IVF/ICSI Support Group

Daffodils - can't remember, but I think it's 16-20mm... You will need to be injected with pregnyl shot (Hcg) to force the eggs into maturation before ER... It should be about 1.5 days before... Jab at 9pm, ER at 7am day after next...

hi ladies, I'm back from my Harlem Globetrotters show! Luckily I went if not would have regretted badly!

Mel, very exciting match... well more like a show then match... very entertaining... When the whole stadium sang YMCA, I have to restraint myself from dancing... hahaha! My hubby was very watchful over me... keep asking me to sit down sit down while the whole stadium stand up! kekeke! Anyway it is a good break from the last 1 week whereby I'm cooped in the room all day.

Itajabi, u r a crew also!
I'm from SIA too but quit the airlines donkey years ago... You should read the book that I recommended Paule to read. Very entertaining and the flying days just flashes across my memories, both good and bad ones. keke!

Wow! Develyn you can test HPT tmr... so good... nurse said I cannot do HPT cos sure +ve one gue to the pregnyl jab... so must guai guai wait till 26May, next tue! 9 more days....

BTW, 2nd week of 2WW can be more relaxed right? Because I stayed in a double storey house, so MIL has been bringing up my meals to my room for the last 1 week becos I tried not to climb up and down the stairs....However now I'm in my 2nd week of 2WW, can I go down for my meals, meaning everyday climb up and down the stairs at least 3 times? Or it is better for me to still not to climb the stairs so much?? Any advise?
Hi Mel,

I've been referring to your 'journey of embryo after ET' everyday! It is indeed very useful. You no need to check lah. Let me re-post for you. hehe!

3 day transfer-
1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt and above...More HCG is produced as fetus develops

Lyn and dream, you can refer to the above to visualize how the embryo has growth each day.
hehe... yah both me and serene ex-crew... me left in 2007 when i got married and come to France... was flying from 2002 to 2007.. hahah scaly i've seen u...

have you started using the stretchmarks cream also? coz was thinking to buy but when i went to the pharmacy, it says on the box after 3 months pregnant wo... was thinking to try Elancyl (green packaging one)... the price is like 3 times less then Clarins...

anybody knows the price of the Clarins stretchmark cream in Singapore?
Think I'm the first one to post here!
Good A Morning, Sisters!

Hi Develyn
Positive, Positive sign on your HPT stick!

Hi Gloria
Mind to share what prof has told u?

Hi Serene
Try not to climb up n down the stairs too much...as implanation will take place during your D6-D9 after the transfer..take care n rest well k..

Hi libby
Hope everything will be fine for u! u r always in my prayer!
noi - good morning... Whoa.. 5.30am... Really early leh...

Pau le - I think the Clarin's cream is about 60+ or 70+... Can't remember...

Serene - thanks for posting... I'm still using my phone... Hubby hogging the laptop... And yes.. Harlem globe trotters is good right?? Hai... Still jealous...

Lyn, Dream - I try to visualize the embies journey according to the day by day journey... I'll spend at least the last few mins before sleeping, talking to the embies and telling them what I think is happening... esp the implantation stage... I'll think of them with little shovels digging into the lining... Then, I'll think of them throwing the shovels away, and burrowing deep in... The next few days, I'll think of them growing and developing... So on and so forth... I hope this helps...
Hi all,

I am contemplating if I should go for another round of IVF. I have done couple of cycle with Gleneagle & KKH. No results so far. Very very dis-heartening and time is not on my side. I am already 39. Anyone does IVF at this age? Should I go for it again? Haiz... I am so confused.

Anyway can any one give me the contact for the Dr at the same building as Dr Christopher Chen. Can't remember what is his name, but is at the ground floor of Gleneagle Hospital Annex Building. Heard that he is good, thot of going to him to seek some advise.

Can I ask if anyone here are teachers or ex-teachers?
I'm not sure if I should do a career switch to teach and pursue IVF at the same time.
I was thinking (I may be wrong), teaching may not be as hectic and I can go thru my fertility programme as I start teaching.
I dare not quit without a job in view of the current economic climate.

Can someone pls enlighten me?
Or should I teach and do IVF at the same time?
How's teaching?

My friend was telling me in fact it's a very stressful job and alot of the patient in the mental health are actually teachers.
Is this true?
Also doing IVF require multiple visits to hospital and during the 2WW, HL is given and teachers may not be granted the long off days or time-off to complete the cycle.
Pau le: i havent started.. Dun know which one to use.. n when to start. A frend was telling me she used the cream then one day she started having sensitive skin due to pregnancy then marks became worst..So abit scared
Hi all,

I am contemplating if I should go for another round of IVF. I have done couple of cycle with Gleneagle & KKH. No results so far. Very very dis-heartening and time is not on my side. I am already 39. Anyone does IVF at this age? Should I go for it again? Haiz... I am so confused.

Anyway can any one give me the contact for the Dr at the same building as Dr Christopher Chen. Can't remember what is his name, but is at the ground floor of Gleneagle Hospital Annex Building. Heard that he is good, thot of going to him to seek some advise.
Hi Gloria,

My DH has high bad cholestrol too, doc told him to eat Oats. you can try too.

Btw, you staying at sembawang too? I visit the club too in the past for the sauna but now i jog to the Canberra park or play badmintion at cc as it's more convienent. u working? coz i normally execrise after work.
Hi Lynn,
Not really. When I was in my early 20s i used to have blood clots and heavy periods with menstrual cramps. I had endo diagnosed 1mth after my customary wedding (ie 30yrs old) and it has already grown to around 6cm left and right ard 4.9cm. After my 1st lapro to remove them and a ectopic pregnancy, i don't encounter mentrual cramps and my menses lasts till 3 days only instead of 6 days. I was diagnosed with endo again after 1.5yrs later after my 1st ops and during that time i do not encounter any menstrual cramps at all just on off pulling pain near my pelvis area which doc says is due to scarring tissues/adhesions formed during my 1st lapro.
Good morning all!

Its a weekday... so maybe the thread will move faster? I realised thread moved very slowly on weekend cos eveybody goes out to enjoy themselves! I hope you guys had a great weekend and had rested well for the new week!

Going to do my last pregnyl jab today... getting more and more anxious when the final date (BT) is drawing near. hehehe. BTW, when will the symptoms of pregnancy start to develop? 2nd week of 2WW? or even later?
Hi Serene,

Abit different from u .. cos i am on progestrone inserts la.. so i can test on D12.. KK give me the BT quite late in D16.. Progestrone inserts will not affect the result :p .. Keke..

Hi Humburg,

I didnt have ABNN no. and i dun want to talk to her cos i will really feel zzz.. Eeekkk.. Keke..
Aiyo, u and tany hor.. just cannot stay guai guai.. didnt drink enough water and get heaty.. go see doctor and drink 2L water daily.. Gogogogo...
Hi Serene ,

4 days after your pregynl jab , u can test yourself if u want.. but if u find it stressful then dun do it k.. Hmm.. the pregnancy symptoms are on individual.. as u are using pregynl jab , u should have the symptoms due to HCG contains.
Good luck and BFP BFP to u okie..
Hi Lyn,

Wishing u a belated birthday!!

Hi Lina,
I just went back to see Dr Zou to collect chinese herbs(yucky) to brew which she has recommended that it can help in my endometrosis problem. But everytime i think of drinking it, i feel like puking. Its damm awful.

I am still contemplating whether i should go for my 1st round of FET, or should i go and look for a job 1st. I was abit disheartened over my 1st ivf and also the fact that my endo has came bk.
Develyn, means I can test on Fri cos today I going to have my last pregnyl jab.
Cos I really would love to know the results before going back to office so that at least I know the answer before starting work again...
good luck develyn!
went for my hormone test togethe with hubby today. Tomorrow going back to see Dr Thong and also wed go back cause hubby going to freeze sperm one time.
Wha raffles in the morning is very quiet and peaceful haha KKh is full of activities, so different.
Hi All,

Did anyone experience bleeding while on puregon? I am also having bad cramping. I dont recall having bleeding during my first ivf..Kindly advise..many thanks!
Hi Chris

Did your gynae advise you not to do FET should endo be back?

Can I ask how does the TCM med help in endo?
How would you know it helps?
What did your TCM doc tell you?

I was told not to take any TCM med during IVF and I'm not sure if your gynae have advised you the same.
hi ltjabi,
no more nausea after 2 months, given folic till 3rd month and obimin (multi vitamin). What is B6?

hi lyn,
Dr Loh say cannot take but my previous failure was due to bleed after 2WW. So i decided not to listen to Dr Loh this time, consider taking a risk trying Dr Zou herbs. As Dr Zou mention that her herbs has contents to prevent the bleeding. For past years, she saw many ladies who had BFP but then bleed and lost pregnancy, so now her herbs are formulated to prevent the bleeding in advance. And most ladies in china also took the herbs. I put trust in her and it does work for me. I am not sure if it works for everyone but in my case, i badly needed the protection against bleeding. I will be taking herbs till delivery. You are referring to dream's aunty who had triplets?

hi humbug,
do increase the accu treatment to twice a week if possible. I understand how difficult to travel to her place for accu. I work in west, have to take mrt after work, then return home to east. Yeah, half a singapore travelled and time wasted. But no choice. Now my hubby go collect the an tai medicine, so i save the travel time.

hi pau le,
my friend got a clarin at duty free shop here, cost $67. I just got from bulk purchase in this forum $60 with delivery included.
hi chris,
try take a small sip of plain water, don't swallow it first, then sip the herbs. See if this works for you. I have one friend who uses this method, one sip of herbs, one potato chip or cracker. If you are not in a rush to look for a new job, do suggest you rest to try FET. It might work for you. Can endo be removed before you try FET?

hi jas,
how much it cost for sperm freeze at raffles?
Hi Ladies,
Tried to post earlier but lost my post!

Serene, agree with Noi that it is better to take it easy. I think we are the worried time so don't do anything you may regret later! otherwise, you may just want to take one meal rather than 3 on the first floor..so you still manage to get some quality time with your family,
Thanks for posting the implantation story, I would need to read it everyday since my memory is failing me! today is blatocyst day for me!!!

Thanks for advice. It is a good idea to do it at night before sleeping. will definitely do that.

Sorry, thought the colour was from Mel! thanks for advice. I think it makes me more positive on that day when I came out of the hospital. In gleneagles, still need to change in hospital gown for ET.

my hubby's aunt did her IVF in KL (as she lives there). It was her second try.

Pari and GLoria
Hope the first day is not too hard on both of you.

No news means good news?

As Mel said, HCG would be given 36 hours before retrieval. The HCG helps to mature the eggs and it is a critical jab. Our Dr did not even want us to do it on our own and we had to go the 24 hr clinic to do it. So, my jab was given at 8pm (sharp) on Monday and my ER was on Wednesday at 8AM (was admitted at 6:30 am on that day). I was on GA so did not feel a thing. Good luck for your ER.

Why do you wake up so early? can't sleep or your usual routine?

Hope BB,
I am currently in my 2ww and did my IVF under Dr. LC Foong. This is my first IVF with him and I can only highly recommend him to you. He is really professional and you will be in good hands. His office has now shifted to the 3rd floor of Gleneagles Annex. His phone number is 6479 7267. You may want to call now as he is very busy and it is hard to get an appointment with him.

A few other ladies in the thread use him as gynae but moved to KK for their IVFs (primarily due to the costs and subsidy, if I am not wrong).

There is another thread under the motherhood and pregancies on Dr. LC Foong and you may want to read it to make a decision. I decided to use him after reading so many positive comments on him and lab.

good luck on your journey. make an appointment first and see whether you have chemistry with him! he is not the pushy type. His waiting time is really short (usually less than 30 minutes) which makes the IVF journey a little bit less stressful!

Can't recall any bleeding on puregon but I had some with BCP (birth control pill) which I started earlier. Better call Dr to check.
Lina, i am not sure how much is it, but we will be freezing on wed so I will know how much it cost on wed. Oh Doctor called up asking me to go down to see her at 3 pm today instead.
So will go down later
Hi dream, I refer to the embryo journey everyday too..
I'm 9dpt so the implantation stage should be over... now praying my embryo will bury deep deep inside my lining and stay there for 9mths...
keeping fingers crossed!

babydreamzy, I also dun recall bleeding during puregon stage. You might want to call your dr or nurses for some advice.
Lina: B6 i think is to stop morning sickness.. However mine gonna finish soo was wondering is it impt. to take. Do u think dr zou can help in my case of bleeding?? In ur last ivf u mention u had bleeding. when was it?? Was it fresh blood??
Did you feel anything during implantation stage? was yours a d2 or d3 transfer since Mel's list refers to d3 transfer.

Otherwise, do you jab yourself the pregnyl jab or go to Dr? For me, our Dr prepared the jab and hubby jabbed for me. The awkard thing is that we still can see some leftover drugs on the syringe after he jabs? Have you experienced this? I called the nurse today and I am waiting for her phone call. dont think should be big deal but dont want to take any risks!
dream, mine is D2 transfer. As for the pregnyl, I jab myself. What do you mean by left over drug?? Did you excrete the bubble 1st before you jab?? For my my case, I dun see any leftover medicine in the syringe...
hi jas,
ic. I am sure you will succeed this round.

hi ltjabi,
i wasn't given B6, think was due to my nausea is only a short while daily. Food does not come out, just the vomit action. If your morning sickness stopped, should be alright to skip the B6. Are you still having brown discharge? I am not sure if you can start herbs suddenly as previously you did not take any herbs. Last time i had bleeding just before the 6th week scan, fresh red blood for 2-3 days. Doctor tried to scan but didn't see any sac, kept checking HCG daily and amount still high. Never gave me any jabs or long bedrest and kept insisting that the progesterone pills will be sufficient. But after the 3 days bleeding, HCG decline. That's why i don't quite like the western doctor "sit and wait attitude".
Hi Dream, back at work...sigh sigh sigh but no choice have to go back la. Hope everything is fine with you. I was with LC Foong previously too. Last MAy he advised that IVF would be an option for me. Since got govt subsidy I moved to NUH for my IVF. I like him alot he is very pleasant and nice, sure miss him. After the failed IVF this month hubby suggested that we go back to him for 2nd round. But after hearing our Dr at NUH we decided to stay there. Thinking on embarking on our 2nd round sometime in Aug or Sept. Good luck to you BFP all the way.
Lina, Mel
I think the Clarins cream seems cheaper in Singapore... then I probably buy i Singapore....

yah, i just read from a pregnancy magazine that should start before marks start to show...

all girls on 2ww,
BFP BFP BFP dust to you!
hi pau le,
can get at duty free shop when you return. Do you still have friends working in the airline, can also ask them to send to you. I used to be allergic to other brands of stretch cream but this one no allergic reaction yet.
Hi lina,

I read from the lucrin leaflet that the jab actually causes the itch no the swap. Anyway, just to check with you, you mean you are taking Dr Zou's herbs throughout your ivf treatment?

I am still contemplating whether to take it or just do the accu.


howz ur BT?

Hi ladies,

did any of you you take Dr Zou's herbs while going thru ivf? Pls share.
H Pari,

How's 1st day back at work? Sure busy i think cos a lot of work to catch up... I'll be my turn next week...
Hopefully can go back with good news then not so depress...
yah, i would buy when i come back...

for now, due to the dry weather, i have been spreading lots of body cream...
the tip of the jab has medicine. may be yours is a different jab. anyway, called the nurse. hope she calls back soon. I was actually quite surprised that the hcg jab did not hurt. I think my hubby is getting better at it. He thinks it is all in my mind. Anyway, he says he has another "2" more chances to poke me...I think he will miss it! I was so scared before starting the journey and now, will almost miss the jab! somehow, the jabs/medicines make me feel that we are doing something rather than just waiting!

yes, he is a nice and professional Dr. I really like him but his fees are really expensive. My hubby and I decided to stick to him as we are comfortable with him and I felt that it would be less pressurising to do it under him (less waiting time, more personalised) but of course, it is a high price to pay! We also decided that it is the last IVF for us so decided to go for it under him. I really hope the embies are sticking there and developing!...of course, same wish for all sisters, here

2ww ladies...
Where are you? Why are you ladies so quiet? Equinox, Sue, Zaza? I am sure I am missing some of you. It seems it is only Serene and I that are posting...let us know how you are doing?

even Develyn is so quiet...strange!

Pau Le,
Thanks for your baby dust.
Serene, yeah 1st day of work, my boss called me at 8am to tell me what he wants me to do today. Yes busy la, just had my lunch one curry puff. Don't worry everything will be ok for you when you go back to work you have happy happy face. Good luck

Dream,I wish that all your embies stick and BFP to you. Just checking how much did it costs for you with LC. My next round at NUH after medisave and govt subsidy must set aside at least $7K leh.
I thought I read from other posts that IVF at KK is only 1-2k. Why is NUH much more expensive? or i misread your post. you mean 7k in total or cash? if cash, i think the difference under dr F is only the gvt subsidy then. cost depends on puregon dosage as one box is over 400 at Dr Foong's clinic. I think needs to count 13k min. under Dr Foong but after medisave, it is lower. what was your puregon dosage?

may i ask you why you decided to stay to nuh? what did the dr say?
Lina: Okie.. As of me i have brownish staining on off.. Not fresh blood like the 1st time.. Im given prog. jab every week n increase in the intake for prog. tablets. Mine is more the blood clot is from the other twin so that's y got staining coz that one trying to clear.. Juz worry abt bb.. Hopefully stops soon.

Pau le: I havent really looked into getting the creams yet.. maybe after 1 trimester when thngs more stable coz now i cant go out also..when u going to start using.. Which creams r good. Im having breakouts too..
hi nicole,
but hardly hear ladies here have allergic to lucrin. I think i am allergic to the swap as even when i take puregon injection on another side of tummy, using the swap, i got rashes. I cannot take too high alcohol content swap. Yes, i took herbs throughout ivf, against Dr Loh advice of course.

hi ltjabi,
brown discharge is ok according to doctor. Hope your discharge clear soon. Rest well.
Dream, I have to pay cash of around $7K after medisave and govt grant. My cycle very jalat. 1st cycle I was on gonal-F for 16 days and after 2 days of injecting 225iu i was prescribed to 375iu cos I was not reponding.
Now DR has told me that he will put me on antagonist cycle as I was a slow responder in the longer cycle. He prescribed I start on 450iu of gonal-F from the word go. Further I started my AF on day 11DPT so i will have 2 crinone inserts in my next cycle 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening so more expensive lor. Prof PC Wong really explained to hubby and me all the questions that we asked after our failed cycle. I am satisfied with him. I decided to stay with Prof as he knows my body now, if I go to LC now it will be new cycle for both of us, as LC uses puregon and NUH uses gonal-F, decided to trust my doctor see how next cycle goes.
im puting lots of normal body cream now... coz very itch due to the dry weather... think i would start after 1st trimester also...
in france, would like to give birth in spore, but in france would be fully covered and also if in spore, would have to leave france after 5 months pregnant... my hubby cannot tahan to be alone for so long.. hehehe
I guess it is a trial and error and as you have done one cycle with NUH, it is also better to stay there. I am currently on 2 inserts, progynova pills and HCG (3 jabs). However, there is no follow up during the 2ww. I was on 375 iu with puregon. Just remember to write down everything you have done for your first cycle so that it can be used for reference. I am also doing the antagonist/short cycle. You may want to check wtih zaza as well as I think she is also with NUH (if I am not wrong).

Otherwise, heard that puregon and Gonal F are similar drugs. just different brands. Had BCP before starting my short cycle to regulate my menses.

Hi ladies,

I just came back from the clinic, went there to do my Day2/3 hormone blood test, then went to the library to borrow some books on fertility. There are two that are came across that are quite good. One is called the Fertility Diet and the other is called Fully fertile. The first one highlights what to eat and what not to eat. The 2nd book teaches some holistic ways of improving fertility and how to manage our emotions during stressful fertility treatments. You girls can consider.

I have not sent you the list of food for cholestoral. I intend to read the book of the fertility diet and then send you a better list later. In the mean time, in addition to the short list I wrote here the other day, you should immediately increase your intake of olive oil (dip your morning bread with it), take more salmon, sardines, avocado (take it as a juice), eliminate mutton, don't overdose on beef and exercise with at least one instance that gets your heart pumping (brisk walking, cycling or swimming of you have not started program yet) and most important, control your stress as stress increases HDL significantly.

how is your constipation? Who is your doctor? Ask you, you said you took BCP before starting your short cycle to regulate menses. Did dr prescribe the drugs to you or you asked for it? Kindly let me know as I also have very irregular menses. Thanks...
