IVF/ICSI Support Group

thanks....as for egg white, we got to eat for the remaining 2WW right...
instead of hard boil style. can i add raw egg whites into oat while cooking oats?
ladies during 2WW doing daily inserts into V?
after i have inserted, i would lie down for at least 10mins or more....when need to go toilet, is it normal to see strains of white like cream floating on water?
thank you lina and may for the kind words and advise..
no lah...i am not affected by it...it was a little comical at that moment...

may: thanks
Hi Miracle baby ,

U make it !! So happy to hear the good news...

Hi TNT ,

When are u starting ? Libby also asking abt. you.. she will be starting ard Sept i think..
Hi Linda,
i take Subtex multi Vita, calcium and royal jelly capsule.
before start lucrin,also visit TCM "tiao" my body. my body actually "cold base" according to sinseh
ok. thanks maggie. i tried a new method today...cook oats and egg white. so the egg white is fully cooked too. but in strains more than whole hard boil style...see how it taste...

i need to drink prune juice today cos my stomach is bloated with rubbish. never clear bowels for days...since last friday...
Hi Miracle Baby,
Congratulations! Have a smooth 9 months ahead! Grabbing all the baby dust desperately!

My BT is next week on 16th....*Fingers-crossed*

Hi May,
Thanks for remembering this last 'M' :p
I am into my 2nd week of 2ww, BT is next week.
Hope I will have good news....

Cannot eat KFC ah.....I eat KFC, Pizzahut...haa haa....Don't know why, have craving for these junk food leh....XD

Hi Leo Baby, ivftwins,
Welcome to 2ww! Rest well and take good care. All the best!
Miracle baby,

Congratulation. Enjoy your smooth pregnancy.


After typing out the whole story i was so tired that perhaps did not conclude. Hee...
I was just wanting to share what had happen so that other ladies could benefit especially those who wanted D5 transfer. I am very happy with the result for 7 embries and the 2 embries inside me. I just had more pain this round of extraction compared with previous and am aching a lot more. I like to thank u all for the concern for me. Love you all.
Hi Leo,

although Dr Loh not in favour of D5, but ultimately he will still let you make the decision. If you have many embbies, eventually u call for the shot. But alot pple strike under Dr Loh with D2 and D3 transfer, since we believed in him thats why we chose him, so we shld let him decide wats best for us.
hi leo, thanks for sharing..how many eggs did you retrieved? you mentioned you vomited when you came home? Are you at risk of OHSS? Pls take care.
Good morning ladies..

I just back yesterday..very siong worktrip..and emotionally hard to concentrate since thinking about ivf ever so often..

Would like to congrats and M and Ms about their babies..Sorry I a bit confused the actual Ms now due to being away for a while but I know got Miracle Baby and Maggie Mee and probably somemore..I envy you girls really.
And also truly believe that success is long due to you all..have a great nine months ahead and a successful birth yah..heeeheee..

I know you must be feeling down, but somehow life is such that when we put in 100% of effort, the reward is often not proportional. But one thing is for sure, I can sense plenty of fighting spirit and cheerfulness in you despite the setback and with such grounding, I am sure you can go very far in all the aspects of life. Most important is your already right attitude. For your decision to change gynae, I support you as at then end of the day, the right feel with the right doctor is very important. My hubby also strong believes in "yuan". He said that sometimes some doctors are meant to deliver our babies and some are not. Yes, indeed.

If you are still shortlisting good gynaes, may I suggest you check you TLC in Thomsom, tel number 62542878. I have heard of quite a big good feedback on Dr Paul Tseng and Dr Chua (female Dr). Heard they have good bedside manners. They do IVF but may not be as well known as Dr LC Cheng whom I have heard a mixture of good and bad reviews. Personally, I have not seen them all but to do a search on the three of them and compare k!!

I heard Prof Ng from Gleneagles is good too but expensive. One point to note is that his method might be very similar to Prof Wong as they had the same teacher.

Ivftwins and Leo
Congrats on moving one more big step
Enjoy your 2WW and hope you girls BFP.

You have had quite a stressful experience during ET, anyway, most important is you are in control of the 2WW now and let it be a good one!

Develyn, Eskimobaby and Serene..
nice to hear you all are doing great..update us on your babies k k..I just know that Develyn has confirmed one is a princess..

Updates from me. I have started my menses and will start the cycle end of this monthKfull of mixed emotions now..

I have two questions, hope sisters who can provide some insights. First, for those who drink DOM, do you girls continue into stage 2 and 2WW or stop once stimulation starts?

Second, are there sis who have luteal phase defect and went on to IVF and made it? Thanks a lot k..
Yes I do trust Dr Loh, we just need to learn to understand how he talks. Because he is a very fact base person and he does not hide his expression so some ladies may not be able to handle that.

When he was angry with me for no full bladder. I appologise and explain instead of getting affected by him. He is also very profession, he said will do his best and if cannot will stop and let me drink water.

I vomited perhaps due to the sedation. After ER, I didn't rest (sleep) like the rest of the ladies. As I was the last amount the batch. When nurse wake me to move to the resting bay bed i was wide awake and seeing ivftwins(1st), fandz(2nd) discharging. I didn't sleep at all and was like humming song and whistling away on bed. When nurse discharged 4 person and was stuck at 5th person she brought the 5th person milo to me. I sip down very quickly very hungry leh. Fast the same timimg as all other gals but last in the procedure. I even persuded nurse to let me discharge but she keep saying not time yet. So I guess the effect of everything came to me only when i reach home.

Anyway had 19 ovum and Dr prescribe Cabergoline for potential OHSS ppl. It 8 small pills but cost abt $140.
leobaby! good to see you back online...
are you feeling better already?
any feeling so far?

how do we know if implantation is happening?
after i come home yesterday, i felt short pull in the pelvic area. but i can't tell the diff now since i am still coping with constipation...hahah
but today, till now, absolutely no reaction....
hi babygalore

u are back!!
xiong business trip? got lots to do now?

thanks for all the doctor recommendations.. but what is TLC ar?
i prefer a doctor who has more emotions. hehehe..

please drink lots of fluid to flush out the hormones in your body since you have many follicles retrieved. my stomach looks like 4-mths pregnant now..its overly bloated..i could hardly breathe becos the bloatedness already hit my breast area...im hungry but cant eat, can only take mouthful bcos im so bloated.. u really need alot water k..

Yes, I am a lot better. Pelvic area pull is normal but don't read into it as the progestron is adding support to the lining. We will not really know that implantation is taking place.

Remember to try my suggested remedy to you. My bowel today is quite normal liao. Appetite also ok liao.
Yes! Back!

Heheheee..its call TLC Gynaecology Practice and if I am not wrong, TLC actually stands for tender loving care. Although I cannot guarantee if its the kind of tender loving care one can imagine,I have friends who did IUI under Dr Tseng and Dr Chua and the feedback is quite good. Although I think they are not the so-called figure heads of IVF like Dr Loh and prof wong are but they also do ivf. There are threads on this forum about them..do check it out k Meow..
Yeah, still lots of work to do but I try to not stress myself since starting cycle soon..

Oh yah, yesterday was a bit neasous when i got up to sit. I called zou to chk if can drink ginger water. I drank 1 glass and was a lot better. Oh yah ladies, as i am going to KK everyday for jab, if you have anyqns you like me to help you ask the nurses let me know.

did you eat egg white? didn't it help?
Mircale_baby, cograts

Leo_baby & ivftwins, all the best for the next 2ww

Cherie, how r u feeling. Im going to do my FET in Dec/Jan in the mean while will be going TCM.

If you feel pain at both side in the back, gulp lots of water. It a strain of the kidney. I had that when young and a nurse just ask me drink water, then recovered. Had that this morning and water help me relief it.
eskimobaby, I got your babydusts!! thanks!
Still dunno when I can start ivf till I have my post-surgery review with Dr. Loh next week. Hope I can join you gals soon.

dun stress, dun stress.. :p

i also tryin to manage my stress level... then not so kan cheong

hmmm.. thinkin aloud.. think i prefer female gynae now.. exposed to so many pple liao.. phobia now leh

how come u having jab and not insert?
or you having both?

i stop eggwhite already, cant take it anymore, wana puke when eating..im taking protein powder now.. think protein doesnt help for me..i think prune juice is better, help to release my bowels and gas..
Hi Develyn
Ya happy but I must not be too happy yet because I am worried about the scan and baby heartbeat the next. Pray things turn out well too.
Thanks for your encouragement.

Hi Babygalore,Blissfulfate,LeoBaby
Thanks for your congrats.

Hi Minnie,
Oh it is your next after Dec. Stay calm all throughout. BFP to you!

Ask your TCM if ginger water can as it does help me. I chose jab because i am more comfortable with that as I don't like to insert and be messy. Moreover, last time successful with jab.


Ask your hubby buy when he come home. you better don't go out now yet. Your house very near zou pls ask ur hubby go zou plc sure can get. Drink your prune juice mixed with warm water. sure can help.

yesterday I ask nurse abt protein. she said the best protein is eaten in the raw form but most ppl cannot stomach the taste so chose the half boiled form. As I am also tired of chewing, I was looking and drinking form so I had half boiled today, just drink it down. Last time an ivf sis told me to make egg white drink with warm water and bing tang. I even drank that before and tasted quite nice.

oic.. no lar.. the moment i see egg, i already lost all my appetite.. i still with protein powder..
yup, i tried taking ginger water too..will see how..
Oh ya Sunflower,

You can chk with your TCM if this drink can help you. I drink it everyday since Puregon stage and now i ask ivftwins to do it. Ladies, its also good drink for all of you. Red dates, wolfberry seed(guo qi zi) and dries longan meat, boil to drink. It's a bu qi bu xue (nourish circulation and blood) drink. Twice constipated immediately after drink go to toilet.
Meow, I know u are with Prof WOng. Was there any follow up by him after you were spotting?
Is it he "left" you to think what you want to do next? No suggestions from him?

Sorry for askign so many questions coz i am with him too. Thinking of doing another cycle with him again.
hi leo_baby & ivftwins,

Rest well in your 2WW and good luck!!! Hope to hear good news from you gals soon!

Have any of you heard from fandz? Hope she's resting well in her 2WW as well.

hhmm... maybe she's resting bah. or to avoid further stress so never come in here.

how are you today? hope you are feeling much better already.

ask u har, is golden kiwi ok for consumption during 2WW?
I am a lot better today, thank you for asking. but after meal have a lot of gas, guess must have more small meals.

Fruits are always good to take as it has high folate, esp Gold kiwi. Gold kiwi is stated to have the highest folate so far. Folate like folic acid is necessary for cells growth. So when baby is developing its a must have. But take all your fruits after thaw. We want to keep our womb warm so no cold food.

Yeah man...you understand, as the old saying goes here..I think really only sisters who experienced it will know the jitteries..the other day my blood sister still asked me if get twins how..difficult to take care...I told her already so worried liao.I where got time to worry twins or not twins..right you say..

Yes, I started with acu at Dr Zou liao but have not been going recently due to the travelling. Will resume end of the week, I must remember to call for appointment later..

Heheheee..other than the over-exposing yourself to nan ren..heheee(later your hubby jealous also right..;p), it could be good that you give yourself a shot at experiencing the difference between female and male gynae. Male gynaes are sharper but can be quite "dismissive". While I have also heard of dismissive female gynaes too, I have heard more of understanding and caring female gynaes than male ones..

There are some good female gynaes at kkh as heard from the sisters here..you also considering?

Thanks lots lots for your well-wishes..Are you in 2WW? Jia you jia jia you k...U keeping yourself busy with what?..heeee...

Ask you, before you start the cycle, is it normal to keep thinking about how many follicles you will get, if hormones will get suppressed..etc. I having all these thoughts now, thinking if I am worrying myself too much liao..

But hor stay away from fruits that belong to the melon family. Water melon, honey dew, winter melon (for soup). They are the liang type not good for womb.
it's ok to take kiwi... i took quite a lot of golden kiwis during 2ww and even during 1st trimester.. it helps with constipation as well... like wat leobaby said it contains lots of folate and vit c too...

that's great! u are on short or long protocol?
