IVF/ICSI Support Group

Pandawife yeaps I went back to work last tue already n hv to work like a cow.
so will try not to take mc.
Managed to see bb's pulse last fri scan at 5.5 weeks. Phew. Tat was indeed a touching moment tar it brought tears to my eyes.

Hope u hv a smooooth pregnancy and take care hor!

Bak kut teh cannot???? Shit.. I just had it on sat leh...
Bak kut teh got herbs one ah?? I tot is pepper and pork.. Tot it has pepper so got warming effect..

Didnt really go out... Only went my inlaws place for dnr..
She cooked melon soup... But i never drink... Cos i think melon is liang right?
My mum cooked lotus soup i did drink cos my mum says its not liang.. Its nourishing.. Neutral... Somemore dr zou recipe for bleeding has lotus.. So i tot is ok...

I also having dusphastan and progynova like u... I have utrogestan also... Folic acid i buy my own...
Did kkh ask u to go for bt for hcg monitoring before yr scan is due?
Hi Baby,

I think bak kut teh is okay as long as it doesnt contain herbs. I also agree with you that pepper has warming effect. hehe.. But try not to take too often,

Ya, melon soup is too liang. Cannot drink. Lotus soup is norishing.
yeah..the list of don'ts i got from CARE has bak kut teh. not excessive amount of it is ok. dont worry... i oso took papaya during 2ww by accident..hee..

yeah..melon is liang.. my mum also say lotus soup is gd for us.

my backache is so bad now..i just heat up the gel pack and put it on my back to ease the aching...shiok!
Baby, kkivf's practice is that if ur BT on D17 is more than 200, no need go for BT to monitor the HCG. just wait for the scan 2 weeks later. But i did ask that HCG to be done for me just now coz i was abit concern due to the brownish spotting. They just called HCG is now 1822.3, so I guess should be ok. Though the doc on duty, i really felt like strangling him. He said even u take BT for HCG doesn't mean anything coz it could have been 800 then drop to 600, you won't know. waaaa... so angry when he said that.

Are u having regular BT to check your HCG until your first scan?
My scan is also on 21may leh...
When is yr et done? Yr d17 is counted frm et or er?
Wow yr hcg is aldy at 1800plus today..
Okay. Okay. That's it. Now i know why cannot eat yellow noodles..

I have not had mee rebus, prawn mee soup, beef yellow noodles, wanton mee for weeks!!!! After spending most of the week at home, cos of the fresh bleeding, my hubby took me out and i had yellow mee lunch and dinner. Post lunch, my nausea was bad. Post dinner, aiyoh, really regret.

Stupid boric acid.

No wonder my nurse said that too much yellow mee may cause M/C. Now I'm worried. My bleeding had subsided to brown stains since Fri and now I hope my precious one isn't suffering due to my STUPIDITY and greediness.

I so miss so many food and drink. Craving for soya bean curd, lime juice, crab bee hoon, sashimi...

yes, got herbs in bak kut teh. Haven't had that for weeks.

Pandawife, Just Faith,
Nowadays, I eat halfway and then must poop. By the time I come back from the bathroom, food cold liao. Appetite also lost.
if you smell paint nearby, maybe you wanna wear mask at home? I carry disposable face masks everywhere i go. Today, i wore a mask to my parents' place just to drop off red pkt for Mothers' Day cos my mom has been very ill.

Paint smell and even cleaning detergents not good for inhaling leh. Do be extra careful.
cupcake, didn't think of wearing mask. thanks! ya that day my part time helper was cleaning the kitchen, i went in and smell the strong bleach smell, immediately run out.
you're welcome. But try not to run!!! Ya, the Jif and Clorox have very strong smells. Sometimes even when my hubby use, I can still smell thru the mask ;( But better than not wearing one. So I stay inside the bedroom till the smell in the kitchen or toilet clears.
Don't run okay? You need to be careful of your brown stains.
Yup.. My et is d0... My clinic practises bt on d14...
Kkh practises d17 for first bt? Count et day as d1?
So today is your day what?

Yr clinic gives u quite abit of info.. Tats good..
My clinic doesnt tell u what are the do and dont...
My dr dont believe is crib.. He says just take it easy for the first few days after et.. Then can go out for walks and meals..
But he did say cannot exert too much strength when pooing..
But after bfp... No further instructions...

How come cannot take yellow mee???? I jus had it on sat..
Shit looks like i been eating what i shouldnt be eating..
I had yellow mee prawn soup...
baby today is my d20, ur d19. yes et as D1. Oours is D2 transfer, so guess bt later.

Cupcake thanks. U take care too.
Hi baby,
according to nurse, and my pregnancy book plus internet,

boric acid is a preservative for noodles. Esp yellow coloured noodles.
Hokkien mee: 33%
Wanton mee: 18%
Yellow mee: 6%
Too much boric acid causes vomiting & giddiness during pregnancy. High levels lead to kidney failure.
"pregnancy and childbirth" by Dr T C Chang
So even pre-pregnancy, I stopped having all these mee pok, mee kia, yellow mee etc. Kway teow is fresh noodles but not yellow, so there's much lesser boric acid preservative.
My body super sensitive so reacts pretty fast. (Eg, if my whole family has food poisoning, I the one kena within the 2 hrs. My dad reacts 2 days later!)

Of course, most people tummy stronger so don't worry too much. I just prefer to be safe than sorry. One big mistake today for me lor.
Today im in my d16... My et is on 23rd apr... D3 transfer..
Cos we having scan on the same day so i tot we did et on the same day as well.. Hehe...

Ohhhhh.... I didnt know all these... How abt those thick white meehoon?? I always eat that with fish sliced soup...
I shall avoid all yellow colour noodle from now!
Since u know so much... Can share with us the food to avoid??
My mum cook bird nest for me but i dont dare to take.. She say its not liang.. Its nourishing.. But i still dont dare.. Maybe i will take from 2nd tri onwards..
baby, yeah, quite alot of detailed instructions given post ET.

very jia lat leh..just now i scared will feel hungry at 5am again..so went to take a glass of milk before i try to sleep... (don't feel hungry now)..after tht the nausea feeling kicked in! now i cannot sleep coz so uncomfortable...haiz.... hb just made me some sour plum water..hopefully can ease the feeling

I'm not that knowledgeable. It's only what I've been told and what i've read either from my books or the internet.

What i do know:

* NO yellow beans stuff, ie. soya bean curd (tau huay), soya bean milk, bean sprouts (lesser), tau suan etc.
This very impt for YOU pre-pregnancy cos the natural plant oestrogen will affect you IUI/IVF meds and not to take during 1st tri either.
Impt for HUBBY before he does his contribution for IUI/IVF cos lowers sperm motility or count)

* Cut down on hokkien noodles (the flat type used for fujian mian), wanton mee, yellow noodles (used for prawn mee soup, mee rebus, fried hokkien mee), mee pok, mee kia. As long as it's fresh noodles and yellowish tone.
-- instigates nausea, vomiting plus the reasons i stated earlier

* Duck, duck egg, pig's brain& pig's intestine, sugar cane - these i found from another pregnancy book- because they are considered cooling foods. Are we allowed to have Peking Duck since only skin? ;)

* Sharp foods include pineapple, mango (prob certain variety only), assam, lime threatens M/C or bleeding.

I've been avoiding PEAnuts. I was told that my cousins have asthma cos my uncles and/or wives ate lotsa peanuts before/during pregnancy. Donno abt peanut butter. Can eat brazil nuts, almond nuts, hazelnuts. Just not PEAnuts.
--- NOT confirmed hor.

Donno abt bird's nest but yes, it is cooling so prob take it either 2nd or 3rd tri. Definitely not risking 1st tri!
Yr ms really sounds bad... Its only the beginning and u already feeling so bad... Quite cham... Tml u go care see if they have some med for u.. At least anti nausea... So that u can eat better...

Huh... Soya beam milk cannot drink ah.. I still thinking to buy those organic soya bean powder.. Cos i dont like milk.. So tot of soya bean for calcium... Hmmmm.... Like that how har??

Looks like most noodle cannot eat.. Can only eat rice..
I also ate duck during my 2ww... Duhhh... I been eating those food that im not suppose to... Oh no...
Hi Gan,
My TCM doctor told me that yellow bean stuff is a <font color="0000ff">strict no-no</font>. Especially <font color="0000ff">soya bean curd</font> (tau huay), tau huay drink and tau suan. Bean sprouts and tau pok etc not so bad but better to avoid.
Not sure whether cooling a not.
BUT very impt is that soya bean contains high levels of natural plant oestrogen.
Pre-pregnancy, it affects your hormone levels making it difficult for gynae to monitor your stimulation progress.
1st trimester to knowing the sex of your baby
If you have a girl, well and good. But if you have a boy, you PROBABLY may have affected his testosterone level unknowingly before knowing you ARE having a boy. Oestrogen is linked to female hormones.
Before he gets you pregnant, whether by IUI, IVF or even naturally, too much soya bean (oestrogen) will have affected his sperm's count and motility. My hubby really sacrificed his soya bean curd plus underwent accu just to help even the tiniest bit.
do correct me if you have heard differently from your docs or nurses or otherwise.

Gan / Baby,
I'm semi-lactose intolerant. I cannot talk milk but soya bean milk still okay. But since preparing for pregnancy, I gave it up.
For calcium, i take spinach (not daily) and pizza cos i can still eat mozz/cheddar cheese. My doc said no prob.
baby, i try not to take medication if its bearable. the problem with MS is u dunno when its going to hit u... for a moment will feel fine and wanna eat, bt after eating, opps! mistake...the feeling comes again.
Just to share the Don't List given by CARE:

Do NOT eat: pineapple watermelon, banana-green skin, papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bitter gourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food

Do Not drink: cold and gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa

Do Not do strenous exercise or carry heavy items.

Lastly, Do Not take herbal tea/soup(i.e bak kut teh, etc)
pandawife how r u doing today? This morning i suddenly felt like throwing out whe i smell my dh's morning coffee and coffee suppose to be my favourite! Will observe and see
so we can't take milo too?

Just now i wanna throw up after taking half a cup of holicks.

milo ok, 1-2 cups a day. not more than that.

i alternate betw milo, holicks and milk....

sounds like u r also catching on the MS bug....
Seems like u gng to have ms soon... Tats good...
I dont have anything... This morning wake up feel so normal...
Tummy like not so bloated liao... Hope to have some kind of sign...

Today is the fourth day that i did not poo... So unusual for me.. I usually poo everyday or every two days...
Its not constipation.. I dont even have the feeling to poo...
Probably today will move my bowels...

I read that your ET was on 23 Apr (D3 transfer), that makes you DPT 18 y'day.


I have checked with a few chinese medical halls. Bird's nest is not liang. It is nourishing "bu". Somemore the kind that I buy will help with blood circulation. I eat those concentrated type. Only once a week.

Ya, 4 days is terrible. If I cant poo for one day, I will sit in the bathroom for an hr to make sure that I poo something out.. 4 days is too terrible.

But dun exert too much strength.
Ya 4 days is really too much... But if today can poo means only 3 days la... Hee..
The thing is i dont have the feeling to poo at all... Did fart thou..
Been eating and eating... Got in never out.. Haha...
But im sure today can clear my bowels...

Just faith
U have any ms now? Any kind of feeling?
Gan and panda feels so preggy... But i dont le..

i know of frens who never hv MS thru out their pregnancies! eat and eat and eat....totally enjoy the pregnancy one...

so dont worry too much..u might belong to that catagory. not all expecting women will experience MS leh.

actually i never thought being pregnant feels like that! hehehe.. i only imagine a nice big bump ..and still can carry on activities as per normal...bt its abit challenging for me now.

i tink its gd to try to poo everyday. clear ur system..esp if u r eating..
i m not eating much...bt body need to poo everyday at 5am! haha....its like a hidden alarm in the body... 5am start ringing...
PandaWife, Yes, you are DPT 17. Think DPT means Day Past Transfer. I am unsure of the definition though.


I will eat and throw up the food lor.. Y'day, was so happy that I had Prata, nothing happens. Then I had pizza... I threw up all the food before I went to bed. I notice that my evening MS is really bad. Never fail to throw up in the evening.


I ban my helper from using bleach at home. I cant stand the smell also. So nowadays, she will replace with something else..hehe
Ladies - MS does not start immediate after u BFP ... I only started to had mine in weekk6 of my pregnancy and it last till my 1st week of my 2nd trimester ... even though some mums are worried about terrible MS, you do not have to wory so much as the baby are able to get the nourishment they needed from our reserves and continue growing even when we had very very terrible MS ... even though MS is a sign that the baby is growing well but some mothers do not have it at end so for those like baby who have not started MS enjoy the feeling as once it hit you, then it will not an enjoyable feeling ...

Cupcake - it is ok to take soya bean but of course everything mus be taken not excessively ...

baby - if you are having prob gg to the toilet then u can try drinking prune juice ... try not to exceed more than 2days as you will have an uncomfortable feeling ....
Hi cupcake - think u mixed both me &amp; mic1980 up ... cos I sent you PM ... haven't gotten reply ...

awaiting yr reply. Thanks
hi ladies

is it common to have delayed ovulation after failed IVF? i am tracking my ovulation and planning to go for the natural FET next cycle.

After my failed IVF, my BBT still very low, not ovulating and my mensus is late.
Congrat to all BFP lately. I would like to check, if i m starting my suppression injection next wk, which mean I O this week. Can i still do the womb massage or feet massage or just normal body massage? Even during suppression stage, can i go massage? Pls advise. So excited. Hope to join the MTM club soon
I finally poo-ed.... Letting go 3 days of supply... Hee...
Felt relief on my stomach...

Its normal for the cycle to be delayed after failed ivf.. The body needs time to switch back to the normal cycle after all the hormones injected... It may take a few months abt 2-3 cycles for it to return to yr normal cycle...
U can consider medicated fet where there is no need for cycle to be bk to yr usual one...
Hi millen,
is it common to have AF late after ivf... some people experienced a 50 days cycle.. it will resume to normal after one or two months...

does anyone know whether when injecting suprefact for the first time, must remove the plastic cap or not ? i took it off and cannot put back liao...

starting the first needlle for fresh cycle needs some getting used to : (
Judebabe, from what i can remember there is this rubber kind of "topping" where you can just insert the needle of the syringe. After that, i ddid not cover it at all since it will not leak(my first attempt last year). I just put it back in the box

When are you due to go back for blood test and scaning?
Just Faith,
Thank u. It's good to know that there's bird's nest for nourishment. Cos my mum wanted to make for me but i wasn't sure so in the end, we didn't take the risk.

Za Za,
Ok. Ya, do know abt eating everything in moderation but cos my body super sensistive so being very careful. Like i said, some gals' tummy stronger so not everyone affected.
Btw, was your MS very bad or just nausea in the mid of your 1st tri?

For those of u having constipation, maybe u wanna try eating dried apricots as a snack? But try to buy those not too orangey incolour cos better not to have sulphur which is thhe preservative.

Can anyone tell me what's the difference between black chicken and normal chicken? My mum started buying more kampung chicken for me ever since the number of lumps in my breasts increased (benign results after ops). But when i eat out, of course no choice. But also the prob is, kampung chix expensive.
