IVF/ICSI Support Group

hoping: jia you! there's somany successful stories here.. let's stay positive together!

nm: brazil nuts need to eat how many pieces? 2-3 ok?

hi all i'm currently on govt subsididy, and co funding.. is the jabs inclusive in thepackage? i paid about 100 cash at kkh for lucrin earlier...

pinkdestiny: thanks..i am doing my best to stay positive. can i ask wen u did ur so-iui, bef ur period came...did u feel any pain or cramps tat u usually hav or it jus came pouring out?

baby: thanks as well...i m not giving up yet..i hav neva done iui bef as i strait away did ivf the previous time so my gynae told me tat i can try iui once tis time round n maybe i get lucky so i don need to do ivf...if not then i cant waste time n will need to proceed wit ivf next
hoping: i can understand how u feeling now... i tried clomid for many cycles... and jabs b4 iui... alsolike u... wait for results.. everytime results also neg... some more af delay... reali tough... maybe u dun think too much of the results, so u can feel more relaxed... keep urself occupied with other stuff or think of something nice to eat?
Hi Hoping, of coz u can ask me anything.
Ok, for me when I did my 2SO-IUI, I did not have much pre-menstrual symptoms like cramps.

I normally spot for the 1st day, which I did. The duphaston delayed me period but the vaginal inserts (Utrogestan) did not. For both SO-IUIs, I spotted than the full flow came.

Can I ask why are you doing IUI after failed IVF? Any reasons?
My hubby's sperms are too bad hence IUI is not an effective way for us to conceive. I hope this helps. U can ask me anything if u need.
tks nm... i going tobuy today...it cost 40 busks per kg... think buy 500g enough or not? btw, roasted brazil nuts nice or not?

for all preggies...
my mum say cannot eat tonics for first trimester... she also nvr say why.. so i ate normal for my first pregnancy... but i tell myself must hv healthy diet... everyday must hv fruits and veg... milk... just eat things u like.. try not to eat too much oily if your digestion is nt good... i had very bad headache, feeling cold often..so i sleep and sleep... all housework takenover by my hubby... at first felt bad... after tat i think think for the baby sake.. no choice... cos first tri very impt...
hi pink destiny: u don usually have pre-menstrual cramps u mean?

i m on duphaston as well so maybe my menses is also delayed or maybe i will be positive!

just trying to still hav a little glimmer of hope though know very slim.

tis iui is more like to try our luck bef we embark on the ivf journey agn as we hav neva tried iui bef...
af delay or not probably not due to iui or any other fertility method from my opinion... sometimes maybe we too eager to know the results... so a bit stress.. also may cause delay....has ur menses been regular usually? if yes... maybe ur delay cos u r already preganant?! so stay positive k...
Hi Hoping,
SOmetimes I might have PMS...like bits of cramps, thirst and fatigue.
Do you have that?
I was on duphaston twice before. Once, my period came on the dot, the second time, it was delayed by 4 days.
Dun be stressed ok? Duphaston can sometimes delay period...but hey, u might be BFP already!!
hi panda... i got a contact from other thread that there's a dr Zou Yumin at amk ave 8... is she the one u've mentioned earlier? i alsothinking of tcm.. but wonder if it will affect the reading of hormones through blood tests during the 2ww..

u can use either the gel kind of pad or those travel heating pads.

i m not seeing dr zou.. mine is dr tan lee kee at jurong east. i did not take any tcm during the ivf cycle.
nm, i just woke up from nap...and got a shock! coz my sore boobs are gone..feels totally normal.. freaked me out...

i just checked w ning, she told me its probably becoz the pregnancy is stabilizing, so i wun feel so much symptoms! phew! gave me a scare just now....:p

by the way, she is returning to work this Thur...bt she says can only do light duties...
ah ..i miss ning...heheh is it her finger? she told me she injured her finger

stabilizing is very good... at least u dont have to feel so terrible liao
hehe..i oso told her i miss her! hehehe.. yeah lor..she fractured her finger during her hols while ice skating.... so hv to go for surgery...
My sore boobs also not very constant... Thou they are always sore when i touch them... But sometimes its very sore.. Sometimes ok only...

When is yr next scan? Mine is next thur...
When i did my first can last fri.. Dr says im abt 6w2d... So if count frm there.. Tml im 7w.. Will be 8w when my next scan is..
Cant wait to reach 12 weeks... Im sure u feel the same right.. : )

How r u? Didnt see u post here... Hope u are ok..

today my boobs r like normal, touch also dun feel sore..thts y just now i was so worried....

next scan also next thur... for the 8th week scan.. same as u, 7th week this week....

yeah...i cant wait to reach 12 weeks leh...coz staying at home worrying abt babies freaking me out..hahahahaha....

i remember angela told me becoz there are 3 of them, i will feel advanced symptoms as compared to normal singleton pregnancies..so ask me to be prepared tht i will be feeling and looking like a 5 mths pregnant lady in my 3rd mth.

nm, shld b 7th week..
live, yes. i did.

even now, i m still taking immunocal and coq10..angela says its gd to continue. i stop vit C coz i cannot swallow the big pill..everytime try to take it, will puke....
panda/baby: do u feel cramp like feeling at below ur abdomen during ur end of ur 2ww?

i m having tis cramps more often today...not sure if its sign of af coming coz usually af cramps feel diff than tis
hi pandawife, can I know when will Dr Paul Tseng start doing scans for us?
During the very 1st scan before we decided to start IVF, Angela asked if I have endometriosis. I am very scared coz all the gynaes told me I dun hv...Angela is not very sure herself, so I hope Dr Tseng can confirm soon
pink, maybe u can request for Dr Paul to do a scan to confirm if u have endo?

i remember i saw Dr Paul towards the 2nd half of stimulation stage...

sorry, thread moving too fast, i missed ur earlier post asking about this.
panda: when is yr ET? got 7 weeks liao ? so fast ? wow

the funny thing is angela always tell me immunocal very ex...if dont feel terribly bloated dont take...heheh
nm, my ET 24 Apr. yeah... this week 7th week. last sat when i did scan was my 6th week. Angela blur, kept telling me i m 2 mths liao..hahahaha...

she did not ask me to buy more immunocal...i just told her i still hv ..and if its gd to continue taking..then she says yes.. its gd for the babies ...

hehe.. like baby, i cant wait to reach 12 weeks.. hope to resume normal activities soon... i m like quarantined from all social activities since 2ww until now. oso dun dare to chat w frens on msn coz scared they start asking me qns...:p
it will come very soon..

for me now i cant hold my pee very long, cos feel bloated and i drink alot of water ...

its tiring to keep taking time off and colleagues ask "where u go" but i just say not well...
Yes i have cramps on off... But near to bt day not much...

Still have 5 weeks more to go... Seems so long...
I also dont dare to go out so often.. Will lie on the sofa when at hm... I read frm the web.. For twins the full term is 36 weeks.. So my edd should be in dec.. For triplets will be earlier.. Less than 36 weeks... U will use dr paul for yr gynea?

i tink angela can help me to carry until 38 weeks... the last lady with triplets tht she took care of...full term at 38 weeks... so i will most likely stay with her...

i tink if stay w CARE, shld b Paul as gynae... hv not spken to angela abt this yet...bt maybe next week's scan will b done by Paul..
panda: apparantly dr paul is very popular amg pregnant ladies. he is pro natural birth but of course in yr case it cant be ...
but i feel he is very nice...
ok I will request this when I see her. Thanks Panda

Hi nm, I dun have any scan reports. The gynaes just did the scans and told me its clear. But I just got upset that she suspected I might have.
My hubby already has very problematic sperms... and I realy dun wish to hv any other issues.
Have been feeling quite negative...that perhaps everything is not meant to be...
nm, i oso heard he is very popular among the nurses at TMC..hahaha...

my experience w him so far is good... bt will discuss with angela again whts the best option..

my hb says if stay with CARE can carry the babies to full term, then he is prepared to tahan the lousy parking at TMC if i hv to deliver there..hahaha...
Hey sistas,

Just been discharged n resting at home. Bad news is that dr loh had to remove both my tubes which means totally no way to strike naturally. Rt tube was severely cogulated which was the one causing the pain. Left was not salvagable cos it can't be connected back to the end due to my previous ectopic. So he removed both. Although still trying to come to terms with this, the gd side though is ovaries n womb doing well. I'll just hang on to this gd piece of news n proceed with jul ivf. Ivf is my only chance now. Grabbing watever babydust I can from those sistas who strike! Hope can join all of u soon!
