Thanks. But sad to say that my beta won't go up. if it does mean something bad is happening in me.the nurse is hoping my reading will drop from now on, otherwise it may be a pregnancy outside the womb. that's going to cos more complications. it will cos me unable to concieve in future.as the first 2 tests growing was not right for a normal pregnancy.yet not seeing my AF so far. today already my 20th day.

your case same as mine and my doc told me I hv ohss and signs worsening may mean pregnancy too. I was so hopeful when I saw his reply but afraid to get my hopes too high. I was tested positive 1 week after that email. Just take lots and lots of fluid, it'll help.
Hi all,

My first IVF attempt was wasted. Even with 300IU of puregon, I cannot produce egg at all. Today scan show I only have 2 follicles size 14mm & 16mm on my right side. My E2 reading is ok, 1800+ but I just cannot stimulate enough eggs. Very disappointed and sad. Everytime I think of it, I feel like crying but cannot because I am working now and have to act like nothing has happen and hold back my tears. My colleague won't understand and think I am crazy if I start to cry hahaha...
I've just been thru what you are going thru now. very heartaching indeed. I was tearing in the acupuncture room the day my 2nd blood test came out.I went to do acup immediatly after the reult was very low. just hope can turn thing around.(i know it won't happen)furthr more my hubby was away,when the result came out.so were smsing each other while doing acup. felt so sad and cried.... i hope you are not going to give up. keep trying ok. same here i won't give up. will try 2-3 months later.
hopeformiracle, y don't u take 1 day leave and rest at home? Don't be sad, this is something u can't control, u hv done everything u can and u did ur best, the rest really hv to leave to fate.
Hi renee,

Yes, I won't give up. Really heartaching that's all. I will up my dosage to 450IU the next time and hopefully at least have a chance to go thru ER & ET.

Hi Blue_rabbit,
I am trying to think positive too...but just can't control my emotion now and find it difficult not to feel sad. Tomorrow I will feel better... = )
Hi ladies, thanks for the encouragement. I actually getting very nervous today. I actually didnt pin too much hopes as my breast soreness sort of go off and have this "stomach pain" on and off.

Hi hopeformiracle, i can understand how you feel? when i took chlomide and my gynae started at 1 pill per day...and my follicles failed to grow...then increase to 2 pills...failed too. At that moment, i was so upset and my last chance is to see whether 3 pills work on me. And to my surprise, i am able to ovulate with just one follicle. So dun give up and try.
thank you...u take care too!

pat pat....i'm sorry to hear that. pls don't lose your faith ok. you'll definitely be blessed with babies!
Thks curious...i heard from my friends, usually gynae will see you on your 6 weeks as only then they are able to scan the bb. Now is too small for the naked eyes.
Hi Enerus,
Yes, I know too early cannot see even during scan. But hor...KK doesn't monitor P4 & bHCG level. I know some private gynaes do, so juz now went to see Paul Tseng. Immediately, no 2nd word, he told the nurse to take my blood & will help to monitor.

So now, another 2WW for me.....
Hopeformiracle, Renee,

Like what curious said, miracle will happen, we have to continue and be strong.

Actually I admire Renee's attitude...u have this never say die attitude, this day will come for you..

btw, why aren't u doing using the frozen ones?
hi enerus,
Have you got the result? Keeping everything crossed for you......
Hi Moonfairysgp

Hehe, my case indeed very similar to you. My next cycle will still be puregon at 450IU with antagonist too. My RE said maybe I am over suppressed liao so won't be using lucrin too. And will start jabs on CD2 also. Just now my nurse just called me to tell me that my E2 very good at 5200+ but what's the point of being good when very few eggs stimulated.

I am feeling so much better now esp when I find a "Thong Dao Zhong Ren"...Most likely to start in May-June too and finally got "buddy" to go thru it together.

Ya, really hated the idea of spending so much money and nothing came out. Very sinful leh.
hi hopeformiracle and moonfairy,
There is a thread for those who are currently cycling or are planning to cyle soon "ivf/icsi-cycle buddies". U girls can come & post over there for discussions pertaining to the cycle.
hi renee, it's me ladybird. sad to hear what you've been thru'. please don't lose heart. i know you'll continue to jiayou one!!

my attempt the other time was like blurblur's. had a miscarriage on the 6th week

i'm currently taking TCM to nourish my body first. on one hand, i can't wait for the green light to start my FET again.
yet, on the other hand, i'm quite vexed when the thought of all the injections and the mental torture during the 2ww crossed my mind! hehe.
hi ladybird,

u are back

FET no jab if you are natural thaw cycle, it's the 2WW that is totally annoying...I can understand the feeling
Hi ladybird,
we are somehow lack of some luck to make it happen. well, I will try again. you too jiayou ya!!
renee, ladybird and blur blur, just for your info:
there's a thread for those who are cycling and planning to cycle "ivf/icsi-cycle buddies", we hav come up with the list, anyone cycling or going to can join us there.
I have 3 embies frozen at kk now.(1 was from the 1st cycle, and 2 from 2nd cycle) I did my FET after my first attempt failed. I had 6 embies left back then, during the thaw, 2 out of 3 did not make it, then another 2 was used, and left with 1. No point do FET using the 3 where by you don't know whether the 3 fella able to survive during the thaw. DOn wan to risk the chance and lose all of them then got to drop the prog. There will be series of scan need to do before ET day. and it cost about 600+.
If I start a fresh one I'm sure there will be few left for frozen. from there I add on to the present 3. if so unfortunate I fail again, I will still have better chance for FET incase the first 2 or 3 embies can't survive, there will be new ones to spare. Hope you understand what I'm trying to exlpain.
hi all,

i am new here.


Congrats. I didnt read all the back dated threads but I gathered that u got pregnant through IUI........wow! that's not easy. i gave up on IUI thats why now I am on IVF. I thought the success rates on IUI is super low, like less than 10%. Do u experience any discharge in the 2WW as compared to those months when u turn out NOT to be pregnant ? Or u are those kinds that will not have discharge except prior to ovulation ? Any symptoms during the 2WW which is different from non-pregnant months ?


I had my ET(frozen embroys) transferred yesterday
As said, since it is frozen cycle it will not be 2WW. The blood test is next Wednesday but "if" this round fails, my menses should come this Sunday or next Monday. This was what happened last IVF round - i didnt go for the blood test cos it was obvious my menses came..

Anyway, this few days I will try to keep a positive attitude.
Hi stumbled_by,
Thank you. Usually I hv some discharge in the 2WW. Sometimes dry...not consistent. As for the symptoms during the 2WW, I don't think I've any symptoms at all. I only felt lethargic after HCG jab & towards end of 2WW, tummy 'grows' slightly bigger...

All the best in your IVF!!
Hi humble, I havent test yet.Not sure when i should test for it? Quite scare to test it

Also bcos this few day having terrible stomach upset.
Oh I see...I thot usually gynae will ask to go back for blood test cos blood test is the most accurate. Sometimes during very early pregnancy, HPT may not be able to detect the bHCG level. Good luck to you!! Don't think so much.
Curious, but quite diffcult not to think about it...

I still need to insert 2 more progestrone cream so not sure is to test after that or....

Hi Wilma, what about your case? Does your gynae ask u when to test?
Hi Enerus,

No, my gynae never asked me to go back for blood test. He just wished me luck and the nurse told me that i would know the results after 2 weeks - i presume using the HPT. I have read that the guardian HPT is very sensitive and can detect presence of HCG even before your menses due date (about as early as 2 days in advance). I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Your menses are not here yet so good chance
Jia You, Jia You
fingers crossed for u
Enerus (IUI)- 3/4
Wilma (IUI)-6/4
puipui - 7/4 (correct date?)
stumbled_by (FET) - 12/4

sprinkling baby dust on u gals
hi gals,

my computer has been down lately, there is a problem with my optical mouse so cant log in..now have to use my husband laptop in the evening instead..

curious, congratulations, really happy for u..u mus really take care now coz the 1st trimester is most impt..do have alot of rest and eat well.

2 more days to go for me! my tummy is really huge as big as a basketball and is really tough cause of the weight..really hope tat tis is a good sign!
hi puipui,
thank you. yes, i'll try to rest a lot. these few days not much appetite to eat. weight dropped to abt 44 kg!!! i feel hungry but when i eat abt half the portion, quite full already.

Best of luck to you!! & baby dust !!!
HI winter1,
I'm doing good. Saw Dr Loh this a.m.Looks like there will a change of my plan after seeing Dr LOh. he suggest that I should try the FET first. if the embies only leave with one after thaw, he will stil do the ET. just hope for the best. and if I fail again, I will go on 3 months jab to suppress my edenomyosis. then start a fresh cycle. cos he thinks that may be better chance to strike. Me and hubby agreed with what he advised. so we on!! FET in June. and he did explained that My embryo did get implanted but din grow well at the end. so sad to hear that. sugh...
Hi Wilma, I just called my nurse; she ask me to test HPT on Friday. I actually feel negative now as i have this cramp...a bit like mense cramp, then a bit different from my usual one.

However, i feel nauseas and crave for sour stuff. Not sure whether is a reliable symptons. BTW, do you burp a lot...i did and feel like vomitting.
Hi Winter, burping is also one for the sign???

Every morning, i will vomit air out before brushing my teeth. so i thought could be gastric not feeling well.
Hi Enerus,

Have been checking here frequently to see if you post - oh that is good news, i think you stand a very good chance cos like what Winter said, all your symptoms are so typical of a preggie hehehe. I wish you a lot of luck! For me, sad to say, nothing at all, not even burping, feeling as normal as any other day. I don't think i want to waste money to buy a HPT and test tomorrow. I think i will just wait for AF to rear her ugly head.

Hehe, actually if i were you experiencing these signs, i'd be so anxious to test once the 14 days is up, i wouldn't be able to wait till fri. Jia you!
Hi Wilma, Thanks for the Jia you...

i have a friend also dun not have any symptoms but she actually got preg. So dun be dishearted..even i know is diff to think positive.you too, jia you jia you

I am also hestitate whether to test or not cos i feel negative after having the cramp. Also bcos i havent finish inserting my progestrone cream.
I'm anxious for you too...like Wilma, I'm also been checking here frequently to see if you post. jia you! can test tomolo morning. morning 1st urine is the best.

don't worry...i don't hv those symptoms too...no breast tenderness, no burp etc....you jia you too!!
Hi Enerus,
I am been waiting axiously for your news since Monday leh. Seems like all the symptons are there. Good luck. Keep us posted. Is your 2ww due on Monday?? But why test on Friday? Should have good news to post right. Wish you good luck.

Don't worry too much ok. Be positive, we jia you for you ok.

You are next. It's also good sign. Wish you all the best.
Hi Winter/ sisters,

can I check with you when you do the progestrone cream insert, may I know how did you do it ? the last time when I insert it for my post-IUI, I do it standing up ? do you think it is better to do it on the bed with knees bended ? Thanks
Curious and Enerus, thanks haha, wish i could be one of those lucky symptomless preggie but i don't think so....

Anyway perhaps i will wait till Fri also n test tog with Enerus and Pui Pui. There will lots of anticipation on this thread then ;p.

Thanks Jolene for your wishes. Hope you're ready to take on a new battle
Yes I am ready. This month trying out naturally. Diligently testing my ovulation strip. Hopefully there is eggs than can start trying.

Do not think too much hor. I have come across ppl who din know they preggie until few months later. You could belong to this group right. Be positive and visualise your embroy implanting.

Hi Jolene & ladies, I am also looking foward tomolo morning.I will post on to thread once i calm down with my result. Thanks for all your support and encouragement.

My nurse asked me to test on Friday as yesterday i inserted my last tude of progestrone and then need to ke one day for HPT.

Hi Wilma & Puipui, let us test together and we can give each other support.

Hi didi, I do it by lying down on bed and get my hb to help me to insert the cream. Then i will rest a while, to let the cream go in further.Hope this help!
