IVF/ICSI Support Group

If its a trusted brand, it should work too. Its good to start somewhere at the very least. I believe Develyn wants to highlight the challenges you might face on this TTC journey. Yes, its a tough one but a worthwhile one too. While you might not want to overwhelm your wife about the necessary actions for IVF all at once, might be good to spend some time everyweek to communicate with her about how to improve your chance and inculcate her mental readiness.

Gloria, how about your good cholesterol? There are 3 readings, good, bad and total. To reduce bad cholesterol, exercise, reduce stress, reduce animal fats, fried food. To increase good cholestrol that will help to keep your bad cholesterol in check, increase intake of olive oil (can only use light cooking and don't use olive oil for deep frying), avocado, and other good oil such as canola and fish oil (your omega 3 and 6)

u so skinny liao still need to lose wt meh? like that i go hide liao
u see, i cant even hide behind the tree...
thick skin as ever. very good!

u can request kk to make a copy of all your test results for u.

high cholesterol is good ones or bad ones? got difference hor...
eat more healthy food & veg & fruits. less meat, fried, oily, seafood, carbos. less soft drinks. more plain water.

there's not much diff for the packages. i took the cheapest one.


slim dun mean low cholesterol leh...
Hi itjabi,

I once saw the program at scv ch11 "The Womb" on twins and multiples. it is said that the body will absorb the other foetus naturally. Dun worry.
Piggy09-Congrats! At first u were planning to do it in April right? Anyway, take care and like develyn said spread some baby dust to us :>

Gloria-Although didn't meet u personally, but from your photo, can see u are very slim la. I think you better don't give extra stress for yourself. A good balance diet is good and some exercise are enough if you are going for the program soon.
hi ltjabi,
then i take the $300 one as well. I will go week after next. Opps, my doctor never tell me the length or weight of baby, so not sure.

hi piggy,
congrats! have a smooth 9 months ahead. This try is via fresh cycle? is your gal excited about it?
To all ladies in 2 ww, wishing you BFP.

Btw Sue, tks 4 e website link, u're my lifesaver! m watching Queen of Housewives. any other serials 2 recommend?
hi Develyn,

i knew u'll get up on your feet real fast. and i'm right. seeing the hyper active Deve again!
and dun worry, super strong sense that u'll be able to carry your bb all the way to full term! everything smooth smooth from now on...

how did u start your exercising? and frequency? how much weight loss should i aim per week/per month?

hope your ET is a easy and clean transfer. do rest well in your 2ww.

do spread more baby dust in this forum. thanks for sharing this miracle.

Babygalore, u're not in my FB yet hor? can PM me your email access so i can add u...


Total 260 from 207
HDL 69 from 73
LDL 170 from 125
ratio 3.7 from 2.8
triglycerides 71 from 45

increased 6-7kg over past 2 years

Blood Pressure
108/83 mm hg
(classified as High Normal - suggest may have hypertension)
On-line Nurses, pls see if this is a concern? tot blood pressure reading should fall under normal???

i only knew i was putting on weight and cellulite is appearing at thigh, but did not expect so many -ve results! double setback within a week! ;-(

Serene, totally agree with JuJu. but i'm not slim in real person, my height has successfully deceived you!

Deve, Dr Zou can tell u where i hide those cholesterol. she saw my tummy, but not yet seen my trunky thighs.

Tany, your animation very cute lei... on the slightly plump side may not indicate u're not healthy, dear. my cellulites are really recurring!!! super sad lor!

Babygalore and JuJu, thanks for sharing on food that i should avoid. can PM me if u've more to add. i'll print out and follow as much as i can.

Boon, thanks. i actually just had my Heamoglobin corrected from the low 10.7g/dL (in Apri 08) to acceptable range of 12.3g/dL (in Feb 09). guess maybe i had eaten too much good (and mayb also unhealthy) stuff over the full year!
will start on the multi-vits as you suggested.

thanks, sisters, since this topic should not be posted in this thread, you may want to PM me. THANK YOU!
Gloria-In fact my previous TCM concern on triglycerides reading. She told me if over the limit, it is hard to reduce weight. But your reading is different than mine. Let me check it out and let u know more details on monday. Going to off soon.

For those who are in 2ww, remember to have a good rest during weekend. Jia Yu!
Hi Tany ,

I salute u ! Like that also can find animation

Hi Gloria ,

Did you realise that nobody is guiding u on slimming down? Haha.. cos we see u before and we know your fats is limited.. As for exercise , i did it after MC that time.. but for u exercise is approved but slimming by accup and diet is a BIG NO..

Swim : I went for straight daily slow swim. Initially can swim only 5labs but ended up 15labs.. Go very slow.. best to do breast strokes and not free style (quite stress)..

Gym : Threadmill - i don't run .. i do fast walks for 30mins each session at 6.0 speed and 12 inclined.. This is quite personal, do not force yourself and only do what u can..

Sauna : I went for sauna for 10mins each time i go there to relax mind and body.. STOP 2weeks when u start the next cycles.

Just ensure you sweat everyday and this is important okie.. DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF.. Make your exercise relax and worthwhile..

Diet after every exercise : Salad and fruits.
Fyi. 10kg off in abt 2 mths.. as for u , it will be too much.. Gloria , u cannot go on only salad diet, i am overweight so i am doing that to reduce fast for 2nd cycle.. If u are just doing preparation for next IVF and keep fit , take babygalore & Juju advise on what not to take.. as for the rest of the food , eat it.. too slim affects your no. of eggs and embies.. this is serious okie..

Hope it helps.

Ladies ,

Piggy09 is suppose to do in Apr'09 IVF but went MIA when we are finding cycle buddies.. Today she came back and says that she preggy naturally. Big cheers from her... wow my forum sisters coming back.. haha cos me come back le huh.. ok, juju want to say i thick skin liao.. for ladies who are newly joined, hmm dun be surprise as i am the notti one in this forum :p Good thing of being notti cos many dotes me here.. ermmm hold your plastic bag right and dun puke.. This forum suppose to share info, support and fun alwayz!
Hi all,

Thanks for the well wishes. Not sure what i did but did all i can to tiao myself after the second fresh cycle failed, been taking ba zhen once a week, then I see Dr Jin from RH to tiao (take her medication for abt 2 mths) and did accu for 3 times, I still got 2 times of accu not used yet.

Maybe also didn't really think of having a baby when doing the act. So more relax. donno lah..
That's all I can share
Hi Steven ,

Hope u are not taking my post too serious.. Hmm.. i done twice IVF.. not very experience but i really know what is the road like.. it can be smooth and it can be roller coaster.. Most of the ladies know me very well here, i shared experience.. i researched... how i fall in roller coaster and stand up.. The pain and jump on jabs .. the OHSS costing me almost my life for the past few days.. We are all supportive for everyone gtg IVF.. But i always want people to know the journey .. hence to get mentally and emotionally prepared are really important.. no more nice treatments ahead , what we hate are there.. stress on blood tests , daily jabs , scan for follicles , quality , quantity, results.. etc. So, really have to be extremely strong and determine on what u want.. After embryo transfer , more pills will be given again.. So , try to prepare your wife and go ahead holding her tight..
hope u only changing diet & not decreasing ur weight hor.
underweight cannot conceive easily... better ask dr zou's advise since u r alrdy seeing her
hi piggy 09
i wish i can be so lucky as u, and keeping my finger cross now...congrates..so when is ur EDD?

hi steven
just get the kkh nurse to photocopy the results and get it to show to dr zou...if not u can ask the kkh nurse wat are the results.e.g ur wife FSH level,HSG scan, and ur SA results etc...hope tis helps

hi develyn
how do u noe i went to zzz again...and yes u r right i m on night duty later...

hi gloria
can see ur results the bad cholesterol increased liao..and with the bad increased the good one will automatically decrease and vice versa.. so the main thing u can do now is excercising moderately according to the activities u like...and eat healthyly no more fried foods and snacks...and u can also start taking good DHA oils as they contains good fats inside..
thanks for sharing your exercise regime?
for gym, how many times a week ah? i used to (many years back) briskwalk for 20 - 30min. i dont jog since i'm heavy. so, likely go back to briskwalk again. but hor, actually, bw more tiring than jogging lei...do u feel so?

Ju Ju and Develyn,
thanks for highlighting the underweight thingy. alomost forgot this impt basics in search for normal cholesterol. OK Sisters, no deliberate weight loss. just healthy food or no overly exercising. MODERATE PERSPIRE WILL DO!
am i taking in the right message?

All sisters in 2WW,
wishing you all best of luck. apart from the qualities, quantities, lining etc etc, LUCK factor is one that's unexplainable.
Thanks, On-Line Nurse.

what's DHA oils? where can i get them? which brand?

i just bot potato chips from cold storage yesterday. sodium only 5%, is that ok? i purposely choose healthier one - no trans fat. can eat or not???
Hi Gloria ,

On-line-nurse watching TV now.. I am PHD nurse here.. and i advise u that NO POTATO CHIPS as we read on fertility diet , it is no good okie..
As for DHA oils, can get from GNC.. On-line-nurse posting now !
Yes Serene... No potatoes if u are targetting to conceive.. Hmm ... can go and borrow book called "The Fertility Diet" from library.. :D
I'm a fans for potatoes especially Potato salad and chips :~~~(
Sigh.. How?! I still got 2 big packets of chips waving at me at home
develyn, and those 2ww sisters

Sorry to ask this stupid question.
I afraid that I may have inserted the progesterone into the wrong hole, cuz when i pass urine, i can see somethng white in color out together with the urine.
Can somebody enlighten me??
hi gloria
hehe..looks like develyn has replied u on my behalf....cos she is phd nurse ma...
as for the DHA oils...is gd to advise to take it if u wish to conceive now....it contains gd oil such as omega 3...
and one more gd news...develyn has confirmed her embryo has implanted liao....
so now she just need to confirm it by hpt and BT
Haha.. piak TNT.. she asks me why i sit infront computer mah.. cos implantation.. So, i passed D7 then i tell her confirm implanted liao.. no scare.. wakaka.. I test liao then tell u it sticks or not hor... keke
Boon Boon, thanks for advice. Will buy the centrum ultra women's vit too.

Gloria, not on FB yet, will you let you know when I am on. Meanwhile, do eliminate MUTTON from your diet. Beef is not so bad. Will PM you the list. Maybe the tension from IVF has also increased your HDL, try to engage in activities to relieve stress yah.
waa.. u all react so jialat on potatoes ahh.. that's what i read... okok , not totally cannot but best not to eat it since we are facing with fertility issue.. :S
alamak Babygalore, it's Centrum Ultra Women's Vit?

Boon, i bot Centrum From A to Zinc (multimineral- multivit formula). is this the correct one? 100s for $50.20.
Gloria, no worries, I have checked both version contained the essential IVF vits: vit A, C, E, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

Wow Develyn, congrats!
very good news! Ok, follow your advice cut down on potatoes liao.


no problem... last year i just moved out from pasir ris to my own flat in SK. My parent stay at pasir ris.... this is where i stay for 12 over years....

everyone here is all nice...

thank for all help...
