my children more than anything else.
hi ladies, last week i watched a korean drama, mum in the show said something to her child which touched me a lot, she said, every moment her child is inside her tummy, is happiness to her... hope these words can become your words of encourgement too...
thanks nm, pandawife, just faith.
yup..we all can't help but keep looking forwards to the next milestone in this challenging ivf journey

pandawife - u shld tell your hubby to celebrate your mother's day 3x hehehee
congrats jbean.
This thread is very encouraging...to see every sister's development and milestones.
Indeed Pandawife, you are right. Everyday shd be Mothers' Day. We are really xin ku! Xin Ku wo men le!

Thanks nm, I would gulp gallons of H20.
Now listing out things to buy...like nuts/chicken essence and DOM, as advised by the kind sisters in the excel sheet
Hi ladez, im currently on d4 of puregon stage. Im juz wondering how long, in average, does our follicles take to grow to a suitable size for ER? Wl be goin for my 1st scan soon n lower ab start feeling slight uncomfie on & off.
Congrats on seeing yr little one!! : )
Im expecting u will have twins due to yr high hcg...

How are u now? Feeling better?
baby, i cannot sleep leh...haha.. suddenly lie in bed feel hungry!

just made some cereal.... hv to satisfy the little ones before i can go to bed....
Pandawife : I also lie in bed but can't get to sleep. Have been changing tv channels. I just had apples. Now hungry again. Think I will hv some biscuits n steam milk. Hope I can get to sleep soon
Just Faith, milk is good... shld take every night if u can.. i still cant tahan the smell....

i m now watching a baby room decorating show on SCV home and health channel now.....
Im also hungry now.. Waiting for my hubby to buy mos burger for me haha..

Btw i notice a few times after inserting the utrogestan.. The residue on my panty liner is vey dark beige colour instead of the usual light yellow color... Is it normal? I scare its brownish discharge leh...
baby, i dun insert utro leh...maybe tmr call ur doc to double check.

wah.. mos burger at this hour..hehehe..

i going to try and sleep liao.. talk tmr!

good nites to all, sweet dreams
Mine is on thu aso, I think clinic will be pack cus Fri is a PH. Nurse at kkivf said that we may nd at least 1 or 2 scans b4 we can proceed to ER so I assumed latest will be nex wk? Stil yet to take eggwhites, does it help to ease the cramps?
panda/just faith: agree with u that with good upbringing our children ..it will benefit them....no matter what happens, they are our kids...

panda: mos burger at 11pm?
started d day w bad MS..cant eat my bf..

now just lying in bed...hopefully by lunch time its better...

how abt u..ohhh..forgot to tell u..u can use the heating pad on ur tummy to improve lining...tht time angela mentioned b4 tht it might help...
gan: hope u r feeling better now and bleeding stop. try to rest in bed more

sisters...i just did the preg test and its neg...
felt so despair n down that dint go work
justfaith: i did one fresh ivf and one fet before. now just finished my 2ww from my IUI...but the nurse said to wait for2 more days and test again.

i have been trying for 5yrs and i jus wan to get tat positive news once at least..
i know i shld not give up but it hurts everytime wen i get the neg news
Panda: Thanks for your info. Pls take care and rest well.

nm: Jia Yu! Hope your follicles will increase and grow.

jbean: Congrats!

hoping: regardless the result, must strong and continue to pray.
Gan: how areyou feeling? try to lie down... i was very stubborn during my first pregnancy as i walked a lot... them my pelvic pain.. got brown spotting... best is to lie on bed... try not to do much things... less use of laptop if possible as u need to sit down... take care andget well soon! i'll pray for u! stay happy and positive! i'm sure baby will be well!
Hi hoping, please dun give up ok? Heard that sometimes early pregnancy kit might not pick up the HcG surge yet so maybe u wait and see?
Are you on progesterone support? My 2nd So-IUI, my period was delayed for 4 days coz of duphaston.

Hi Baby, my gynae wanted me to insert Utrogestan 2x a day during my last SO-IUI in April.
I experienced a lot of "creamy" discharge because of the dissolved pill, but not so much browny discharge. Can you check with ur doc?
Take care!

Pandawife, can I check at which stage would Dr Paul Tseng come in and scan us?
During the first scan, Angela did it and she was like "do you hv endometriosis?" I got a shock coz none of the 6 gynaes told me that and they REASSURED I dun have endo. But Angela is not very sure herself, it seems. So I wonder will Paul Tseng do the following scans? Thanks. May you have a gd gd rest

I know how sad it to recieve negative news... But dont give up ok.. We are not those lucky ones that strike on their first attempt...

Not sure if this helps u.... I have failed four iuis, one fresh ivf and one fet before i bfp on my second fresh ivf... This show we will succeed one day if we keep on trying... : )

Btw may i know why u do iui for this cycle after failing ivf? I tot usually iui is before we try ivf? Cos for those who already failed ivf before.. Usually they have numerous failed attempts in iui before that...
