IVF/ICSI Support Group

hi eskimobaby,
your dog is so cute, is it a terrier? reminds me of my silky terrier but he passed away 2 years ago.

hi may,
all the best for your BT.

dun congratulate me first. Just came back from prof. He said to see wat are my bloodtest results this afternoon then can tell me wat r the 3 options to proceed. Personally I dun feel it's gonna be bfp anymore cos I m still bleeding. Nothing can be done till this afternn's results. The beta hcg shld go up, if not, not very hopeful.
don't give up!!! there's still hope.. at least you still have a fighting chance! Jia you! Just rest well now and chat with us lah.. Am sure your babies are fighting hard too.. so don't give up! Anything is possible. There are plenty of cases where the mother bleeds but still manage to get a healthy baby in the end.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for sharing.

May I know where do you go for your accupunture? Is it painful and can I do it with the treatment I'm having now? my SIL was telling me abt this Burmese masseur who is very good. Maybe I'll give her a call too.
meow.... i saw your sms but my iphone (1st gen from US) screwed up and i can't get it charged! stay strong dear. i am at loss at what to say but definitely i feel your pain. please cry it out if you feel like. don't give up the fight. perhaps its not meant to be this time, but you never know.
hope u get ur BFP on 2 sep.

it's ok that u didn't reply la. Sure feel sad one cos we came so far. But then wat to do. Thus is something that cannot be bought by any amount of money.
Trying to look at the positive side. So now I dun feel stressed going to the toilet. N am glad it's coming out as menses. Had a feeling this time won't be it since last sat. Like wat prof said, if it's meant to miscarry, no medicine can hold it.
Just an irony just now when the nurses briefed me on the anenetal costs if we decide to use prof. Prof also congratulated me when he first saw my results. Only when I told him I'm bleeding then he said "oh". At that moment I really wished I'm 1 of those lucky ladies w a big tummy. I dunno if I ever will have that happy bulge.
meow... i did get your message but i can't reply coz my iphone can't be charged! useless phone!

anyway, please remain strong. i am at loss for words but i can imagine your pain now. perhaps its not meant to be but don't ever give up the fight. take sometime to recover. the fact that you did get pregnant shows you can do it.
Meow... Dun be discouraged.. glad you can think this way.... remember can always try again... if its not meant to be this time.... perhaps ur body not ready for it... so continue to "tiao" yr body and get ready for next try!!! Ganbatte!!!
sorry to hear abt ur BT result... have a good cry and after that do watever u've been wanting to do... then when u r ready again, give it another shot... nothing can break u, it will only make u stronger... ur embies have put up a good fight
not a terrier, he's a maltese....

What time ussualy do the lucrin injection? is 9pm ok? from what i know, human body out the toxic around 11pm to 1pm so i'm worry if i inject too late.

after the injection, is your body feeling warm?

my body feeling warm after jap, specially my leg even in aircon room.
dear ladies

Haven't been in here for quite a while, too much to catch up. Had a busy month long break with relocation activities in between. Was totally flat out, no energy left to chiong for a new cycle.

Was also disappointed with the office, realised they retrench a 6 mth preggy lady while I was away. Just can't help feeling, being preggy is a burden to the organization, so demoralising for those ttcing. Just wondering if I fall preggy, will I be the next target. Sigh....

Congrats to those who have got BFP !

For those who got BFN, try and try again. All bad luck must come to an end. The perfect time will come !
hugs hugs, i know it's easy to say but do take some time to get over it, rest well and try again. Persevere, god will reward you!
hi everybody,

i've got a BFP and my hcg level is 3327.4, my scan will be on 15 sept.

Dump baby dust to you all!!!!!!

Am so tired n sleepy now, may be napping a while....

I failed before on my first IVF.. Pregnancy did not hold after 573 HCG level... But please do not give up.. BFP will be on your way again okie.. Hugz !

Hugs... Look on the bright side. BFN better then BFP and always bleeding. That will give u a lot of strain. At least now you know you can move on and plan for the next stage. Take good care and pamper yourself a bit.

Congratulation!!! Looks like multiples on the way. Have a smooth pregnancy period.

I have a question... Base on my memory, you mention u use insert and oral progestron rite?
leo baby,

yup, I am using oral and inserts but only started oral from D8 onwards after progesterone BT.

Now, just praying for them to develop healthily in my uterus! Fingers crossed!
hi ladies,

in case some of you are interested to know....

I don't have much symptoms initially but nearer to end of week 1 onwards, I start to feel a slight vaginal pull follow by slight tummy cramp on and off since then. Cos i seldom have menses, so if i remember correctly, on days nearer to middle of week 2 onwards, the cramp is somewhat like menstrual cramp feel.

My stomach also starts to get slightly bloated the last 3 days,a little uncomfortable but the bloat subsides everyday.

What i did:
- Follow the Dos & Don'ts religiously (but i didn't eat egg whites daily, i ate only some days, but i take protein powder)
- rest a lot at home (only went out if necessary, but will ensure not to walk too much)
- watch a lot of shows and play with dogs to relief stress
- walk very slowly, didn't do housework, didn't carry heavy stuff, etc
- talk to my embryos everyday
- pray everyday
- skype with my hubby everyday for as long as i can (relief stress too)
oh ya, I didn't relieve myself after ET. I did it only when i reach home and then i rested 1 hour or so with bolster under my bum to elevate my pelvic.

Honestly, I am not sure what I did had helped in the BFP, but just to share what I have done during my 2 ww.

May i check with you where and what brand you get the protein powder? Did you do your own cooking during 2ww?


I am taking the Amway protein powder. I take it together with the ensure milk. It doesn't taste nice at all but still have to drink it.

I didn't cook, my mother-in-law either cooks or buys food for me throughout the 2ww.
Thanks May for your info...will check it out for the protein powder. Meantime..do rest well and update us when you r free ya on your pregnancy.
Hi May... Yr HB muz be v happy.. hope u can join u back here.... for a celebration.... but meanwhile still do take care of health... we can nv take for granted... and hv come such a long way...
maggie mee,


I know and after reading some experiences here, I have learnt not to expect too much. I have also cautioned my hubby about possibilities. I will take care of myself and will pray for babies to grow well and develop healthily in my uterus!

Good luck for your BT on 2 Sept! Baby dust to you!!
May... i koe what u mean... we have many "stages" to go thru during these our 2mths of ivf + 9 mths pregnancy... phew... let just take a step at a time....

Me getting worried too... juz keeping my mind open and dun expect anything.. scare of disappointment... fingers crossed.....

meow... how you feeling? do you have to undergo anything else now that the pregnancy don't hold up? sayang sayang...do share with us all your sorrows. we'll be here for you.
