IVF/ICSI Support Group

panda - hopefully like my driving will pass 2nd time round.haha
juz felt bad like gave my family high hopes then liddat.
my dad even went to get slow cooker so tat can cook herbal stuff,even to the extend of buyin the ingredients for my sis to cook.
even though he nvr ask me anything lah.
i can feel my hubs is kinda sad liddat but he's trying to b strong for me.
we both like resigned to fate like "nvm,can try again".

pandawife: yr i am planning all the housework and necessary stuff before 2ww....if not hubby will be blurred...cos i am the one who does every hse work at home....now he scared....heheh
gan - i shall ask Dr.Sadhana on wed.i have to "tiao" my body again.
coz actually my body is healthy,it's my hubs spermies not good.
but now i tink i hv to go rejuvenate myself for next round.
better to be safe than sorry
nm, ur hb will love and appreciate u after 2ww! i start to get part time help since my last failed cycle...and after the cycle failed, we continue to keep her coz she is very gd...so hb is not so stressed...can help to attend to my needs..keke..

rainzz, alot of pple say FETs hv high success rate coz less stress! u will do fine and join the mtb soon!

gan, ur hb can cook! thts gd....hehe.. me and hb both cant cook..so totally reliant on buying or getting food from the two mummies. :p

you really have to be strong. Cry out loud if u want but remember nx two months very impt for you to tiao yr body. As long as time n financially permits, go for accupuncture. Get yr body ready in good shape.
panda - thank u for the encouragement.

nm - time for ur hubby to learn to do hsewrk.haha

gan - u better take good care wor. black chicken cleaned,skinned and rubbed with salt,cooked in double boiler with abit of cordon bleu makes a very shiok chicken essence. *drool
U are a brave gal...
We are not those lucky ones that can strike on our first try.. But believe u can succeed one day... I failed two transfers and bfp on my 3rd try... So pls stay positive ok...

I also same as u... Housework all done by me..
So i did all the hsewk before my et... But during 2ww till now.. My hubby took over... I have to teach him how to operate the washing machine...
He just change the bedsheets... Vacume and mopped the floor... Now cleaning in the kitchen while im lazing on the sofa...
Feel abit bad.. But no choice la.. Its finally his turn to get a taste of doing hsewk.. Haha..
rainzz, just continue to take care of your health. my fresh i also had a bad cough that lasted from my lucrin stage till 6 days after ET. so health not so good. You can also discuss with Dr Sadhana if you want to put in 3 embbies for your FET and what else can be done to maximise the success.

Panda, he has been cooking chicken soup since last weekend. will buy 1 black chicken and have 1/2 on sat and sun respectively. He can't really cook lah, i instruct him what to do. kekekeke weekdays i eat outside food, not very healthy lor.
just faith -thank u. so far no tears leh.duno why. my hubs oso expect me to cry.
i juz feel more focused on wat i wanna do next nia.
baby - wait for my rabbit baby since me n tiger no fate.haha

gan - ya lah,sian..now still hv cough n runny nose.. :S
best part is everyting went downhill after i fell sick.kns. tink i was too overly positive.
do u ladies have backache huh??

mine seems to be getting worse.. hv to support my back whenever i sit down.. if not very aching...
rainzz - it's good to be positive. do you have those soluable Vit C? I find that very good in preventing cold. For cough u can take a teaspoon (dun use metal spoon) manuka honey every morning. Discover these 2 remedy few months back and works for me.

Take care ya, when u r ready to start FET, can always check with me about the procedure etc since i went through FET in kk.
When I failed my fresh cycle or FET Dr Loh also can't explain he said my womb is good just luck. We must be strong to get what we want
Oho no I didn’t log in for a day.. hugzssssss dear…
so sorry to hear.. take care. Please take time off and tiao ur body.
Then go for FET , atleast 3 mths gap . BE strong
during my failed fresh cycle, Dr loh checked my womb after first menses , then again asked me to come after one menses for checking my entire uterus by saline infusuion on Day 10 , after the report he said ok for FET.
Just came back from kk 24 hrs, had another progesterone jab coz still see some slight brownish spotting in the afternoon and tomorrow going back to work.
ladies: ya time for hubby to appreciate the time i spend on washing toilets, mopping floors and doing laundry plus cooking....hehehe but will have to supervise the beginning part..heheh

many will say it is normal to see brown spotting due to late implantation. But for bfp ladies here, we rather dun see any of that. Can understand GAn's anxiety.


rest well. Can u take a few days more mc?
Fancy i am ok, 24hrs docters didn't say much though i went to see them twice. But i ask for progesterone injections.
Just faith, i need to go back and clear some work and there is meeting arranged tomorrow afternoon which i need to be present. will be careful and not walked alot. ask colleague to buy lunch for me etc, call cab to go and come back from work.
It's actually very slight brownish spotting but i am just more concerned so asked for injection
Gan, the effect of progesterone jab is very short. so u must monitor urself closely. every altenate day, if stil not ok, go back to kkh. alternative can ask for proluton, also prog..bt has longer lasting effect, 1 week.

u dun want to take more leave to rest? better to rest at home since spotting.

fancy, how r u today?

just now had lunch w my in laws..my sil bought dim sum xiao loong bao.. comes w a super stinko smeliing vinegar, i nearly threw up after smelling it! its like food gone bad kind of sour!
Pandawife, thanks, will take note of the proluton jab. I think u are more sensitive to smell that's why find the vinegar smell bad.
I kept smelling paint smell this afternoon, suspect someone is doing renovation nearby.

nm/pandawife, will try complete as much as possible at work tomorrow and if necessary take off from Tuesday onwards. will monitor the spotting.
Hey pandawife,
iam ok.. actually worrried bcos i don't have any symptoms.. on thursday i had cramps, i had bloated feeling.. now actually nothing just ttired.. and always sleeping.. now iam normal.. iam wondering whether embies sticking with me :-(
trying to be postive ....

though you have mad ms.. make sure you eat at small intervals.. take care.
ya talking to them.. save the pictures in mobile
keep seeing them.
how r u?? when r u do for scan to proceed for next stage??
fancy: yea yea..talk to them..
i am ok except for a few bruises at the injection sites..
but other than that no side effects ( thank god for that and keeping fingers crossed)

stimulation will begin for me next week on the 14th may (think its friday)

hopefully everything goes on smoothly and well..cos during stimulation stage ..hubby out of town for business...so i will jab myself ( 4diff jabs)..yikes...

ladies: did you all have 4 diff jabs (gonal f/menogon/suprefact/praxifarine)
Gan, yeah, i m very sensitive to smell...food smell especially...haiz.. just now alot of nice yummy food...bt i ate pork porriage.coz scared i vomit...

remember, work is neverending, company will not close down if we are not there. bb and ur health is most important now.

fancy, yeah, i taking small meals more frequently. dont worry about symptoms, there were a few days during 2ww tht i felt very normal... and some ladies even after BFP also no symptoms initially. so try nt to stres urself over this.
nm, i only have lucrin and gonal f

Pandawife eat whatever you can eat now, dun worry in 2nd trimester, ur ms will be gone, can eat all the nice yummy food.

Fancy dun worry about symptoms, i dun have not much symptoms this cycle too.

Just faith, how r u? how's the prata?
nm, i oso did 4 jabs, but mine was suprefact, puregon, menogon and saizen.

this kind of combination seems quite unique to CARE.

Prata is good. I had one egg and one plain. Asked for chicken curry gravy.

We had pelican pizza for late lunch. Still very full.. havent decide what to eat for dinner yet.

I already thought of what to eat for tomolo's lunch. I want to eat kway chap!! Yummy!!
just faith, kekeke good ur appetitie is good.
Kway chap is one of my favourite food!

Dun feel hungry, maybe will drink the chicken soup later.
No I had only gonalf&lucrin.. good, have nutritious food. keep ur bodyfit. for stimulation stage.

Pandawife/ gan,
TThanks.Really BFP with no symptoms.. ya good leh.. trying 2 be positive..
Thou its quite worrisome to see bleeding... But i read that brownish spotting is ok.. Im sure it will be gone soon.. Rem browine? I think she has more bleeding than u.. Hers is not spotting.. Duno how is she now.. But im sure she is ok... So dont worry too much ok... Try to lie down more often when u can..
Or u can continue to eat the glutinous rice + lotus root... Or u
want to get an tai herbs from tcm??

Btw, what kind of med support u having now? Like duphaston, utrogestan etc?? Did the 24hrs dr gives u any additional med?

Looks like u have every kind of ms and preggy symptoms ya.. Ms plus sensitive smell...These are happy problems.. : )
Btw i read that hcg above 600 on d14 post et is almost 100% mutliples.. Not sure how true it is...

how was ur day? u went out??

haha...i tink hor, its also partly becoz i m a more sensitive person by nature. so when pregnant, this sensitivity is magnified leh. plus i m still bloated..so add on to the nauseaness... i m still burping away...hehe... bt today the bloating seems to hv subsided slightly..i m eating better...hb says the babies are well behaved today. hehe

hmm.. dont tink its 100%..hehe..probably hv chance of multiples.. i ask nurse when she informed me abt the HCG level...she says its neither here nor there coz taken early, so cannot really tell if multiples.
Gan, ya, my appetite is good today. Hope it will continue for the rest of the week.. hahaha.

BTW, since you started accupuncture with Dr Zou, did she recommend any accupuncture to help you with the spotting problem?

Baby, when I BFP, KKIVF instructed no chinese herbs or medicine.
oh yes.. i was also told by CARE not to take any herbal soup. even ginseng chicken soup also say cannot. bak kut teh oso cannot leh.
Baby, i am on duphaston 3 times a day. had the progesterone injection on thursday and sunday. now both my legs are aching coz they inject on my thigh. Actually my spotting is very little...it's like brownish discharge. i see that i have some this afternoon, so ask my dh to bring me to 24 hrs clinic for the injection.
Poor dh was just backed from talking to the renovation contractor and has to send me kk. =P

Just Faith, i never ask Dr Zou about accu for spotting but just ate the glutinous rice + lotus root receipe from Dr Zou which a sister shared wit me. Just now checked no more brownish discharge. I am having an egg prata for dinner.
Pandawife I seldom come in this thread anymore. But it's such wonderful news to know tat u bfp!!!! Congrats!!!!! Take care ESP during first tri.

same same, now i have to remember all the timing for my med, also stopped the centrum multi vit, dunno can take or not, will ask dr loh when i see him for 1st scan.
7.30am duphaston + folic acid
9.30am progynova
3.30pm duphaston
9.30pm progynova
11.30pm dhuphaston
