IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Tnt
Added u in my facebook. Welcome to facebook. Yesterday spent the whole morning uploading some pictures. Please feel free to c and comments.

Hi Sue
Dun despair, as long as it still not yet tested BFN, u stands a chance

Hi Chris,

I'm currently seeing Dr Loh fr KKH. Is my 1st visit w him. He did an ultrascan n told me I got retroverted uterus, he say could be a symptoms
of endo. But my prev gynae at TMC say mine is slightly so should nt be a prob. Haiz... makes me so confused. Aft finding out more abt lap, then I realise is an ops huh. scared the life out of me leh. Think i'll jus tell the doc i go for the normal test to c if my tubes are blocked, if everything seems fine, I opt to try IUI first. But IUI success rate seems rather low.
I hv rather low BBT throughtout so thinking if my hormones are nt enough. But blood test seems normal leh. Me n my DH so lost, dun kn wat to do.
Hi Lina ,

I watched the ramen girl..
comedy .. no ,uch choice.. heehee... later go out walk walk.. or i will be bore man.. keke...

Hi Mel ,

U r exactly like me.. bo chap attitude.. haha..

Hi Dream ,

I ever mentioned.. no stress has higher chances of implantation.. as long as u dun do anything tat is tiring or dangerous.. computer, hp r ok.. but of cos not over-doing can liao..
sue, dun despair so early. So long as no cramping at e lower abdomen and e flow is not heavy like AF, u still stand a chance. Pray dat yr flow will stop now. Still hope u will BFP. o yes, tks 4 e korean drama link. Queen of housewives is getting quite exciting.
don't give up yet, you have came so far...

yes, i did experienced cramps also, but don't really know where the cramps are located...

in france, they don't really care about what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy, only no-no i have heard was hotdog, ham (especially smoked ham), processed meat... can't remember the reason for it... but just avoid it.
i don't stay in bed whole day, still walk around, do light housework, go supermarket... some blood circulation is good, just don't carry heavy stuffs.
for afternoon snacks, i would take yogurt, biscuits, milk. however, i think if i was in singapore, would have chosen "bao", chee cheong fun, cheew kuey instead

im not a fruit person, so i take the most simple one, apple!
Hi ladies,

Is it ok to wear low-rise jeans during 2WW. Realised that the low-rise jeans actually cuts below the belly button... wondering will it affects the embryo cos it is too tight.
BBangels, dun be dishearted. All of us here went thru all this depressing moments. After feeling sad the next step is to stand up and help urself to overcome the coming obstacles to have ur dream fullfilled.
My hsg also showed retroverted uterus but no doc told me that will caused diff in conceiving. As for low BBT i used have low temp and temp didnt maintain after ovulation and TCM sinseh told me if temp is not high enuff= progesterone not enuff. After taking TCM med for abt half year i can see improvement in aspect of temp. Maybe u can try tcm then iui as a preparation.
For myself i had iui done 2 times w/o success. Actually iui sucess rate is only slight more then trying natural..... Quite costly also....
Develyn - yeah, to me, bo chap = stress free.. Heh.. Mabbe I was just lucky lor... But I think the stress free body, positive attitude and visualization helps...

Sue - take it easy...
let us do the worrying for you...

Lina -
still waiting on your little boy pix...

WY - hey, in UK, there is this oil that I have been reading abtvon the web... Seems to be really good for scar reduction and stretchmarks... It's called Bio-Oil... Heard of it?? It is good for prevention of stretchmarks too..
Serene - preparing to go see the Harlem Globetrotters?? Hee.. Still jealous... Anyway, wear something not restrictive.. You need stuff that does not restrict blood flow...
Hi mel, never heard of Bio=oil, any more info? Just bought myself Clarin's, seems like everyone is swearing by it. I dun soo no stretch marks yet, shld i start using now or when they start appearing?
wy - start using now... The clarins one is good and really nice smelling... But hor, I am not a good advert for clarins cream... Haha... You saw my stretchmarks right?? For the bio-oil, visit the site below... If you google for it, you'll see lots of pol swearing by it.. My auntie imported 6 bottles of this for me, after seeing my stretchmarks... Hee... I just got it... Lemme try it out and see if my marks are reduced... Haha...

Mel, Bio-Oil helps with stretchmarks? if so, there's another brand which works like Bio Oil too. Rosken Bio Serum... not sure if MTBs wanna try that...

Serene, enjoy your evening. wear something light, ok.
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for advice. Have been watching movie on the internet from the website given. I think i am hooked. Sue (If I recall correctly), thanks for giving the website and will bookmark the other 2.

Pau Le,
I think only Asians will have so much do and don't! I guess I'll go for fruits since not taking carb.

you still can take nap? Must be sleeping very late at night! I never feel tired because I don't do anything.

Thanks for sharing your story. It seems only Asians practice 2ww rest. other countries don't have such thing. Just now, I called my hubby's aunty (the one that is expecting triplets) and she mentioned she also bed rest for the first 3 months of pregnancy! I guess she has no choice as she expecting triplets.

Lyn, yep counting down but 1 day is like eternity!

Mel Wong,
I guess everybody is different...I am the low risk taker!

you are like me more savory person for snacks hehe...seem to be losing my sweet tooth since my last cycle..not sure why..


Do not give up. Go to the ivf centre and let them know the situation and see if they can scan or do anything for you.


Let you win these 2 days.. I am down with cough and sore throat.. lost my voice since last night.. sound quite sore hehe.. so you can talk all you want now.. I know you will win the ABNN now.. did you ask for her HP number.. hehe maybe when you bored can call her hehe.. :p (sure kenna wack one)


. Huggz
just wanted to let you know that when I went for my ET, I was going to wear black (since this is my usual colour!) and remembered what you told to the sisters here. So, wore the brighter clothes that I have (not bright at all!) and felt good about it. so, I guess the important thing is to be positive!..and visualize! When did you start this "visualization"?
Mel, must wear bright colour during ER or ET? Hope this bright bright colours produce alot of positive energy and thus BFP!! So ladies remember bright colours!
Mel, when do u start visualization and do u talk to ur embies? I was wondering will it help to look more at cute bb pictures online?
oic... heehee... ok lah, not so bad to take those snacks.

I will help to send regards to Jo. Or you may want to post in the ivf mtb thread?
Thanks, I am feeling slightly better these 2 days. But still cant wait to see the little bb inside soon.
BBangel, why did the nurse say u cant claim anything coz u did not go thru referral? Even cant claim ivf from medisave and govt fund?
hi mel,
i tried loading a few pics, still unfamiliar with facebook.

hi dream,
i agree, asians practice this 2ww.

hi bliss,
excited for you!

hi lyn,
wear bright colour for ET as ER you will be changing into the hospital gown. So ER no need.
Sue: Dun give up hope. How bad is the bleeding?? Fresh or brown?? Is it flowy?? If none of the following dun worry.. Have faith.

Bee: As Lina mentioned the package comprises of scan n BT. Think both done at different departments.. Scan not done by dr. Have u done urs yet??

Serene, Pau le: hey u gals were ex crew?? Which airlines? I was with Singapore airlines. Left a couple of years back to start a family
hi lyn,
i am still taking her herbs now, go bi-monthly to collect from her. Also good as sometimes i have pain in hand, nausea, side cramps can be cured with the herbs. And if i have any worries can also tell her. In fact i ask her more questions than own gynae (see only once a month and gynae always in a rush).
itjabi, ya i m working. Gtg to start ivf in june. Did ur boss make noise since u on long mc?

Lina, is it ok to take herbs during the 2ww coz i know from many ladies here that dr loh dun allows but dr zou said its actually ok but she wont forced if we dun feel comfortable but she told me a lady took her med thru out and i think she is referring to u

We are all waiting for your baby to pop hehe..


You still taking Dr Zou medication ah? those an tai medication? Yeah now having accu with her once a week. In june then i try to go twice a week, if I go once a week, I will take her chinese herbs to support
. How many times accu you went last week? very tiring to travel half way round singapore to see her, esp after work.
Itjabi, you are so lucky good luck to you.

Gloria, No leh I'm wearing white and grey like my mood lor hehehehe...I'm not as +ve as you.
Can any one who has gone thru ET share what's the optimal size of the folicles before they can be retreived? Also, there's this injection that we've got to take before ER for the eggs to mature. How does it work? From my schedule, it seemed like I've got to take the jab 2 days before the scheduled ER... so the egg maturation will be the next day or on the ET day itself?

Going for ER end of next week.. getting excited!

Lyn, Dream - I visualize the embies journey... From the moment of ET, I will think of the embies and think of them growing and floating and implanting... I have posted the journey by the day before... But cos I am using my phone to access this now, I will search it out and post tomorrow..
btw, I'm not the one who said wear bright colors... I think it was Lina, but I agree with that... Basically, I am advocate of mind over matter.. Positive is the way to go... Yay!!!

Develyn - gonna test tomorrow?? Lots baby dust!!! **shovel shovel throw throw throw **
