Wah! I missed so many posts yesterday! This thread getting quite happening, ah? Most of us moved to the 2ww thread from the Cycle Buddies thread and I really pray that all of us will be able to move together to the MTB thread - won't that be nice?

Constantia18 - wah, yr hubby's company very gd leh, give u hamper! So sweet. Regarding yr qn on when the embies implant - I read that they reach the blastocysts stage on day 5 of fertilisation. This is when the embies will 'hatch' from their outer shell. The outer shell will implant into the uterus forming the placenta while the embie becomes the foetus. So, KKH puts in day2 embies so they will reach the blastocyst stage in 3 days. However, i don't know how long the embies take to actually burrow/implant themselves. Is it a day or more than that - i dunno.

Chloe is rite abt KKH's policy abt who gets HCG jabs (15 eggs & less) & who gets progesterone jabs (15 eggs & more). The reason 4 the diff is becos HCG jabs cause u to bloat. Because hving 15 eggs & more is a lot and u may already bloat fr hving so many eggs, they don't want to cause u further discomfort by giving u HCG so give you progesterone jabs instead. Hope this helps!

Btw, I also had slight 'lao sai' a few days after ET - it cleared after a while. Maybe it's the excess hormones/sedation medication leaving our bodies?

hi persistent

i was given the jab on D5 and do it for every 3 days. I didnt do the HPT, tomr will be my D14
so today will be abit early to test. Hmmm.. just the kiasu side of me thinking this way, haha
Summer/Persistent - I had a nightmare on Tues - I dreamt my period came! I asked myself in the dream if I was in a dream and I whacked myself & I actually felt pain! so I told myself I can't be in a dream so it's true and I wept unconsolably.........then I woke up! All the worrying has manifested in a nightmare!

Was going to go & buy a HPT last nite but didn't hv time. I'll c if I get a chance later to buy one. So terok, must wait till 2pm tom to wait for results - sigh.

Summer - which hosp/doc r you with? They test on D14?

i won't be on leave tom as well.
hi akandatang

Tomorrow is THE DAY!!!!!
Hi Summer - yay! We all wait around this thread for each other's results tomorrow, ok? Wish u & Persistent all the best!! Which hosp u with? Will u be working tom?
Hi akandatang,
i actually had the "bleeding dream" last week as well. Think we are too stressed up hahaha...

Wish u and Summer all the best too...
hi akandatang

Ya, we needs lots n lots of baby dust. Tomr will need to do the blood test very early.
i m doin it wih mt e. I m nt working and hv make lunch apptm to meet my friend.
hope that this will distract me away fr the thots. But i noe when 2pm comes and the phone ring,
it gonna be fr the clinic and i will start trembling. I even thot of asking the clinic to call my HB, see i so useless
Are you goin to use the HPT?
Persistent, Akandatang

All the best to both of U too. We will jia yu together and tomorrow we will 'cheong hah..........'

prepare for the roller coaster ride, haha
summer! I also thought of that - I thot of asking the clinic to call my HB instead - haha.
If i get the chance to buy the HPT later then yes, I may use it tom morning before the bloodtest.
hi gals

this morning, i woke up with gastric. My stomach was very tight and painful. Quickly had some bread and milo before i start taking my daily medicine. Luckily it has subsided else i really dunno wat to do.

Check with u all. i notice that when i sneezed this morning, the left side of my pelvic (slightly to the left of the womb) encountered a sharp pain. Is it where the ovary is?? Not sure whether is it becos the pain is due to the recent ER... Anyone experience that?
hi akandatang, persistent and summer

wow, tomm is the day!!! Excited right?? Envy u all, me still have to "tong" for one more week...

will look for ur updates tomm. Good luck!!
Hi akandatang, persistent and summer
so excited for all of you!!! Next will be Chloe's turn!!! So exciting!!! Hope all of you have very good news!!! Baby dust for all of you!!!
Hi Chloe - hope you're feeling better now. A few times during this last 2 wks, I've felt a strange pain in my stomach, like I'm abt 2 come down with stomach flu or get gastric. After a while, it'll go away....dunno why also.

Summer - you mentioned constipation is a gd sign...why ah?

Persistent - how r u? I've been getting these hot flushes last evening and today. I got more discharge 2day - is that gd or bad?
hi akandatang,
i don't really feel good. always burp and aching all over esp at my shoulder area. I cant even differentiate if i am full or hungry these 2 days. I also have more dishcarge but not hot flushes. Still having constipation...haizz....
hey akandatang and persistent

ur symptoms sound positive leh. i think more discharge is a good sign! Constipation is a good sign too cos ur body could be producing more progesterone than usual which cos the body's digestive system to slow down. As for hot flushes, i guess that's becos ur body temp is higher than normal, also a good sign cos if u pregnant, will continue to feel this way. So excited for u all!

akandatang, me got the gastric feeling again this afternoon. i guess i must be hungry, so quickly made something to eat. Sure enough, now feel so much better. i beginning to feel the strain of the bloatedness. Previous days still manageable, but more and more terok now. Must be the HCG injections and progesterone pills that i am taking... Goodness, still got one more week to go!!
Hi ladies, just did my ET this morning.....what a terrible experience....my stomach was so full and i can't go to the loo...doctor was late and i really cannot tahan......Anyway, i had 2 embryos only and the doctor said it's grade 3 average...i don know whether it's good or not...so worry....can anyone tell me why there's grading?? Is grade 3 good or not?
Don't hv to wait till 2pm lah. My hb called at 12+ and got results already. But then, must rush to hospital immediately lah, cos hv to collect medicine. So its good to take 1 day leave.
hi akandatang, persistent

I read fr book about those symptoms both of U r having, there are good signs!!!! : )
Chloe has also explain the reasons.

So i m reali happy for both of U at least yr body is telling U something.
As for me, still the usual self and am having a slight running nose now.
hi blue_rabbit

ya, tomr is the BIG day. i m abit like U before U collect yr result.... quite worry leh.
I still remember during yr time, i was telling U to think +ve but now seem like its easy
to say than done. Do u have symptoms also?
I'm fine thanks... what about u? except maybe sometimes when bladder is quite full, there'll be a cramping feeling... it happen since ER till now although that time was so much worst... dunno whether to worry about that... anyway, roughly when will we start having symptoms if really pregnant? maybe yours is a symptom too...

grade 3 is average... grade 5 being the best and grade 1 being the worst... dun worry... read from articles that some with even worst grade made it in the end... btw, where did u do your ET? KKH? my doc was late when I did it also... bladder's like going to burst... first thing after it finish, went straight to the toilet and didn't even lie that for the full 10 mins...
Hi Summer / Persistent / Akandatang,

Baby dust to you gals. I can understand the feeling of waiting for results. Good luck and may all your dreams come true.
hi constantia

i also have the same problem with my bladder! Started ever since i did ET. My tummy feels cranky whenever i urinate, especially when it is towards the last drop, like the bladder a bit cramp... Do u experience this as well??
akandatang,summer and persistent,

Hi Gals,
Thanks for all the wishes and support. Will have to wait till at least 12pm for the answer. So nervous now.

Hi Summer,
I have a friend who fall sick when she is pregnant so you will never know. We jia you together.

Hear from you all soon later in the

Hi Chloe/constantia,
cranky feeling while urinating is normal after ET. I even have the "blood flushing" feeling when i urine initially.
yaya!!! me also have that feeling!!! Everything when I urinating, I'll try to "hold" my tummy and that actually helps a bit... maybe I should check with the nurse today why is that so... tell u later... anyway, have you got any symptoms yet? Dunno is it my imagination, my breasts are so tender and pain recently... maybe it's the progesterone jabs... symptoms don't appear so fast right?
Thanks for telling me. I did mine at kkh under Dr SF Loh. To all ladies in 2ww... I did not really bedrest cos the nurse told me that it is ok to resume normal activities. I just try to rest as much as possible. Eat healthy like fresh steam fish and brown rice and lot's of vegetable and fruit. I also take the maternal milk and include oatmeal in my diet. BTW, I told bee pollen also. I had checked with doctor and he said it's ok. I read that lying down and lift you legs encourage blood flow to the womb...so i did it every time i rest on the bed. My test will be on 10 June.....i am going for my 4 days blood test on 31st....praying hard!!!!
Hi ladies - I'm not pregnant. The nurse said it might be an implantation problem - I guess that is another way of saying it's not within anyone's control. I'm ok. At work right now so trying to be brave and not cry!

Summer/Persistent - I hope u both will brighten this board with good news!!

All the best to the rest of you - keep positive yah?
hi akandatang

so sorry to hear that it is negative... feel very sad for u ...

i am sure u are brave, but if u need to cry, please do so, cos i think it is really very difficult to hold back those tears. how about taking leave from work and rest at home for the rest of the day?? Really dunno how to console u, but dun push urself too hard ok? Take care and do let us know ur plans when u are ready.
Are u alright? How's ur hb taking it? Now is the time where both of u hv to support each other. Would u want to take time off from work to rest a while?
please take care... sorry to hear the bad news... why don't you take a day off? I'm actually going to do that in case of bad news... cause I know I really won't be able to work... dun put on a brave face...if you want to cry, just cry... you will feel more confortable... anything, please let us know... we'll be here for you... give you a big hug!!!
hi akandatang, so sorry to hear it... be strong & take care of urself....come in here once u r ready to talk abt it...
Sorry to hear that, akandatang.....u r very brave, don't give up....I know it's hard....I also try to prepare for the worst...I had spoken to friend who went through and she told me she went through 3 times and the last one succeed. So I believe, if we don't give up, our dream will come true. Rest well and we can understand if you need to disappear a while. Take care.

Constantia18, My test date is on 10 June, 2 days later than yours...hope you will bring good news first.
I dare not think so much... really scared of the result... but really keeping my fingers crossed for everything... it's really not up to us to say whether will it works or fails... it's really luck... even doc can't promise us anything... so I'm really trying to prepare myself for the worst... anyway, I've added your name to our list...

chloe - 1 Jun
constantia18 - 8 Jun
huangling4 - 10 June
Constantia18, I agreed with you. Do you have any sympton? I am very tired and my tummy always feel tight...but i don't know whether it's the cramp the other ladies mantioned....By the way, just to share with you, I put a towel to cover my tummy to keep it warm all the time cos i learn from the chinese sensei.
hi huangling

i was quite bloated yesterday and few days ago. However, this morning, dun feel so bloated anymore... tummy feel a bit strange when pass urine... got gastric pain also... other than that no other symptoms. Dun think these are pregnancy symptoms lor... really dunno wat's going on down there, cannot feel anything special... not very optimistic
very sorry to know the result dear, nothing that we say is going to ease the pain but i m glad that you are brave to continue to work, that will help to keep u occupied but its good to take some time off and rest. I have been once where u r now, i know how you would feel.

BIG HUGSSS TO U..............
me also feel tired... or maybe lazy lah... also dunno, just like to sleep a lot...
but i do have something like a tightness in my tummy... like whole tummy coming out like that...but maybe it's my imagination... dun dare to think so much... anyway, I do put a towel on my tummy as and when... read from a book it's very good so have been doing that for more than a week liao... hope it'll work...
I thought there are two more ladies taking the pregnany test, hope there will be some good news

hi didi

yes, the other 2 are persistent and summer, wonder how're their results. Hopefully can hear from them soon. Meanwhile, let's keep our fingers crossed for the 2 of them.
