IVF/ICSI Support Group

just faith... i oso start to feel aches at the belly button area...i google and read tht its normal coz the uterus is pushing upwards to grow...

Panda: Thanks. But I was told those older patient (more than 36yr) usually tent to have thick shell, but you are not that old right so I though Care did AH for all its patient in order to have better implantation rate?? :>
live, i m 33 this year..oso not very young ..hehe.. i tink its quite individual.... AH is not done for all patients.. only on need basis..

Yeap, I have also read online becos uterus is expanding. But I am only 6 weeks leh... is it too fast for me? Anyway, was telling myself as long as no spotting for me, I am still safe. *sorry, gan.* Cos I have a sad episode of spotting last year.

My DH is happy for you that you having triplets. He thinks 3 is too much for my body. He has sent his regards to you. Jia You!!
I think at 2pm+ I need to be there. Scan first then see Doctor Loh... I am excited and worried at the same time. Cos that day at 5.7weeks, only see sac leh....
I like the way CARE give support during 2ww.. really happy that u BFP and somemore triple the joy! grab your babydust!!

May I know what is the kind of support they gave you from the day you did ET till you BFP?

Did you check with CARE how to ease the cramps at our ovaries? I also have the cramping there. Especially these few days. Last nite was worst, after I sneeze. It feels like a sharp appendics pain... but how can I have appendics on both side? During my scan at 24hrs clinic, the doc has my ovaries are still swollen, can see follicles inside. Guess being PCOS, that's why we both experience this

I think at the end of IVF journey, PandaWife should be spending at least 25k.. not including of delivery charges. She deserved the care and attention from CARE for every dollar she spent... PandaWife, tio bo?
Just Faith, please say thanks to ur hb too... hee.. ..

yeah..Angela also told me..be very careful, make sure no bleeding or spotting..she worry if any one of them not growing well, will affect the other two.. so now is really keep my fingers crossed...and pray hard...

now i oso very anxious to wait for heartbeat scan....
working wife,
today is my D11..nothing particular today.. but on sat, I felt slight sharp pain on my pelvic for a split second a few times on that day..but very fast it's ok..
I dunno yet if I will test HPT..I will see if my hubby will buy clearblue on thur or not..I have already mentioned to him on thur can test HPT and up to him if wanna test or not..so that I dun have to worry whether wan to or not..hehehe..
having some butterfly feeling..am also praying hard that will BFP..esp with PandaWife's triple babydust.. just crossing my finger..

But hor, I got a -ve feeling..dunno whether I'm starting to think too much liao...
TTCingBB, on D6, i was given proluton and pregnyl jab plus estrofem pill cos they monitor the prog and E2 level..and on tht day, it suddenly dropped! now angela explained to me the drop is becoz all 3 embryos implanted and took away the hormones...from tht day, i hv prolution jab 2 times a week...and also continue to monitor E2 and prog level.

just faith, can use heat pad to ease the cramps at the sides... i oso hav sudden sharp pain...esp when i turn myself in bed at night...so try not to hv sudden movements... it will help also. active follicles now is a good sign....means hormones are sufficient..

yes.. value for $... pay for the care and services... but i m glad to pay... coz smtimes $ cannot buy our little ones...$ can always earn back later....
ohhh..just faith, its not too early...our body is already starting to prepare..i only 5 weeks leh.. i pop the same qn to nurse..isnt it too early to feel pelvic aches...she says no....not early liao.....
Just Faith,
really? 25K?? wow..yeah she really deserved all the best care from CARE..

I'm reading an infertility book and now it touches on IVF and mentioned the support we can get while going thru IVF...hehehe
just faith, pandawife yes definitely very stressful to see blood and having spotting during pregnancy. Having gone thru that myself. Thank god my scan on thurs at 5 weeks 2 days, dr loh says ok, everything intact, no blood seen on lining.
So must take care. I think i am more careful now compared to my 2ww.

I already started using heatpad, cos i m having severe back pain. I put the heatpad on my back. it feels gd but i m uneasy to put heatpad on the sides. u r right. cannot have sudden turning and i always make sure that i slowly get up from bed.
Hi TTCingBB - don't worry too much about it. I also sometimes get into negative feeling... I will start thinking where got so lucky one... these things happen to other ppl but not me. then I start thinking that when to do next FET since I have 6 more embies. But important thing is stop yourself when you start thinking like that. And just do other things to take your mind off it. Read books, watch TV.

When u say D11, you are counting from egg retrieval? Your BT is next Mon right?
gan, just faith, baby, remember when u get up from bed... always turn to ur side, and use ur hands to push ur body up... do NOT lie flat on ur back and just push ur body up using ur stomach muscles.. its a NO NO.... ladies during 2ww...please also observe this....

just faith, nurse says if the cramps at the side gets very uncomfortable, just use the heat pad to relieve it.. i hv not been using..everytime the pain comes..i just use my hands to gently rub the area.... u oso hv backache.. me too... i use 2 little pillows to support my back when i m on my sofa... and the heat pack definitely helps to relieve the backache...

working wife/TTCingBB, keep up the positive spirit.. the impossible just happened to me...so anything is possible! jia you! i tell my embbies tht i love them everyday...
working wife & Pandawife,
ya..when i was starting to think -ve tots, I faster tok to my embbies "R you still there? must be strong & healthy hor"... I'm watching DVD HK drama now..

Workingwife, let's jiayou together..

I'm counting from ET, if I test HPT on this thur then I will request for BT on mon...
Panda: Thanks for yr info. Grab your bb dust. I hope God listens my pray and will also grant this wish to me soon. Take care.

Congratulation to those BFP sisters;continue to keep up positive spirit and jia you!
PandaWife, think I never told you that I have 4 mths of bed rest in 2006 after my operation. I have learnt from those physio sessions the proper way to get up from bed. I also taught my parents the same thing also... Think it is a habit that I cant kick off now.

The back pain is quite severe these few days.. like one of the symptoms when AF is drawing near.. choy choy choy!!!
Really heartwarming to see success stories !! Makes me wanna to do ivf soon ... but also will keep in mind that there will be up's n downs to this journey ...

Impatiently awaiting for my June's AF to arrive !!
Just Faith, tht is a gd habit! i only do it since 2ww..and all the way until now..auto liao too... even half asleep at night..will oso turn my body to the end of the bed to get up..

i hv aches at the hip bone at the lower back leh...the part tht is parallel to the uterus...

this whole process is just amazing.....

u no need to take afternoon nap today? i wanted to go sleep after lunch..bt after puking...cannot sleep liao... now waiting for 5pm so tht i can call CARE to check on my bt results.
I slept already.... early nap. After that, my DH came in, I couldnt get back to sleep. Now his turn to nap, I often teased him if he is preggy... nap so much like me!
thanks brownie!
still hv to wait for scan to ensure heartbeat...

today's bt result is out.. beta 25,776.. no wonder MS so bad....

just faith, ur hb also oso share ur naps with u mah... i told my hb he has to share my MS...coz its really alot..haha...
Pandawife, TRIPLE CONGRATS to u! U must be extremely happy. Can close shop liao. Hope to grab some BB dust fr u!
Hv a gd rest n enjoy ur Motherhood!

U mean u spend total $25K on IVF or wat?
LAdies, its BFN.
i don't knw why iam not crying.
i think its not meant to be this time.
i really don't know what god has planned for me.
Loh told at the time of Et thatt chances are low bcos of womb size.

i just hope i come back after few mths for fet and be successful. the thoughtt of going tthrough third fresh cycle kills me.
i have 7 embies.. let me see.
sorry for passing negative vibes.. don't get disturbed.. for evry person it differs.
we will all jia you one day.
i guess iam facing it bravely bcos of the support in the forum..
will log in later.
so happy for u .. triplets.. please save baby dusts for me.. when come back for fet .. i need ur shower...
take lot of rest..
Ya .. I know Just Faith ... hence i didn't call kkivf today to check if avaliable for me to slot in May's IVF ... I shall wait !

If only that time I chosen the IVF route (I also overstimulated for soiui) I might be same result as you liao ...

Anyway ... I shall wait !! Already stocked up on brazil nuts, chicken essenese, royal jelly capsules, bee pollen (adv from BabyG at another thread), folic acid, red dates drink, ensure ...
Also going for accu & drink chinese powders for at least 2mths before IVF start ...
Swallowing my saliva, that's a whooping lot. But is worth it. Even if is BFP with 1.
Can I request for AH seems it helps even thou doc say no need, anyone kns?
Sorry to hear about the news Fancy ... you are really strong not to cry .. but if crying helps do not hold it in ...

WE all will be mothers someday ! Don't give up !!
since Dr Loh able to pinpoint that it might be due to womb size, any way to solve that first before embarking on nxt journey ?
faith, the doc will decide if AH is necessary, i.e. If ur egg shell is hard.

Fancy sorry to hear the news *hugz* take care ok? Make an appt with dr loh to reivew and see what can be done for FET. I find FET less stressful than fresh and also BFP from the FET. So i am sure ur FET will BFP.
u r really very strong..just like JJ said, if u wanna cry out..pls cry so that the feeling won't bottled up..just let it out and u will feel better..
I think I'm going to have flu coz I kept sneezing and nose abit running... I heard from u gals that taking vit C might help.. may I know which brand did u take?
TTCingBB, i m taking nature's farm vit C, 1000 mg per tablet. just pop one every morning. drink more water and sleep.
fancy, *big HUGZ*.. u r also a very brave gal...
take a break... and go back talk to Dr Loh on how to improve ur condition for FET... i m sure next round FET will be a success! i reserve a bucket of babies dusts for u!
Gan, yeah.. i was told HCG will monitor until it peaks and gradually go down... cant remember if its until 8 weeks or 12 weeks....

high hcg = bad MS...

dont worry... jia you for FET.. i also BFP with FET.. less stressful for the body.. i did my FET 2 months after fresh cycle.
Hi Fancy - sorry to hear it didn't work this time. Continue to pray to God, He will definitely answer our prayers one day.

You are indeed a brave girl... that's the right attitude and spirit to have. Just remember this, you will become a mother one day (no matter what the means). Jia you!!
I sneeze over 20 times today.. Gosh... Hope it did not disturb anytin. I did hold my tummy everytime i sneeze...
Now im feeling better... The runny nose not as bad liao..
Just cook myself abc soup to eat with rice..
Did u go celebrate with yr hubby on yr triplets??
I wont know how to digest it if im u... Cant imagine having to take care of 3 darlings at the same time!! Must take 3 prams when gng out?? Gosh mann... But its definetly triple the joy!!

How r u today? Has the spotting stop?
Fancy, hugz! I remember you have an episode with Dr Loh prior to ET... can't remember what happened. But do and review your case with him.

Dont rush into FET.. Have plenty of rest first.

JJ, actually, if really asked to attempt IVF, I would probably dragged this TTC matter till I BFN from SO-IUI again. Cos I remember Dr Loh told me, my case is not so jia lud, no need to go thru IVF. Thats why he scheduled me for 2nd SO-IUI with him. I rested for almost half a year after my m/c last year. Guess God planned it this way for me, cos maybe HE knows I will never success thru SO-IUI. I really have no courage to attempt IVF at all in the first place. Too stressful for my body liao.
Baby, please pop some vitamin C. Dun let your sneeze affect you.

I am also having vit c Redoxon everyday since 2ww.

It is very impt not to fall sick during early 1st trimester
baby today ok. =) i guess minimising walking helps. Feeling better now?

Kekeke must be very cute to bring the triplets out. Pandawife r u going to employ a helper?
