IVF/ICSI Support Group

just a quick question, when ivf fails, is the doc able to ascertain why? ie, is it becos implantation didnt take place or generally the embryo wasnt healthy enough to develop further.. Sometimes I find that with more information, we are able to tio our body accordingly before we embark the next cycle..

Has anyone been successfully in finding out why?
Please share. thanks

maggie mee,

i stopped working to ttc since last year, was on 4 months clomid but no use, i don't ovulate under clomid so decided to go straight to ivf lor.....hopefully can have full rest for the 9 months lor....hopefully everything goes as planned and little ms.....pray that baby/babies is/are growing well and developing healthily....i am staying in choa chu kang, how about you?
no worries. i use to have that problem very often. But after doing the things listed as instructed by my gynae, I have not had a recurrence for 2 years plus liaoz (touchwood touchwood) hehehe.. But would really suggest that you get the meds from the doc to clear it up first.

Just remembered another thing.. wear cotton undies (more airy)..and make sure you sun the undies.

hope it works for you..
usually the docs aren't able to pinpoint exactly wat's the prob. However, the doc will be able to tell if implantation has taken place or not base on the hormone levels (at least that's wat i was told)
I happen to mention it to my gynae during fertility treatment. i use to see LC Cheng. However, for the medication, you can see any GP, they are able to provide. If not, you can just ask your gynae.
i see, thanks..
Hi Elle, we are in the same cycle. may i know, what time you ussualy fo the injection?

**Lucrin Stage**

**Puregon/Gonal F Stage**
ivftwins (KKH)
Sunflower (KKH)
Leo Baby (KKH)
Fandz (KKH)

**Going ER/ET**
December (KKH)

May (KKH)
CherieC (KKH)

**BFP - delivery stage**
Meow (NUH)
BabyJ (KKH)
GreenMuffin (KKH)
Eskimobaby (KKH)
May Chua
Fancy (KKH)
fresh (KK)
Lingling 22

Lina Ang
Pau le
For all the 2WW stage, BFP, graduated,

Can you share with us, what time u do the injection? Thanks for sharing.

for BFN, please dont give up. think positive and try again as your turn will be soon. ;) stay smile.
hi ladies,

thanks for the wishes..

i am back from ER.. i had 28 follicles retrieved. but was feeling terrible after the procedure..had very bad cramp until now..cant walk straight, pee also super pain.. hopefully tomorrow will be better..
May... tat's good.... at least your effort pays off... dun think so much.. just take a step at a time...

Wow... u stay so far... me punggol...btw after BFP still must inject yrself daily meh??
Hi Fresh and Orangey,

congrat on your BFP. ;P

Big Hugz and happy moment for all BFP. rest well and drink lotsa water. please take care and guide us more in this forum. ;) stay cheers..
Hi greenie,

thank you. i been asking coz somebody told me that our body clear off the toxic around 11pm to 1pm so will be no used if inject too late. that make me confuse and need guidance from all of you.

you are on 2ww stage, free from all the injection liaw..happy for you and wish you BFP soon. drink more water okie dokie and stay relax.

do you watch any dvd at home. i have korean drama, if anyone interest, can lend it to you all.
Hi sunflower,

everything will be ok in the next few day time. rest well and drink more water. waw..you got so many follicle. any tips? hehe..P

i follow some of the dos and donts..i drink chicken essence alt days, and daily when its nearer to ER... i went accupuncture on 2-3 times a week since lucrin stage..and alt days since puregon.. i cut off cold drinks..i ate pumpkin seeds daily.. think its the same as the other ladies ba ..
I am not sure about other hospital's protocol. But for SGH, they always emphasized on the timing for injection. For them,Lucrin should be injected in the morning and puregon at night. And both must be done at the exact time daily. Therefore I choose to inject lucrin at 8 am daily. May I know under which hospital are you and where do u stay?

Did Nurse or Dr say you may OHSS(touchwood lah). How are you prepared for possible OHSS. Nurse told me today I must prep for it man... you doing D2 or D5 transfer?

Anyone out day has done D5 transfer? Need advice...
Sunflower ... with so many follicles.. u will have many discomfort.. but dun worry.... juz follow dos and don'ts... ! all the best for coming ET!!
oic. prof ng gave me painkillers. hahaha..

I didn't do a D5 transfer as prof told me that the chances of success for D5 and D3 transfer is the almost the same and he don't encourage D5 transfer as there will be a lot of wastage in embryos as a lot of embies might not reach the D5 stage. I didn't have many eggs retrieved so D5 is out of the question for me. Is this the info you looking for?

yup, i was prescribed with OHSS medication... im doing D2 transfer...i leave it to fate ba..if my embbies are healthy, D2 or D5 will still make it.. i had 20 follicles scanned, but sonographer already told me she saw alot tiny ones that she didnt count..

how many u got? dont worry so much.. sisters always tell me this..


Dear Leo baby

wow you are really very observant to see the people around us even it was so packed at hospital..my ER on friday. Nurse ask me reach by 8am. si i guess ivftwins should be first, follow by me and follow by you?


hope you are feeling alright after ER...pls dun scare me...my ER on Friday....the most frighten part of IVF is the ER part...i seems to have phobia...i dun think i have many follicles..during scan only around 10...just hope at least 1 can fertilize...rest well...
last time the nurse told me to drink ginger water. they say it helps..

don't worry abt ER. you will get the best sleep ever..
All the best!
maggie mee,
there's no injection for me leh after BFP. I was only given folic & Duphaston, i don't need to continue with the inserts after BFP.

dont worry, u will be sedated, and for me, i didnt even get to see dr loh, becos i was knocked out b4 he arrived.. by the time u wake up, u already in the resting bay.

you din get to see DR loh?...when will you know the status of your embbies and day for transfer?

Dear liz,
hope its really a painless sleep...

i ve heard if you are prone to injections, should request for jabs instead of inserts as inserts tend to be more messy...how true is it?



im D2 transfer.. will noe on the day of ET
for kkh, depends on the number of follicles retrieved, then they will prescribe inserts or jabs..
Hi Sunflower
How come you didnt see Dr Loh? I always request to see Dr Loh before being sedated. Just to make it is him to do for me wa..

Like what elle mentioned, think there's no specific timing. but once u choose a timing, u've gotta stick to it. I did mine at 11pm every night. =)

As for lucrin's side effects, i have headaches.


I initially wanted to do a D5 transfer for this FET but the survival rate is estimated to be less than 20 per cent. End up, thawed on D3 and proceeded with D3 transfer nonetheless cos out of 8 embies, only 3 survived. 2 were arrested and 3 were not too good. So, my embrylogist also told me that it is not advisable to go onto D5 culture.

Think there are many school of thoughts in D3 and D5 transfer. Nevertheless, we just have faith in our embies.


Must take care and load up on your protein intake!! OHSS is not something which you want to go through! I was hospitalised for 8 days the last time round and had sleepless nights and pain all over... So take good care, ok??
hi leo baby
mine is d3 transfer, like liz my dr did not encourage me going for d5 even den I had lots of eggs retrieved. I guess we have to believe in our dr.

I was given lots of medicines & jabs twice weekly, hmm seem dat every hospital has diff protocol.
Hi Lyn,
Out of 5 follicles, only 2 was fertilised.

Hi Sunflower,
Hope you are feeling better already. You have a good number of follicles, congratulations and good luck to your ET! Drink lots of water and Take care!
fandz: you are doing ER on friday as well!
together with leobaby and I...

so you are doing pregnyl tomorrow night as well?
i am getting a little worried about that jab. is it very very painful ah?

The OHSS symptons may get worst after ET and even worst if you are BFP then really need to take more protein...ensure it sufficient for your body.

I was very stubborn then...vomited for full 4 days then no choice go to hospital. If really not well..dun tahan too long go check out your condition with doctors.
Dear Minnie

do you know the grades of your 2 emmbies? because im also on puregon for 13 days like you.my follicles are few only and growing quite slow and im worried about the quality..just hope at least 1 get fertilize..sigh...all the best to you thou..


yes im doing ER on Friday 8am. going for pregnyl jab tmr 8pm 24hrs clinic.heard a little painful than puregon..just bear with it lor...whAT to do...im more afraid of ER...to go into sleep knowing nothing and wake up with pain and blood...oh no..

Dun worry, no hurry for me cause I no more 2ww or ER/ET hehe...By the way the berry one taste like strawberry or berry? If taste like berry ok.. it does not taste like cough mixture rite? I am very scared of strawberry milk cause taste like cough mixture hehe.. :p let me know. Thanks


Cannot eat the normal panadol ok.. the pink ones.
