IVF/ICSI Support Group

wht is ur lining today? i remember my first scan, lining was quite thin...bt by 2nd scan, ok already....

if she says its normal..then dont worry...

zaza, karen,

thanks! i will still be praying for my miracle.

TTCing, sat is your Day what after ET?

Thanks Goodness your bleeding stop liao. Now must rest more and take more high protein food hor.... Jia You!

Will you still be going for another BT this week? I think they need to monitor your BHCG right?
Hi TTCing - good to hear that your bleeding has stopped and HCG levels have gone up.

I went in for my test this morning as well. BFP!! I totally can't believe it!! I was so stunned that I couldn't even react. At TFC, they do urine HCG test. I asked if they should do BT but they said no need for now, I can do the BT next week when i go back for the proluton jab.

Hubby and I are so excited, but also cautious cuz like the nurse said, this is just the first step. now important thing is to remain positive and take care of the body. Next hurdle is scan in 2 weeks time.

Jia you to all the sisters here. Don't lose hope and continue to pray and be positive!
cold drinks not so good for ladies... better to drink warm water... less cold drinks... if got cravings.. can only try to limit... ur baby wans to eat to eat so eat a little shld still be ok... but for 1st trimester, try to be good... dun take cold stuff if possible...
Karen, yes i throw away the egg yolk..very wasteful hor but dun dare take so much egg yolk. during my gonal f stage, i was eating 4 eggs a day. Oh yea i also drank ensure milk during my fresh cycle for the protein and also the selenium.

Working wife Congrats!

Pandawife so can't eat ice cream now? i just had a yogurt from fridge..will cut down

Dec hang on there, cld be too early to detect on HPT
nm, she oso never tell me the measurement..bt 1st scan she told me lining is thin..bt still early ..so its ok tht its thin.

she told u if too thin must abandon cycle??
nm dun worry, the injects u have will grow the lining. eat more proteins. when my lining was bad for my FET, Dr Zou asked me eat more protein like meat.
working wife, congrats! welcome to the MTB club.

yes..must still continue to b careful.. i basically continue as per i am still in my 2ww.. walk slowly, no carrying of heavy things, no housework...
ic.. ok.. will throw away yolk if not ask my hubby to eat once awhile..
ensure milk taste good?i drank anmum, choc flavor.. the vanilla one too strong fr me during my last pregnancy.. hee
Gan, yes, we must continue to avoid cold food...

now my hb very worried...coz yesterday he let me drink a cup of 7up thru the day in small sips.... i told him its ok.. such small sipz, by the time go into the body become body temp liao...

angela oso told me dun carry too many things in my handbag..just now she spotcheck by carrying my bag to see if its too heavy...diao...
dec,skies,bliss fate,Pandawife,Karen
Tq..I'm glad it turn out fine and has increased..

they asked me to go down this thur for the proluton jab and BT again to monitor my BHCG,yeah rite... it's my d15 after ET when I first had my BT...just had a bottle of chicken essence and will be taking red date & longan drink later.. dun lose hope, on D11 I tested -ve on clearblue.. but on D15, it's faint line..

working wife,
CONGRATS! CONGRAT! are you the first couple in the room with Samseah? and u're wearing a yellow top?
what is your HCG level? they have scheduled you the scan in 2 wks time already?
Gan: red meat ? What about soya bean milk , ensure milk ? I jus bought ensure milk , and drank soya bean milk ;) he he . Morning ate two half boiled eggs. I take brazil nuts daily, and take chicken essence alt days
working wife, congrats!!! you made it!!!


D14 still early to test out on HPT mah? I really don know leh... Praying for my miracle... he he..

You must be so happy now... Do take care and rest well...

Hoping, Thanks. praying hard for my miracle...

You testing tml is it? Good Luck and hope you BFP!
Hi TTCing - yes, I was the one in yellow! Which one were you? were you the one in the room after me?

I only did urine HCG test, cannot see level. I keep asking Samseah need to do BT or not but she said no need to do yet, in TFC they usually do urine test first. should wait a few more days to get a more accurate reading. She suggested I do it this Thurs if I want or next Mon when I go back for my proluton jab. Now have to jab once a week.
TTCing... hhmm..... today my D14 liao. not even a faint line... he he... shall see bah...

you take care yah... more rest for you...
Pandawife, wow they really monitor very closely. but now i also dun dare put too many things in my handbag..only wallet and keys..took out things like sunglasses etc.

Karen, i never tried annum. i find Ensure milk ok though not as nice as fresh milk. now i only drink fresh milk.

nm i am not sure about soya bean milk because some sisters say can drink, some say can't coz interfere with jabs? maybe u confirm with Angela and see if ok. Yes red meat is good. u can also cook red bean soup to take. will help u. Most impt is relax. my lining didn't grow for 1 week despite they increasing my progynova but after i took leave and rest at home, it managed to grow 1mm to meet the bare minimum for transfer. Jia you!
nm, dun worry..smtimes angela can be abit direct...

tht time during 2ww, when my hormones dropped, she told me i will do better in FET leh...bt in the end i BFP!

yes...stay positive.....u can do it! maybe join me in the triplets mummy club
Working wife,
I heard you asking Samseah need to do BT..she said no need..only when you post, then I realised you might be the lady in yellow.. I'm wearing a blue cardigan and hair all tied up sitting just outside the room with my hubby..
Are you still on HL? for how long?
Working Wife & TTC...Congrats dearies...;-)

December: Dun give up hope yet...Positive Thinking...Positive Thinking...

Hoping: Best Of Luck...
TTCing - yeah, I think I saw you in Samseah's room right? Actually my hubby pointed u out and jokingly said to me, could that be your cycle buddy? hahaha. I'm on leave till end of this week. I actually applied for my own leave this week. I figured whatever the result, I won't be able to concentrate on work

Thanks to all for the wishes
I am so happy. I really pray that my babies will remain strong and tough, so I'm looking forward to the scan.
Congrats working wife!! Welcome to the bfp club!! : )

Edd in mid-end dec is consider full term ah? Means its abt 36weeks? I tot full term is 40weeks? Is it due to multiples?
Not sure for twins is it earlier... Havent ask my dr yet..
Dec is fine with me..
U will be having c sect right? Triplets cant have natural birth right?

I read before that if you are carrying multiples, the EDD is earlier compared to those who carry singleton.

Working wife,

Congrats!! Welcome to the MTB club. Wishing you a smooth 8 months ahead.. you are now one month preggy.. hehe.


Congrats!! Were you the same that posted you spotted bleeding but tested faint positive over the weekends? hehe. lucky you went to 24hrs for additional support. Hope your HCG doubles! Jia You!

I din put the 7up in the fridge lah.. cos i know 7up can help to reduce heatiness, so I bought over the weekend. Left it in room temperature. Now you reminded me abt 7up, i just went to open the bottle. hehe.
panda: yup angela can be very honest sometimes..hehe but i do respect her for being true to her patients..

thanks for the encouragement...will strive on..

GAN: cook red bean soup? eh what other ingredients do we need?

does wolfberry/red dates help?

i told my hubby, tonight onwards lets have beef steak...hahahah ...i think he feels i am crazy..ahahah
congrats to those who just rested BFP.

my af finally reported so i will be starting on my FET soon. Any advice what to do and what not to do during this period?
Just faith,
Yes, I'm the one..but it managed to stop after given progesterone jab on sat and it help to stop my bleeding..tq

working wife,
really ah..your hubby quite observant..
he spotted correct! hehehe... anyway I will be going back work tmr (althou they gave me HL till end of this wk) coz I need to explain to my boss.. and I will rest on thur.. so how about next wk, are u still on leave?

my BT and proluton jab will be this thur..the scanning part haven't scheduled as I think they need to monitor my HCG..

is it? I don't have cold pack but just now use heat pad and placed it on my button..feels good tq..

For those BFP,
U all take HL continuously after u BFP?? till when?
nm,just read beans will do. can add some rock sugar. i used those slow cooker to cook overnight, in morning u have yummy red bean soup. u can continue with ur red dates drink to keep ur womb warm.

TTCingBB, i went back to work 9 days after my ET but due to some slight bleeding i had almost 2 weeks ago, i was hospitalised for 2 days and since then been on HL. this thursday will go back for review with Dr Loh and also see if i can return to work next week. As u are in early stage of pregnancy, be careful like in 2ww, minimise walking and try rest more.
nm, u can also add a slice of dried orange peel if u want to the red bean soup. all can be bought from the chinese med hall.
HL - hospitalisation leave

i bought my brazil nut from carrefour but can also buy from cold storage, ntuc at amk hub. i think Giant also have? must check with the rest.
gan: thanks..i bought the red beans already...just soak a handful and use slow cooker? thanks

Karen: HL is hospitalisation leave

brazil nuts can be bought at taka basement opp cold storage
