IVF/ICSI Support Group

Dear Leo baby

when is your ER. my ER will be on Friday. jab for 2 more days.same as ivftwins.nice meeting both of you today..
Where do u get the protein powder with berries flavour? think i also need to build up protein in preparation for next fet
hi Icebaby,

i start my lucrin last week also. what is your side effect?

my body feeling warm, i do not know if this is side effect or medicine reaction.
Sunflower and fandz

All the best to your coming ER, both of you first time doing IVF ?

Sorry long time never "come" and chat in the forum hence dunno many new names... like to check lately any successful case from Dr SF Loh?

Been with him for two fresh cycles..was thinking if my next FET fails..will change doctor and clinic for my next fresh cycle...Any recommendation on clinics or doctor?
Lyn, I did not go to a specific dr for the accupunture. I just happen to go to a nearby one which is at Hougang. The dr that treated me, seems quite knowledgeable about ladies reproductive system. Though she was not really able to understand english, she somehow know what i wanted to tell her. I did not plan for IVF that time. So did not mention to her about that. I stopped after sometime, and when I went back to the clinic that dr is no longer with them. Sort of like left the "company". The new dr was not very knowledgeable so I decided to stop. By then if not wrong, my tube was already ok.
Hi poppy


Can check out this link, posted by some ladies last time...can see embryo or baby development

Sunflower and fandz

In case you interested, can use this to visualize after your ET...all the best
Fandz & Ladies,

I should be ER THur/FRi. Going for my scan again today. I have the gd size to start and dr say can stimulate another day that is yesterday and see how many today. Since yesterday I was more bloated and guess what time i awake this morning 430am and never got back to sleep. I hope to come back sleep in afternoon.

quite a lot of us are under dr loh this round of coming 2WW, result wise have to wait. HeeHee... Actually there are many successes including BabyJ FET after 2yr frozen embries got her BFP.


You due for scan right? How are you? Multiples?

not sure if you wear pants often. I use to have a yeast infection very often also. Here are some of the things that I have done that solve the issue.
1. Wear more skirts rather than pants. skirts/dress offer more ventilation in that area so it makes it diff for the yeast to grow
2. Not use pantyliners anymore.. same reason as 1
3. Got inserts from the doc to clear up the infection
4. potassium permanganate (forgot the spelling) wash from the doc also helps to clear the infection

Hope this helps.
Hi Lyn,
My ET was ok, Thanks! ...painless and Dr Loh seems like quite busy...I waited for quite a while before my turn. There were long queues in the IVF clinic yesterday. Its just so amazing to see the eggs on the screen! My DH and I are so touched to see it.

Now I am a little worried about some cramps at the lower abdominal after the ET. I can't sit cross-leg on the bed without experiencing cramps...is it normal?

Yesterday, I saw 3 ladies sitting near the end-corner of the clinic and was chatting away...must be Leo Baby, Fandz and ivftwins?
Hi Minnie! Congrats n welcome to 2WW!! Finally no more jabs n juz rest for 2 weeks!!!
Jus stay relax...

I dun rem i hv cramp after ET... but den for 1st day i was on bed most of the time...
Hi Maggie Mee,
Thanks! Still got jab leh...the pregynal jabs once every 3 days... Are you on jab or insert?

I was also lying on the bed or sofa for most of yesterday....but still feel the cramps... Maybe just need to learn how to relax.

Thank you for the link but can't view the link. =p
Anyway, just to share, I m currently having my 2WW. Failed by fresh IVF with very bad OHSS in May 09. Yesterday just had my ET with 3 thawed embryos. So tot of looking at some visualisation aid for the 2WW.

Good luck to all in their 2WW! =)
Minnie... yes me same as u... pregynl jabs every 3 days.. the jabs will make your stomach really bloated... so hv to bear with it.... towards end of 1st week of 2ww... im was beginning to feel stomach cramp more often.. even right now ... i juz hope its normal...

Poppypoo... Good luck n welcome to 2ww... juz do nothing and relax.
hi minnie & poppy
congrats another step closer. Have enough rest n eat well. positive energy attract positive environment.

not to worry about the cramps, I had it during my whole 2ww. need to concern if the cramps is unbearable.

tomorrow is ur BT rite? all the best to u
heh, yeah, maggie, i'm watching tv since morning... i'm on inserts (twice daily) and pills (once daily) for my support. Which is different from my fresh cycle - only inserts. Yeah, now really keeping fingers crossed but i only took 1 week leave for this FET cycle.

anyway, just wanted to complain, my blur DH gave me chicken essence with danggui last night!!! almost wanted to kill him cos i recalled the ladies here saying that we can't take danggui durin 2WW. sigh, dunno if damage has been done...

I think ur crampy feeling could be remnants from the ER process?
Opps poppy... i guess i bottle will not do much harm... but be more careful... me now drink chicken essence once a week... cuz i not sure if can drink alt day during 2ww... will it be "pu" onot.. haha...
During these 2 weeks... i hv strong craving to eat strong spicy food... like spicy drumlet... tom yam... etc... n i keep eating non stop.. duno how much weight i hv gain liao..

so far, 1 day after 3dpt, no cravings yet. but i remember during my last 2ww in may, i was craving for hokkien prawn mee, chay kway teow... heh heh somemore that time was bloated from my post ohss syndrome during the 2nd week of the 2ww.
Hi Mei Chua,
Thanks! So far the cramps are just very mild and its on and off, so I would not focus on it and rest well.

Hi Poppy,
But after ER, I don't feel much cramp, just bloatness only..but maybe my system is slow and only feel it after ET..hee hee....All the best to your 2WW too!

Hi Maggie Mee,
All the best to your BT tomorrow! Hope you will bring good news back for us!
Hi shiny,
I did my injections in the morning between 10-11am. I will alternate the sides of injections.

Hi fond,
Thanks for offering to give me some of your berries powder! My sis is very enthusiastic and had already delivered 1 can to me yesterday! I see how lor, may try and may not, cos i really dislike strawberries taste...

Hi maggie mee,
yup, enjoy your last few days of leave!! What time are you going for your BT tomorrow? Are you going to hang around until BT results are out so that if you BFP, you don't have to make another trip down to KK to buy the support medication? I told them i will be around and I called them 2 hours later and got my results.
Dear Fond

This is my 2nd ivf.so far Dr LOh is still quite good at reasonable price and of course depend on individual health condition. I have tried those famous gynae but still no gd news.just keep trying loh..what to do...

Leo baby

all the best to look forward for ER soon.!i tried the gold kiwi last night...very nice...im going to buy few more packs today...to prevent constipation..


oh did we speak too loud yesterday? yes we were so happy chatting away at the far corner.
Dear Fond

your feotus development link look really interesting...but i heard IVF development may not be the same as normal stages right?as we still have jabs and transfer etc...pls enlighten me ladies...so i can also key in the correct date in the link...


Do update us soon after you rest from your ER..rest well..

No problem, just want to share the good stuff with ladies here. Trust me do try the berries flavour, just add 1/2 a scoop to the normal one and it will not taste not so yucky... taste like soy bean milk and i prefer it over ensure milk... Its excellent for you as you are pregnant now. You will have a strong baby.

I just got some for the ladies here also, need to pass it to them asap as some are going for ER/ET soon. Just in time to replinsh their daily protein requirement.


I got the link from this forum also..usually i put ER date as day 0 or day 1. Coz at KKH we do D2 or D3 transfer right...not sure right or not..just something for us to "waste" time and visuliase during the long 2ww.

I also been with Dr SF Loh for quite some time already. Really hope with my 100% preparation this time round...my next FET will be a successful one.

YOu also doing your ER this week? All the best...i shall wait for your good news then. I also still have confidence in Dr SF Loh, just
that after few failures...all my friends are suggesting i change doctor...so a bit undecided...


YOu need to wait a while for the page to load then key in date to view the development

I also had very bad OHSS around May 09- my second IVF cycle...and was hospitalised. Hence wanted to make sure i am prepared for the next round. All the best for this FET and 2WW ... rest well and visuliase baby growing
Hi Minnie,

Yes it was us, the three muskettes. Are you the lady sitting against the other wall long hair with a plastic frame spect? Notice you watching us. But did not see HB with you leh? Or that not you? You should have come up to us...:)
Hi May... i will be going down early morning ard 8+.. if i dun wait ard there i still nid go down take medications??? AIyoh but if i wait den its not gd news how....

btw... so u return to work the next day after BT? KK will not extend HL for us rite? We shd be well enuf to go back to wk ald??
Hi Leo Baby,
No, that was not me. I was the fat lady in red sitting diagonally from you ladies....paiseh la...wasn't sure also...hee hee
Dear ladies,
I am back to the ivf cycle again after a failed one in May 09. This is another fresh cycle and currently have been on lucrin for one week. I try to find the do and don'ts in the forum but can't find it. Can someone kindly post it again? Thanks a lot. Any cycle buddies with the same stage now?

For BFP ladies, congrats. For BFN, dun give up. Try again. For those in all levels in ivf, keep going on strong
Hi elle
Here u go..

Stage 1 (Lucrin)
- Cut off cold drinks
- water intake 2L/day
- drink DOM to build up the body
- chicken essence X 1 3x/week
- egg white x 1 daily
Stage 2 (Puregon / Gonal-F)
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- chicken essence x 1 alternate day
- Soya products (high proetin food)
- water intake 2L/day
- Brazil nuts
- egg whites x 2
Stage 3 (2WW)
- increase egg whites intake
- Ensure milk or Anmum milk
- 2-3 pieces of Brazil nuts daily, some take 5 pcs per day.
- can also take sunflower seed, pumkin seed, and flax seed
- No pineapple and water melon
- No squatting or carrying of heavy weights (anything that stresses the abdominal muscle)
- No hot sauna or soaking of lower half body in bathtub
- No intercourse
- Do not stand or sit in a position too long. Good to walk a bit to promote circulation
- No raw food and avoid oily and spicy foods as it may cause an upset stomach. High hormone levels cause bloatedness and hence add to discomfort
- No strenuous exercise
- No other medication (eg. TCM) other than those given by your Dr
- May have white to brownish pasty discharge. If feel itchy, to drink cranberry juice and use shower head to spray warm water on the "area" thoroughly
Liz, thks for ur advice... Will take to wear skirt more often.... Yeasts can be very itchy and have pain during BD....hehehe so very irritating
maggie mee,
i am not working so still hanging around at home. Cos for me, I had done HPT so i hanged around for the results to collect the support medication. Since you are not planning to do HPT, then just go home, rest and wait for the result lor.

Don't worry Dr Zou the TCM told me to take the fish essence with dang gui and dong chong chao... so you don't have to worry. It is ok. Rest well yeah.. Good luck
