IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ladies,

I am new to this forum. I was doing my research in internet and happened to see this forum. I will be going for IVF however I am still choosing which Dr to go to? Any advice?

hi cdah,
sorry to hear tht... pls take care !!!
do u hv any frozen embies? Rest well & maybe try again later..

Btw, to answer yr qns, i'm trying 2nd time in Oct..
Hi KK.
looking at your nickname.. U hv chosen KKH to be the hospital???? there's a few doc in KK which are quite popular with ladies in this forum..

u prefer a lady or man doc? Most popular doc in KK is Dr Loh, but prepare to 'queue' to see him coz of his busy busy schedule..

There's another lady doc in KK, also popular, but forgot her name, ladies, anyone can help???
Cdah, Sorry to hear about your result. Please don't give up. Take time to heal and try again. I sure tell u this ttcing will make us stronger.

I am doing my 2nd fresh IVF cycle trying to be positive and no matter what I will keep trying till I be a mother.
Hi Ladies,

Can anyone share with me, what they going thrue on stage 2? cannot sleep or breast hard, ect..

Hi Linda and Elle , how is your feeling right now?
Hi Monica,

I started Gonalf with 225iu on 16 Sept.
I only feel super sleepy all the time and temper very easy to rise.

Bit of tugging on my right abdoment. Other than that i'm ok.

Was back from KKH and the nurse was sharing with me that there was a case of +ve pregnancy after mense came. I adk her how is that possible and she shared that perhaps lining at one wall was discharged and not the other so keep your hopes up and pray for good news ok.
Hi May and Minnie, Congrat on your lovely babies..yeah..how long do you lying down on bed after ET or direct go home rest?? can share your secreat with us..Thank you..
For those who bfn, on 2nd day of af, did you see anything peculiar in your af? Today is my 2nd day I have this tissue paper soaked in blood type of thing plus some white stuff coming out. I have seen the tissue paper look alike thing in the past before I try ivf. Is that the embryo? Wonder why can't I hold onto them.
Fandz: I will want to tiao my body well. Feel quite weak during af this time. May go see dr zou which is near my place.
Cdah: dun give up.
Dec: when is your next bt?
Hi, Monica
I started stage 2 on the same day as Vi4n. I am on gonalF 187.5 iu.

I dun have any feeling ler only the body temperature is high. Especially in the morning. Easily sweat. But it will cool down in the afternoon. As for sleepy and tired, normally only after work. But even without the jabs, i normally also tired de. hahahaha. So dun think it's because of the jab.How about you? if not mistaken u're on puregon 200, am i right?

still have the white stuff? chk with nurse if can do a tissue test if it is part of embryo or foetus maybe? I not sure but think u can call the nurse and chk.

i also feel a white blood clot coming out when i suddendly have spotting had full flow. i had an early m/c last year.. i was rushing for meeting then but was so painful then normal AF until my face turned so pale even sitting next to my CEO.

tiao your body and try again!! now all the best to leo baby....
Hi Cdah,

Don't give up trying, this time now but next trying will be BFP..drink more water to clear all the hormone drugs in the body and rest well.

Keep it up, sister!! ;) cheep up..
Hi Wensi,

My initial happened to be KK. But, have not chosen KKH.

After reading the forum seems like most of the ladies are with KKH Dr. Loh or NUH Prof. Wong.
I had 4 failed IUI already thus would like to progress to IVF.

The queueing time for KKH or NUH longer? Saw someone posted that there will be a talk on ART at Woodlands Regional Library. Will most likely attend to understand more on IVF procedure. I still have problem to understand the short form used in the forum e.g ET, BFP....
Hi KK,
Yes, the ART talk at Woodlands Regional Library on 3 Oct. I left the flyer at home.

Elle, you still do daily BBT check? I didn't. Lazy.

The Queue for Prof Wong is very acceptable to me. The most 1 hr done already. That's for initial appt. I think for the IVF patient if only for scanning, they will do us first? because I don't need to wait long like less than 10mins. At the CHR even best, no need to wait at all.
Tomorrow i'm going there for BT and scanning at 7.30AM leh.. The nurse has been calling me since yesterday and today to remind me of the appt. I like the nurses, they are very nice and friendly.
no i din do bbt anymore. I will only take if in the evening i had to see Dr Zou because during consultation she will ask my temperature. hehehehe.
But recently i feel very warm,can sleep without blankie and especially in the morning, always sweat. so i took my bbt and it's 37.3. I never have such high temperature. even last cycle the highest is only 37.1 and never go beyond that.
It might due to body heatiness also, have been taking chicken essencee daily and alternate days for Ensure cos taking the conceive well. I try to drink more water but still can't drink 2l/day
Hi, Bee

Thks for the info. Have not log in for a week cos been feeling rather down during the last wk. So no mood to read & talk. Have decided to sign on with NUH & also check with Prof Wong on the D5 transfer & freezing process. No promise but he did say at least D3. Will likely start my jap in Oct. BTW, think NUH chgs are rather high, I remember paying abt $100 plus to $200 for embryo storage.

Hi, Humbug

Can empathize with U. U must have been through a hard time at work since not everyone understand the needs for a child. But am glad U have found a job.

Actually am thinking what to tell my potential future employer when I decide to go back to job mkt if this cycle failed. I quit my job previously as I also sense "the concern" from bosses & colleague when I embark on IVF. Sign! It so difficult for ladies like us trying to get understanding to balance family planning & career.

Hi, Happyhippo

Know both Dr Loh & Dr Zou told me various time that they have got patients who is >40 who has BFP. Some even got twins. Not sure whether they are on this site. BTW, I'm going to 38 next mth, so not far from there too.

Hi, Cdah

Lots of hugs to U! Take care & Jia You
Elle, last night I just told hubby seems like i'm not the only one feeling very warm all the time. hahahha..
Hi KK,
to get an appt, think kk is longer q if u opt for dr loh.. But prof wong will be on leave in dec, so if u want to see him, may hv to decide early..
How to decide on doc is depends on fate one lah, my 1st IVF try is by dr loh of kk.. So now 2nd try is prof wong of nuh.. To me, I like prof wong more..

The basic short forms we use here is:
BT - blood test
AF - aunt flow (menses)
DH - dear hubby (I guess one)
BFP - big fat positive (pregnant)
BFN - big fat negative ( not pregnant)
ER - embryo recovey
ET - embryo transfer
can't think of anymore at the moment, see any other ladies got more to add.. :p
Hi Vi4Nn,

Thanks for the infor. I have register to attend the talk on 3 Oct. I have called up NUH but it seems to me that the charges is more expensive there. The nurse told me cannot use medisave.
Hi, KK

Yes, it is more expensive than KKH. However,U should be able to use both medisave & govt grants, unless U have used up the 3 available deductions. I have also just switch from KKH to NUH, that's what the nurses at NUH CHR clinic had brief me during the IVF counciling.
Hi Wensi,

Wow. Finally understand all those terms.
I am not sure now who I will go for but will most likely attend the talk first to get better understanding.

I have called both KKH and NUH. It seems to me that KKH to be cheaper. The nurse told me that after the co-funding we need to pay maybe <1k. But, NUH nurse told me it is ~3k after the co-funding. Both are govt hospital why there is this great difference? Also mentioned in my earlier post. NUH told that I cannot use medisave for the IVF.
Hi Sunny, Vi4n n Wensi,

I am also very puzzled. I have not done IVF before not sure why I cant use medisave to help reduce the bill.???
I will call to verify again.
huh? KK, this is your first IVF, right?
If you are Singaporean or PR surely can have the co-funding. If KKH allowed, then NUH def also can.
And why need cash for nearly $3K?
Maybe the nurse misunderstand you since through the phone?
In fact for us during the calculation, it should be only around $9K plus or even lesser wor. So we sort of think that only need to pay for the insurance and freezing if got extra embbies.
I reconfirm. The total cost of the IVF is about 9k. Can used medisave 6k + co-funding 3k. so only need to pay for consultation. Do we pay first and claim later or can start claiming it from upfront?

What is the insurance you mention?
how did you feel in the first AF after failed IVF?
pain leh....my abdomen, back is aching.......

went to see Dr Zou just now.took some powder medicine and was told to come back next monday for accupuncture.
the way the medicine is packed is the same as EYS in paragon.......

is the accupuncture painful?
hi KK,
both you &amp; hubby needs to be Sporean (pink IC) to use govt grant.. If u didn't do IVF b4, then can use medisave 3x..

During my 1st try at KKH, using both govt grant &amp; medisave, i spent abt $2k in cash. This time in NUH, nurse calculated i will need abt $3k cash (coz 2nd time using medisave is 1k lesser than 1st usage)...

Actually the nurse juz gave u a rough estimation.. Cost is depend on the dosage of the medication... mine needs more tht's why more ex..

For IVF, it's best to set aside $2K - 3K, in case you might more medication, or even more injections if BFP (when you need tht to support the implantation)...
Hi KK,
forgot to mention tht NUH uses more ex medications.. tht alittle diff on cost..

insurance is for post-natal, in case of complications on new born which is super ex on hospitalisation.... $100++ for 2 embryo transfer..

Think you'll get all these info when u attend the talk...
Hi, KK
to amend a bit what Wensi has previously said,for couple which one is Sg and another is PR is also entitled to govt grant for 3 times ($2.7k) which is slightly less than if both are sg ($3k).The other condition to be fulfilled is must below age 40.

yes it's indeed very painful not forgetting the flow is very heavy. Normally my pain threshold is quite ok but during tat period, i have even to pop painkiller to lessen the cramp pain and fully bed rest.


you went to excercise straight away, maybe that cause some aching. finish zou medicine that will help u expel all the clot blood and ... to clean up in short. bear in mind its horrible taste prepare sweet beside.
