IVF/ICSI Support Group

cupcake - my MS was bad to the extend that I cld throw up whatever I was eating immediately after eating .. most of the time I felt terrible and of course worried about my babies but after speaking to the mummies, I felt much better that the babies will still grow even though my MS was really bad .. I cld simply throw up @ any time of the day and all I wanted to do was sleep....

baby, u finally poo-ed! haha.. i just got back from CARE. they took blood to monitor E2, prog and HCG again. Also got another proluton jab...angela says since i having cramps, hv to do this jab twice a week.....*ouch*

Gan, i bought fried bee hoon for lunch again..hahaha..i tink i hv craving for bee hoon..keke...
i had been doig nothing other than sleeping.. zzzz all the time.. today very tired.. yesterday i had AF cramps for some time.. was so scared...
it went off after somew time .. praying hard.. i don't know when i will get good problems like MS:)

how r u today ???
fancy, sleep is good! tired is also a good sign...

just now i ask mee see how come until now i m sleeping so little! she says my body is still adjusting to the changes...probably at later stage i will feel tired more.

pray for BFP, not MS..hehehe..
ur embies is also in the intial excitement and actve like mummy thats y no sleeping.. it will come to normal... he he
Yup finally cleared my poo stock.. Haha..
I just ordered pasta mania hee... Duno wat to eat... First time ordering delivery after hearing so many good reviews here..
Y clinic also monitor hcg... Update us yr hcg level ya... Im gng to have mine tml... Hopefully its high high high...
baby, yeah..later afternoon the nurse will update me on the bt results... hopefully babies are growing fine.

i was happily eatin my mee hoon...thot good appetite lor...then suddenly... diao! wanna puke again...haiz...

wht did u order from pasta mania?

just now angela ask me to go back to the JE TCM..for her to feel my pulse ..see if my body lack anything to hv a good pregnancy...or need to "bu qi" anot... i am wondering if its necessary...
baby actually i dun think mine is ms, just dun feel good this morning. Maybe coz i was up peeing at 4am, then try to sleep, the up to pee again at 630am. Now very tired at work.
Got poking pains for a short while at lower right.

Pandawife, waa ur fried bee hoon made me hungry. Was very hungry at 10am ate a bao, now hungry again. Will eat another bao while waiting for my colleague to pack lunch for me.
Gan, i also feel very tired now.. coz 5am wake up.. bt the nausea discomfort too overwhelming...cannot sleep.

haiz... i waste food again lor...coz cannot finish.. still hv half a packet which i cannot stomach liao...
Just finished.. Hee..
I had the spicy chicken spag.. Plus the potato salad cos must min $10 order.. The spag is ok.. The potato salad so so only..
But dont really feel full thou... Hmmmm... Nothing else to eat liao...

U back to work liao ah...
U wake up so many times to pee?? So fast have this symptom of frequent urination...
Yr spotting stopped liao?
wah...still not full..hehe.. ur babies can eat leh... how about take fruits?

i oso frequent urination...since 2ww already like tht..one night wake up a few times to pee... now even worse.. the full bladder feeling always there.. even when i just go relieve myself..come out of toilet..the feeling is there again....

i only BFP a few days leh...bt hor, feels like very long time already !! aiyoh...
baby i have been up to pee at 4am or 5am since 2nd week of 2ww. Dun sleep thru the night. Normally i try go back to sleep but 7am will auto up whether working or not.
Yes back to work but energy level is low. So far ok no spotting' *finger crossed* luckily i can eat most food else difficult to ask pple da pao for me.
Seems like this thread only few of us talking and complaining. =p
Both of u have quite similar symptoms... Need to pee frequently...

Ya lor.. This thread like only have 3 of us chatting...
I notice recently i can eat alot... Dont seems to get full... Just now ate the whole box of spag like never eat like that... Regret never order two kinds of spag... Now at hm nothing to eat le..

Honestly im abit worried abt my hcg bt tml leh..
Duno whether it is raising normally not... But if its not growing properly will sure have some no good symptoms right? Or it wont show one? Sigh.. No end of worries...
Really hope the hcg tml is very good.. Then i can relax till my scan..

After et worry abt bfp
After bfp worry abt hcg level
After good hcg worry abt scan for heartbeat
After heartbeat worry abt first tri

Worries can only end when baby is born.. Then new set of worries will start...
baby...i oso abit worried about my hcg level leh.. dunno if it will be a good growth number.... imagine i hv to go thru this 2 times a week! haha.. this is the cons of having regular monitoring by the clinic...

good appetite shld b a sign bb is growing well also right... at least u eat well, no need to worry about the health problems of having MS..
this morning i told nurse i m eating so badly i worry will hv gastric...then also not drinking as much water...worry will hv UTI (i m prone to UTI when i dun drink enuff).
baby i eat alot...just had a bao and finish the chicken rice my colleague packed for me. I think i am going to be an oversize mummy.

Pandawife/baby dun worry abt the hcg, am sure it is doubling well. Pple like us who do ivf in fact dun monitor just go for scan 2 weeks later.

Baby when r u going back to work?
Gan, u r right leh.. i tink most places dont monitor hcg.... will try not to tink about it so much..

wah... u oso can eat very well...thts gd...

the weather is terribly hot outside...just had my shower to make myself more comfortable.....

starting to feel very bored....dunno what to do liao..
Congrates to all ladies who got BFP lately - Gan , justfaith, baby, pandawife.. missed out anyone? Must take good care of yourselves..

pandawife,just curious, wat will you b doing thruout the 9 mths of preg since u not working now ? i not working currently also, wondering how to survive for so many months if i were really preggy !!
Im not working... Im a housewife hehe...
Wow u can eat too man... Im hungry now but nothing to eat le...

Ya im telling myself dont worry too much on hcg...
Alot people who bfp only had bt once... They never knew how their hcg grows... If i didnt do bt earlier i believe i wont had it the second time also.. Then i wont worry for these few days liao..
babytigers, thanks!

good question, i m so bored now leh... aiyoh...
i m still home quarantined... only leave my house to go CARE for checkups... coz nurse ask me to be extra careful and don't walk too much. so cannot go out ....

i also duno wht to do after things stabilise... hahah....probably can go meet frens for meals, do some retail therapy, watch dramas...bt cannot occupy all my time.. and i m the kind tht need to yak yak yak leh... at home alone, mentally constipated!!! nobody to talk to....

my hb ask me if i want to go to my mum/mil house during daytime so tht there is somebody to keep me company... i m still considering....
ohhh...baby, u also not working... next time we can do some activities together... otherwise very boring.. maybe go shop for bb things, maternity wear ...babytigers can join us leh..keke...
I just did my IUI today and into 2ww. gynae ask me to go back for blood test 10 days later. I really dread this wait!
Haha... Yeah.. We can go shop for baby tins together...
Our due date will be very near... Since we did et one day apart... Gan u also very near us.. Yrs is only 2 days earlier than mine!

Can we do mani pedi now har?
baby, i just got my HCG result. 1900.. nurse says still cant tell if its multiple..keke.. hv to wait for the next two BT..will hv a better indication.

hmmm..i tink better not do mani pedi.. exposure to the chemicals leh.. i stop using nail polish since 2ww, and plan to stay away from it for the next 9 mths... very kiasi...bt after all the sufferings, i want to be on the safe side.

even skin care prdts i also change to organic ones... dont want to slap so much chemicals on my body....
pandawife, i wish to be like u all who bfp leh.. when will it be my turn ?? tats a good suggestion from your dh, go there in the daytime, at least got someone to talk to, esp your mum. now still spend time with your mom, when your babies r out, u wil b super busy..
suyana i ate abt 5 brazil nuts during my 2ww...but remember drink more water.

Pandawife/baby i wish i am not working!! Having headache now, and feeling tired. btw before the start of 2ww i went for pedi and haircut so that i can be mei mei during 2ww. Now u remind me of chemicals, i better go remove my pedi tonite
even now still cant tell if its multiples arh? When's your next BT?

Now still can do mani and pedi. But just those basic ones. But must go to a shop that is well ventilated.
tickles! haha.. i just emailed u leh.. then u pop and appear here....

ning says still cannot tell... next BT is Thursday..... bt she says the HCG progression is good.. coz more than tripled in number over the last 3 days..

i m more worried if they are growing well as compared to if single or multiple actually... so i m happy so long as baby / babies are healthy..
Wow yr hcg is high!!!
Today is only 16 days post et and u already have near 2000... I think v high chance is twins wor...
I wonder whats my hcg tml.. Very anxious to know.. Singleton or twins im just as happy... Just hope my hcg is raising very well.. Hopefully is more than 2500...
Yr scan is next sat?
More than tripled? Wow~ Good chance leh.. But just see the next BT how first. Dun worry cos your HCG is good. Should be ok. CARE monitors us quite closely so no need to worry. If they see anything no right, they will add on the support. Just like my prog drop the other time.
haha gan, u wish u were not working like us ? no income leh, i wish i am working n preggy, tat would be ideal, still can enjoy 4 mths of paid maternity leave leh.. of course tat is later part la. endure for now... u can do it..
baby, i tink not considered very high leh..hehehe.. remember nancy? hers was 3000...tht one i tink confirm is multiples...

nurse also dun dare to say twins...she say the beta is neither here nor there..keke...

havent confirm the date for my scan leh.. coz i was telling the nurse if possible, can ask Dr Paul to do the scan.. and tht depends on CARE's schedule for ER/ETs next week...they will let me know next week when i go for BT....

i understand ur anxiousness to know the beta.. the anticipation quite scary....

Gan, u dun do it urself leh... ask ur hb to do it for u... just now i ask nurse if i can cut my own toe nails.. she says cannot.. ask hb to do it.. dun bend down and stress the tummy area...
i need a hair cut quite badly...bt dun tink i m ready to go hair salon now.. so just bear with the messy hair....
last cycle i did hair, nails everything before hand...bt did not work out.. so this cycle i dun want to plan so much..just go with the flow so tht i dun stress myself too much..

babytigers, it will be ur turn soon! after this cycle, i really feel tht everything is fated leh... i tried for 7 yrs... and suddenly get retrenched from job.. and also get pregnant..hahahahaa... its like all destined to happen this way. my dad says its god's arrangement tht i hv to stay at home coz my MS is so bad..hahaha.....
Tickles, i need proluton 2 times a week leh....
ouch ouch ouch.... actually my prog level is very gd..according to the BT results... bt coz i hv cramps.. so angela says better give..so tht i m more comfortable also..
babytigers, i hv been dreaming about going on maternity leave for the longest time!! hahaha... and now i m on indefinite "maternity leave"....
Cant cut own toenails ah.. So funny to let hubby cut.. Hee
Already asked to do all housework..now even toenails must let him cut... Haha...
CARE really v cautious in everything... It dont sound like those modernised clinic... Usually most drs will say can do anything.. Can eat anything except those very oblivious ones...
I believe if u ask dr paul.. He will say so too... I guess the nurses are just being over careful...

When u gng for bt again? Every time need to test for hcg?

thank u hope it will come true sooooon. to all ladies who BFP here, enjoy your preggy journey !! i also tried for 7 years, but still nothing happen, maybe god think i m still not ready to be a mother yet..(but i already 36 already leh). since everything happen so coincidently for u, then good for u..

Gan, be careful of the chemicals that r in the polish remover also.
baby, hehe..when i ask nurse, angela was also there.. after all the efforts to finally BFP, i rather be more careful.. i also tink not gd to do it..bt thought try asking.. coz if they say can..then i can DIY..no need to ask hb..kekek..

then angela kept telling me, must take good care of urself..hv more rest.. even ask my mummy to take extra care of me during this period..keke...

next BT is thurs.. every apppt will test HCG, E2 and Prog. my arrangement is every mon and thur...fixed days..

i tink hb shld not mind helping to do housework and cut nails during this period..hehehe.. its a happy problem!

winniepooh, it depends leh... coz different situations will require different drugs in different amounts... my case abit extreme coz i started using very costly hormones drugs 2 mths before starting ivf... we probably spent more than 20k until BFP. not including the regular BT/medication/jabs after BFP...
Another sister here spent 17k there.
Yawn yawn yawn..

I was napping... woke up, read the posts, then went to sleep again. Dunno why I alwayz feel sleeping, hungry, and want to pee/poo all the time. Once I come out of toilet, I went to pee again.

Think I m growing to be piggy leh.
May i ask whether after bfp.. Yr bloated tummy still as bloated?
Mine like gng away leh... Not so bloated liao..
With hcg raising i tot will be more bloated?? Worried leh...

Another sis? Talking abt me huh? hahaha! You got more to spend man. I am spending ard $600 everytime I visit Dr Tan for my scan. Cos I still need my weekly proluton jabs plus crinone and all other medication. Luckily now I only need to see her every 2 weeks.

Angela says cant cut own toenails huh? Alamak, I have been cutting it myself leh. Didnt know leh. But I try to stretch my hand longer so I dun strain my tummy la.
