IVF/ICSI Support Group


1st test, AF was spotting/light flow. that evening onwards full flow. today is only very light spotting on and off only. i already tot was gone case liao cos started spotting since sat afternoon and HPT tested negative on sat and sun lor and full flow AF liao mar. just blood was a bit on the thick side.

i really don know also. apparently my hcg rise back. but level also so low. so maybe is embies haven't fully cleared out or something.

anyone experienced or heard about this can give me some pointers???


i did asked the nurse about will it be ecotopic pregnancy. she did mention might be but see how's next week BT result first.
My friend ectopic pregnancy had Positive on HPT leh.. So since first BT, no scanning done?
Take care, hopefully everything is ok.
When next BT? Can you request for a scan?
Dec, this morning I had a blobof blood when I pee. Panic n went kk for bt. Nurse say hcg is 1.6 only. No need to do insert anymore. I declare myself to be gone case this round n went gym to relieve stress.

Btw, I m almost full flow now.
may i ask u gals how u gals sleep aft et? Lie flat on back to sleep or on sides?

Cos i ask dr zou today abt this.. She say better to lie flat on back for the first few days aft et.. Anyone who bfp slept on sides aft et? Cos i cant sleep flat on my back due to back problem.. I wonder is it the reason why i fail my ivf...

You have to not think about it then strike ah.. My friend try until give up so they do for passion and in the end got the baby lor.. so now both me and my hub not conscious bout what ovluation period. As long as after AF finish as and when we have the mood then do lor hehe :p Who knows

Btw the mediacation pot you can also buy at tangs.. it is call the double boil pot. Now they having sale. The outer layer is transparent where you can see the water, with another pot inside boiling Very lasting as I used mine for more then 5 years...


err... you get ready a sweet nearby hehe :p

those are double boil pots right.. i seen before. but didnt know it can brew from 3 bowls to 1 bowl leh. cos tot double boil pot will retain the same amt of water u put in
Hi Baby, after my ET, i did not remember lying on my back all the time when i was asleep. It is not that comfortable. I did sleep on my side. I will turn slowly just in case. I did get a BFP after that. Hope this helps.
Good luck.

Hope 4bb, so Prof will not be around during that time. Is your scheduled during that period? I am doing mine in dec too but now waiting for AF and hope to come on the scheduled time so i can proceed my 2nd ivf in dec. I think there is another dr at NUH if he is not around rite.

No scanning done since 1st BT cos was low then and I had my AF then. and by right, the second test should show negative or decrease in HCG but instead it went up. So, nurse concerned.

Now can only wait for next BT next tues to see what's the result.

sorry to hear your news. Take care...

did they ask u back for retest BT?

baby, i think may who BFP with twins did sleep on her side.

blissful, no pain no funny feeling.
i actually have AF already with blood clots etc. Today was the end of AF with some spotting only.

on sat, i only did HPT not BT. Result was negative. First BT only on this Monday. Detected some low HCG so nurse say retake BT this morn to make sure that it has decreased or negative but instead result was that it increased so they are concerned.

now, can only wait till next tues for another round of BT lor.
Hi meow, no la he cant remember me coz that was like 8 years ago and i dun work with him directly i m under another dr.. I also dun dare to mention abt i...

Fond, i went thong ji and i saw the other sinseh loh.... and she is equally arrogant...
tks for the info. I normally dont test HPT as the nurse ask me not to.

would like to check if HPT test BFP will BT test come out neg? as i have never test before.
Hi everyone,
Tom I'm due for BT. Earlier on I had some spotting and immediately I went to rest.The spotting seem to stop.It kinda of worry me.Anybody experience this? I'm having slight cramp over the left side only...

jiayou, dont give up.. i know how u feel now.. i was like this yesterday too. now im feeling better!


1.6 no need to retest. usually for those BFN will have some HCG which is around 1 point something..
Hi Cdah,

Praying hard it's BFP for you tomorrow!!!

Meanwhile, rest well and stay positive!!!



im suppose to have BT tmr as well..
but i bring forward as i spotted earlier. until now im still spotting.
hi ladies
just curious if anyone here is >40years and doing ivf? looking for some encouragement, moral support and tips to improve ivf.
thks thks !
last nite system seem to be down, so give up.

this is my 3cycle.
did my 1st cycle 5 yrs back, after FET got a son which is 4yr by dec. now trying for 2nd kid.
hi december,
hope your HCG will rise quickly, stay positive.

Hi sunflower,
i can only make it via fresh cycle. I tried FET last year, got all the symptoms of backache, bloated and cramps but did not make it. That time i was left with 2 frozen embryo and both thaw well at grade 3 but still BFN. I rested really well during 2ww and follow all the rules, still cannot. Some ladies here did succeed with FET, so still possible. Hope your spotting will stop soon, all the best.

Can i check with you gals, does anyone has very high FSH level, yet concieve with IVF successfully? thanks!


better dun do too strenous exercise during AF..your ovaries need to rest.thay just had a good fight.did thay ask u retest? did u arrange a review with Dr?
