Hi ladies - thx 4 yr kind and encouraging words. I'm holding out fine. I continued to work yesterday (& 2day) & it was actually gd 4 me 2 kp my mind occupied otherwise I'll stay home & cry all day and wallow in self pity - haha!

My HB is disappt 2 but we'll be alright & pull thru this tog. We've already been thru so much - his kidney failed, dialysis after a while didn't work, i donated a kidney to him, then we found out his sperms were no good, had to do IVF, then recently had a cancer scare (that is no problem now), & most recently, we found out our IVF cycle wasn't successful so....u c, we've been thru quite a bit & like our previous trials, we'll grow closer in this trial as well. Hmmm...maybe do u think I can sell my story to MediaCorp then they can make a soap opera out of it!?! haha.

Seriously tho, thx so much 4 yr support & help. KKH said I can try again in 2 mths if I wan. We'll pray & think abt it & if I do, I'll go join the cycle buddies thread again lah!

For the rest in the 2ww, pleae don't let my negative result discourage you okay? Please keep positive. Don't think too much abt the symptoms, just keep positive (easier said than done!) Wishing u girls all the best!
Summer/Persistence - hope you'll post your results soon! Hope to hear from you both soon. Take care all!
Hi gals,
I dreamt of what you dreamt before - my AF came... so scary!!! almost wanted to cry out!!! Guess really must prepare myself for the worst... guess I really think too much... really dare not think of anything now... just let everything goes by and flies as soon as possible... really can't wait much longer... but still have a week plus to go... *sign* never mind... I'll be brave and strong, I promise... just maybe will cry a little while... :p
Hi Chloe, Hope you will bring good news to us too.....Don't know what's wrong with summer and persistence...pray hard for them....I think let's don't bother about all the symtoms cos I heard someone tested positive whithout any symtoms......I know it's hard for these 2 weeks..I also try not to think too much...but......it's really like akandatang said, easier said than done....Akandatang, salute to you!
Constantia18, Don't stress too much...or probably you want to drink the organic camomile tea (caffeine free) to ease your stress...You will have a better sleep if you drink it before you go to bed.
thanks huangling & constantia...
will try later...
gg hv b'fast now....

chloe - 1 Jun
constantia18 - 8 Jun
huangling4 - 10 June
rachel - 13 June
hi Rachel

Welcome on board and congrats to ur successful ET. Enjoy ur breakfast and rest well.

huangling, i am sure we feel as if we taking a roller coaster ride. One minute we think we could be pregnant, then the next minute we think we are not. Just have to take one step at a time and see how things go. Me the next one to test, dun even dare to think about it. Although i try hard not to dwell too much into it, sometimes the feeling of uncertainty still comes back. Can u believe it, sometimes i can keep imagining that my doctor calls me to inform me that the test is negative! i can even imagine him saying that over the phone... Less than one week to go for me to the verdict, hope all goes well, if not, will have to seriously think of wat to do next.
I agree with you... actually I find that we are already quite strong... how many people can stand all these, they might have given up long ago... let's just keep our fingers crossed for all of us and bless the 2 of them who has not reply to us!!!
thanks for your encouragement... will try my best to relax... now going to relax myself... by playing online games!!! :p

anyway, what is bloatedness? Does it cause cramp? I dun even know whether mine is bloatedness just find my tummy bigger than last time... maybe have eaten too much...
hi constantia

yes, bloatedness will cos tummy to be bigger and harder. i tend to pass out more gas too. Some pple will also feel nauseas.

i scared i may have UTI, my down there like very itchy... have been like that for 2-3 days...
Constantia, i also don't know what is bloatedness and cramp...just feel funny on the tummy....but i do feel like chloe, pass out more gas and it's smelly...i think my DH also cannot tahan liao...ha ha ha....i don't know whether it's common or not..
hei, me too keep passing out gas... furthermore feel nauseaus everytime I need to burp but can't burp... but I already have that problem before, so not thinking so much of that... me have a bit of disgestion problem... just now a bit more serious now...

are you on any jabs now? I think the smelly gas is caused by my jabs... anyway, I'm 27 and 33 is not old lah
HI, constantia, i need to jab myself every 3 days....i also need to burp but can't burp until i vomited...that's bad....i wrote to Dr Loh and he thought i have food posioning...hee hee...By the way, what happen to the rest of the ladies????? I think i am the only one so free until i check the thread 4 to 5 times a day.....so boring my life.......
By the way, today is my 7th years wedding anniversary!!!!! I don't even have the mood to celebrate.....I don want any gift from my DH, just hope to give myself a dream gift on 10 June!!! Pray....Pray.....
Hi Gals,
Sorry for replying so late. I was tested positive. Both my hubby and myself are so delighted. I didn't dare to call KKH so asked my husband to call instead.

Anyway was so drama yesterday. Previously i had very bad constipation and had used too much force that causes some wounds at my anus. I had quite a bit of bleeding and i actually thought its from the front. Flew to see SF Loh immediately and he gave me 1 week MC. I only realised that i made the mistake after seeing that the stain is always at the back of my panty and when i use toliet paper to wipe that area. hee....

Hi akandatang,
Sorry to hear about your result and am glad to know you are so brave and strong. Don't give up and i am sure one of these days you will make it. Now we are only waiting for Summer for her reply..

Haven't been here for a while, was so excited for the results as I scrolled down the messages.

Akandatang, both you and husband had gone through so much, one day you will succeed as long as you have the faith and perseverence. Will keep you in my prayers.

Persistent, congratulations and welcome to the MTB club..take good rest okie.
Persistent....congratulation!!!!!! Your story so drama and funny......I am actually worry....you are doing the injection everyday but mine is 3 days once....isn't my chances is lower???? Is this your 1st IVF?
Congratulation again!!!!!
hi persistent

A big CONGRATULATIONS!! So happy to hear that it is tested postitive!!! Really envy u. Now do take good care of urself, and although sales are going on everywhere, do avoid crowded places hor.
Hi Gals,

Thanks for your wishes. Have scheduled for my first scan in 2 weeks time. So excited!

Hi Huangling,
Yes this is my first IVF attempt. I am taking progesterone jabs while yours is HCG so its different. Don't think it will affect the chance. Not to worry. Was like you so worried during the 2wwk. Got symptoms worried, no symptom also worried...Haizz...

Hi Chloe,
Count down for you now.....You are next in the list for the test.
HI Persistent, wow congrats ! want to be just like you
(I mean the pregnant part, ha..... ha).
Hi Persistent,
A big congrats to you. Really envy you. Just waiting for my turn.

Hi Akandatang,
Sorry for the news. But please continuing trying. The next attempt will be FET or fresh attempt? Think I should be doing my fet in 2 months. We have to jia you together.
Persistent - congratulations!! Your nickname "Persistent" has definitely paid off! congrats again. What was your bHCG number? All the best as you embark on journey into motherhood!

Hi Winter - thx 4 yr kind words. I appreciate it.

Hi Jolene - I only had 3 embryos from my 1st attempt so none frozen. I called the clinic & was surprised there will not be a follow-up with the dr 2 discuss wat cld hv gone wrong & wat we cld hv done differently....they only hv that appt with the dr if I want 2 continue with another cycle. Maybe they dun wan to let us waste money seeing the dr if we're not interested to try again. If we decide 2 try IVF again, I'll certainly look u up in the cycle buddies thread - all the best!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Persistent!! do be careful for now....
wld like to find out progesterone jabs. On sundays wher u had ur jabs at the 24-hr clinic, do u jab in the morning 8am-10am?? cos was ther ard 2+ & the nurse said i shld get my jabs done at 8am-10am as stated on the form.... :p now both my thighs are arching....hv to sit & stand up very slowly... i only have cramps yest & empty my bowel abt twice a day.... is tis normal? :p
Hi Persistent
Congrats ! U must pass some baby dust to all of us. Don't worry so much. What's yours will be yours. Do take care of yourself. Tell your hubby u will be the "queen" for the next 9 months. This means that he must say "yes" to whatever u say. Hee hee hee.

Dear Akandatang,
sorry to hear your news. Hope that u are taking it well. Please take a good break before deciding what u plan to do next. Whatever u decide, we will all be supporting u.
yup yup... can only do the jabs from 8 - 10am on sunday... me went there this morning also... check with the nurse yesterday whether can go later, she say can't... for injection only that time...

Congrats!!! Yeh yeh!!! Must celebrate liao!!! Anyway, so happy for you... next will be Chloe's turn!!! Excited for her also!!!
constantia, no wonder... i told nurse tt i had urgent things to do so can only reached ther ard 2++
next time must rem....
how long did you take for mc? me took 2 weeks... job required physically fit... so what you doing this week? maybe we'll be most frequent chatters here this week... :p
Hi Persistent, if you happens to see this, can you share share what did you eat/ do during the IVF's things ? guess you didn't do any special things ?
Hi Rachel,
Like what constantia mentioned, its a must to have the jabs between 8 to 10am per the form. Dunno wat is the implication if we do it out of the time range but since we have already choose the IVF path so guess we just have to follow.

Hi akandatang,
Thanks for your wishes. My D17HCG level is around 945.
hi persistent

Now that u know it is positive, any pregnancy signs yet?

Me still dun feel anything, only bloatedness and strange sensation when urinating (maybe ganna UTI??)... Really very scared to know the results next thur. My MC ends on next thur as well, me thinking of asking for one more day of extension so that i can recover from the disappointment...

i guess the next few days will be extremely long and draggy...
at least you will know your test result on thur, me still have to wait 1 week later than you... what a wait!!! And yes, it's getting draggy for me even... thinking of going out everyday... anyway, anyone know whether can I do facial during this time? still got a free facial to go... :p
hi constantia

Not sure whether now can do facial, guess should be ok as long as u dun over exert urself?

Anyone having strange sensation when passing urine? My tummy feels cranky when urinating, especially during the last few drops, quite bad in the morning. Not exactly painful, but bladder like very sensitive, think i will have to check with doctor.
Hi, constantia, chloe and rachel, how are you girls feeling? For me, i think will be quite hard cos i don't have any symptom at all...I just feel tired and hot. The passing out gas is getting lesser also...I don't have the constipation problem...I still can go everyday.....I think I don't have chance liao....I don't even feel anything stick on me......I started to lost heart liao.....
Chole, I think yours is a gd sigh....Count down for you soon....so excited to hear another gd news.

Constantia, i think facial is ok but make sure they don't use product containing chemical and AHA....Cos if you really pragnant, you have to stay away all these...
hi huangling

i dun think the urine thingy is a pregnancy symptom lor... Like u, i dun feel a thing, except bloatedness that comes and go, and then now i suspect something wrong with my bladder... It has been like that ever since ET, getting worse these few days. i have emailed my doctor regarding this, now waiting for his reply.

Are u on MC or at work? Me on MC till this thur, but think will ask for extension till fri so that if fails, then got fri and the weekends to get over it.

Hope u dun get affected by me. i am the by nature pessimistic sort.
which hospital did you go? why can take so long mc? thinking of extending till next week also but dunno whether can or not...

Anyway, gals, I think I also don't have any symptoms at all... like you, getting dishearted now also... I'm actually optismistic by nature but only when I have confident in the things I'm doing... this... I think not... I think I really think too much that these few nights keep having nightmares... not of these but really really those very scary nightmares... really must relax myself...

Anyway, I think I don't go for facial yet... only after the test result then see how... anyway, no mood to go now also...
hi constantia

i am with Dr L C Foong, gleneagles. when's ur next visit to see doctor? Maybe can request? i am fortunate that my dr gives me such a long MC, else i could have "died" in office. i dun have very supportive bosses and they really stress me a lot, even when they know i doing IVF.

As the days pass by, me also getting more and more worried. Try very hard not to cry cos i know it will be bad for my condition. i keeping imagining that my doctor calls me over the phone and tells me that it is negative... this is worse than waiting for school results...

And then now got this urinary thing... so sian...
hi persistent, i must rem to go during 8am-10am then... thks

hi constantia & huangling, am gg back to work tmr...
btw, i dun feel bloated & i asked the nurse earlier, it's due to drinking plenty of water tt reduces the bloatedness. some girls will feel totally nothing at all...huangling, u & i belong to tis grp & like u, i oso losing hope...

take care, chloe
dun worry... my bloatedness has also gone down... not so serious as before... anyway, you not resting? why go back to work so fast? rest a while lah... and laze around...

don't worry also... no symptoms doesn't mean no... it's just too early to tell... normally only when you are more than a month pregnant then symptoms will start showing... not immediately when you are pregnant, right? so don't think too much... Think positive!!! (easier said than done!!! :p)
hi constantia

i also very confused, sometimes will get PMS symptoms like cramps and backache. Now experiencing a little bit of cramp, very scared it is an indication that AF is going to show face.

Hubby going to being me see GP tonite cos i suspect i ganna UTI, strange feeling when i pee... hope i dun develop a temperature!
hi all 2ww gals,
all of u are doing great during this most difficult stage. Dont worry about any symptoms cos like constantia said i hav also read that symptoms show only after 1 or 2 months later, all the symptoms we experience now are due to the medications we have taken.

Have plenty of rest and PMA k.......

Congrats!!!!! its ur turn now gal.

Would u b able to share with us ur fertility program path, reason and ur age? thanks!
HI, ladies, I just came back from work....so tiring today.....I also hope to take mc like you girls but too bad, my boss won't let me take so long....KK only give 5 days......I actually drive manual car and carry heavy bag today....don't know will affect or not....Aiya....I better don't think so much cos now start feeling guilty liao....xian....

Chole, hope you are ok......Rachel and constantia, let's pray hard together....we are so similar but i guess my chance is lower cos i think my egg quality and my age not good.

By the way, my husband will be flying off to KL for business from 6 June....I am actually quite sad cos he will not be with me to wait for the result....Actually, I wanted to join him...don't know can or not....I check with Dr Loh, he said better take car than plane....so i still considering now.....*sigh*

Thanks Humble....Are you going to join us too?
hi gals

Just came back from GP clinic, confirm ganna UTI
The doctor prescribed a very basic antibiotic for me to take as i told i undergoing IVF. Will start taking tonite.

are you talking about the blood test to be done on the 8th day? yup... went on sat already, today got the result... very good... no need to increase dose... she say normal is about 60 mine is more than 60... also dunno 60 is what... but at least no need increase doses I very happy...

Anyway, don't sad... you still have us when your husband goes overseas... we'll keep you company!!! :p

don't worry so much... UTI very easily cured one... as long you keep it really clean... should be no problem... I have a friend also got UTI when she was pregnant, but also not problem... but can you really take antibiotic? maybe you better check with gynae...

thanks for your support... we'll continue to think positively... (I hope :p)
