IVF/ICSI Support Group

cannot go out celebrate leh.. my MS is super bad today...every other 30 mins.. i need to hold a plastic bag...coz feel like puking..

i oso cannot imagine looking after 3 babies! haha... bt i suppose when the time comes, i will learn to cope with it...

one time pain, pop all out.. seems quite cool ...

Gan, havent thot of helper yet.. it seems like my parents and my in laws are all ready to come my house to babysit.. my mum even ask me not to get confinement lady..she will take turns w my mil to help me..

Sorry to abt yr bfn... Hugs...
Hope u wont give up hope... All the best to u!!

Panda/gan/just faith
Im feeling alright... Not as bad as afternoon...
Once in a while i will have this kind of flu... It will recover after a night sleep...
After hearing panda triplets.. I cant wait for my scan... Another 4 more days...
Hello All,
I am going to be doing my first IVF in June, I was wondering if anyone here is also going through at same time? I am nervous but also hopeful that this will be answer to our prayers finally. If anyone here has success experience I would be so happy to hear them

sorry to hear on your bfn...U r indeed very brave...But do let out ur sadness if need be dear...Dun keep..

Dun give up ...our journey to motherhood is not over dear...Do keep on trying...Take Care..HUGZZ..HUGZZZ
Baby, hehe..i still hv to wait for next Monday scan again.. i suspect thur might still be too early to see heart beats... so ur scan is still earlier..

tonight sleep early and rest well... i cannot eat the food my mil cook today .... now trying to have campbell soup before i go sleep....
hi fancy, i havent spoken to you before in this forum, but i am sorry to hear abt your BFN. Take care of your health now and you will be strong for ur FET try. jia you!
Yup im still on it... 1 tab 2 times a day.. One tab is 2mg..
Dr ask me to take when i insert the utrogestan..
Why u ask leh?
U also on progyonva right? Yr spotting has stop liao? Today didnt see any spotting liao right?
baby ya today is ok
my progynova now increased to 12mg a day....have slight headache lor dunno is it from the progynova. Initially was 8mg
hi everyone
My HCG BT result on Fri was 54000+. Today, dropped to 52000+. Still no heartbeat. Blood clot is now 1/3 original size. Prob due to the Gold Kili ginger drink two of u recommended me (thanks)... So i requested for a few more days. Another BT on Wed. Another scan on Thu. If scan still no gd, will be warded immd and D&C. I still have pretty bad nausea and more vomiting lately. Worse, appetite fluctuates cos i eat halfway, gootta poop and after that, cannot continue makan.

Has any one of u gone for a D&C? any words of advice? How's the recovery? Very scared. Never been afraid of surgery in my life. Had plenty. This is the 1st time I hv nightmares.

My DH says he's very not in favour of a 3rd IVF cycle. Worry my body too weak/fragile. I'm prepared to 'tiao' my body again thru accu. But if he does maybe agree one yr later, by then , my endo probably will resurface. Don't want another laparascopy leh. Maybe not fated to hv a kid, maybe shd change gynae, maybe shd change TCM doc. But does Dr Zou speak Eng? My Mandarin/dialect poor. I now very lost.

Tickles, I didn't know Danzen helped your inflammation (blood). I have that and keep for spare in case sore throat. Dare not take w/o gynae's knowledge though.

Fancy, big hug. Sometimes crying helps to relieve a flood of emotions. I cried last Fri but dare not cry too much cos still have my sac in me.

Gan, how r u coping?

Pandawife, triple congrats!! Very happy for u. Cos going thru IVF, i guess we all know that when we do BFP, it's really hard-earned!!! Just be prepared more plenty of lower ab pains soon cos ligaments got to stretch to accommodate 3.


Sneezing (if there is no mucus or runny nose feeling) is actually a symptom of early pregnancy so just hold onto your tummy when you sneeze. Of course, if you have a runny, drippy feeling, pls take care!
12mg a day.. Thats quite alot.. Progyonva is actually estrogen..
Its for our lining.. Its to prevent our lining to shed.. So probably dr want to give u the max dose..
I heard progynova will be stop after the first scan.. So not sure whether it is kkh practise..
Actually i read we cant take too much estrogen.. Not too good for our body.. May cause over growth..
But we have no choice.. Got to take tons of med for ivf..
Will u be requesting for earlier scan? Cos u did et earlier than me.. U should be able to have the scan earlier...
Cupcake - is it really confirmed ? still got hope right since HCG still high ??
Really hope all the best for you.

Dr Zou chinese still understandable even for me a potato ...
My prob is that even though my HCG seems high, it dropped, it didn double. That's why i'm so sad and lost. Plus the fact that I have to pay for a D&C. Another cost involved. Sian.
See how, if my hubby is receptive to me trying again. He's just worried abt me and scared that my body cannot take all this meds and injections. So I'm considering Dr Zou.
then yr dh still will be undergoing yr previous accupunture doc ? or will he be visiting dr zou cos i saw guys at dr zou's place there.

I agree on the part where need to 'tiao' the body cos of the invasive meds & injections done to our body during the process.

Most husbands will be against trying ivf again cos they see the pain the wives go through.. maybe give him time to thing thru again.

Hard to do but must keep yrself positive ok ...
fancy - dun worry,i oso same like u.
cnt cry.
i oso have 7 embbies left.
scarly we both start next cycle same timing. =)
anyways,anything u can pm me.
u take care ya.
Oh, I didn know Dr Zou sees hubbies too. Is the wait long or she is punctual according to her appts? My hubby hates to wait! He's okay with accu himself and also for me, but he doesn't want me to undergo so much meds.
Btw, i remember someone mentions that Dr Zou has an assisant and she's not so gd. Is that true?
baby yes 12mg is alot...now i am scared i heard wrongly and ate too much. Coz before i was discharged, the nurse gave me 3 tablets for the morning dosage and she mentioned twice a day. But they didn't write the prescription for me. Will email dr loh to confirm. When you say overgrowth, what will overgrow? All these hormones giving me a headache le. Well usual practice is go for scan 2 weeks after bt date, so even if i change early will be 1 day early only since my bt was on 6 may.

Cupcakes, i am doing fine. U mention u have blood clots? Did u go for a second opinion? Did u see the yolk sac in the water bag? pray that u will see bb heartbeat soon.
Dr zou's assistant only comes on thurs. Take care ok.
baby, i kept wondering wht is Progyonva ...now i know..its the same as Estrofem..which i took for about 1 weeks plus.. thts the E2 tht bt is testing for. by now, our body is already producing its own supply of it...

how are u feeling today?? flu recovered?

cupcake, thanks. u take care of urself too... hopefully there will be a miracle and hcg will double the next bt. will pray hard for u and ur little one...

me and hb dun dare to be too happy yet, coz have not seen heartbeats...esp when there are 3 of them to worry for... so keeping our fingers crossed until the next scan. but my lower body already starting to get alot of aches here and there....

if u try again, it will be FET??

Gan, i dunon if KKH practice this, bt can actually do bt and measure the E2 in the body. coz CARE told me to stop taking estrofem when E2 reached to a certain level..... now it is just rising naturally based on what my body produces.
I went through D&C before. It was last year.
I got pregnant through IVF too. Heard the heartbeat on 6 weeks but lost on 7 weeks. I went for second opinion 2 days before my D&C, still no heartbeat. Before i was admitted to the surgery ward Prof did another scan, and still no heartbeat.
I will say it was more of emotional pain that I had to go through not so much of physical pain. To think that all was gone when I had hope it for so much and for so long. I cried the day before. ON the day itself, when i was waiting for my turn, again i cried. When i was awake after the proceudre, again i cried. I was just so sad. On the way home again i cried. It was just so sudden for me. I felt better after crying.

The recovery for me was not so bad. I did not feel any pain at all. I only bleed when i was at the hospital. After the next day, only had brown spotting for some days. But i will say my AF was a bit hay wire. My first menses was almost like 2 weeks long. I went NUH and told them and they give medication to regulate as i asked for it.
SOme ppl might be different. My girl friend had to go for D&C too. She bleed after the procedure and after that her menses was normal.

IF there is anything, do ask me or pm me. I am willing to help you.

Take care
Hi Cupcake...

I'm gg to Dr Zou for accu and meds..Since I am a Malay..so u can imagine..the communication level mah..kekeke..I do understand alittle here and there la..but to converse hmm alittle bit here and there too..hehehe

Me goo acu 2x a week while hubbie 1x a week..u book appt..at least no need to wait so long...but at times even with appt..have to wait a little bit..i try to reach there early...if got bed available..quite fast..straight away go accu..Hope this help...

Since your HCG is still high..like other Sistas says..may have chance...do pray dear..hope everything k mah...

Do take care...
Su yana, saw yr post to cupcakes. Hugs to you. I know it is not easy to go thru Ivf again. Our worries are endless. From ER to ET, then ET to 2ww. Then 2ww to blood test. If bfp, we will worry for another 2 weeks to see heartbeat. and after heartbeat, we are always looking forward to more scans to see that baby is stable.

Our worries are endless. Every woman who went through ivf are brave mummies. All the best to you. Hope your nex pregnancy will be a successful one.
Im sure dr gives u the max dose... But it should be alright..
Email dr loh to double check is good...
Couting down another 3 more days... Im so anxious leh..
At least u and panda already saw the sac.. But i hvt leh.. I scare...

Ya my flu ok liao... But every morning when i wake up i will have abit of runny nose for a while then ok liao...
I dont feel anything unusual... So my heart is like floating in the air... Can only feel settle after seeing bb heartbeat...
really? how come sneezing is a sign of early pregnant? Mucus is not much..nothing much to blow out except I use tissue paper to clean my nose.. my tummy area abit discomfort..dunno how to describe.. how it's really a good sign..

U do take care and wait positively for your next scan this thur.. Jiayou!
cupcake: dont give up yet ..yr hcg still high....did u seek second opinion?

jj: yr spreadsheet is very useful ..thank u...

panda: had my E2 blood test yesterday....will wait for ning to call me today. once cleared, either tomorrow or thurs start stimulation.

yesterday perhaps went to CARE and walked a little too much, hence had some slight bleeding.. but angela says its normal and not too worry..

panda: did u call ard before 5 yesterday for yr results? i happen to overhear angie tell a patient to call after 5 for the results...was it u?
Agree with you, we have so much to worry when we go throug this journey.

I am currently doing my 2nd attempt again. Hoepfully it is a success again and will last for 9months.
Su Yana,

After my m/c (striked from so-iui), I rested for half a year before i decide to go for second round of so-iui in march. this round time, the eggs got over-stimulated by i had to convert to ivf... going for my first scan today. really hoping to see heartbeat today... after today, another set of new worries.
just faith
Say hi for yr bb for me later ya!! Hee...
So excited to see yr bb for the first time... : )
How u feeling now? Any symptoms to share?
JJ, thanks for the dos and don't! Very useful

TTCingBB - how're you feeling today? I find that its quite hard for me to have a good nite's sleep. Partly because my legs are always restless, but I don't want to stretch too much in case affect tummy area. And partly because of the nerves... so end up drifting in and out of sleep

I don't feel anything now, except for occasional twinge in tummy area, and also very slight sore bb. what kind of pain are u feeling? not AF cramps but something else? hopefully its good news!!
I was abit stunned when I just went to toilet to pee and I saw abit light brownish spotting... I don't know is it my AF approaching..how? should I call up my clinic? I just took duphaston before going toilet and today is my D12...oh dear... I dun have sore bb le.. juz discomfort around my tummy area..

When you sleep,did sleep at the side? I felt abit discomfort when sleeping at the side and I don't wake up to pee when I'm sleeping, I will sleep till I wake up for work then go toilet but the past 2-3 days, I woke up at 5am or nearer to 6am to pee then go back to sleep...

Did you test on HPT? If tested positive, you need xtra support now. If tested negative, suggest that you continue with your medications until your BT. During my first BFP, I was tested positive on D14, the brown spotting also started on the same day.

Working wife, thanks! Really kan cheong. My scan is in the afternoon.

Baby, my MS is not as bad as my first BFP. Only want to pee all the time. Sore boobs. Occasionally cramps around tummy/ovaries. Now the worst thing is my back pain. It has been terrible. I slept on the heat gel last nite. It also helped to get rid of the wind in my body... cos I farted alot last nite. This morning woke up at 8am to poo again.
Just Faith,
No, did not buy HPT yet...how long did your brown spotting last?

I was just thinking last night if I will get brown spotting or not since my tummy abit discomfort lo..
nm, glad to hear the gd news... finally can proceed!
nope..tht was not me...i called angie before 5pm and she gave me the bt results.

baby, even though see sac, i still worry leh..coz havent seen heartbeat. and my worry is x3..hahaha... :p

i am feeling like a nightmare today... whole tummy discomfort plus bad MS...
heheh...i take it as blessing in disguise cos hubby not ard till fri so the later i start the better i less stress....its still better when he is ard cos he is the only family member who knows and it is really tiring to keep quiet abt it...

panda: rest in bed ...yr mum bringing food over?

For my first BFP, the spotting was on n off. It first started on Day14, which was after I was tested positive. A moment of joy, and string of worrys after that. After that, I went to Dr Loh on the same day. Managed to squeeze in an appt at 5pm but i managed to see him at 7pm+. He increased my duphaston, ordered for CRIB and progesterone jab for me. The spotting came every 3/4days.
nm, rest in bed too much feel very sickly...i got out of bed liao..now just sit on my sofa....

yup..my lunch and tea break already here... fried bee hoon and red bean lotus soup. bt no appetite to eat...i just had some campbell soup...i tink my babies like campbell..hahaha....
Tummy discomfort? Which kind?
Ya i know the worry of carrying triplets... My dr dont like his patients to carry triplets cos its high risk for bbs and mother..
But consider it as a blessing frm god to let u have 3 bbs at one shot! Can stop ttc liao!
For those that have singleton.. Got to try again after having one.. So have to go thru the whole anxious process again..

Im feeling abit sicky today leh... Duno how to discribe the feeling.. Feels eyes heavy... Restless... Hungry but not much appetite...
baby, my pelvic is aching, below belly button oso aching..and the left and right side pulling and twinges.. so whole tummy discomfort...nurse says its normal.....

i tink thur i will get anti nausea pills....too much MS ....

you sound like ms coming.......
I dun really feel bloated le..my tummy size the same since ET..abit bloated only...

Just Faith,
Oh u went to see Dr Loh on the same day? I tot of going down to TFC today after I go buy hpt to test..may I know if your first BFP is a success?
I'm so scared.. now going out.. catch ya later..

TTCingBB - yeah, I think its a good idea to go TFC, see what the nurses say. Spotting could be due to the level of hormones (progresterone, estrogen etc). Maybe the nurses might ask you to increase dosage etc. Don't worry too much about it. as other sisters say here (and I read on other online forums that spotting is rather common even in BFP). so don't lose hope yet.

Keep us updated on your news. Will be praying for u.
