IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Ladies,

Update from me.
I am with dr.Loh at KK, after my BT and ultrascan yesterday. I will start my stage 2 on this coming saturday. worries liaw..

Thanks for yr update on how it goes for yr suppose to be D5 transfers. It really helps for people like me who is still pondering.

Anyway, there are various success stories for D3 transfer. So rest well & all the best to yr BFP.

Hi, Bee

Can I know which hospital & doc U are with that U got a BFP for D5 transfer?

Hi, Miracle

Hi die,
Hope you are doing good. You are right, i did the same what you have mentioned, but nothing seems to be helping. So i do suggest for those who are in 2ww to stay cool through out, doing simple household chores or going for a stroll will not affect your chance of conception.
I tried to stay ++++. After knew I got BFP, then I excitiedly buy HPT out of fun to re-confirm but it turn out negative. That made me much worry. So I will find out more from you about your 1st IVF situation. Thanks in advance for praying for me. I will continue praying to God for watching over me.

I admit your explaination affect me a bit.However I still need to thank you. I want to know more better. I will try best to keep telling myself to take easy,don't worry.

Hi sunny Jessie
Thanks! The best to you too.
Hi Sofia, so you will not see Prof Wong anymore? But actually CHR nurse ever mention to me during that time when I still had my BFP that Prof will see his patients till they are stable. Once they are OK, patients can see their own gynae if they have. I guess if they do not have any, they might recommend one from NUH itself. So I am not surprise that he will not see his current patients. Anyay did u ever notice there are still heavily pregnant ladies seeing him??? I wonder what is the difference.

Sofia and Meow, i think i understand your frustration with Prof. Sofia yours with the failed IUI and Meow your latest incident. At times, I do feel the same way. He not being attentive and very quick to "brush" you aside. When he could not find my fetus heartbeat anymore and had to see another 2 dr to confirm it, I had to go back to him that very day to see what is the next step. I will say he was sensitive towards the situation. Without me asking why somethign like that could happen, he actually explained to myself and husband. At that time, my mind was blank. He had to rush for a surgery. So after scheduling D&C for me, i will say he did console myself and husband. I am very sure Prof will not dare touch me but he did tap my hubby shoulder and said "Sorry". Hubby was indeed shocked coz all these while we did not "see" that side of Prof. Hubby did ask a few questions but i will say, its just a one word answer.
During my post D&C review, we did ask him more. As by then, we were in a better frame of mind. I will say he answerd more than just a word

I will stick with him coz I am tired of changing dr. I had enough.
From KKH to a private gynae, then to CARE@Paragon and now NUH. SInce we are just going to do one last round, we will stick to him.

Thanks for the update. No more checmicals or pills for me. I will try natural. Guess I will just stick to folic acid, multi vits, and protein powder and once a a while black chicken


Thanks for taking time to send me the protein powder and the gift
. Much appreciated. The taste still acceptable...but will drink after my AF. I just tried for fun once.


I have a friend who is with NUH. She is asking if anyone know who is a good gynae for IVF or IUI there? Any good female or male docs? Any recommendations? Thanks.
Hi Miracle Baby ,

There is absolutely no symptoms that time.. i am still bloated and everything went fine... the easiest way to find out if everything is ok is to go to any hospital and insist a BHCG test again.. It should increase by double every 2 days.. that's what is done 1 week after my BHCG in 2nd IVF to ensure all are ok.. Dun worry too much okie.. Sometime the tester is just not accurate due to human error.. like if u drank excessive water ..etc..

Hi Babygalore ,

Dun worry abt it.. haha.. u seem to be guilty.. it is alright dear =)
Sofia dear

I'm still cheerful wor. Maybe not so active in this forum cos working already. Then this wk got to cover someone's work. Tdy left office at 8pm. Tiring leh.

I m still at a lost on who to go to for next cycle if needed. But yday DH n I finally BD without thinking of ttc. So relaxing leh! Oops a bit explicit here. But I'm sure u ladies know wat I mean.


I can't help but still feeling sore abt the whole episode w prof. That was not the only thing that was done wrongly. Anyway trying hard not to dwell on it. But my opinion abt prof loh. Nothing against ladies going to see him. We all share share info here mah. Maybe more emotional ladies like me will not appreciate his style loh. Thanks for all the doctor recommendations. I quickly jot down first.
Hang in there, take more egg whites n water. Gd luck for this cycle!Jia You!

Actually I found a new job as a principal at a childcare ctr near my home.Starting on 28th Sept. In the meantime I am working as a relief teacher at the childcare centre where my sis is principal now. I am moving on with my life and I have migrated to the child adoption forum as I am exploring that option now. But I still miss u ladies and thats why I still find my way back to see how all of u getting on ;)

Good luck for this cycle!

Glad u r feeling better ;)
Hi develyn,

good to hear from you again and thanks for updating the others on my bb's gender... From the last scan, my gynae said he cant see the 'teapot' but see 'hamburger' so likely to be a princess. kekeke! so happy...

For those who BFP-ed, congratulations, take care and enjoy the journey to motherhood!

For those who are trying, jia you jia you! your dream will come true one day.
Hi die ,

Thanks =) Do try again ! You ke yi de okie..

Hi Serene ,

That's a nice description.. I will keep u posted after detailed scanning.. Heehee.. =)

Seems like more girls this year. I am also back to work so less time to come in here.. only at nite
so do take care ok ladies.


I am glad your MS is going off
Enjoy your next few months and let us know the gender of the hidden twin hehee
miracle baby,
i would say after bfp, it's the start of parenthood too where we will constantly worry abt every single thing abt our babies even way before they are born... first scan.... DS scan... monthly scans.... so ivf is only the beginning and not the end... we can only do wat's best and hope for the best but at the same time be prepared as well.... easier said than done... anyway like wat die has said... it's not good to ponder or be guilty over every single jump or just becos u forgot and walk faster... my fren just reminded me too that happy mummies will give birth to happy babies so important to remain stress free and cheerful too and not worry abt the nitty gritty things...
ladies on daily progestrone inserts, can i ask a qn.

how do you know if the insert has been absorbed by the body?
i had put in the inserts about an hour ago and immediately lie down for the last hour. and due to gas in stomache, has also been letting out gas during this time. after controlling for an hour, i went to toilet to relieve myself (big one).
so how do i know if its been absorbed and do i need to put in 2 more incase it did not go in?

haiz: leobaby, maybe i should have just stuck with jab and not be scared by pain.
dun worry abt the inserts leaking... it's meant to leak... even if u have lied down for a while it will still leak...
hi miracle baby,
you could go to outside gynae and do a scan before the actual 6th week scan or take a BT to check the level. I know how it feels to be anxiously waiting for the actual scan day to arrive. I had sleepless night waiting for the day and was shivering all over while waiting for my turn for the scan.

hi develyn,
i am still waiting to pass you baby boy clothes.

hi humbug,
trying natural will be better, avoid all the medication. But you could still go for accu when free.
leo baby,
u may have to check with kkivf if ur ohss symptoms continue or worsen and maybe ask if u can continue on jabs... jabs will make ohss worse... usually those at risk of ohss are not given jabs...
honestly, it's difficult to know whether or how much it has been adsorbed but like what eskimobaby said, leaking is normal. If I remembered correctly, the leaflet in the box mentioned that we should follow the docs prescribed dosage, so better don't insert extra.

Usually for me, it will take about 1 hour +- before i feel/notice any leaking, I presume if it leaks it means the inserts have dissolved in our womb & have been absorbed as much, any excess will come as leak.
HI Ladies,

I think this will be my last post for a while.

The past two days have been awful. AF started yesterday but today cramping so bad and embryos "fell out" - just so sad and awful! Cried all afternoon and pain so bad I could not move from the bed.

I am going for a blood test tomorrow here in Kuala Lumpur. Not really sure why but I will go as it is when my BT was due. Cannot find good gynae here in KL so feeling a bit alone as it is also not easy to contact Dr. Loh.

This is my fourth attempt and I am feeling incredibly down. Trying to look at it in a positive light but finding it hard.

Still have 5 embryos left but really dreading going through this again.

Could anyone explain the KKH procedure for FET? Do I need to take any drugs before the FET? What part of the cycle do you start taking them? I need to work out when to organize travel to Sing again and meet with Dr. Loh.

Also, do I need to tell KKH about BFN?

Sorry to sound so down and I realise it is not what ladies in 2WW want to hear so I apologize if this upsets anyone.

Would love some advice. Have really appreciated everyone's support and input in this forum throughout this cycle.

All the best to those on this journey. BFP to you all.
Cherie, please do not panic yet....how do you know the embryos fell out? pls stay calm and go for a blood test tomorrow.
perhaps you can call KK tomorrow if you would like to know what to do? if you really wish to contact Dr loh, i dunno if this is possible, but you try calling KK and make this request indicating you are in KL.
Whatever may happen, you have done incredibly well in going through this round. please try and cheer up and stay positive in the mean time....

may, eskimobaby, thank you for the kind advise. thank you for answering my queries all the time....
Dear December & Leo

Thanks for remembering me.. I DID NOT WENT FOR ET.

Had a shocking news from Dr LOH, out of the 3 matured eggs, embryologist found a suspected black spot in them..He advised me not to proceed but cancel the whole thing.He suspected my eggs never wake up due to over suppression and is a poor responder at my age.(30yrs) He advised me to try DHEA to improve quality and will put me to Short Protocol next round...He talked a lot that day...but i was quite loss and didnt catch much..This is the first time he talk so much..long time...

Dr Zou called me personally to console me and advise me...Im quite touched by Dr LOH and Dr Zou...

Dear Seed, Humberg, Jude & ladies on DHEA...which website did you order DHEA from and expected delivery? KKH have to wait 2 months from US. Dr Zou said online should be cheaper...

So far, i do not hear many success stories about short protocol thou...too bad my body is not suitable for too much drugs...i knew something is wrong when i did not feel bloated despite increased drug. my normal cycle i will at least feel bloated...

Rest Well ladies....and wish you continue to be motivated!!!BFP!! I will try the 3rd IVF after 3-4 months...now need to find my DHEA...sigh
HI ivftwins,

Thanks for your kind words.

I had the same thing when I had a FET in December. I had a "chemical pregnancy" and passed a large blood clot with a white sac in it (the embryo). The Dr. then informed me that this was an early pregnancy loss (before 6 weeks) and it was accompanied by severe cramping and pain.

This time it was the same. Therefore I am sure that the same thing has happened again.

I will try and call KKH tomorrow when I get BT results.
fandz, finally you come online...

leobaby and I kept thinking what had happened to you....

ok...now that you have some good guidance from Dr Loh, he will know how to help you for the next round....
in the mean time, you have to rest and get your body back to good state for the start of next treatment...

from our short meet, i can feel this whole thing meant a lot to you.....but please do not feel discouraged yet....there is still lots of hope...you are not old....so please stay positive, do take of yourself in the meantime.
hi Cherie
sorry to hear your sad news. let me share the FET process under Dr Loh, as I just went for consult with him. No more jabs involved. I started on microgynon first (to regulate my menses) as mine is irregular. Then on d5, I will start taking medication till transfer. They will check lining to ensure it is good enough for transfer. so no jabs involved. I understand from the nurses that different doctors have slightly different protocol.

Finally understand why you go missing for a few days. At meantime try the DHEA as advised and continue maintaining good health for next cycle.
We will get BFP very soon. Try to stay cheerful...do call me if you need someone to talk to.

No problem, was on the way home from work. Hope the protein powder will help. Will be sending you the test sticks for alkaline soon..do look out for it. Miracles happen when you least expect it

Do consider not rushing into FET so fast....take some time to rest a while first as your body is still with hormones now..take a break and get your health back before proceed.

On FET at KKH, the protocol will be different based on whether if you have regular menses or not. What i did was for irregular menses which require me to take medication to achieve desired lining before proceed to ET. For regular cycles they will monitor your ovulation to determine ET dates.
Hi Miraclebaby ,

I agree fully on Eskimobaby's msg above...

Hi Lina ,

Ya lor... waiting for detailed scanning first.. scare leh.. lolz.. will sure get it from you de.. keke...
Hi Fandz,

Not everyone will feel bloated during stage 2..if i remember correctly, Serene BFP on a short protocol. Right now, you need to take good care to tiao your body.. i know its hard for you now, but im sure you can do it ok..we will cheer for you.

Hi Cherie,

really feel bad when reading your post. hope everything will be fine for you. Please do not continue to lose hope..one day you will succeed. Maybe you can try TCM to build up your body first.
Hi Lina
Should I seek another gynae? I am still afraid to take a hard blow.I feel I should wait patiently for my 1st scan. Still don't know for now.

Hi eskimobaby
How true. I never know the kind of experience would be like that. I need some time to accept the facts but still not ready. How sad. Thanks however for it.

Hi Develyn
That's why I thought so. But should it be better to double check or request KKH for another BHCG test? I still daren't,how? I am in trouble..
Hi Fandz,
I am sorry to hear that you have not gone for ET. I can clearly understand how sad you will be to hear about the outcome as i was in the same situation for my 1st cycle. Retrieved 8 eggs and only one was fertilized which is of very poor quality. I wished they should have called off the cycle. But transferred it unnecessarily gave me hope and the cycle failed as i expected. And for my 2nd cycle though with high dosage 600iu of puregon only one follicle was produced thus converted that cycle to IUI. Both the cycles were on long protocol. After 3 months of rest they put me in short protocol(Antagonist) & responded quite well atleast got 10 eggs for retrieval and only 2 eggs fertilized but the cycle failed though.
When i went for my follow up Doc told me to try DHEA and try another antagonist cycle. But he said there is no stock in KK pharmacy & just to get the prescription.
I am also wondering how to get it online. Please share if you could get some information on that. I am bit scared to take that as i read it might give negative result in some cases. I pray we should not be int hat category.

Hi Jude,
Its good to get feedback from you about DHEA. I am strongly recommended to take that as i have poor ovarian reserve and not responding well to the drugs by Dr Loh. Are you with KK & under Dr Loh? Please provide us some details about DHEA.
I wish you good luck with your upcoming cycle. I wish it will boost up your health and all set for the procedure. Best wishes
Dear All,
I would like to ask a question about the IVF cycle. My second cycle was converted to IUI due to poor response. So should i count that in my failed ivf attempt.? I am trying to convince my husband that its not counted as a ivf cycle & wants to try one more round (Its very hard to accept the truth) . Please advice...

I am glad you came back to talk with all sisters here then to hide and bury your sorrows alone. Remeber you still have a lot of ppl you can learn from in this forum and you will also be well taken care of by Dr Zou/Dr Jin(if you do intend to go back there) Meanwhile, do take a break and enjoy with whatever therapy that make you feel better.
Hi fond,
Could you please share where you get the protein powder? It will be really helpful. Please provide me some information on that as its highly appreciable. Thanks

Pls enlighten me if you do know well abt OHSS. I was reading abt OHSS on this good book and Dr Greene states that OHSS when full blown,ie bloated stomach like few mths pregnant is actually cause by raised HCG in the body plus of course other factors. So in short a ppl who has bloated stomach like few mth pregnant would be considered BFP liao isn't it. When i read this, I was so excited to ask Sunflower to go KKH.

Based on the few friends I knew who got OHSS, it means BFP liao. Anyway, Sunflower you should go KKH chk as bloated stomach like yours needs to be chk for possible water retention. if there is water retention, they need to plug and release the water. Anyway, you had also not eaten well for last few days let them chk and if they need to give you glucose at least that is nutrience to you and foetus.

Thank you for your concern, the nurses at KKH are fully aware and one reason I chose jab is that the nurses will see me everyday to chk on me too. I notice in the forms for jab there is another form together that monitors my tummy and pain treshold.
Hi Leo,
which stage are you in? For OHSS the nurse asked me to take plenty of water. Bloatedness is normal after ET but you have pain in the lower abdomen you have to repot at once.
Hi All,
I am correct. found this on the book. OHSS usually indicates pregnancy is achieved. See attached. <center><table border=1><tr><td>
ohhs article 2
img331[1].pdf (26.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Die and ladies,

Found this book to be quite informative. if you interested to read. There is one section on recurrent miscarriages.

Perfect Hormone Balance for Fertility by Dr Robert Greene's
Hi Fandz,
Do take care and rest well and go for it in the best body condition! I am sure you will make it!

Hi Cherie,
I am lost for words and share your sadness. Pls be strong and we are all here to cheer you on. Take good care for now...

Understand the butterflies in your stomach..I have some flying in there too from pending stage one month end..lets be brave together..jia you!

Miracle Baby,
Hey dear..sorry, my heart skipped a few beats when I knew my explanation is affecting dear miracle baby mummy..really sorry, those explanations don't apply to you and are just general info k...but hear me out here too, I have somemore explanations to follow and these are real life experiences from me loh..heeeee...after struggling with fertility challenges these times, I find one fact that works all the time for everyone of us here??..that is very often, its is NOT the something which we fear that will affect us ultimately, it is the fear itself that will cause more harm.

Look at me..after my d&amp;cs last time, I kept worrying if my womb gets damaged, it I will loss my menses blah blah and at the end of the day, all the tests showed that it is probably the fear and stress of all these that has led to hormonal imbalance.

So girl, cheer up, really. There are zillions of medical conditions out there that we are fearful about, yet, we really can't afford the time or energy to fear for all of them. As Develyn suggested, if its affecting your daily life up to scan, go for another HCG test to rid yourself the stress and worry k..

And Eskimobaby has described the journey really well..that is why motherly love is so great??when we become grandmoms, will start to worry about our grandchildren liao :p

K Dev..you are right, really feel very guilty and thanks for assuring me k...heeee..

Don't worry k..it won??t affect my mood of seeing Prof because to me, looking for a dr is like looking for a private tutor, it's a lot of factor at play, it includes style, trust, chemistry, comfort and a lot more. As long as human relationships are involved, its not so straightforward. Just like I have qualms about dr peter chew, I have friends who swears by him??so I respect their individual circumstances and they respect mine too..
You welcome, frankly, there are not that many female gynaes who are good in ivf in Singapore. Just a suggestion Meow, maybe you can pay each of them a visit and then see you prefer whose style, If could cost more but probably worth it since you can stick to her for all your pregnancies..later you can update us who you want to pick..

A big congrats!
we expected it..that your life will be full of meaningful happenings when you put your mind to it..the kids in your new school will be very lucky ones..you fierce principal or not?? Heheheee..think have to be fierce right, even though inside you want to saying them all right..heeeeheee..
I don't know what is going to happen to me but I sincerely hope me day we can chat in the "what are the good primary schools in Singapore" thread...really happy you coming back to visit, we miss you too really

Cherie and Fandz,
Although I have not started the cycle, I want to tell you girls you are not alone..I understand these emotional fertility coaster having experience it firsthand and is still riding it??.And this time, we are riding it with supportive fellow sister passengers. Take a break, take time off to refocus you lives and when you are ready, go for it again..we are in this together..huggzzz and lets gambatte together k..

I won't consider IUI as an IVF cycle really..I read one sister heard Dr Loh said that IUI is like have normal sex, very different from IVF...
